41 resultados para LIVER STAGE DEVELOPMENT


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Heterochrony, the relative change of developmental timing, is one of the major modes of macroevolutionary change; it identifies temporally disassociated units of developmental evolution. Here, we report the results of a fine-scale temporal study for the expression of the developmental gene hairy and morphological development in three species of Drosophila, D. melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. pseudoobscura. The results suggest that between and among closely related species, temporal displacement of ontogenetic trajectory is detected even at the earliest stage of development. Overall, D. simulans shows the earliest expression, followed by D. melanogaster, and then by D. pseudoobscura. Setting D. melanogaster as the standard, we find the approximate time to full expression is accelerated by 13 min, 48 s in D. simulans and retarded by 24 min in D. pseudoobscura. Morphologically, again with D. melanogaster setting the standard, initiation of cellularization is faster in D. simulans by 15 min, 42 s; and initiation of morphogenesis is faster in D. simulans by 18 min, 7 s. These results seem to be consistent with the finding that the approximate time to full expression of hairy is accelerated by 13 min, 48 s in D. simulans. On the other hand, the same morphological events are delayed by 5 min, 32 s, and by 11 min, 32 s, respectively, in D. pseudoobscura. These delays are small, compared with the 24-min delay in full expression. The timing changes, in total, seem consistent with continuous phyletic evolution of temporal trajectories. Finally, we speculate that epigenetic interactions of hairy expression timing and cell-cycle timing may have led to morphological differences in the terminal system of the larvae.


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Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a unique population of lymphocytes that coexpress a semiinvariant T cell and natural killer cell receptors, which are particularly abundant in the liver. To investigate the possible effect of these cells on the development of the liver stages of malaria parasites, a glycolipid, α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer), known to selectively activate Vα14 NKT cells in the context of CD1d molecules, was administered to sporozoite-inoculated mice. The administration of α-GalCer resulted in rapid, strong antimalaria activity, inhibiting the development of the intrahepatocytic stages of the rodent malaria parasites Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei. The antimalaria activity mediated by α-GalCer is stage-specific, since the course of blood-stage-induced infection was not inhibited by administration of this glycolipid. Furthermore, it was determined that IFN-γ is essential for the antimalaria activity mediated by the glycolipid. Taken together, our results provide the clear evidence that NKT cells can mediate protection against an intracellular microbial infection.


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Central to the process of epithelial organogenesis is branching morphogenesis into tubules and ducts. In the kidney, this can be modeled by a very simple system consisting of isolated ureteric bud (UB) cells, which undergo branching morphogenesis in response to soluble factors present in the conditioned medium of a metanephric mesenchyme cell line. By employing a targeted screen to identify transcription factors involved early in the morphogenetic program leading to UB branching, we identified the mammalian ortholog of Timeless (mTim) as a potential immediate early gene (IEG) important in this process. In the embryo, mTim was found to be expressed in patterns very suggestive of a role in epithelial organogenesis with high levels of expression in the developing lung, liver, and kidney, as well as neuroepithelium. In the embryonic kidney, the expression of mTim was maximal in regions of active UB branching, and a shift from the large isoform of mTim to a smaller isoform occurred as the kidney developed. Selective down-regulation of mTim resulted in profound inhibition of embryonic kidney growth and UB morphogenesis in organ culture. A direct effect on the branching UB was supported by the observation that down-regulation of mTim in the isolated UB (cultured in the absence of mesenchyme) resulted in marked inhibition of morphogenesis, suggesting a key role for Tim in the epithelial cell morphogenetic pathway leading to the formation of branching tubules.


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Human preimplantation embryos exhibit high levels of apoptotic cells and high rates of developmental arrest during the first week in vitro. The relation between the two is unclear and difficult to determine by conventional experimental approaches, partly because of limited numbers of embryos. We apply a mixture of experiment and mathematical modeling to show that observed levels of cell death can be reconciled with the high levels of embryo arrest seen in the human only if the developmental competence of embryos is already established at the zygote stage, and environmental factors merely modulate this. This suggests that research on improving in vitro fertilization success rates should move from its current concentration on optimizing culture media to focus more on the generation of a healthy zygote and on understanding the mechanisms that cause chromosomal and other abnormalities during early cleavage stages.


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Recent data indicate that sustained elevations in plasma insulin suppress the mRNA for IRS-2, a component of the insulin signaling pathway in liver, and that this deficiency contributes to hepatic insulin resistance and inappropriate gluconeogenesis. Here, we use nuclear run-on assays to show that insulin inhibits transcription of the IRS-2 gene in the livers of intact rats. Insulin also inhibited transcription of a reporter gene driven by the human IRS-2 promoter that was transfected into freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. The human promoter contains a heptanucleotide sequence, TGTTTTG, that is identical to the insulin response element (IRE) identified previously in the promoters of insulin-repressed genes. Single base pair substitutions in this IRE decreased transcription of the IRS-2-driven reporter in the absence of insulin and abolished insulin-mediated repression. We conclude that insulin represses transcription of the IRS-2 gene by blocking the action of a positive factor that binds to the IRE. Sustained repression of IRS-2, as occurs in chronic hyperinsulinemia, contributes to hepatic insulin resistance and accelerates the development of the diabetic state.


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Profilins are thought to play a central role in the regulation of de novo actin assembly by preventing spontaneous actin polymerization through the binding of actin monomers, and the adding of monomeric actin to the barbed actin-filament ends. Other cellular functions of profilin in membrane trafficking and lipid based signaling are also likely. Binding of profilins to signaling molecules such as Arp2/3 complex, Mena, VASP, N-WASP, dynamin I, and others, further implicates profilin and actin as regulators of diverse motile activities. In mouse, two profilins are expressed from two distinct genes. Profilin I is expressed at high levels in all tissues and throughout development, whereas profilin II is expressed in neuronal cells. To examine the function of profilin I in vivo, we generated a null profilin I (pfn1ko) allele in mice. Homozygous pfn1ko/ko mice are not viable. Pfn1ko/ko embryos died as early as the two-cell stage, and no pfn1ko/ko blastocysts were detectable. Adult pfn1ko/wt mice show a 50% reduction in profilin I expression with no apparent impairment of cell function. However, pfn1ko/wt embryos have reduced survival during embryogenesis compared with wild type. Although weakly expressed in early embryos, profilin II cannot compensate for lack of profilin I. Our results indicate that mouse profilin I is an essential protein that has dosage-dependent effects on cell division and survival during embryogenesis.


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Myo-inositol-1-phosphate (I[1]P) synthase (EC catalyzes the reaction from glucose 6-phosphate to I(1)P, the first step of myo-inositol biosynthesis. Among the metabolites of I(1)P is inositol hexakisphosphate, which forms a mixed salt called phytin or phytate, a storage form of phosphate and cations in seeds. We have isolated a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA clone, pRINO1, that is highly homologous to the I(1)P synthase from yeast and plants. Northern analysis of total RNA showed that the transcript accumulated to high levels in embryos but was undetectable in shoots, roots, and flowers. In situ hybridization of developing seeds showed that the transcript first appeared in the apical region of globular-stage embryos 2 d after anthesis (DAA). Strong signals were detected in the scutellum and aleurone layer after 4 DAA. The level of the transcript in these cells increased until 7 DAA, after which time it gradually decreased. Phytin-containing particles called globoids appeared 4 DAA in the scutellum and aleurone layer, coinciding with the localization of the RINO1 transcript. The temporal and spatial patterns of accumulation of the RINO1 transcript and globoids suggest that I(1)P synthase directs phytin biosynthesis in rice seeds.


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FADD/Mort1, initially identified as a Fas-associated death-domain containing protein, functions as an adapter molecule in apoptosis initiated by Fas, tumor necrosis factor receptor-I, DR3, and TRAIL-receptors. However, FADD likely participates in additional signaling cascades. FADD-null mutations in mice are embryonic-lethal, and analysis of FADD−/− T cells from RAG-1−/− reconstituted chimeras has suggested a role for FADD in proliferation of mature T cells. Here, we report the generation of T cell-specific FADD-deficient mice via a conditional genomic rescue approach. We find that FADD-deficiency leads to inhibition of T cell development at the CD4−CD8− stage and a reduction in the number of mature T cells. The FADD mutation does not affect apoptosis or the proximal signaling events of the pre-T cell receptor; introduction of a T cell receptor transgene fails to rescue the mutant phenotype. These data suggest that FADD, through either a death-domain containing receptor or a novel receptor-independent mechanism, is required for the proliferative phase of early T cell development.


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A major therapeutic target in the search for a cure to the devastating Alzheimer's disease is γ-secretase. This activity resides in a multiprotein enzyme complex responsible for the generation of Aβ42 peptides, precipitates of which are thought to cause the disease. γ-Secretase is also a critical component of the Notch signal transduction pathway; Notch signals regulate development and differentiation of adult self-renewing cells. This has led to the hypothesis that therapeutic inhibition of γ-secretase may interfere with Notch-related processes in adults, most alarmingly in hematopoiesis. Here, we show that application of γ-secretase inhibitors to fetal thymus organ cultures interferes with T cell development in a manner consistent with loss or reduction of Notch1 function. Progression from an immature CD4−/CD8− state to an intermediate CD4+/CD8+ double-positive state was repressed. Furthermore, treatment beginning later at the double-positive stage specifically inhibited CD8+ single-positive maturation but did not affect CD4+ single-positive cells. These results demonstrate that pharmacological γ-secretase inhibition recapitulates Notch1 loss in a vertebrate tissue and present a system in which rapid evaluation of γ-secretase-targeted pharmaceuticals for their ability to inhibit Notch activity can be performed in a relevant context.


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We investigated the feedback regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit with respect to the transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production. The abundance of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, and NR mRNAs increased in the ripening fruit concomitant with a burst in ethylene production. These increases in mRNAs with ripening were prevented to a large extent by treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor. Transcripts for the LE-ACS6 gene, which accumulated in preclimacteric fruit but not in untreated ripening fruit, did accumulate in ripening fruit treated with MCP. Treatment of young fruit with propylene prevented the accumulation of transcripts for this gene. LE-ACS1A, LE-ACS3, and TAE1 genes were expressed constitutively in the fruit throughout development and ripening irrespective of whether the fruit was treated with MCP or propylene. The transcripts for LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 genes already existed in preclimacteric fruit and increased greatly when ripening commenced. These increases in LE-ACO mRNA with ripening were also prevented by treatment with MCP. The results suggest that in tomato fruit the preclimacteric system 1 ethylene is possibly mediated via constitutively expressed LE-ACS1A and LE-ACS3 and negatively feedback-regulated LE-ACS6 genes with preexisting LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 mRNAs. At the onset of the climacteric stage, it shifts to system 2 ethylene, with a large accumulation of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, LE-ACO1, and LE-ACO4 mRNAs as a result of a positive feedback regulation. This transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production might be related to the accumulated level of NR mRNA.


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Intact etioplasts of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants exhibit proteolytic activity against the exogenously added apoprotein of the light-harvesting pigment-protein complex serving photosystem II (LHCII) that increases as etiolation is prolonged. The activity increases in the membrane fraction but not in the stroma, where it remains low and constant and is mainly directed against LHCII and protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. The thylakoid proteolytic activity, which is low in etioplasts of 6-d-old etiolated plants, increases in plants pretreated with a pulse of light or exposed to intermittent-light (ImL) cycles, but decreases during prolonged exposure to continuous light, coincident with chlorophyll (Chl) accumulation. To distinguish between the control of Chl and/or development on proteolytic activity, we used plants exposed to ImL cycles of varying dark-phase durations. In ImL plants exposed to an equal number of ImL cycles with short or long dark intervals (i.e. equal Chl accumulation but different developmental stage) proteolytic activity increased with the duration of the dark phase. In plants exposed to ImL for equal durations to such light-dark cycles (i.e. different Chl accumulation but same developmental stage) the proteolytic activity was similar. These results suggest that the protease, which is free to act under limited Chl accumulation, is dependent on the developmental stage of the chloroplast, and give a clue as to why plants in ImL with short dark intervals contain LHCII, whereas those with long dark intervals possess only photosystem-unit cores and lack LHCII.


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Leaves are the main source of carbon for fruit maturation in most species. However, in plants seeing contrasting light conditions such as some spring plants, carbon fixed during the spring could be used to support fruit development in the summer, when photosynthetic rates are low. We monitored carbohydrate content in the rhizome (a perennating organ) and the aboveground stem of trillium (Trillium erectum) over the entire growing season (May–November). At the beginning of the fruiting stage, stems carrying a developing fruit were harvested, their leaves were removed, and the leafless stems were maintained in aqueous solution under controlled conditions up to full fruit maturation. These experiments showed that stem carbohydrate content was sufficient to support fruit development in the absence of leaves and rhizome. This is the first reported case, to our knowledge, of complete fruit development sustained only by a temporary carbohydrate reservoir. This carbohydrate accumulation in the stem during the spring enables the plant to make better use of the high irradiances occurring at that time. Many other species might establish short-term carbohydrate reservoirs in response to seasonal changes in growing conditions.


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The structural proteins of the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (IFs) arise in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans from eight reported genes and an additional three genes now identified in the complete genome. With the use of double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) for all 11 C. elegans genes encoding cytoplasmic IF proteins, we observe phenotypes for the five genes A1, A2, A3, B1, and C2. These range from embryonic lethality (B1) and embryonic/larval lethality (A3) to larval lethality (A1 and A2) and a mild dumpy phenotype of adults (C2). Phenotypes A2 and A3 involve displaced body muscles and paralysis. They probably arise by reduction of hypodermal IFs that participate in the transmission of force from the muscle cells to the cuticle. The B1 phenotype has multiple morphogenetic defects, and the A1 phenotype is arrested at the L1 stage. Thus, at least four IF genes are essential for C. elegans development. Their RNAi phenotypes are lethal defects due to silencing of single IF genes. In contrast to C. elegans, no IF genes have been identified in the complete Drosophila genome, posing the question of how Drosophila can compensate for the lack of these proteins, which are essential in mammals and C. elegans. We speculate that the lack of IF proteins in Drosophila can be viewed as cytoskeletal alteration in which, for instance, stable microtubules, often arranged as bundles, substitute for cytoplasmic IFs.


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The X chromosome-linked transcription factor GATA-1 is expressed specifically in erythroid, mast, megakaryocyte, and eosinophil lineages, as well as in hematopoietic progenitors. Prior studies revealed that gene-disrupted GATA-1- embryonic stem cells give rise to adult (or definitive) erythroid precursors arrested at the proerythroblast stage in vitro and fail to contribute to adult red blood cells in chimeric mice but did not clarify a role in embryonic (or yolk sac derived) erythroid cells. To examine the consequences of GATA-1 loss on embryonic erythropoiesis in vivo, we inactivated the GATA-1 locus in embryonic stem cells by gene targeting and transmitted the mutated allele through the mouse germ line. Male GATA-1- embryos die between embryonic day 10.5 and 11.5 (E10.5-E11.5) of gestation. At E9.5, GATA-1- embryos exhibit extreme pallor yet contain embryonic erythroid cells arrested at an early proerythroblast-like stage of their development. Embryos stain weakly with benzidine reagent, and yolk sac cells express globin RNAs, indicating globin gene activation in the absence of GATA-1. Female heterozygotes (GATA-1+/-) are born pale due to random inactivation of the X chromosome bearing the normal allele. However, these mice recover during the neonatal period, presumably as a result of in vivo selection for progenitors able to express GATA-1. Our findings conclusively establish the essential role for GATA-1 in erythropoiesis within the context of the intact developing mouse and further demonstrate that the block to cellular maturation is similar in GATA-1- embryonic and definitive erythroid precursors. Moreover, the recovery of GATA-1+/- mice from anemia seen at birth provides evidence indicating a role for GATA-1 at the hematopoietic progenitor cell level.


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gp330/megalin, a member of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene family, is expressed on the apical surfaces of epithelial tissues, including the neuroepithelium, where it mediates the endocytic uptake of diverse macromolecules, such as cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins, proteases, and antiproteinases. Megalin knockout mice manifest abnormalities in epithelial tissues including lung and kidney that normally express the protein and they die perinatally from respiratory insufficiency. In brain, impaired proliferation of neuroepithelium produces a holoprosencephalic syndrome, characterized by lack of olfactory bulbs, forebrain fusion, and a common ventricular system. Similar syndromes in humans and animals are caused by insufficient supply of cholesterol during development. Because megalin can bind lipoproteins, we propose that the receptor is part of the maternal-fetal lipoprotein transport system and mediates the endocytic uptake of essential nutrients in the postgastrulation stage.