31 resultados para Genuius, loci
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common chronic human genetic disorder whose hallmark is systemic iron overload. Homozygosity for a mutation in the MHC class I heavy chain paralogue gene HFE has been found to be a primary cause of HH. However, many individuals homozygous for the defective allele of HFE do not develop iron overload, raising the possibility that genetic variation in modifier loci contributes to the HH phenotype. Mice deficient in the product of the β2-microglobulin (β2M) class I light chain fail to express HFE and other MHC class I family proteins, and they have been found to manifest many characteristics of the HH phenotype. To determine whether natural genetic variation plays a role in controlling iron overload, we performed classical genetic analysis of the iron-loading phenotype in β2M-deficient mice in the context of different genetic backgrounds. Strain background was found to be a major determinant in iron loading. Sex played a role that was less than that of strain background but still significant. Resistance and susceptibility to iron overload segregated as complex genetic traits in F1 and back-cross progeny. These results suggest the existence of naturally variant autosomal and Y chromosome-linked modifier loci that, in the context of mice genetically predisposed by virtue of a β2M deficiency, can profoundly influence the severity of iron loading. These results thus provide a genetic explanation for some of the variability of the HH phenotype.
Identification of multiple quantitative trait loci linked to prion disease incubation period in mice
Polymorphisms in the prion protein gene are known to affect prion disease incubation times and susceptibility in humans and mice. However, studies with inbred lines of mice show that large differences in incubation times occur even with the same amino acid sequence of the prion protein, suggesting that other genes may contribute to the observed variation. To identify these loci we analyzed 1,009 animals from an F2 intercross between two strains of mice, CAST/Ei and NZW/OlaHSd, with significantly different incubation periods when challenged with RML scrapie prions. Interval mapping identified three highly significantly linked regions on chromosomes 2, 11, and 12; composite interval mapping suggests that each of these regions includes multiple linked quantitative trait loci. Suggestive evidence for linkage was obtained on chromosomes 6 and 7. The sequence conservation between the mouse and human genome suggests that identification of mouse prion susceptibility alleles may have direct relevance to understanding human susceptibility to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infection, as well as identifying key factors in the molecular pathways of prion pathogenesis. However, the demonstration of other major genetic effects on incubation period suggests the need for extreme caution in interpreting estimates of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease epidemic size utilizing existing epidemiological models.
The interpretation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies is limited by the lack of information on metabolic pathways leading to most economic traits. Inferences about the roles of the underlying genes with a pathway or the nature of their interaction with other loci are generally not possible. An exception is resistance to the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) in maize (Zea mays L.) because of maysin, a C-glycosyl flavone synthesized in silks via a branch of the well characterized flavonoid pathway. Our results using flavone synthesis as a model QTL system indicate: (i) the importance of regulatory loci as QTLs, (ii) the importance of interconnecting biochemical pathways on product levels, (iii) evidence for “channeling” of intermediates, allowing independent synthesis of related compounds, (iv) the utility of QTL analysis in clarifying the role of specific genes in a biochemical pathway, and (v) identification of a previously unknown locus on chromosome 9S affecting flavone level. A greater understanding of the genetic basis of maysin synthesis and associated corn earworm resistance should lead to improved breeding strategies. More broadly, the insights gained in relating a defined genetic and biochemical pathway affecting a quantitative trait should enhance interpretation of the biological basis of variation for other quantitative traits.
Drosophila melanogaster from Zimbabwe and nearby regions shows strong but asymmetric sexual isolation from its cosmopolitan counterparts. By creating stable chromosome-substitution lines, earlier studies were able to show that the two major autosomes have very large effects on both male mating success and female mating preference. In this study, we genetically dissect this sexual isolation by recombination analysis between a whole-chromosome substitution line (which carries a Zimbabwe-derived third chromosome) and a strain with seven visible markers on that chromosome. Four loci are responsible for male mating success and three others are found to control female mating preference. Because male and female traits are not closely linked, their strong association among isofemale lines is most likely a reflection of sexual selection in nature. The results suggest that a large number of behavioral loci may evolve concurrently in the incipient stage of speciation before other aspects of reproductive isolation (such as hybrid sterility) have become evident. The results shed light on the population genetic processes underlying the formation of nascent species, as well as modes of speciation.
Olfactory receptor (OR) genes represent ≈1% of genomic coding sequence in mammals, and these genes are clustered on multiple chromosomes in both the mouse and human genomes. We have taken a comparative genomics approach to identify features that may be involved in the dynamic evolution of this gene family and in the transcriptional control that results in a single OR gene expressed per olfactory neuron. We sequenced ≈350 kb of the murine P2 OR cluster and used synteny, gene linkage, and phylogenetic analysis to identify and sequence ≈111 kb of an orthologous cluster in the human genome. In total, 18 mouse and 8 human OR genes were identified, including 7 orthologs that appear to be functional in both species. Noncoding homology is evident between orthologs and generally is confined within the transcriptional unit. We find no evidence for common regulatory features shared among paralogs, and promoter regions generally do not contain strong promoter motifs. We discuss these observations, as well as OR clustering, in the context of evolutionary expansion and transcriptional regulation of OR repertoires.
Atherosclerosis is a complex disease resulting from the interaction of multiple genes. We have used the Ldlr knockout mouse model in an interspecific genetic cross to map atherosclerosis susceptibility loci. A total of 174 (MOLF/Ei × B6.129S7-Ldlrtm1Her) × C57BL/6J-Ldlrtm1Her backcross mice, homozygous for the Ldlr null allele, were fed a Western-type diet for 3 months and then killed for quantification of aortic lesions. A genome scan was carried out by using DNA pools and microsatellite markers spaced at ≈18-centimorgan intervals. Quantitative trait locus analysis of individual backcross mice confirmed linkages to chromosomes 4 (Athsq1, logarithm of odds = 6.2) and 6 (Athsq2, logarithm of odds = 6.7). Athsq1 affected lesions in females only whereas Athsq2 affected both sexes. Among females, the loci accounted for ≈50% of the total variance of lesion area. The susceptible allele at Athsq1 was derived from the MOLF/Ei genome whereas the susceptible allele at Athsq2 was derived from C57BL/6J. Inheritance of susceptible alleles at both loci conferred a 2-fold difference in lesion area, suggesting an additive effect of Athsq1 and Athsq2. No associations were observed between the quantitative trait loci and levels of plasma total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol, insulin, or body weight. We provide strong evidence for complex inheritance of atherosclerosis in mice with elevated plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol and show a major influence of nonlipoprotein-related factors on disease susceptibility. Athsq1 and Athsq2 represent candidate susceptibility loci for human atherosclerosis, most likely residing on chromosomes 1p36–32 and 12p13–12, respectively.
Interpretation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies of agronomic traits is limited by lack of knowledge of biochemical pathways leading to trait expression. To more fully elucidate the biological significance of detected QTL, we chose a trait that is the product of a well-characterized pathway, namely the concentration of maysin, a C-glycosyl flavone, in silks of maize, Zea mays L. Maysin is a host-plant resistance factor against the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). We determined silk maysin concentrations and restriction fragment length polymorphism genotypes at flavonoid pathway loci or linked markers for 285 F2 plants derived from the cross of lines GT114 and GT119. Single-factor analysis of variance indicated that the p1 region on chromosome 1 accounted for 58.0% of the phenotypic variance and showed additive gene action. The p1 locus is a transcription activator for portions of the flavonoid pathway. A second QTL, represented by marker umc 105a near the brown pericarp1 locus on chromosome 9, accounted for 10.8% of the variance. Gene action of this region was dominant for low maysin, but was only expressed in the presence of a functional p1 allele. The model explaining the greatest proportion of phenotypic variance (75.9%) included p1, umc105a, umc166b (chromosome 1), r1 (chromosome 10), and two epistatic interaction terms, p1 x umc105a and p1 x r1. Our results provide evidence that regulatory loci have a central role and that there is a complex interplay among different branches of the flavonoid pathway in the expression of this trait.
Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.
To facilitate large-scale genotype analysis, an efficient PCR-based multiplex approach has been developed. For simultaneously amplifying the target sequences at a large number of genetic loci, locus-specific primers containing 5' universal tails are used. Attaching the universal tails to the target sequences in the initial PCR steps allows replacement of all specific primers with a pair of primers identical to the universal tails and converts the multiplex amplification into "uniplex." Simultaneous amplification of 26 genetic loci with this approach is described. The multiplex amplification can be coupled with genotype determination. By incorporating a single-base mismatch between a primer and the template into the target sequences, a polymorphic site can be converted into a desirable restriction fragment length polymorphism when it is necessary. In this way, the allelic PCR products for the polymorphic loci can be discriminated by gel electrophoresis after restriction enzyme digestion. In this study, 32 loci were typed in such a multiplex way.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) involves fetal overgrowth and predisposition to a wide variety of embryonal tumors of childhood. We have previously found that BWS is genetically linked to 11p15 and that this same band shows loss of heterozygosity in the types of tumors to which children with BWS are susceptible. However, 11p15 contains > 20 megabases, and therefore, the BWS and tumor suppressor genes could be distinct. To determine the precise physical relationship between these loci, we isolated yeast artificial chromosomes, and cosmid libraries from them, within the region of loss of heterozygosity in embryonal tumors. Five germ-line balanced chromosomal rearrangement breakpoint sites from BWS patients, as well as a balanced chromosomal translocation breakpoint from a rhabdoid tumor, were isolated within a 295- to 320-kb cluster defined by a complete cosmid contig crossing these breakpoints. This breakpoint cluster terminated approximately 100 kb centromeric to the imprinted gene IGF2 and 100 kb telomeric to p57KIP2, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, and was located within subchromosomal transferable fragments that suppressed the growth of embryonal tumor cells in genetic complementation experiments. We have identified 11 transcribed sequences in this BWS/tumor suppressor coincident region, one of which corresponded to p57KIP2. However, three additional BWS breakpoints were > 4 megabases centromeric to the other five breakpoints and were excluded from the tumor suppressor region defined by subchromosomal transferable fragments. Thus, multiple genetic loci define BWS and tumor suppression on 11p15.
Frequencies of meiotic configurations in cytogenetic stocks are dependent on chiasma frequencies in segments defined by centromeres, breakpoints, and telomeres. The expectation maximization algorithm is proposed as a general method to perform maximum likelihood estimations of the chiasma frequencies in the intervals between such locations. The estimates can be translated via mapping functions into genetic maps of cytogenetic landmarks. One set of observational data was analyzed to exemplify application of these methods, results of which were largely concordant with other comparable data. The method was also tested by Monte Carlo simulation of frequencies of meiotic configurations from a monotelodisomic translocation heterozygote, assuming six different sample sizes. The estimate averages were always close to the values given initially to the parameters. The maximum likelihood estimation procedures can be extended readily to other kinds of cytogenetic stocks and allow the pooling of diverse cytogenetic data to collectively estimate lengths of segments, arms, and chromosomes.
Controversy still exists over the adaptive nature of variation of enzyme loci. In conifers, random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) represent a class of marker loci that is unlikely to fall within or be strongly linked to coding DNA. We have compared the genetic diversity in natural populations of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] using genotypic data at allozyme loci and RAPD loci as well as phenotypic data from inferred RAPD fingerprints. The genotypic data for both allozymes and RAPDs were obtained from at least six haploid megagametophytes for each of 75 sexually mature individuals distributed in five populations. Heterozygosities and population fixation indices were in complete agreement between allozyme loci and RAPD loci. In black spruce, it is more likely that the similar levels of variation detected at both enzyme and RAPD loci are due to such evolutionary forces as migration and the mating system, rather than to balancing selection and overdominance. Furthermore, we show that biased estimates of expected heterozygosity and among-population differentiation are obtained when using allele frequencies derived from dominant RAPD phenotypes.
The existence of immunoregulatory genes conferring dominant resistance to autoimmunity is well documented. In an effort to better understand the nature and mechanisms of action of these genes, we utilized the murine model of autoimmune orchitis as a prototype. When the orchitis-resistant strain DBA/2J is crossed with the orchitis-susceptible strain BALB/cByJ, the F1 hybrid is completely resistant to the disease. By using reciprocal radiation bone marrow chimeras, the functional component mediating this resistance was mapped to the bone marrow-derived compartment. Resistance is not a function of either low-dose irradiation- or cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg)-sensitive immunoregulatory cells, but can be adoptively transferred by primed splenocytes. Genome exclusion mapping identified three loci controlling the resistant phenotype. Orch3 maps to chromosome 11, whereas Orch4 and Orch5 map to the telomeric and centromeric regions of chromosome 1, respectively. All three genes are linked to a number of immunologically relevant candidate loci. Most significant, however, is the linkage of Orch3 to Idd4 and Orch5 to Idd5, two susceptibility genes which play a role in autoimmune insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus in the nonobese diabetic mouse.
DNA probes from the L6 rust resistance gene of flax (Linum usitatissimum) hybridize to resistance genes at the unlinked M locus, indicating sequence similarities between genes at the two loci. Genetic and molecular data indicate that the L locus is simple and contains a single gene with 13 alleles and that the M locus is complex and contains a tandem array of genes of similar sequence. Thus the evolution of these two related loci has been different. The consequence of the contrasting structures of the L and M loci on the evolution of different rust resistance specificities can now be investigated at the molecular level