17 resultados para Jugular Veins
Seed and vascular expression of a high-affinity transporter for cationic amino acids in Arabidopsis.
In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.
Because repeated injury of the endothelium and subsequent turnover of intimal and medial cells have been implicated in atherosclerosis, we examined telomere length, a marker of somatic cell turnover, in cells from these tissues. Telomere lengths were assessed by Southern analysis of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) generated by HinfI/Rsa I digestion of human genomic DNA. Mean TRF length decreased as a function of population doublings in human endothelial cell cultures from umbilical veins, iliac arteries, and iliac veins. When endothelial cells were examined for mean TRF length as a function of donor age, there was a significantly greater rate of decrease for cells from iliac arteries than from iliac veins (102 bp/yr vs. 47 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), consistent with higher hemodynamic stress and increased cell turnover in arteries. Moreover, the rate of telomere loss as a function of donor age was greater in the intimal DNA of iliac arteries compared to that of the internal thoracic arteries (147 bp/yr vs. 87 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), a region of the arterial tree subject to less hemodynamic stress. This indicates that the effect is not tissue specific. DNA from the medial tissue of the iliac and internal thoracic arteries showed no significant difference in the rates of decrease, suggesting that chronic stress leading to cellular senescence is more pronounced in the intima than in the media. These observations extend the use of telomere size as a marker for the replicative history of cells and are consistent with a role for focal replicative senescence in cardiovascular diseases.