26 resultados para Genetic Complementation Test


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To assess whether heterozygosity of the donor cell genome was a general parameter crucial for long-term survival of cloned animals, we tested the ability of embryonic stem (ES) cells with either an inbred or F1 genetic background to generate cloned mice by nuclear transfer. Most clones derived from five F1 ES cell lines survived to adulthood. In contrast, clones from three inbred ES cell lines invariably died shortly after birth due to respiratory failure. Comparison of mice derived from nuclear cloning, in which a complete blastocyst is derived from a single ES cell, and tetraploid blastocyst complementation, in which only the inner cell mass is formed from a few injected ES cells, allows us to determine which phenotypes depend on the technique or on the characteristics of the ES cell line. Neonatal lethality also has been reported in mice entirely derived from inbred ES cells that had been injected into tetraploid blastocysts (ES cell-tetraploids). Like inbred clones, ES cell-tetraploid pups derived from inbred ES cell lines died shortly after delivery with signs of respiratory distress. In contrast, most ES cell-tetraploid neonates, derived from six F1 ES cell lines, developed into fertile adults. Cloned pups obtained from both inbred and F1 ES cell nuclei frequently displayed increased placental and birth weights whereas ES cell-tetraploid pups were of normal weight. The potency of F1 ES cells to generate live, fertile adults was not lost after either long-term in vitro culture or serial gene targeting events. We conclude that genetic heterozygosity is a crucial parameter for postnatal survival of mice that are entirely derived from ES cells by either nuclear cloning or tetraploid embryo complementation. In addition, our results demonstrate that tetraploid embryo complementation using F1 ES cells represents a simple, efficient procedure for deriving animals with complex genetic alterations without the need for a chimeric intermediate.


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RNA viruses evolve rapidly. One source of this ability to rapidly change is the apparently high mutation frequency in RNA virus populations. A high mutation frequency is a central tenet of the quasispecies theory. A corollary of the quasispecies theory postulates that, given their high mutation frequency, animal RNA viruses may be susceptible to error catastrophe, where they undergo a sharp drop in viability after a modest increase in mutation frequency. We recently showed that the important broad-spectrum antiviral drug ribavirin (currently used to treat hepatitis C virus infections, among others) is an RNA virus mutagen, and we proposed that ribavirin's antiviral effect is by forcing RNA viruses into error catastrophe. However, a direct demonstration of error catastrophe has not been made for ribavirin or any RNA virus mutagen. Here we describe a direct demonstration of error catastrophe by using ribavirin as the mutagen and poliovirus as a model RNA virus. We demonstrate that ribavirin's antiviral activity is exerted directly through lethal mutagenesis of the viral genetic material. A 99.3% loss in viral genome infectivity is observed after a single round of virus infection in ribavirin concentrations sufficient to cause a 9.7-fold increase in mutagenesis. Compiling data on both the mutation levels and the specific infectivities of poliovirus genomes produced in the presence of ribavirin, we have constructed a graph of error catastrophe showing that normal poliovirus indeed exists at the edge of viability. These data suggest that RNA virus mutagens may represent a promising new class of antiviral drugs.


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Most HIV replication occurs in solid lymphoid tissue, which has prominent architecture at the histological level, which separates groups of productively infected CD4+ cells. Nevertheless, current population models of HIV assume panmixis within lymphoid tissue. We present a simple “metapopulation” model of HIV replication, where the population of infected cells is comprised of a large number of small populations, each of which is established by a few founder viruses and undergoes turnover. To test this model, we analyzed viral genetic variation of infected cell subpopulations within the spleen and demonstrated the action of founder effects as well as significant variation in the extent of genetic differentiation between subpopulations among patients. The combination of founder effects and subpopulation turnover can result in an effective population size much lower than the actual population size and may contribute to the importance of genetic drift in HIV evolution despite a large number of infected cells.


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Genotoxins, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds, are ubiquitous in urban and industrial environments. Our understanding of the role that these chemicals play in generating DNA sequence mutations is predominantly derived from laboratory studies with specific genotoxins or extracts of contaminants from environmental media. Most assays are not indicative of the germinal effects of exposure in situ to complex mixtures of common environmental mutagens. Using multilocus DNA fingerprinting, we found the mutation rate in herring gulls inhabiting a heavily industrialized urban harbor (Hamilton Harbour, Ontario) to be more than twice as high as three rural sites: Kent Island, Bay of Fundy; Chantry Island, Lake Huron; and Presqu'ile Provincial Park in Lake Ontario. Overall we found a mutation rate of 0.017 +/- 0.004 per offspring band in Hamilton, 0.006 +/- 0.002 at Kent Island, 0.002 +/- 0.002 from Chantry Island, and 0.004 +/- 0.002 from Presqu'ile Provincial Park. The mutation rate from the rural sites (pooled) was significantly lower than the rate observed in Hamilton Harbour (Fisher's exact test, two-tailed; P = 0.0006). These minisatellite DNA mutations may be important biomarkers for heritable genetic changes resulting from in situ exposure to environmental genotoxins in a free-living vertebrate species.


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To test whether the structure of a protein is determined in a manner akin to the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle, up to 10 adjacent residues within the core of T4 lysozyme were replaced by methionine. Such variants are active and fold cooperatively with progressively reduced stability. The structure of a seven-methionine variant has been shown, crystallographically, to be similar to wild type and to maintain a well ordered core. The interaction between the core residues is, therefore, not strictly comparable with the precise spatial complementarity of the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Rather, a certain amount of give and take in forming the core structure is permitted. A simplified hydrophobic core sequence, imposed without genetic selection or computer-based design, is sufficient to retain native properties in a globular protein.


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Cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit, microtubule-associated, mechanochemical enzyme that has been identified as a retrograde transporter of various membranous organelles. Dynactin, an additional multisubunit complex, is required for efficient dynein-mediated transport of vesicles in vitro. Recently, we showed that three genes defined by a group of phenotypically identical mutants of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa encode proteins that are apparent subunits of either cytoplasmic dynein or dynactin. These mutants, designated ropy (ro), display abnormal hyphal growth and are defective in nuclear distribution. We propose that mutations in other genes encoding dynein/dynactin subunits are likely to result in a ropy phenotype and have devised a genetic screen for the isolation of additional ro mutants. Cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin is the largest and most complex of the cytoplasmic motor proteins, and the genetic system described here is unique in its potentiality for identifying mutations in undefined genes encoding dynein/dynactin subunits or regulators. We used this screen to isolate > 1000 ro mutants, which were found to define 23 complementation groups. Unexpectedly, interallelic complementation was observed with some allele pairs of ro-1 and ro-3, which are predicted to encode the largest subunits of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin, respectively. The results suggest that the Ro1 and Ro3 polypeptides may consist of multiple, functionally independent domains. In addition, approximately 10% of all newly isolated ro mutantsdisplay unlinked noncomplementation with two or more of the mutants that define the 23 complementation groups. The frequent appearance of ro mutants showing noncomplementation with multiple ro mutants having unlinked mutations suggests that nuclear distribution in filamentous fungi is a process that is easily disrupted by affecting either dosage or activity of cytoplasmic dynein, dynactin, and perhaps other cytoskeletal proteins or regulators.


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We analyze the within- and between-population dynamics of the distribution of the number of repeats at multiple microsatellite DNA loci subject to stepwise mutation. Analytical expressions for moments up to the fourth order within a locus and the variance of between-locus variance at mutation-drift equilibrium have been obtained. These statistics may be used to test the appropriateness of the one-step mutation model and to detect between-locus variation in the mutation rate. Published data are compatible with the one-step mutation model, although they do not reject the two-step model. Using both multinomial sampling and diffusion approximations for the analysis of the genetic distance introduced by Goldstein et al. [Goldstein, D. B., Linares, A. R., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. & Feldman, M. W. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 6723-6727], we show that this distance follows a chi 2 distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of loci when there is no variation in mutation rates among the loci. In the presence of such variation, the variance of the distance is obtained. We conclude that the number of microsatellite loci required for the construction of phylogenetic trees with reliable branch lengths may be several hundred. Also, mutations that change repeat scores by several units, even though extremely rare, may dramatically influence estimates of population parameters.


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The pfmdr1 gene has been associated with a drug-resistant phenotype in Plasmodium falciparum, and overexpression of pfmdr1 has been associated with mefloquine- and halofantrine-resistant parasites, but little is known about the functional role of pfmdr1 in this process. Here, we demonstrate that the pfmdr1 gene expressed in a heterologous yeast system functions as a transport molecule and complements a mutation in ste6, a gene which encodes a mating pheromone a-factor export molecule. In addition, the pfmdr1 gene containing two mutations which are associated with naturally occurring chloroquine resistance abolishes this mating phenotype, suggesting that these genetic polymorphisms alter this transport function. Our results support the functional role of pfmdr1 as a transport molecule in the mediation of drug resistance and provide an assay system to address the nature of this transport function.


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We introduce a new genetic distance for microsatellite loci, incorporating features of the stepwise mutation model, and test its performance on microsatellite polymorphisms in humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. We find that it performs well in determining the relations among the primates, but less well than other distance measures (not based on the stepwise mutation model) in determining the relations among closely related human populations. However, the deepest split in the human phylogeny seems to be accurately reconstructed by the new distance and separates African and non-African populations. The new distance is independent of population size and therefore allows direct estimation of divergence times if the mutation rate is known. Based on 30 microsatellite polymorphisms and a recently reported average mutation rate of 5.6 x 10(-4) at 15 dinucleotide microsatellites, we estimate that the deepest split in the human phylogeny occurred about 156,000 years ago. Unlike most previous estimates, ours requires no external calibration of the rate of molecular evolution. We can use such calibrations, however, to test our estimate.


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To identify cellular factors that function in -1 ribosomal frameshifting, we have developed assays in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to screen for host mutants in which frameshifting is specifically affected. Expression vectors have been constructed in which the mouse mammary tumor virus gag-pro frameshift region is placed upstream of the lacZ gene or the CUP1 gene so that the reporters are in the -1 frame relative to the initiation codon. These vectors have been used to demonstrate that -1 frameshifting is recapitulated in yeast in response to retroviral mRNA signals. Using these reporters, we have isolated spontaneous host mutants in two complementation groups, ifs1 and ifs2, in which frameshifting is increased 2-fold. These mutants are also hypersensitive to antibiotics that target the 40S ribosomal subunit. We have cloned the IFS1 gene and shown that it encodes a previously undescribed protein of 1091 aa with clusters of acidic residues in the carboxyl-terminal region. Haploid cells lacking 82% of the IFS1 open reading frame are viable and phenotypically identical to ifs1-1 mutants. This approach could help identify potential targets for antiretroviral agents.


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Gene targeting allows precise, predetermined changes to be made in a chosen gene in the mouse genome. To date, targeting has been used most often for generation of animals completely lacking the product of a gene of interest. The resulting "knockout" mice have confirmed some hypotheses, have upset others, but have rarely been uninformative. Models of several human genetic diseases have been produced by targeting--including Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis, and the fragile X syndrome. These diseases are primarily determined by defects in single genes, and their modes of inheritance are well understood. When the disease under study has a complex etiology with multiple genetic and environmental components, the generation of animal models becomes more difficult but no less valuable. The problems associated with dissecting out the individual genetic factors also increases substantially and the distinction between causation and correlation is often difficult. To prove causation in a complex system requires rigorous adherence to the principle that the experiments must allow detection of the effects of changing only a single variable at one time. Gene targeting experiments, when properly designed, can test the effects of a precise genetic change completely free from the effects of differences in any other genes (linked or unlinked to the test gene). They therefore allow proofs of causation.