27 resultados para Körtvély, Erika: Verb conjugation in Tundra Nenets
The Arabidopsis mutants eto1 (ethylene overproducer) and eto3 produce elevated levels of ethylene as etiolated seedlings. Ethylene production in these seedlings peaks at 60 to 96 h, and then declines back to almost wild-type levels. Ethylene overproduction in eto1 and eto3 is limited mainly to etiolated seedlings; light-grown seedlings and various adult tissues produce close to wild-type amounts of ethylene. Several compounds that induce ethylene biosynthesis in wild-type, etiolated seedlings through distinct 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (ACS) isoforms were found to act synergistically with eto1 and eto3, as did the ethylene-insensitive mutation etr1 (ethylene resistant), which blocks feedback inhibition of biosynthesis. ACS activity, the rate-limiting step of ethylene biosynthesis, was highly elevated in both eto1 and eto3 mutant seedlings, even though RNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that the steady-state level of ACS mRNA was not increased, including that of a novel Arabidopsis ACS gene that was identified. Measurements of the conversion of ACC to ethylene by intact seedlings indicated that the mutations did not affect conjugation of ACC or the activity of ACC oxidase, the final step of ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together, these data suggest that the eto1 and eto3 mutations elevate ethylene biosynthesis by affecting the posttranscriptional regulation of ACS.
The Schizosaccharomyces pombe spo20-KC104 mutation was originally isolated in a screen for sporulation-deficient mutants, and the spo20-KC104 mutant exhibits temperature-sensitive growth. Herein, we report that S. pombe, spo20+ is essential for fission yeast cell viability and is constitutively expressed throughout the life cycle. We also demonstrate that the spo20+ gene product is structurally homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sec14, the major phosphatidylinositol transfer protein of budding yeast. This structural homology translates to a significant degree of functional relatedness because reciprocal complementation experiments demonstrate that each protein is able to fulfill the essential function of the other. Moreover, biochemical experiments show that, like Sec14, Spo20 is a phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine-transfer protein. That Spo20 is required for Golgi secretory function in vegetative cells is indicated by our demonstration that the spo20-KC104 mutant accumulates aberrant Golgi cisternae at restrictive temperatures. However, a second phenotype observed in Spo20-deficient fission yeast is arrest of cell division before completion of cell separation. Consistent with a direct role for Spo20 in controlling cell septation in vegetatively growing cells, localization experiments reveal that Spo20 preferentially localizes to the cell poles and to sites of septation of fission yeast cells. We also report that, when fission yeasts are challenged with nitrogen starvation, Spo20 translocates to the nucleus. This nuclear localization persists during conjugation and meiosis. On completion of meiosis, Spo20 translocates to forespore membranes, and it is the assembly of forespore membranes that is abnormal in spo20-KC104 cells. In such mutants, a considerable fraction of forming prespores fail to encapsulate the haploid nucleus. Our results indicate that Spo20 regulates the formation of specialized membrane structures in addition to its recognized role in regulating Golgi secretory function.
The metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was investigated in 14-d-old Arabidopsis plants grown in liquid culture. After ruling out metabolites formed as an effect of nonsterile conditions, high-level feeding, and spontaneous interconversions, a simple metabolic pattern emerged. Oxindole-3-acetic acid (OxIAA), OxIAA conjugated to a hexose moiety via the carboxyl group, and the conjugates indole-3-acetyl aspartic acid (IAAsp) and indole-3-acetyl glutamate (IAGlu) were identified by mass spectrometry as primary products of IAA fed to the plants. Refeeding experiments demonstrated that none of these conjugates could be hydrolyzed back to IAA to any measurable extent at this developmental stage. IAAsp was further oxidized, especially when high levels of IAA were fed into the system, yielding OxIAAsp and OH-IAAsp. This contrasted with the metabolic fate of IAGlu, since that conjugate was not further metabolized. At IAA concentrations below 0.5 μm, most of the supplied IAA was metabolized via the OxIAA pathway, whereas only a minor portion was conjugated. However, increasing the IAA concentrations to 5 μm drastically altered the metabolic pattern, with marked induction of conjugation to IAAsp and IAGlu. This investigation used concentrations for feeding experiments that were near endogenous levels, showing that the metabolic pathways controlling the IAA pool size in Arabidopsis are limited and, therefore, make good targets for mutant screens provided that precautions are taken to avoid inducing artificial metabolism.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) fruit discs fed with [2,3-14C]1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) formed 1-malonyl-ACC (MACC) as the major conjugate of ACC in fruit throughout all ripening stages, from immature-green through the red-ripe stage. Another conjugate of ACC, γ-glutamyl-ACC (GACC), was formed only in mature-green fruit in an amount about 10% of that of MACC; conjugation of ACC into GACC was not detected in fruits at other ripening stages. No GACC formation was observed from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek) hypocotyls, etiolated common vetch (Vicia sativum L.) epicotyls, or pea (Pisum sativum L.) root tips, etiolated epicotyls, and green stem tissue, where active conversion of ACC into MACC was observed. GACC was, however, formed in vitro in extracts from fruit of all ripening stages. GACC formation in an extract from red fruit at pH 7.15 was only about 3% of that at pH 8.0, the pH at which most assays were run. Our present in vivo data support the previous contention that MACC is the major conjugate of ACC in plant tissues, whereas GACC is a minor, if any, conjugate of ACC. Thus, our data do not support the proposal that GACC formation could be more important than MACC formation in tomato fruit.
The selective manipulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and expression within mammalian cells has proven difficult. One promising approach is to use peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligomers, nucleic acid analogues that bind selectively to complementary DNA or RNA sequences inhibiting replication and translation. However, the potential of PNAs is restricted by the difficulties of delivering them to mitochondria within cells. To overcome this problem we conjugated a PNA 11mer to a lipophilic phosphonium cation. Such cations are taken up by mitochondria through the lipid bilayer driven by the membrane potential across the inner membrane. As anticipated, phosphonium–PNA (ph–PNA) conjugates of 3.4–4 kDa were imported into both isolated mitochondria and mitochondria within human cells in culture. This was confirmed by using an ion-selective electrode to measure uptake of the ph–PNA conjugates; by cell fractionation in conjunction with immunoblotting; by confocal microscopy; by immunogold-electron microscopy; and by crosslinking ph–PNA conjugates to mitochondrial matrix proteins. In all cases dissipating the mitochondrial membrane potential with an uncoupler prevented ph–PNA uptake. The ph–PNA conjugate selectively inhibited the in vitro replication of DNA containing the A8344G point mutation that causes the human mtDNA disease ‘myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibres’ (MERRF) but not the wild-type sequence that differs at a single nucleotide position. Therefore these modified PNA oligomers retain their selective binding to DNA and the lipophilic cation delivers them to mitochondria within cells. When MERRF cells were incubated with the ph–PNA conjugate the ratio of MERRF to wild-type mtDNA was unaffected, even though the ph–PNA content of the mitochondria was sufficient to inhibit MERRF mtDNA replication in a cell-free system. This unexpected finding suggests that nucleic acid derivatives cannot bind their complementary sequences during mtDNA replication. In summary, we have developed a new strategy for targeting PNA oligomers to mitochondria and used it to determine the effects of PNA on mutated mtDNA replication in cells. This work presents new approaches for the manipulation of mtDNA replication and expression, and will assist in the development of therapies for mtDNA diseases.
Alternative reproductive cycles make use of different strategies to generate different reproductive products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction, many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks before the resumption of replication and may affect the fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which several rec gene products process replication forks arrested by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing processive replication to resume with no need for strand exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts) suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA damage.
Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2 or Ubc) constitute a family of conserved proteins that play a key role in ubiquitin-dependent degradation of proteins in eukaryotes. We describe here a transgenic mouse strain where retrovirus integration into an Ubc gene, designated UbcM4, results in a recessive-lethal mutation. UbcM4 is the mouse homologue of the previously described human UbcH7 that is involved in the in vitro ubiquitination of several proteins including the tumor suppressor protein p53. The provirus is located in the first intron of the gene. When both alleles are mutated the level of steady-state mRNA is reduced by about 70%. About a third of homozygous mutant embryos die around day 11.5 of gestation. Embryos that survive that stage are growth retarded and die perinatally. The lethal phenotype is most likely caused by impairment of placenta development as this is the only organ that consistently showed pathological defects. The placental labyrinth is drastically reduced in size and vascularization is disturbed. The UbcM4 mouse mutant represents the first example in mammals of a mutation in a gene involved in ubiquitin conjugation. Its recessive-lethal phenotype demonstrates that the ubiquitin system plays an essential role during mouse development.
The alpha-factor pheromone receptor stimulates MATa yeast cells to undergo conjugation. The receptor contains seven transmembrane domains that function in ligand binding and in transducing a signal to the cytoplasmic receptor sequences to mediate G protein activation. A genetic screen was used to isolate receptor mutations that constitutively signal in the absence of alpha-factor. The Pro-258-->Leu (P258L) mutation caused constitutive receptor signaling that was equivalent to about 45% of the maximum level observed in wild-type cells stimulated with alpha-factor. Mutations of both Pro-258 and the adjacent Ser-259 to Leu increased constitutive signaling to > or = 90% of the maximum level. Since Pro-258 occurs in the central portion of transmembrane domain 6, and since proline residues are expected to cause a kink in alpha-helical domains, the P258L mutation is predicted to alter the structure of transmembrane domain 6. The P258L mutation did not result in a global distortion of receptor structure because alpha-factor bound to the mutant receptors with high affinity and induced even higher levels of signaling. These results suggest that sequences surrounding Pro-258 may be involved in ligand activation of the receptor. Conformational changes in transmembrane domain 6 may effect a change in the adjacent sequences in the third intracellular loop that are thought to function in G protein activation. Greater than 90% of all G protein-coupled receptors contain a proline residue at a similar position in transmembrane domain 6, suggesting that this aspect of receptor activation may be conserved in other receptors.
Conjugative transfer of the plasmid pCF10 by Enterococcus faecalis donor cells occurs in response to a peptide sex pheromone, cCF10, secreted by recipients. The plasmid-encoded cCF10 binding protein, PrgZ, is similar in sequence to binding proteins (OppAs) encoded by oligopeptide permease (opp) operons. Mutation of prgZ decreased the sensitivity of donor cells to pheromone, whereas inactivation of the chromosomal E. faecalis opp operon abolished response at physiological concentrations of pheromone. Affinity chromatography experiments demonstrated the interaction of the pheromone with several putative intracellular regulatory molecules, including an RNA molecule required for positive regulation of conjugation functions. These data suggest that processing of the pheromone signal involves recruitment of a chromosomal Opp system by PrgZ and that signaling occurs by direct interaction of internalized pheromone with intracellular effectors.
The induction of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is desirable for immunization against many diseases, and recombinant-synthetic peptide antigens are now favored agents to use. However, a major problem is how to induce CTLs, which requires a T1-type response to such synthetic antigens. We report that T1-type (generating high CTL, low antibody) or T2-type (the reciprocal) responses can be induced by conjugation of the antigen to the carbohydrate polymer mannan: T1 responses are selected by using oxidizing conditions; T2 responses are selected by using reducing conditions for the conjugation. Using human MUC1 as a model antigen in mice, immunization with oxidized mannan-MUC1 fusion protein (ox-M-FP) led to complete tumor protection (challenge up to 5 x 10(7) MUC1+ tumor cells), CTLs, and a high CTL precursor (CTLp) frequency (1/6900), whereas immunization with reduced mannan-MUC1 FP (red-M-FP) led to poor protection after challenge with only 10(6) MUC1+ tumor cells, no CTLs, and a low CTLp frequency (1/87,800). Ox-M-FP selects for a T1 response (mediated here by CD8+ cells) with high interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion, no interleukin 4 (IL-4), and a predominant IgG2a antibody response; red-M-FP selects for a T2-type response with IL-4 production and a high predominant IgG1 antibody response but no IFN-gamma.
In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.
Ubiquitin-activating enzyme, E1, is the first enzyme in the pathway leading to formation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates. E1 exists as two isoforms in human cells which are separable by electrophoresis. These isoforms migrate with apparent molecular sizes of 110 kDa and 117 kDa in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. Immunoprecipitation of E1 from lysates of HeLa cells metabolically labeled with [32P]phosphate indicated the presence of a phosphorylated form of E1 which migrates at 117 kDa. Phospho amino acid analysis identified serine as the phosphorylated residue in E1. Phosphorylated E1 was also detected in normal and transformed cells from another human cell line. Phosphatase-catalyzed dephosphorylation of E1 in vitro did not eliminate the 117-kDa E1 isoform detected by Coomassie staining after SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, thereby demonstrating that phosphorylation is not the sole structural feature differentiating the isoforms of E1. These observations suggest new hypotheses concerning mechanisms of metabolic regulation of the ubiquitin conjugation pathway.