62 resultados para LAUNDRY DETERGENT
Organization of proteins into structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains is an essential characteristic of polarized epithelial cells. Based on studies with cultured kidney cells, we have hypothesized that a mechanism for restricting Na/K-ATPase to the basal-lateral membrane involves E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesion and integration of Na/K-ATPase into the Triton X-100–insoluble ankyrin- and spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton. In this study, we examined the relevance of these in vitro observations to the generation of epithelial cell polarity in vivo during mouse kidney development. Using differential detergent extraction, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence histochemistry, we demonstrate the following. First, expression of the 220-kDa splice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with the development of resistance to Triton X-100 extraction for Na/K-ATPase, E-cadherin, and catenins and precedes maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Second, expression of the 190-kDa slice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Third, Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin specifically colocalize at the basal-lateral plasma membrane of all epithelial cells in which they are expressed and during all stages of nephrogenesis. Fourth, the relative immunofluorescence staining intensities of Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin become more similar during development until they are essentially identical in adult kidney. Thus, renal epithelial cells in vivo regulate the accumulation of E-cadherin–mediated adherens junctions, the membrane cytoskeleton, and Na/K-ATPase through sequential protein expression and assembly on the basal-lateral membrane. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which generation and maintenance of polarized distributions of these proteins in vivo and in vitro involve cell–cell adhesion, assembly of the membrane cytoskeleton complex, and concomitant integration and retention of Na/K-ATPase in this complex.
Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase (SCD) is a key regulator of membrane fluidity, turns over rapidly, and represents a prototype for selective degradation of resident proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum. Using detergent-solubilized, desaturase-induced rat liver microsomes we have characterized a protease that degrades SCD. Degradation of SCD in vitro is highly selective, has a half-life of 3–4 h, and generates a 20-kDa C-terminal fragment of SCD. The N terminus of the 20-kDa fragment was identified as Phe177. The cleavage site occurs in a conserved 12-residue hydrophobic segment of SCD flanked by clusters of basic residues. The SCD protease remains associated with microsomal membranes after peripheral and lumenal proteins have been selectively removed. SCD protease is present in normal rat liver microsomes and cleaves purified SCD. We conclude that rapid turnover of SCD involves a constitutive microsomal protease with properties of an integral membrane protein.
Endocytic uptake and intracellular transport of acidic FGF was studied in cells transfected with FGF receptor 4 (FGFR4). Acidification of the cytosol to block endocytic uptake from coated pits did not inhibit endocytosis of the growth factor in COS cells transfected with FGFR4, indicating that it is to a large extent taken up by an alternative endocytic pathway. Fractionation of the cells demonstrated that part of the growth factor receptor was present in a low-density, caveolin-containing fraction, but we were unable to demonstrate binding to caveolin in immunoprecipitation studies. Upon treatment of the cells with acidic FGF, the activated receptor, together with the growth factor, moved to a juxtanuclear compartment, which was identified as the recycling endosome compartment. When the cells were lysed with Triton X-100, 3-([3-chloramidopropyl]dimethylammonio)-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate, or 2-octyl glucoside, almost all surface-exposed and endocytosed FGFR4 was solubilized, but only a minor fraction of the total FGFR4 in the cells was found in the soluble fraction. The data indicate that the major part of FGFR4 is anchored to detergent-insoluble structures, presumably cytoskeletal elements associated with the recycling endosome compartment.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a major source of lipid-derived second messenger molecules that function as both intracellular and extracellular signals. PC-specific phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAP) are two pivotal enzymes in this signaling system, and they act in series to generate the biologically active lipids phosphatidic acid (PA) and diglyceride. The identity of the PAP enzyme involved in PLD-mediated signal transduction is unclear. We provide the first evidence for a functional role of a type 2 PAP, PAP2b, in the metabolism of PLD-generated PA. Our data indicate that PAP2b localizes to regions of the cell in which PC hydrolysis by PLD is taking place. Using a newly developed PAP2b-specific antibody, we have characterized the expression, posttranslational modification, and localization of endogenous PAP2b. Glycosylation and localization of PAP2b appear to be cell type and tissue specific. Biochemical fractionation and immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that PAP2b and PLD2 activities are present in caveolin-1–enriched detergent-resistant membrane microdomains. We found that PLD2 and PAP2b act sequentially to generate diglyceride within this specialized membrane compartment. The unique lipid composition of these membranes may provide a selective environment for the regulation and actions of enzymes involved in signaling through PC hydrolysis.
Detergent-insoluble complexes prepared from pig small intestine are highly enriched in several transmembrane brush border enzymes including aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase, indicating that they reside in a glycolipid-rich environment in vivo. In the present work galectin-4, an animal lectin lacking a N-terminal signal peptide for membrane translocation, was discovered in these complexes as well, and in gradient centrifugation brush border enzymes and galectin-4 formed distinct soluble high molecular weight clusters. Immunoperoxidase cytochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy showed that galectin-4 is indeed an intestinal brush border protein; we also localized galectin-4 throughout the cell, mainly associated with membraneous structures, including small vesicles, and to the rootlets of microvillar actin filaments. This was confirmed by subcellular fractionation, showing about half the amount of galectin-4 to be in the microvillar fraction, the rest being associated with insoluble intracellular structures. A direct association between the lectin and aminopeptidase N was evidenced by a colocalization along microvilli in double immunogold labeling and by the ability of an antibody to galectin-4 to coimmunoprecipitate aminopeptidase N and sucrase-isomaltase. Furthermore, galectin-4 was released from microvillar, right-side-out vesicles as well as from mucosal explants by a brief wash with 100 mM lactose, confirming its extracellular localization. Galectin-4 is therefore secreted by a nonclassical pathway, and the brush border enzymes represent a novel class of natural ligands for a member of the galectin family. Newly synthesized galectin-4 is rapidly “trapped” by association with intracellular structures prior to its apical secretion, but once externalized, association with brush border enzymes prevents it from being released from the enterocyte into the intestinal lumen.
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is highly regulated by many trophic stimuli, and changes in its levels and organization correlate with cytoskeletal changes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). NHEK ODC exhibits a filamentous perinuclear/nuclear localization that becomes more diffuse under conditions that alter actin architecture. We have thus asked whether ODC colocalizes with a component of the NHEK cytoskeleton. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that ODC distribution in NHEK was primarily perinuclear; upon disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with cytochalasin D, ODC distribution was diffuse. The ODC distribution in untreated NHEK overlapped with that of keratin in the perinuclear but not cytoplasmic area; after treatment with cytochalasin D, overlap between staining for ODC and for keratin was extensive. No significant overlap with actin and minimal overlap with tubulin filament systems were observed. Subcellular fractionation by sequential homogenizations and centrifugations of NHEK lysates or detergent and salt extractions of NHEK in situ revealed that ODC protein and activity were detectable in both soluble and insoluble fractions, with mechanical disruption causing additional solubilization of ODC activity (three- to sevenfold above controls). Fractionation and ODC immunoprecipitation from [32P]orthophosphate-labeled NHEK lysates showed that a phosphorylated form of ODC was present in the insoluble fractions. Taken together, these data suggest that two pools of ODC exist in NHEK. The first is the previously described soluble pool, and the second is enriched in phospho-ODC and associated with insoluble cellular material that by immunohistochemistry appears to be organized in conjunction with the keratin cytoskeleton.
We have generated lines of transgenic mice that express a mutant prion protein (PrP) containing 14 octapeptide repeats whose human homologue is associated with an inherited prion dementia. These mice develop a neurological illness with prominent ataxia at 65 or 240 days of age, depending on whether the transgene array is, respectively, homozygous or hemizygous. Starting from birth, mutant PrP is converted into a protease-resistant and detergent-insoluble form that resembles the scrapie isoform of PrP, and this form accumulates dramatically in many brain regions throughout the lifetime of the mice. As PrP accumulates, there is massive apoptosis of granule cells in the cerebellum. Our analysis provides important insights into the molecular pathogenesis of inherited prion disorders in humans.
We have previously identified a 94- to 97-kDa oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL)-binding protein in mouse macrophages as macrosialin (MS), a member of the lamp family. Earlier immunostaining studies have shown that MS and its human homolog, CD68, are predominantly intracellular proteins. However, using sensitive techniques such as flow cytometry (FACS) and cell-surface-specific biotinylation, we now show that there is significant surface expression of these proteins. FACS analysis of intact cells using mAb FA/11 showed small but definite surface expression of MS in resident mouse peritoneal macrophages but this was greatly enhanced with thioglycollate elicitation. Biotinylation of intact cells and detergent-solubilized cell preparations followed by immunoprecipitation revealed 10–15% of the total MS content of elicited macrophages on the plasma membrane. Similar results were obtained with untreated RAW 264.7 cells. FACS analysis of intact THP-1 monocytic cells showed minimal surface expression of CD68 on unactivated cells (4% of total cell content). Stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increased both surface and total CD68 expression considerably. Furthermore, the specific binding at 4°C and uptake at 37°C of 125I-labeled oxidized LDL by activated THP-1 cells was inhibited by 30–50% by CD68 mAbs KP-1 and EBM-11. Thus, although the surface expression of MS/CD68 at steady-state represents only a small percentage of their total cellular content, these proteins can play a significant role in oxidized LDL uptake by activated macrophages in vitro and could contribute to foam cell formation in atherosclerotic lesions.
Results of transgenetic studies argue that the scrapie isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) interacts with the substrate cellular PrP (PrPC) during conversion into nascent PrPSc. While PrPSc appears to accumulate primarily in lysosomes, caveolae-like domains (CLDs) have been suggested to be the site where PrPC is converted into PrPSc. We report herein that CLDs isolated from scrapie-infected neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells contain PrPC and PrPSc. After lysis of ScN2a cells in ice-cold Triton X-100, both PrP isoforms and an N-terminally truncated form of PrPC (PrPC-II) were found concentrated in detergent-insoluble complexes resembling CLDs that were isolated by flotation in sucrose gradients. Similar results were obtained when CLDs were purified from plasma membranes by sonication and gradient centrifugation; with this procedure no detergents are used, which minimizes artifacts that might arise from redistribution of proteins among subcellular fractions. The caveolar markers ganglioside GM1 and H-ras were found concentrated in the CLD fractions. When plasma membrane proteins were labeled with the impermeant reagent sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide-biotin, both PrPC and PrPSc were found biotinylated in CLD fractions. Similar results on the colocalization of PrPC and PrPSc were obtained when CLDs were isolated from Syrian hamster brains. Our findings demonstrate that both PrPC and PrPSc are present in CLDs and, thus, support the hypothesis that the PrPSc formation occurs within this subcellular compartment.
A chimeric Lhcb gene encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCII) was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. To separate native from recombinant LHCII, the protein was extended by six histidines at its C terminus. Recombinant LHCII was isolated by detergent-mediated monomerization of pure trimers followed by affinity-chromatography on Ni2+-NTA-agarose (NTA is nitrilotriacetic acid). Elution with imidazole yielded recombinant monomers that formed trimers readily after dilution of the detergent without further in vitro manipulations. LHCII subunits showed the typical chlorophyll a/b ratio at all steps of purification indicating no significant loss of pigments. Transgenic tobacco overexpressed amounts of recombinant protein that corresponded to about 0.7% of total LHCII. This yield suggested that expression in planta might be an alternative to the expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins in yeast. Recombinant LHCII was able to form two-dimensional crystals after addition of digalactolipids, which diffracted electrons to 3.6-Å resolution. LHCII carrying a replacement of Arg-21 with Gln accumulated to only 0.004% of total thylakoid proteins. This mutant was monomeric in the photosynthetic membrane probably due to the deletion of the phosphatidylglycerol binding site and was degraded by the plastidic proteolytic system. Exchange of Asn-183 with Leu impaired LHCII biogenesis in a similar way presumably due to the lack of a chlorophyll a binding site.
Amphipols are a new class of surfactants that make it possible to handle membrane proteins in detergent-free aqueous solution as though they were soluble proteins. The strongly hydrophilic backbone of these polymers is grafted with hydrophobic chains, making them amphiphilic. Amphipols are able to stabilize in aqueous solution under their native state four well-characterized integral membrane proteins: (i) bacteriorhodopsin, (ii) a bacterial photosynthetic reaction center, (iii) cytochrome b6f, and (iv) matrix porin.
The N terminus of the scrapie isoform of prion protein (PrPSc) can be truncated without loss of scrapie infectivity and, correspondingly, the truncation of the N terminus of the cellular isoform, PrPC, still permits conversion into PrPSc. To assess whether additional segments of the PrP molecule can be deleted, we previously removed regions of putative secondary structure in PrPC; in the present study we found that deletion of each of the four predicted helices prevented PrPSc formation, as did deletion of the stop transfer effector region and the C178A mutation. Removal of a 36-residue loop between helices 2 and 3 did not prevent formation of protease-resistant PrP; the resulting scrapie-like protein, designated PrPSc106, contained 106 residues after cleavage of an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal sequence for glycolipid anchor addition. Addition of the detergent Sarkosyl to cell lysates solubilized PrPSc106, which retained resistance to digestion by proteinase K. These results suggest that all the regions of proposed secondary structure in PrP are required for PrPSc formation, as is the disulfide bond stabilizing helices 3 and 4. The discovery of PrPSc106 should facilitate structural studies of PrPSc, investigations of the mechanism of PrPSc formation, and the production of PrPSc-specific antibodies.
In the current standard procedure for preparation of mammalian rhodopsin mutants, transfected COS-1 cells expressing the mutant opsin genes are treated with 5 μM 11-cis-retinal before detergent solubilization for purification. We found that binding of 11-cis-retinal to opsin mutants with single amino acid changes at Trp-265 (W265F,Y,A) and a retinitis pigmentosa mutant (A164V) was far from complete and required much higher concentrations of 11-cis-retinal. By isolation of the expressed opsins in a stable form, kinetic studies of retinal binding to the opsins in vitro have been carried out by using defined phospholipid–detergent mixtures. The results show wide variation in the rates of 11-cis-retinal binding. Thus, the in vitro reconstitution procedure serves as a probe of the retinal-binding pocket in the opsins. Further, a method is described for purification and characterization of the rhodopsin mutants after retinal binding to the opsins in vitro.
Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is widely expressed in neurons and microvascular basal lamina in the rodent and avian central nervous system. Agrin induces the differentiation of nerve-muscle synapses, but its function in either normal or diseased brains is not known. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by loss of synapses, changes in microvascular architecture, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Here we have asked whether AD causes changes in the distribution and biochemical properties of agrin. Immunostaining of normal, aged human central nervous system revealed that agrin is expressed in neurons in multiple brain areas. Robust agrin immunoreactivity was observed uniformly in the microvascular basal lamina. In AD brains, agrin is highly concentrated in both diffuse and neuritic plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles; neuronal expression of agrin also was observed. Furthermore, patients with AD had microvascular alterations characterized by thinning and fragmentation of the basal lamina. Detergent extraction and Western blotting showed that virtually all the agrin in normal brain is soluble in 1% SDS. In contrast, a large fraction of the agrin in AD brains is insoluble under these conditions, suggesting that it is tightly associated with β-amyloid. Together, these data indicate that the agrin abnormalities observed in AD are closely linked to β-amyloid deposition. These observations suggest that altered agrin expression in the microvasculature and the brain parenchyma contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.
In this study, we compared the transport of newly synthesized cholesterol with that of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. The arrival of cholesterol on the cell surface was monitored by cyclodextrin removal, and HA transport was monitored by surface trypsinization and endoglycosidase H digestion. We found that disassembly of the Golgi complex by brefeldin A treatment resulted in partial inhibition of cholesterol transport while completely blocking HA transport. Further, microtubule depolymerization by nocodazole inhibited cholesterol and HA transport to a similar extent. When the partitioning of cholesterol into lipid rafts was analyzed, we found that newly synthesized cholesterol began to associate with low-density detergent-resistant membranes rapidly after synthesis, before it was detectable on the cell surface, and its raft association increased further upon chasing. When cholesterol transport was blocked by using 15°C incubation, the association of newly synthesized cholesterol with low-density detergent-insoluble membranes was decreased and cholesterol accumulated in a fraction with intermediate density. Our results provide evidence for the partial contribution of the Golgi complex to the transport of newly synthesized cholesterol to the cell surface and suggest that detergent-resistant membranes are involved in the process.