54 resultados para Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal


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Expression of mitogenic basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the central nervous system is inhibited by direct cell contact and is implicated in reactive and neoplastic transformation of astrocytes. The molecular mechanisms controlling expression of bFGF were examined in cultures of human astrocytes. Cell-density-dependent depletion of bFGF mRNA levels parallels changes in bFGF gene protein. Regulation of transcription of a bFGF luciferase reporter gene containing an upstream region (bp -1800 to +314) of the bFGF gene promoter mimicks the density-dependent regulation of the endogenous bFGF gene in transfected astrocytes. Deletion analysis has identified a fragment (bp -650 to -513) and sequences further downstream (bp -274 to +314) as the regions required for the regulation of bFGF gene activity by cell density. Unlike in astrocytes, changing the cell density of glioma cell cultures does not affect the levels of bFGF protein and mRNA. bFGF luciferase constructs were expressed at the same level in high- or low-density cultures of glioma cells, indicating altered regulation of the bFGF gene promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to a fragment of bFGF gene promoter from bp -650 to -453. This binding was abolished by a deletion of the upstream cell-density-responsive region (bp -650 to -512). Binding was observed with nuclear extracts from subconfluent astrocytes but was reduced in extracts from confluent astrocytes. Our results indicate that induction of bFGF in astrocytes upon reduction of cell density is mediated transcriptionally by positive trans-acting factors interacting with bFGF promoter. In contrast, nuclear proteins from glioma cells bind to the promoter region from bp -650 to -453 independent of cell density. Thus, the constitutive binding of trans-acting factor(s) to the region of the bFGF promoter from bp -650 to -453 may be responsible for the continuous expression of bFGF that leads to the uncontrolled growth of glioma cells.


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The hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released in a pulsatile fashion, with its frequency varying throughout the reproductive cycle. Varying pulse frequencies and amplitudes differentially regulate the biosynthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by pituitary gonadotropes. The mechanism by which this occurs remains a major question in reproductive physiology. Previous studies have been limited by lack of available cell lines that express the LH and FSH subunit genes and respond to GnRH. We have overcome this limitation by transfecting the rat pituitary GH3 cell line with rat GnRH receptor (GnRHR) cDNA driven by a heterologous promoter. These cells, when cotransfected with regulatory regions of the common alpha, LH beta, or FSH beta subunit gene fused to a luciferase reporter gene, respond to GnRH with an increase in luciferase activity. Using this model, we demonstrate that different cell surface densities of the GnRHR result in the differential regulation of LH and FSH subunit gene expression by GnRH. This suggests that the differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit gene expression by GnRH observed in vivo in rats may, in turn, be mediated by varying gonadotrope cell surface GnRHR concentrations. This provides a physiologic mechanism by which a single ligand can act through a single receptor to regulate differentially the production of two hormones in the same cell.


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Plasmids encoding various external guide sequences (EGSs) were constructed and inserted into Escherichia coli. In strains harboring the appropriate plasmids, the expression of fully induced beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced by more than 50%, while no reduction in such activity was observed in strains with non-specific EGSs. The inhibition of gene expression was virtually abolished at restrictive temperatures in strains that were temperature-sensitive for RNase P (EC Northern blot analysis showed that the steady-state copy number of EGS RNAs was several hundred per cell in vivo. A plasmid that contained a gene for M1 RNA covalently linked to a specific EGS reduced the level of expression of a suppressor tRNA that was encoded by a separate plasmid. Similar methods can be used to regulate gene expression in E. coli and to mimic the properties of cold-sensitive mutants.


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Transcription of phospholipid biosynthetic genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is maximally derepressed when cells are grown in the absence of inositol and repressed when the cells are grown in its presence. We have previously suggested that this response to inositol may be dictated by regulating transcription of the cognate activator gene, INO2. However, it was also known that cells which harbor a mutant opi1 allele express constitutively derepressed levels of target genes (INO1 and CHO1), implicating the OPI1 negative regulatory gene in the response to inositol. These observations suggested that the response to inositol may involve both regulation of INO2 transcription as well as OPI1-mediated repression. We investigated these possibilities by examining the effect of inositol on target gene expression in a strain containing the INO2 gene under control of the GAL1 promoter. In this strain, transcription of the INO2 gene was regulated in response to galactose but was insensitive to inositol. The expression of the INO1 and CHO1 target genes was still responsive to inositol even though expression of the INO2 gene was unresponsive. However, the level of expression of the INO1 and CHO1 target genes correlated with the level of INO2 transcription. Furthermore, the effect of inositol on target gene expression was eliminated by deleting the OPI1 gene in the GAL1-INO2-containing strain. These data suggest that the OPI1 gene product is the primary target (sensor) of the inositol response and that derepression of INO2 transcription determines the degree of expression of the target genes.


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We developed a stringently regulated expression system for mammalian cells that uses (i) the RNA polymerase, phi 10 promoter, and T phi transcriptional terminator of bacteriophage T7; (ii) the lac repressor, lac operator, rho-independent transcriptional terminators and the gpt gene of Escherichia coli; (iii) the RNA translational enhancer of encephalomyocarditis virus; and (iv) the genetic background of vaccinia virus. In cells infected with the recombinant vaccinia virus, reporter beta-galactosidase synthesis was not detected in the absence of inducer. An induction of at least 10,000- to 20,000-fold occurred upon addition of isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside or by temperature elevation from 30 to 37 degrees C using a temperature-sensitive lac repressor. Regulated synthesis of the secreted and highly glycosylated human immunodeficiency virus 1 envelope protein gp120 was also demonstrated. Yields of both proteins were approximately 2 mg per 10(8) cells in 24 hr. Plasmid transfer vectors for cloning and expression of complete or incomplete open reading frames in recombinant vaccinia viruses are described.


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In Arabidopsis thaliana, blocking histidine biosynthesis with a specific inhibitor of imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase caused increased expression of eight genes involved in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, histidine, lysine, and purines. A decrease in expression of glutamine synthetase was also observed. Addition of histidine eliminated the gene-regulating effects of the inhibitor, demonstrating that the changes in gene expression resulted from histidine-pathway blockage. These results show that plants are capable of cross-pathway metabolic regulation.


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Little is known about plant circadian oscillators, in spite of how important they are to sessile plants, which require accurate timekeepers that enable the plants to respond to their environment. Previously, we identified a circadian clock-associated (CCA1) gene that encodes an Myb-related protein that is associated with phytochrome control and circadian regulation in plants. To understand the role CCA1 plays in phytochrome and circadian regulation, we have isolated an Arabidopsis line with a T DNA insertion that results in the loss of CCA1 RNA, of CCA1 protein, and of an Lhcb-promoter binding activity. This mutation affects the circadian expression of all four clock-controlled genes that we examined. The results show that, despite their similarity, CCA1 and LHY are only partially redundant. The lack of CCA1 also affects the phytochrome regulation of gene expression, suggesting that CCA1 has an additional role in a signal transduction pathway from light, possibly acting at the point of integration between phytochrome and the clock. Our results indicate that CCA1 is an important clock-associated protein involved in circadian regulation of gene expression.


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A hierarchical order of gene expression has been proposed to control developmental events in hematopoiesis, but direct demonstration of the temporal relationships between regulatory gene expression and differentiation has been difficult to achieve. We modified a single-cell PCR method to detect 2-fold changes in mRNA copies per cell (dynamic range, 250–250,000 copies/cell) and used it to sequentially quantitate gene expression levels as single primitive (CD34+,CD38−) progenitor cells underwent differentiation to become erythrocytes, granulocytes, or monocyte/macrophages. Markers of differentiation such as CD34 or cytokine receptor mRNAs and transcription factors associated with their regulation were assessed. All transcription factors tested were expressed in multipotent progenitors. During lineage-specific differentiation, however, distinct patterns of expression emerged. SCL, GATA-2, and GATA-1 expression sequentially extinguished during erythroid differentiation. PU.1, AML1B, and C/EBPα expression profiles and their relationship to cytokine receptor expression in maturing granulocytes could be distinguished from similar profiles in monocytic cells. These data characterize the dynamics of gene expression accompanying blood cell development and define a signature gene expression pattern for specific stages of hematopoietic differentiation.


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Integrin-mediated adhesion induces several signaling pathways leading to regulation of gene transcription, control of cell cycle entry and survival from apoptosis. Here we investigate the involvement of the Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) pathway in integrin-mediated signaling. Plating primary human endothelial cells from umbilical cord and the human endothelial cell line ECV304 on matrix proteins or on antibody to β1- or αv-integrin subunits induces transient tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT5A. Consistent with a role for the JAK/STAT pathway in regulation of gene transcription, adhesion to matrix proteins leads to the formation of STAT5A-containing complexes with the serum-inducible element of c-fos promoter. Stable expression of a dominant negative form of STAT5A in NIH3T3 cells reduces fibronectin-induced c-fos mRNA expression, indicating the involvement of STAT5A in integrin-mediated c-fos transcription. Thus these data present a new integrin-dependent signaling mechanism involving the JAK/STAT pathway in response to cell–matrix interaction.


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Osteopontin is a phosphorylated glycoprotein secreted to the mineralizing extracellular matrix by osteoblasts during bone development. It is believed to facilitate the attachment of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to the extracellular matrix, allowing them to perform their respective functions during osteogenesis. Several other functions have been suggested for this protein, and its up-regulation is associated with various disease states related to calcification, including arterial plaque formation and the formation of kidney stones. Although expression of this gene has been demonstrated in multiple tissues, its regulation is not well understood. Our previous studies on the roles of the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and p300/CBP in the regulation of osteoblast differentiation revealed a link between osteopontin induction and the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase. In this paper, we describe results specifically linking induction of osteopontin to the enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase in the medium, which results in the generation of free phosphate. This elevation of free phosphate in the medium is sufficient to signal induction of osteopontin RNA and protein. The strong and specific induction of osteopontin in direct response to increased phosphate levels provides a mechanism to explain how expression of this product is normally regulated in bone and suggests how it may become up-regulated in damaged tissue.


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LXRα is a member of a nuclear receptor superfamily that regulates transcription. LXRα forms a heterodimer with RXRα, another member of this family, to regulate the expression of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase by means of binding to the DR4-type cis-element. Here, we describe a function for LXRα as a cAMP-responsive regulator of renin and c-myc gene transcriptions by the interaction with a specific cis-acting DNA element, CNRE (an overlapping cAMP response element and a negative response element). Our previous studies showed that renin gene expression is regulated by cAMP, at least partly, through the CNRE sequence in its 5′-flanking region. This sequence is also found in c-myc and several other genes. Based on our cloning results using the yeast one-hybrid system, we discovered that the mouse homologue of human LXRα binds to the CNRE and demonstrated that it binds as a monomer. To define the function of LXRα on gene expression, we transfected the renin-producing renal As4.1 cells with LXRα expression plasmid. Overexpression of LXRα in As4.1 cells confers cAMP inducibility to reporter constructs containing the renin CNRE. After stable transfection of LXRα, As4.1 cells show a cAMP-inducible up-regulation of renin mRNA expression. In parallel experiments, we demonstrated that LXRα can also bind to the homologous CNRE in the c-myc promoter. cAMP promotes transcription through c-myc/CNRE:LXRα interaction in LXRα transiently transfected cells and increases c-myc mRNA expression in stably transfected cells. Identification of LXRα as a cAMP-responsive nuclear modulator of renin and c-myc expression not only has cardiovascular significance but may have generalized implication in the regulation of gene transcription.


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The sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) stimulates iodide uptake in normal lactating breast, but is not known to be active in nonlactating breast or breast cancer. We studied NIS gene regulation and iodide uptake in MCF-7 cells, an estrogen receptor (ER)-positive human breast cancer cell line. All-trans retinoic acid (tRA) treatment stimulated iodide uptake in a time- and dose-dependent fashion up to ≈9.4-fold above baseline. Stimulation with selective retinoid compounds indicated that the induction of iodide uptake was mediated by retinoic acid receptor. Treatment with tRA markedly stimulated NIS mRNA and immunoreactive protein (≈68 kDa). tRA stimulated NIS gene transcription ≈4-fold, as shown by nuclear run-on assay. No induction of iodide uptake was observed with RA treatment of an ER-negative human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB 231, or a normal human breast cell line, MCF-12A. The iodide efflux rate of tRA-treated MCF-7 cells was slow (t1/2 = 24 min), compared with that in FRTL-5 thyroid cells (t1/2 = 3.9 min), favoring iodide retention in MCF-7 cells. An in vitro clonogenic assay demonstrated selective cytotoxicity with 131I after tRA stimulation of MCF-7 cells. tRA up-regulates NIS gene expression and iodide uptake in an ER-positive breast cancer cell line. Stimulation of radioiodide uptake after systemic retinoid treatment may be useful for diagnosis and treatment of some differentiated breast cancers.


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Induction of wild-type p53 in the ECV-304 bladder carcinoma cell line by infection with a p53 recombinant adenovirus (Ad5CMV-p53) resulted in extensive apoptosis and eventual death of nearly all of the cells. As a strategy to determine the molecular events important to p53-mediated apoptosis in these transformed cells, ECV-304 cells were selected for resistance to p53 by repeated infections with Ad5CMV-p53. We compared the expression of 5,730 genes in p53-resistant (DECV) and p53-sensitive ECV-304 cells by reverse transcription–PCR, Northern blotting, and DNA microarray analysis. The expression of 480 genes differed by 2-fold or more between the two p53-infected cell lines. A number of potential targets for p53 were identified that play roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, redox control, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and differentiation. Proline oxidase, a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the proline/pyrroline-5-carboxylate redox cycle, was up-regulated by p53 in ECV but not in DECV cells. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), a proline-derived metabolite generated by proline oxidase, inhibited the proliferation and survival of ECV-304 and DECV cells and induced apoptosis in both cell lines. A recombinant proline oxidase protein tagged with a green fluorescent protein at the amino terminus localized to mitochondria and induced apoptosis in p53-null H1299 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. The results directly implicate proline oxidase and the proline/P5C pathway in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis.


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Small molecule-regulated transcription has broad utility and would benefit from an easily delivered self-contained regulatory cassette capable of robust, tightly controlled target gene expression. We describe the delivery of a modified dimerizer-regulated gene expression system to cells on a single retrovirus. A transcription factor cassette responsive to the natural product dimerizer rapamycin was optimized for retroviral delivery by fusing a highly potent chimeric activation domain to the rapamycin-binding domain of FKBP-rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP). This improvement led to an increase in both the potency and maximal levels of gene expression induced by rapamycin, or nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analogs. The modified transcription factor cassette was incorporated along with a target gene into a single rapamycin-responsive retrovirus. Cell pools stably transduced with the single virus system displayed negligible basal expression and gave induction ratios of at least three orders of magnitude in the presence of rapamycin or a nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analog. Levels of induced gene expression were comparable to those obtained with the constitutive retroviral long terminal repeat and the single virus system performed well in four different mammalian cell lines. Regulation with the dimerizer-responsive retrovirus was tight enough to allow the generation of cell lines displaying inducible expression of the highly toxic diphtheria toxin A chain gene. The ability to deliver the tightly inducible rapamycin system in a single retrovirus should facilitate its use in the study of gene function in a broad range of cell types.


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Schistosome parasites adjust the physiology and behavior of their intermediate molluscan hosts to their own benefit. Previous studies demonstrated effects of the avian-schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata on peptidergic centers in the brain of the intermediate snail host Lymnaea stagnalis. In particular, electrophysiological properties and peptide release of growth- and reproduction-controlling neuroendocrine neurons were affected. We now have examined the possibility that the expression of genes that control physiology and behavior of the host might be altered during parasitosis. A cDNA library of the brain of parasitized Lymnaea was constructed and differentially screened by using mRNA from the brain of both parasitized and nonparasitized snails. This screening yielded a number of clones, including previously identified cDNAs as well as novel neuronal transcripts, which appear to be differentially regulated. The majority of these transcripts encode neuropeptides. Reverse Northern blot analysis confirmed that neuropeptide gene expression is indeed affected in parasitized animals. Moreover, the expression profiles of 10 transcripts tested showed a differential, parasitic stage-specific regulation. Changes in expression could in many cases already be observed between 1.5 and 5 hr postinfection, suggesting that changes in gene expression are a direct effect of parasitosis. We suggest that direct regulation of neuropeptide gene expression is a strategy of parasites to induce physiological and behavioral changes in the host.