53 resultados para Inhibitory


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Because ascorbic acid (AA) is concentrated in synaptic vesicles containing glutamic acid, we hypothesized that AA might act as a neurotransmitter. Because AA is an antioxidant, it might therefore inhibit nitric oxidergic (NOergic) activation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release from medial basal hypothalamic explants by chemically reducing NO. Cell membrane depolarization induced by increased potassium concentration [K+] increased medium concentrations of both AA and LH-RH. An inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS), NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (NMMA), prevented the increase in medium concentrations of AA and LH-RH induced by high [K+], suggesting that NO mediates release of both AA and LH-RH. Calcium-free medium blocked not only the increase in AA in the medium but also the release of LH-RH. Sodium nitroprusside, which releases NO, stimulated LH-RH release and decreased the concentration of AA in the incubation medium, presumably because the NO released oxidized AA to dehydro-AA. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) had no effect on basal LH-RH release but completely blocked high [K+]- and nitroprusside-induced LH-RH release. N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), which mimics the action of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamic acid, releases LH-RH by releasing NO. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) inhibited the LH-RH-releasing action of NMDA. AA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks NOergic stimulation of LH-RH release by chemically reducing the NO released by the NOergic neurons.


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The serpins are a family of proteinase inhibitors that play a central role in the control of proteolytic cascades. Their inhibitory mechanism depends on the intramolecular insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A after cleavage by the target proteinase. Point mutations within the protein can allow aberrant conformational transitions characterized by β-strand exchange between the reactive loop of one molecule and β-sheet A of another. These loop-sheet polymers result in diseases as varied as cirrhosis, emphysema, angio-oedema, and thrombosis, and we recently have shown that they underlie an early-onset dementia. We report here the biochemical characteristics and crystal structure of a naturally occurring variant (Leu-55–Pro) of the plasma serpin α1-antichymotrypsin trapped as an inactive intermediate. The structure demonstrates a serpin configuration with partial insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A. The lower part of the sheet is filled by the last turn of F-helix and the loop that links it to s3A. This conformation matches that of proposed intermediates on the pathway to complex and polymer formation in the serpins. In particular, this intermediate, along with the latent and polymerized conformations, explains the loss of activity of plasma α1-antichymotrypsin associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with the Leu-55–Pro mutation.


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Thionein (T) has not been isolated previously from biological material. However, it is generated transiently in situ by removal of zinc from metallothionein under oxidoreductive conditions, particularly in the presence of selenium compounds. T very rapidly activates a group of enzymes in which zinc is bound at an inhibitory site. The reaction is selective, as is apparent from the fact that T does not remove zinc from the catalytic sites of zinc metalloenzymes. T instantaneously reverses the zinc inhibition with a stoichiometry commensurate with its known capacity to bind seven zinc atoms in the form of clusters in metallothionein. The zinc inhibition is much more pronounced than was previously reported, with dissociation constants in the low nanomolar range. Thus, T is an effective, endogenous chelating agent, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unknown and unrecognized biological regulatory system. T removes the metal from an inhibitory zinc-specific enzymatic site with a resultant marked increase of activity. The potential significance of this system is supported by the demonstration of its operations in enzymes involved in glycolysis and signal transduction.


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Mammalian homologues of Drosophila Trp form plasma membrane channels that mediate Ca2+ influx in response to activation of phospholipase C and internal Ca2+ store depletion. Previous studies showed that human Trp3 is activated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) and identified interacting domains, one on Trp and two on IP3R. We now find that Trp3 binds Ca2+-calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) at a site that overlaps with the IP3R binding domain. Using patch-clamp recordings from inside-out patches, we further show that Trp3 has a high intrinsic activity that is suppressed by Ca2+/CaM under resting conditions, and that Trp3 is activated by the following: a Trp-binding peptide from IP3R that displaces CaM from Trp3, a myosin light chain kinase Ca2+/CaM binding peptide that prevents CaM from binding to Trp3, and calmidazolium, an inactivator of Ca2+/CaM. We conclude that inhibition of the inhibitory action of CaM is a key step of Trp3 channel activation by IP3Rs.


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By using sensitive homology-search and gene-finding programs, we have found that a genomic region from the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 16 (16p13.3) encodes a putative secreted protein consisting of a domain related to the whey acidic protein (WAP) domain, a domain homologous with follistatin modules of the Kazal-domain family (FS module), an immunoglobulin-related domain (Ig domain), two tandem domains related to Kunitz-type protease inhibitor modules (KU domains), and a domain belonging to the recently defined NTR-module family (NTR domain). The gene encoding these WAP, FS, Ig, KU, and NTR modules (hereafter referred to as the WFIKKN gene) is intron-depleted—its single 1,157-bp intron splits the WAP module. The validity of our gene prediction was confirmed by sequencing a WFIKKN cDNA cloned from a lung cDNA library. Studies on the tissue-expression pattern of the WFIKKN gene have shown that the gene is expressed primarily in pancreas, kidney, liver, placenta, and lung. As to the function of the WFIKKN protein, it is noteworthy that it contains FS, WAP, and KU modules, i.e., three different module types homologous with domains frequently involved in inhibition of serine proteases. The protein also contains an NTR module, a domain type implicated in inhibition of zinc metalloproteinases of the metzincin family. On the basis of its intriguing homologies, we suggest that the WFIKKN protein is a multivalent protease inhibitor that may control the action of multiple types of serine proteases as well as metalloproteinase(s).


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Myosin isolated from the pollen tubes of lily (Lilium longiflorum) is composed of a 170-kD heavy chain (E. Yokota and T. Shimmen [1994] Protoplasma 177: 153–162). Both the motile activity in vitro and the F-actin-stimulated ATPase activity of this myosin were inhibited by Ca2+ at concentrations higher than 10−6 m. In the Ca2+ range between 10−6 and 10−5 m, inhibition of the motile activity was reversible. In contrast, inhibition by more than 10−5 m Ca2+ was not reversible upon Ca2+ removal. An 18-kD polypeptide that showed the same mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as that of spinach calmodulin (CaM) was present in this myosin fraction. This polypeptide showed a mobility shift in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Furthermore, this polypeptide was recognized by antiserum against spinach CaM. By immunoprecipitation using antiserum against the 170-kD heavy chain, the 18-kD polypeptide was coprecipitated with the 170-kD heavy chain, provided that the Ca2+ concentration was low, indicating that this 18-kD polypeptide is bound to the 170-kD myosin heavy chain. However, the 18-kD polypeptide was dissociated from the 170-kD heavy chain at high Ca2+ concentrations, which irreversibly inhibited the motile activity of this myosin. From these results, it is suggested that the 18-kD polypeptide, which is likely to be CaM, is associated with the 170-kD heavy chain as a light chain. It is also suggested that this polypeptide is involved in the regulation of this myosin by Ca2+. This is the first biochemical basis, to our knowledge, for Ca2+ regulation of cytoplasmic streaming in higher plants.


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Melanoma inhibitory activity (MIA) is a 12-kDa protein that is secreted from both chondrocytes and malignant melanoma cells. MIA has been reported to have effects on cell growth and adhesion, and it may play a role in melanoma metastasis and cartilage development. We report the 1.4-Å crystal structure of human MIA, which consists of an Src homology 3 (SH3)-like domain with N- and C-terminal extensions of about 20 aa each. The N- and C-terminal extensions add additional structural elements to the SH3 domain, forming a previously undescribed fold. MIA is a representative of a recently identified family of proteins and is the first structure of a secreted protein with an SH3 subdomain. The structure also suggests a likely protein interaction site and suggests that, unlike conventional SH3 domains, MIA does not recognize polyproline helices.


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Atherosclerosis preferentially occurs in areas of turbulent flow and low fluid shear stress, whereas laminar flow and high shear stress are atheroprotective. Inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and IL-1 stimulate expression of endothelial cell (EC) genes that may promote atherosclerosis. TNF-α and IL-1 regulate gene expression in ECs, in part, by stimulating mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), which phosphorylate transcription factors. We hypothesized that steady laminar flow inhibits cytokine-mediated activation of MAPK in EC. To test this hypothesis, we determined the effects of flow (shear stress = 12 dynes/cm2) on TNF-α and IL-1-stimulated activity of three MAPK in human umbilical vein ECs (HUVEC): extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), p38, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Flow alone stimulated ERK1/2 and p38 activity but decreased JNK activity compared with static controls. TNF-α or IL-1 alone activated ERK1/2, p38, and JNK maximally at 15 min in HUVEC. Preexposing HUVEC for 10 min to flow inhibited TNF-α and IL-1 activation of JNK by 46% and 49%, respectively, but had no significant effect on ERK1/2 or p38 activation. Incubation of HUVEC with PD98059, which inhibits flow-mediated ERK1/2 activation, prevented flow from inhibiting cytokine activation of JNK. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, which strongly activates ERK1/2, also inhibited TNF-α activation of JNK. These findings indicate that fluid shear stress inhibits TNF-α-mediated signaling events in HUVEC via the activation of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Inhibition of TNF-α signal transduction represents a mechanism by which steady laminar flow may exert atheroprotective effects on the endothelium.


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Whereas adult sex differences in brain morphology and behavior result from developmental exposure to steroid hormones, the mechanism by which steroids differentiate the brain is unknown. Studies to date have described subtle sex differences in levels of proteins and neurotransmitters during brain development, but these have lacked explanatory power for the profound sex differences induced by steroids. We report here a major divergence in the response to injection of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) agonist, muscimol, in newborn male and female rats. In females, muscimol treatment primarily decreased the phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) within the hypothalamus and the CA1 region of the hippocampus. In contrast, muscimol increased the phosphorylation of CREB in males within these same brain regions. Within the arcuate nucleus, muscimol treatment increased the phosphorylation of CREB in both females and males. Thus, the response to GABA can be excitatory or inhibitory on signal-transduction pathways that alter CREB phosphorylation depending on the sex and the region in developing brain. This divergence in response to GABA allows for a previously unknown form of steroid-mediated neuronal plasticity and may be an initial step in establishing sexually dimorphic signal-transduction pathways in developing brain.


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A small percentage of human T lymphocytes, predominantly CD8+ T cells, express receptors for HLA class 1 molecules of natural killer type (NK-R) that are inhibitory for T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated functions. In the present study, it is demonstrated that the various NK-R molecules typically expressed by NK cells are also expressed on periheral blood T lymphocytes. These CD3+ NK-R+ cells have a cell surface phenotype typical of memory cells as indicated by the expression of CD45RO and CD29 and by the lack of CD28 and CD45RA. Furthermore, by the combined use of anti-TCR V beta-specific antibodies and a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assay, the TCR repertoire in this CD3+ NK-R+ cell subset was found to be skewed; in fact, one or two V beta families were largely represented, and most of the other V beta s were barely detected. In addition, analysis of recombinant clones of the largely represented V beta families demonstrated that these V beta s were oligoclonally or monoclonally expanded.


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Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes differentiated cell function in several systems. We recently reported LIF and LIF receptor expression in human fetal pituitary corticotrophs in vivo and demonstrated LIF stimulation of adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) transcription in vitro, suggesting a role for LIF in corticotroph development. We therefore assessed the action of LIF on proliferating murine corticotroph cells (AtT20). LIF impairs proliferation of AtT20 cells (25% reduction versus control, P < 0.03), while simultaneously enhancing ACTH secretion (2-fold, P < 0.001) and augmenting ACTH responsiveness to corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) action (4-fold, P < 0.001). This attenuation of cell growth is due to a block of cell cycle progression from G1 into S phase, as measured by flow cytometric analysis (24 +/- 0.8 versus 11.57 +/- 1.5, P < 0.001). Using bromodeoxyuridine incorporation assays, loss of cells in S phase was confirmed (25 +/- 0.08 to 9.4 +/- 1.4, P < 0.008). In contrast, CRH induced the G2/M phase (3.6 +/- 0.2 to 15.4 +/- 3, P < 0.001). This effect was blunted by LIF (P < 0.001 versus CRH alone). Cyclin A mRNA levels, which decline in S phase, were stimulated 3.5-fold by LIF and markedly suppressed by CRH. These results indicate a LIF-induced cell cycle block occurring at G1/S in corticotroph cells. Thus, LIF reduces proliferation, enhances ACTH secretion, and potentiates effects of CRH on ACTH secretion while blocking effects of CRH on the cell cycle. Responses of these three markers of differentiated corticotroph function indicate LIF to be a differentiation factor for pituitary corticotroph cells by preferential phenotypic switching from proliferative to synthetic.


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HIV-1 replication requires the translocation of viral genome into the nucleus of a target cell. We recently reported the synthesis of an arylene bis(methyl ketone) compound (CNI-H0294) that inhibits nuclear targeting of the HIV-1 genome and thus HIV-1 replication in monocyte cultures. Here we demonstrate that CNI-H0294 inhibits nuclear targeting of HIV-1-derived preintegration complexes by inactivating the nuclear localization sequence of the HIV-1 matrix antigen in a reaction that absolutely requires reverse transcriptase. This drug/reverse transcriptase interaction defines the specificity of its antiviral effect and is most likely mediated by the pyrimidine side-chain of CNI-H0294. After binding to reverse transcriptase, the carbonyl groups of CNI-H0294 react with the nuclear localization sequence of matrix antigen and prevent its binding to karyopherin alpha, the cellular receptor for nuclear localization sequences that carries proteins into the nucleus. Our results provide a basis for the development of a novel class of compounds that inhibit nuclear translocation and that can, in principle, be modified to target specific infectious agents.


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The structural relationships between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), varicose nerve fibers, and smooth muscle cells in the gastrointestinal tract have led to the suggestion that ICC may be involved in or mediate enteric neurotransmission. We characterized the distribution of ICC in the murine stomach and found two distinct classes on the basis of morphology and immunoreactivity to antibodies against c-Kit receptors. ICC with multiple processes formed a network in the myenteric plexus region from corpus to pylorus. Spindle-shaped ICC were found within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers (IC-IM) throughout the stomach. The density of these cells was greatest in the proximal stomach. IC-IM ran along nerve fibers and were closely associated with nerve terminals and adjacent smooth muscle cells. IC-IM failed to develop in mice with mutations in c-kit. Therefore, we used W/W(V) mutants to test whether IC-IM mediate neural inputs in muscles of the gastric fundus. The distribution of inhibitory nerves in the stomachs of c-kit mutants was normal, but NO-dependent inhibitory neuro-regulation was greatly reduced. Smooth muscle tissues of W/W(V) mutants relaxed in response to exogenous sodium nitroprusside, but the membrane potential effects of sodium nitroprusside were attenuated. These data suggest that IC-IM play a critical serial role in NO-dependent neurotransmission: the cellular mechanism(s) responsible for transducing NO into electrical responses may be expressed in IC-IM. Loss of these cells causes loss of electrical responsiveness and greatly reduces responses to nitrergic nerve stimulation.