44 resultados para Germ Cells


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The mouse Snrpn gene encodes the Smn protein, which is involved in RNA splicing. The gene maps to a region in the central part of chromosome 7 that is syntenic to the Prader–Willi/Angelman syndromes (PWS-AS) region on human chromosome 15q11-q13. The mouse gene, like its human counterpart, is imprinted and paternally expressed, primarily in brain and heart. We provide here a detailed description of the structural features and differential methylation pattern of the gene. We have identified a maternally methylated region at the 5′ end (DMR1), which correlates inversely with the Snrpn paternal expression. We also describe a region at the 3′ end of the gene (DMR2) that is preferentially methylated on the paternal allele. Analysis of Snrpn mRNA levels in a methylase-deficient mouse embryo revealed that maternal methylation of DMR1 may play a role in silencing the maternal allele. Yet both regions, DMR1 and DMR2, inherit the parental-specific methylation profile from the gametes. This methylation pattern is erased in 12.5-days postcoitum (dpc) primordial germ cells and reestablished during gametogenesis. DMR1 is remethylated during oogenesis, whereas DMR2 is remethylated during spermatogenesis. Once established, these methylation patterns are transmitted to the embryo and maintained, protected from methylation changes during embryogenesis and cell differentiation. Transfections of DMR1 and DMR2 into embryonic stem cells and injection into pronuclei of fertilized eggs reveal that embryonic cells lack the capacity to establish anew the differential methylation pattern of Snrpn. That all PWS patients lack DMR1, together with the overall high resemblance of the mouse gene to the human SNRPN, offers an excellent experimental tool to study the regional control of this imprinted chromosomal domain.


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The specific-locus test (SLT) detects new mutants among mice heterozygous for seven recessive visible markers. Spontaneous mutations can be manifested not only as singleton whole-body mutants in controls (for which we report new data), but as mosaics—either visible (manifesting mottled coat color) in the scored generation (G2) or masked, among the wild-type parental generation (G1). Masked G1 mosaics reveal themselves by producing clusters of whole-body mutants in G2. We provide evidence that most, if not all, mosaics detected in the SLT (both radiation and control progenies) result from a single-strand spontaneous mutation subsequent to the last premeiotic mitosis and before the first postmeiotic one of a parental genome—the “perigametic interval.” Such events in the genomes of the G1 and G0 result, respectively, in visible and masked 50:50 mosaics. Per cell cycle, the spontaneous mutation rate in the perigametic interval is much higher than that in pregamete mitotic divisions. A clearly different locus spectrum further supports the hypothesis of different origin, and casts further doubt on the validity of the doubling-dose risk-estimation method. Because mosaics cannot have arisen in mitotic germ cells, and are not induced by radiation exposure in the perigametic interval, they should not be included in calculations of radiation-induced germ-line mutation rates. For per-generation calculations, inclusion of mosaics yields a spontaneous frequency 1.7 times that calculated from singletons alone for mutations contributed by males; including both sexes, the multiple is 2.2.


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The microrchidia, or morc, autosomal recessive mutation results in the arrest of spermatogenesis early in prophase I of meiosis. The morc mutation arose spontaneously during the development of a mouse strain transgenic for a tyrosinase cDNA construct. Morc −/− males are infertile and have grossly reduced testicular mass, whereas −/− females are normal, indicating that the Morc gene acts specifically during male gametogenesis. Immunofluorescence to synaptonemal complex antigens demonstrated that −/− male germ cells enter meiosis but fail to progress beyond zygotene or leptotene stage. An apoptosis assay revealed massive numbers of cells undergoing apoptosis in testes of −/− mice. No other abnormal phenotype was observed in mutant animals, with the exception of eye pigmentation caused by transgene expression in the retina. Spermatogenesis is normal in +/− males, despite significant transgene expression in germ cells. Genomic analysis of −/− animals indicates the presence of a deletion adjacent to the transgene. Identification of the gene inactivated by the transgene insertion may define a novel biochemical pathway involved in mammalian germ cell development and meiosis.


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The XPD/ERCC2/Rad3 gene is required for excision repair of UV-damaged DNA and is an important component of nucleotide excision repair. Mutations in the XPD gene generate the cancer-prone syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne’s syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. XPD has a 5′- to 3′-helicase activity and is a component of the TFIIH transcription factor, which is essential for RNA polymerase II elongation. We present here the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster XPD gene (DmXPD). DmXPD encodes a product that is highly related to its human homologue. The DmXPD protein is ubiquitous during development. In embryos at the syncytial blastoderm stage, DmXPD is cytoplasmic. At the onset of transcription in somatic cells and during gastrulation in germ cells, DmXPD moves to the nuclei. Distribution analysis in polytene chromosomes shows that DmXPD is highly concentrated in the interbands, especially in the highly transcribed regions known as puffs. UV-light irradiation of third-instar larvae induces an increase in the signal intensity and in the number of sites where the DmXPD protein is located in polytene chromosomes, indicating that the DmXPD protein is recruited intensively in the chromosomes as a response to DNA damage. This is the first time that the response to DNA damage by UV-light irradiation can be visualized directly on the chromosomes using one of the TFIIH components.


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Telomerase activity is readily detected in most cancer biopsies, but not in premalignant lesions or in normal tissue samples with a few exceptions that include germ cells and hemopoietic stem cells. Telomerase activity may, therefore, be a useful biomarker for diagnosis of malignancies and a target for inactivation in chemotherapy or gene therapy. These observations have led to the hypothesis that activation of telomerase may be an important step in tumorigenesis. To test this hypothesis, we studied telomerase activity in isogeneic samples of uncultured and cultured specimens of normal human uroepithelial cells (HUCs) and in uncultured and cultured biopsies of superficial and myoinvasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder. Our results demonstrated that four of four TCC biopsies, representing both superficial and myoinvasive TCCs, were positive for telomerase activity, but all samples of uncultured HUC were telomerase negative. However, when the same normal HUC samples were established as proliferating cultures in vitro, telomerase activity was readily detected but usually at lower levels than in TCCs. Consistent with the above observation of the telomerase activity in HUCs, telomeres did not shorten during the HUC in vitro lifespan. Demonstration of telomerase in proliferating human epithelial cells in vitro was not restricted to HUCs, because it was also present in prostate and mammary cell cultures. Notably, telomerase activity was relatively low or undetectable in nonproliferating HUC cultures. These data do not support a model in which telomerase is inactive in normal cells and activated during tumorigenic transformation. Rather, these data support a model in which the detection of telomerase in TCC biopsies, but not uncultured HUC samples, reflects differences in proliferation between tumor and normal cells in vivo.


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In most vertebrate embryos and neonates studied to date unique antigen receptors (antibodies and T cell receptors) are expressed that possess a limited immune repertoire. We have isolated a subclass of IgM, IgM1gj, from the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum that is preferentially expressed in neonates. The variable (V) region gene encoding the heavy (H) chain underwent V-D-J rearrangement in germ cells (“germline-joined”). Such H chain V genes were discovered over 10 years ago in sharks but until now were not shown to be expressed at appreciable levels; we find expression of H1gj in primary and secondary lymphoid tissues early in life, but in adults only in primary lymphoid tissue, which is identified in this work as the epigonal organ. H1gj chain associates covalently with light (L) chains and is most similar in sequence to IgM H chains, but like mammalian IgG has three rather than the four IgM constant domains; deletion of the ancestral IgM C2 domain thus defines both IgG and IgM1gj. Because sharks are the members of the oldest vertebrate class known to possess antibodies, unique or specialized antibodies expressed early in ontogeny in sharks and other vertebrates were likely present at the inception of the adaptive immune system.


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Etoposide, a topoisomerase II inhibitor widely used in cancer therapy, is suspected of inducing secondary tumors and affecting the genetic constitution of germ cells. A better understanding of the potential heritable risk of etoposide is needed to provide sound genetic counseling to cancer patients treated with this drug in their reproductive years. We used a mouse model to investigate the effects of clinical doses of etoposide on the induction of chromosomal abnormalities in spermatocytes and their transmission to zygotes by using a combination of chromosome painting and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining. High frequencies of chromosomal aberrations were detected in spermatocytes within 64 h after treatment when over 30% of the metaphases analyzed had structural aberrations (P < 0.01). Significant increases in the percentages of zygotic metaphases with structural aberrations were found only for matings that sampled treated pachytene (28-fold, P < 0.0001) and preleptotene spermatocytes (13-fold, P < 0.001). Etoposide induced mostly acentric fragments and deletions, types of aberrations expected to result in embryonic lethality, because they represent loss of genetic material. Chromosomal exchanges were rare. Etoposide treatment of pachytene cells induced aneuploidy in both spermatocytes (18-fold, P < 0.01) and zygotes (8-fold, P < 0.05). We know of no other report of an agent for which paternal exposure leads to an increased incidence of aneuploidy in the offspring. Thus, we found that therapeutic doses of etoposide affect primarily meiotic germ cells, producing unstable structural aberrations and aneuploidy, effects that are transmitted to the progeny. This finding suggests that individuals who undergo chemotherapy with etoposide may be at a higher risk for abnormal reproductive outcomes especially within the 2 months after chemotherapy.


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A mammalian A-type cyclin, cyclin A1, is highly expressed in testes of both human and mouse and targeted mutagenesis in the mouse has revealed the unique requirement for cyclin A1 in the progression of male germ cells through the meiotic cell cycle. While very low levels of cyclin A1 have been reported in the human hematopoietic system and brain, the sites of elevated levels of expression of human cyclin A1 were several leukemia cell lines and blood samples from patients with hematopoietic malignances, notably acute myeloid leukemia. To evaluate whether cyclin A1 is directly involved with the development of myeloid leukemia, mouse cyclin A1 protein was overexpressed in the myeloid lineage of transgenic mice under the direction of the human cathepsin G (hCG) promoter. The resulting transgenic mice exhibited an increased proportion of immature myeloid cells in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, and spleen. The abnormal myelopoiesis developed within the first few months after birth and progressed to overt acute myeloid leukemia at a low frequency (≈15%) over the course of 7–14 months. Both the abnormalities in myelopoiesis and the leukemic state could be transplanted to irradiated SCID (severe combined immunodeficient) mice. The observations suggest that cyclin A1 overexpression results in abnormal myelopoiesis and is necessary, but not sufficient in the cooperative events inducing the transformed phenotype. The data further support an important role of cyclin A1 in hematopoiesis and the etiology of myeloid leukemia.


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Testis angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a unique form of ACE, only produced by male germ cells, and results from a testis-specific promoter found within the ACE gene. We have investigated the role of cAMP-response element modulator (CREM)tau in testis ACE transcription. In gel shift experiments, testes nuclear proteins retard an oligonucleotide containing the cAMP-response element (CRE) found at position -55 in the testis ACE promoter. Anti-CREM antibody supershifts this complex. Competitive gel shift shows that recombinant CREM tau protein and testis nuclear proteins have a similar specificity of binding to the tests ACE CRE. Functional analysis using in vitro transcription and transfection studies also demonstrate that CREM tau protein is a transcriptional activator of the testis ACE promoter. Western blot analysis identifies CREM tau protein in the protein-DNA complex formed between nuclear proteins and the testis ACE CRE motif. This analysis also identified other CREM isoforms in the gel-shifted complex, which are thought to be CREM tau 1/2, CREM alpha/beta, and S-CREM. These data indicate that CREM tau isoforms play an important role as a positive regulator in the tissue-specific expression of testis ACE.


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In Xenopus egg extracts, DNA strand breaks (nicks) located 3' or 5' to a mismatch cause an overall 3-fold stimulation of the repair of the mismatch in circular heteroduplex DNA molecules. The increase in mismatch repair is almost entirely due to an increase in repair of the nicked strand, which is stimulated 5-fold. Repair synthesis is centered to the mismatch site, decreases symmetrically on both sides, and its position is not significantly altered by the presence of the nick. Therefore, it appears that in the Xenopus germ cells, the mismatch repair system utilizes nicks as signals for the induction and direction of mismatch repair, but not as the start or end point for excision and resynthesis.


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We describe a transgenic mouse line carrying the cre transgene under the control of the adenovirus EIIa promoter that targets expression of the Cre recombinase to the early mouse embryo. To assess the ability of this recombinase to excise loxP-flanked DNA sequences at early stages of development, we bred EIIa-cre transgenic mice to two different mouse lines carrying loxP-flanked target sequences: (i) a strain with a single gene-targeted neomycin resistance gene flanked by 1oxP sites and (ii) a transgenic line carrying multiple transgene copies with internal loxP sites. Mating either of these loxP-carrying mouse lines to EIIa-cre mice resulted in first generation progeny in which the loxP-flanked sequences had been efficiently deleted from all tissues tested, including the germ cells. Interbreeding of these first generation progeny resulted in efficient germ-line transmission of the deletion to subsequent generations. These results demonstrate a method by which loxP-flanked DNA sequences can be efficiently deleted in the early mouse embryo. Potential applications of this approach are discussed, including reduction of multicopy transgene loci to produce single-copy transgenic lines and introduction of a variety of subtle mutations into the line.


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The so-called very low density lipoprotein receptors (VLDLRs) are related to the LDLR gene family. So far, naturally occurring mutations have only been described for the prototype LDLR; in humans, they cause familial hypercholesterolemia. Here we describe a naturally occurring mutation in a VLDLR that causes a dramatic abnormal phenotype. Hens of the mutant restricted-ovulator chicken strain carry a single mutation, lack functional oocyte receptors, are sterile, and display severe hyperlipidemia with associated premature atherosclerosis. The mutation converts a cysteine residue into a serine, resulting in an unpaired cysteine and greatly reduced expression of the mutant avian VLDLR on the oocyte surface. Extraoocytic cells in the mutant produce higher than normal amounts of a differentially spliced form of the receptor that is characteristic for somatic cells but absent from germ cells.


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Members of the winged helix/forkhead family of transcription factors are believed to play a role in cell-specific gene expression. A cDNA encoding a member of this family of proteins, termed hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue 4 (HFH-4), has been isolated from rat lung and rat testis cDNA libraries. This cDNA contains an open reading frame of 421 amino acids with a conserved DNA binding domain and several potential transactivating regions. During murine lung development, a single species of HFH-4-specific transcript (2.4 kb long) is first detected precisely at the start of the late pseudoglandular stage (embryonic day 14.5) and, by in situ hybridization, is specifically localized to the proximal pulmonary epithelium. The unique temporal and spatial pattern of HFH-4 gene expression in the developing lung defines this protein as a marker for the initiation of bronchial epithelial cell differentiation and suggests that it may play an important role in cell fate determination during lung development. In addition to expression in the pulmonary epithelium, RNA blot analysis reveals 2.4-kb HFH-4 transcripts in the testis and oviduct. By using mice with genetic defects in spermatogenesis, HFH-4 expression in the testis is found to be associated with the appearance of haploid germ cells and in situ hybridization studies indicate that HFH-4 expression is confined to stages I-VII of spermatogenesis. This pattern of HFH-4 gene expression during the early stages of differentiation of haploid germ cells suggests that HFH-4 may play a role in regulating stage-specific gene expression and cell-fate determination during lung development and in spermatogenesis.


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The production of subtle or conditional mutations in mice through the combined use of site-specific and homologous recombination has become an increasingly widespread experimental paradigm in mammalian genetics. Embryonic stem cells containing recombinase transgenes that were expressed in the male germ line, but not in other tissues or in the embryonic stem cells themselves, would substantially simplify the production of such alleles. Here we show that transgenes comprised of the mouse protamine 1 promoter and the Cre recombinase coding sequence mediate the efficient recombination of a Cre target transgene in the male germ line, but not in other tissues. Embryonic stem cell lines generated from one of these transgenic strains were transfected with targeting vectors that included loxP-flanked selectable markers, and homologously recombined alleles containing the marker and functional loxP sites were isolated. These results establish the potential of the system for substantially reducing the time, effort, and resources required to produce homologously recombined alleles in mice that have been secondarily rearranged by a site-specific recombinase.


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To study RAG2 gene regulation in vivo, we developed a blastocyst complementation method in which RAG2-deficient embryonic stem cells were transfected with genomic clones containing RAG2 and then assessed for their ability to generate lymphocytes. A RAG2 genomic clone that contained only the RAG2 promoter sequences rescued V(D)J recombination in RAG2-deficient pro-B cell lines, but did not rescue development of RAG2-deficient lymphocytes in vivo. However, inclusion of varying lengths of sequences 5′ of the RAG2 promoter generated constructs capable of rescuing only in vivo B cell development, as well as other constructs that rescued both B and T cell development. In particular, the 2-kb 5′ region starting just upstream of the RAG2 promoter, as well as the region from 2–7 kb 5′, could independently drive B cell development, but not efficient T cell development. Deletion of the 2-kb 5′ region from the murine germ line demonstrated that this region was not required for RAG expression sufficient to generate normal B or T cell numbers, implying redundancy among 5′ elements. We conclude that RAG2 expression in vivo requires elements beyond the core promoter, that such elements contribute to differential regulation in the B vs. T lineages, and that sequences sufficient to direct B cell expression are located in the promoter-proximal 5′ region.