33 resultados para Isozyme


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Four cDNAs encoding phosphoribosyl diphosphate (PRPP) synthase were isolated from a spinach (Spinacia oleracea) cDNA library by complementation of an Escherichia coli Δprs mutation. The four gene products produced PRPP in vitro from ATP and ribose-5-phosphate. Two of the enzymes (isozymes 1 and 2) required inorganic phosphate for activity, whereas the others were phosphate independent. PRPP synthase isozymes 2 and 3 contained 76 and 87 amino acid extensions, respectively, at their N-terminal ends in comparison with other PRPP synthases. Isozyme 2 was synthesized in vitro and shown to be imported and processed by pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplasts. Amino acid sequence analysis indicated that isozyme 3 may be transported to mitochondria and that isozyme 4 may be located in the cytosol. The deduced amino acid sequences of isozymes 1 and 2 and isozymes 3 and 4 were 88% and 75% identical, respectively. In contrast, the amino acid identities of PRPP synthase isozyme 1 or 2 with 3 or 4 was modest (22%–25%), but the sequence motifs for binding of PRPP and divalent cation-nucleotide were identified in all four sequences. The results indicate that PRPP synthase isozymes 3 and 4 belong to a new class of PRPP synthases that may be specific to plants.


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In vivo assessment of gene expression is desirable to obtain information on the extent and duration of transduction of tissue after gene delivery. We have developed an in vivo, potentially noninvasive, method for detecting virally mediated gene transfer to the liver. The method employs an adenoviral vector carrying the gene for the brain isozyme of murine creatine kinase (CK-B), an ATP-buffering enzyme expressed mainly in muscle and brain but absent from liver, kidney, and pancreas. Gene expression was monitored by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using the product of the CK enzymatic reaction, phosphocreatine, as an indicator of transfection. The vector was administered into nude mice by tail vein injection, and exogenous creatine was administered in the drinking water and by i.p. injection of 2% creatine solution before 31P MRS examination, which was performed on surgically exposed livers. A phosphocreatine resonance was detected in livers of mice injected with the vector and was absent from livers of control animals. CK expression was confirmed in the injected animals by Western blot analysis, enzymatic assays, and immunofluorescence measurements. We conclude that the syngeneic enzyme CK can be used as a marker gene for in vivo monitoring of gene expression after virally mediated gene transfer to the liver.


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Agents that increase intracellular cAMP inhibit the activation and function of T cells and can lead to cell death. Recently, it has been postulated that cAMP inhibits T cell function in large part by acting as a brake on the T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathways. Therefore, for full activation of the T cell to occur, this inhibitory influence must be removed. One likely mechanism for accomplishing this is by up-regulation and/or activation of specific cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs), and such a mechanism for one phosphodiesterase, PDE7A1, has been reported. In this paper, we extend this mechanism to another isozyme variant of the same PDE family, PDE7A3. We also report the full-length sequence of human PDE8A1 and show that it also is induced in response to a combination of T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathway activation. However, the time course for induction of PDE8A1 is slower than that of PDE7A1. The basal level measured and, therefore, the apparent fold induction of PDE7A1 mRNA and protein depend in large part on the method of isolation of the T cells. On the other hand, regardless of the isolation method, the basal levels of PDE7A3 and PDE8A1 are very low and fold activation is much higher. Constitutively expressed PDE8A1 and PDE7A3 also have been isolated from a human T cell line, Hut78.


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Hexokinase (HXK; EC regulates carbohydrate entry into glycolysis and is known to be a sensor for sugar-responsive gene expression. The effect of abiotic stresses on HXK activity was determined in seedlings of the flood-tolerant plant Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stev.) Koss and the flood-intolerant plant Echinochloa crus-pavonis (H.B.K.) Schult grown aerobically for 5 d before being subjected to anaerobic, chilling, heat, or salt stress. HXK activity was stimulated in shoots of E. phyllopogon only by anaerobic stress. HXK activity was only transiently elevated in E. crus-pavonis shoots during anaerobiosis. In roots of both species, anoxia and chilling stimulated HXK activity. Thus, HXK is not a general stress protein but is specifically induced by anoxia and chilling in E. phyllopogon and E. crus-pavonis. In both species HXK exhibited an optimum pH between 8.5 and 9.0, but the range was extended to pH 7.0 in air-grown E. phyllopogon to 6.5 in N2-grown E. phyllopogon. At physiologically relevant pHs (6.8 and 7.3, N2 and O2 conditions, respectively), N2-grown seedlings retained greater HXK activity at the lower pH. The pH response suggests that in N2-grown seedlings HXK can function in a more acidic environment and that a specific isozyme may be important for regulating glycolytic activity during anaerobic metabolism in E. phyllopogon.


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The hydrolysis of cell wall pectins by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) polygalacturonase (PG) in vitro is more extensive than the degradation affecting these polymers during ripening. We examined the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls by PG isozyme 2 (PG2) under conditions widely adopted in the literature (pH 4.5 and containing Na+) and under conditions approximating the apoplastic environment of tomato fruit (pH 6.0 and K+ as the predominate cation). The pH optima for PG2 in the presence of K+ were 1.5 and 0.5 units higher for the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls, respectively, compared with activity in the presence of Na+. Increasing K+ concentration stimulated pectin solubilization at pH 4.5 but had little influence at pH 6.0. Pectin depolymerization by PG2 was extensive at pH values from 4.0 to 5.0 and was further enhanced at high K+ levels. Oligomers were abundant products in in vitro reactions at pH 4.0 to 5.0, decreased sharply at pH 5.5, and were negligible at pH 6.0. EDTA stimulated PG-mediated pectin solubilization at pH 6.0 but did not promote oligomer production. Ca2+ suppressed PG-mediated pectin release at pH 4.5 yet had minimal influence on the proportional recovery of oligomers. Extensive pectin breakdown in processed tomato might be explained in part by cation- and low-pH-induced stimulation of PG and other wall-associated enzymes.


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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has two isozymes of the cyanogenic β-glucosidase dhurrinase: dhurrinase-1 (Dhr1) and dhurrinase-2 (Dhr2). A nearly full-length cDNA encoding dhurrinase was isolated from 4-d-old etiolated seedlings and sequenced. The cDNA has a 1695-nucleotide-long open reading frame, which codes for a 565-amino acid-long precursor and a 514-amino acid-long mature protein, respectively. Deduced amino acid sequence of the sorghum Dhr showed 70% identity with two maize (Zea mays) β-glucosidase isozymes. Southern-blot data suggested that β-glu-cosidase is encoded by a small multigene family in sorghum. Northern-blot data indicated that the mRNA corresponding to the cloned Dhr cDNA is present at high levels in the node and upper half of the mesocotyl in etiolated seedlings but at low levels in the root—only in the zone of elongation and the tip region. Light-grown seedling parts had lower levels of Dhr mRNA than those of etiolated seedlings. Immunoblot analysis performed using maize-anti-β-glucosidase sera detected two distinct dhurrinases (57 and 62 kD) in sorghum. The distribution of Dhr activity in different plant parts supports the mRNA and immunoreactive protein data, suggesting that the cloned cDNA corresponds to the Dhr1 (57 kD) isozyme and that the dhr1 gene shows organ-specific expression.


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The highest concentrations of prostaglandins in nature are found in the Caribbean gorgonian Plexaura homomalla. Depending on its geographical location, this coral contains prostaglandins with typical mammalian stereochemistry (15S-hydroxy) or the unusual 15R-prostaglandins. Their metabolic origin has remained the subject of mechanistic speculations for three decades. Here, we report the structure of a type of cyclooxygenase (COX) that catalyzes transformation of arachidonic acid into 15R-prostaglandins. Using a homology-based reverse transcriptase–PCR strategy, we cloned a cDNA corresponding to a COX protein from the R variety of P. homomalla. The deduced peptide sequence shows 80% identity with the 15S-specific coral COX from the Arctic soft coral Gersemia fruticosa and ≈50% identity to mammalian COX-1 and COX-2. The predicted tertiary structure shows high homology with mammalian COX isozymes having all of the characteristic structural units and the amino acid residues important in catalysis. Some structural differences are apparent around the peroxidase active site, in the membrane-binding domain, and in the pattern of glycosylation. When expressed in Sf9 cells, the P. homomalla enzyme forms a 15R-prostaglandin endoperoxide together with 11R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid as by-products. The endoperoxide gives rise to 15R-prostaglandins and 12R-hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid, identified by comparison to authentic standards. Evaluation of the structural differences of this 15R-COX isozyme should provide new insights into the substrate binding and stereospecificity of the dioxygenation reaction of arachidonic acid in the cyclooxygenase active site.


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We have devised a microspectroscopic strategy for assessing the intracellular (re)distribution and the integrity of the primary structure of proteins involved in signal transduction. The purified proteins are fluorescent-labeled in vitro and reintroduced into the living cell. The localization and molecular state of fluorescent-labeled protein kinase C beta I isozyme were assessed by a combination of quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, and novel determinations of fluorescence resonance energy transfer based on photobleaching digital imaging microscopy. The intensity and fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency images demonstrate the rapid nuclear translocation and ensuing fragmentation of protein kinase C beta I in BALB/c3T3 fibroblasts upon phorbol ester stimulation, and suggest distinct, compartmentalized roles for the regulatory and catalytic fragments.


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Carbonic anhydrase isozyme III (CAIII) is unique among the carbonic anhydrases because it demonstrates phosphatase activity. CAIII forms a disulfide link between glutathione and two of its five cysteine residues, a process termed S-glutathiolation. Glutathiolation of CAIII occurs in vivo and is increased during aging and under acute oxidative stress. We show that glutathiolation serves to reversibly regulate the phosphatase activity of CAIII. Glutathiolation of Cys-186 is required for phosphatase activity, while glutathiolation of Cys-181 blocks activity. Phosphotyrosine is the preferred substrate, although phosphoserine and phosphothreonine can also be cleaved. Thus, glutathiolation is a reversible covalent modification that can regulate CAIII, a phosphatase that may function in the cellular response to oxidative stress.


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Deflection of the mechanically sensitive hair bundle atop a hair cell opens transduction channels, some of which subsequently reclose during a Ca2+-dependent adaptation process. Myosin I in the hair bundle is thought to mediate this adaptation; in the bullfrog's hair cell, the relevant isozyme may be the 119-kDa amphibian myosin I beta. Because this molecule resembles other forms of myosin I, we hypothesized that calmodulin, a cytoplasmic receptor for Ca2+, regulates the ATPase activity of myosin. We identified an approximately 120-kDa calmodulin-binding protein that shares with hair-bundle myosin I the properties of being photolabeled by vanadate-trapped uridine nucleotides and immunoreactive with a monoclonal antibody raised against mammalian myosin I beta. To investigate the possibility that calmodulin mediates Ca2+-dependent adaptation, we inhibited calmodulin action and measured the results with two distinct assays. Calmodulin antagonists increased photolabeling of hair-bundle myosin I by nucleotides. In addition, when introduced into hair cells through recording electrodes, calmodulin antagonists abolished adaptation to sustained mechanical stimuli. Our evidence indicates that calmodulin binds to and controls the activity of hair-bundle myosin I, the putative adaptation motor.


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Amino acid sequencing by recombinant DNA technology, although dramatically useful, is subject to base reading errors, is indirect, and is insensitive to posttranslational processing. Mass spectrometry techniques can provide molecular weight data from even relatively large proteins for such cDNA sequences and can serve as a check of an enzyme's purity and sequence integrity. Multiply-charged ions from electrospray ionization can be dissociated to yield structural information by tandem mass spectrometry, providing a second method for gaining additional confidence in primary sequence confirmation. Here, accurate (+/- 1 Da) molecular weight and molecular ion dissociation information for human muscle and brain creatine kinases has been obtained by electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier-transform mass spectrometry to help distinguish which of several published amino acid sequences for both enzymes are correct. The results herein are consistent with one published sequence for each isozyme, and the heterogeneity indicated by isoelectric focusing due to 1-Da deamidation changes. This approach appears generally useful for detailed sequence verification of recombinant proteins.


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The three-dimensional structure of murine mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase V has been determined and refined at 2.45-A resolution (crystallographic R factor = 0.187). Significant structural differences unique to the active site of carbonic anhydrase V are responsible for differences in the mechanism of catalytic proton transfer as compared with other carbonic anhydrase isozymes. In the prototypical isozyme, carbonic anhydrase II, catalytic proton transfer occurs via the shuttle group His-64; carbonic anhydrase V has Tyr-64, which is not an efficient proton shuttle due in part to the bulky adjacent side chain of Phe-65. Based on analysis of the structure of carbonic anhydrase V, we speculate that Tyr-131 may participate in proton transfer due to its proximity to zinc-bound solvent, its solvent accessibility, and its electrostatic environment in the protein structure. Finally, the design of isozyme-specific inhibitors is discussed in view of the complex between carbonic anhydrase V and acetazolamide, a transition-state analogue. Such inhibitors may be physiologically important in the regulation of blood glucose levels.


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The RII beta regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) contains an autophosphorylation site and a nuclear location signal, KKRK. We approached the structure-function analysis of RII beta by using site-directed mutagenesis. Ser114 (the autophosphorylation site) of human RII beta was replaced with Ala (RII beta-P) or Arg264 of KKRK was replaced with Met (RII beta-K). ras-transformed NIH 3T3 (DT) cells were transfected with expression vectors for RII beta, RII beta-P, and RII beta-K, and the effects on PKA isozyme distribution and transformation properties were analyzed. DT cells contained PKA-I and PKA-II isozymes in a 1:2 ratio. Over-expression of wild-type or mutant RII beta resulted in an increase in PKA-II and the elimination of PKA-I. Only wild-type RII beta cells demonstrated inhibition of both anchorage-dependent and -independent growth and phenotypic change. The growth inhibitory effect of RII beta overexpression was not due to suppression of ras expression but was correlated with nuclear accumulation of RII beta. DT cells demonstrated growth inhibition and phenotypic change upon treatment with 8-Cl-cAMP. RII beta-P or RII beta-K cells failed to respond to 8-Cl-cAMP. These data suggest that autophosphorylation and nuclear location signal sequences are integral parts of the growth regulatory mechanism of RII beta.


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Plant lipoxygenases are thought to be involved in the biosynthesis of lipid-derived signaling molecules. The potential involvement of a specific Arabidopsis thaliana lipoxygenase isozyme, LOX2, in the biosynthesis of the plant growth regulators jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid was investigated. Our characterization of LOX2 indicates that the protein is targeted to chloroplasts. The physiological role of this chloroplast lipoxygenase was analyzed in transgenic plants where cosuppression reduced LOX2 accumulation. The reduction in LOX2 levels caused no obvious changes in plant growth or in the accumulation of abscisic acid. However, the wound-induced accumulation of JA observed in control plants was absent in leaves of transgenic plants that lacked LOX2. Thus, LOX2 is required for the wound-induced synthesis of the plant growth regulator JA in leaves. We also examined the expression of a wound- and JA-inducible Arabidopsis gene, vsp, in transgenic and control plants. Leaves of transgenic plants lacking LOX2 accumulated less vsp mRNA than did control leaves in response to wounding. This result suggests that wound-induced JA (or some other LOX2-requiring component of the wound response pathway) is involved in the wound-induced regulation of this gene.


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Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), consisting of tandemly repeated multiple copies of mono-, di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide motifs, are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes and are frequently used as genetic markers, taking advantage of their length polymorphism. We have examined the polymorphism of such sequences in the chloroplast genomes of plants, by using a PCR-based assay. GenBank searches identified the presence of several (dA)n.(dT)n mononucleotide stretches in chloroplast genomes. A chloroplast (cp) SSR was identified in three pine species (Pinus contorta, Pinus sylvestris, and Pinus thunbergii) 312 bp upstream of the psbA gene. DNA amplification of this repeated region from 11 pine species identified nine length variants. The polymorphic amplified fragments were isolated and the DNA sequence was determined, confirming that the length polymorphism was caused by variation in the length of the repeated region. In the pines, the chloroplast genome is transmitted through pollen and this PCR assay may be used to monitor gene flow in this genus. Analysis of 305 individuals from seven populations of Pinus leucodermis Ant. revealed the presence of four variants with intrapopulational diversities ranging from 0.000 to 0.629 and an average of 0.320. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cpDNA on the same populations previously failed to detect any variation. Population subdivision based on cpSSR was higher (Gst = 0.22, where Gst is coefficient of gene differentiation) than that revealed in a previous isozyme study (Gst = 0.05). We anticipate that SSR loci within the chloroplast genome should provide a highly informative assay for the analysis of the genetic structure of plant populations.