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Insulin potentiates N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in neurons and Xenopus oocytes expressing recombinant NMDARs. The present study shows that insulin induced (i) an increase in channel number times open probability (nPo) in outside-out patches excised from Xenopus oocytes, with no change in mean open time, unitary conductance, or reversal potential, indicating an increase in n and/or Po; (ii) an increase in charge transfer during block of NMDA-elicited currents by the open channel blocker MK-801, indicating increased number of functional NMDARs in the cell membrane with no change in Po; and (iii) increased NR1 surface expression, as indicated by Western blot analysis of surface proteins. Botulinum neurotoxin A greatly reduced insulin potentiation, indicating that insertion of new receptors occurs via SNARE-dependent exocytosis. Thus, insulin potentiation occurs via delivery of new channels to the plasma membrane. NMDARs assembled from mutant subunits lacking all known sites of tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation in their carboxyl-terminal tails exhibited robust insulin potentiation, suggesting that insulin potentiation does not require direct phosphorylation of NMDAR subunits. Because insulin and insulin receptors are localized to glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus, insulin-regulated trafficking of NMDARs may play a role in synaptic transmission and plasticity, including long-term potentiation.


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We analyzed whether synaptic membrane trafficking proteins are substrates for casein kinase II, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), three kinases implicated in the modulation of synaptic transmission. Each kinase phosphorylates a specific set of the vesicle proteins syntaxin 1A, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF), vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP), synaptosome-associated 25-kDa protein (SNAP-25), n-sec1, alpha soluble NSF attachment protein (alpha SNAP), and synaptotagmin. VAMP is phosphorylated by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II on serine 61. alpha SNAP is phosphorylated by PKA; however, the beta SNAP isoform is phosphorylated only 20% as efficiently. alpha SNAP phosphorylated by PKA binds to the core docking and fusion complex 10 times weaker than the dephosphorylated form. These studies provide a first glimpse at regulatory events that may be important in modulating neurotransmitter release during learning and memory.


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The primate temporal cortex has been demonstrated to play an important role in visual memory and pattern recognition. It is of particular interest to investigate whether activity-dependent modification of synaptic efficacy, a presumptive mechanism for learning and memory, is present in this cortical region. Here we address this issue by examining the induction of synaptic plasticity in surgically resected human inferior and middle temporal cortex. The results show that synaptic strength in the human temporal cortex could undergo bidirectional modifications, depending on the pattern of conditioning stimulation. High frequency stimulation (100 or 40 Hz) in layer IV induced long-term potentiation (LTP) of both intracellular excitatory postsynaptic potentials and evoked field potentials in layers II/III. The LTP induced by 100 Hz tetanus was blocked by 50-100 microM DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, suggesting that N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors were responsible for its induction. Long-term depression (LTD) was elicited by prolonged low frequency stimulation (1 Hz, 15 min). It was reduced, but not completely blocked, by DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, implying that some other mechanisms in addition to N-methyl-DL-aspartate receptors were involved in LTD induction. LTD was input-specific, i.e., low frequency stimulation of one pathway produced LTD of synaptic transmission in that pathway only. Finally, the LTP and LTD could reverse each other, suggesting that they can act cooperatively to modify the functional state of cortical network. These results suggest that LTP and LTD are possible mechanisms for the visual memory and pattern recognition functions performed in the human temporal cortex.


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Synaptophysin (syp I) is a synaptic vesicle membrane protein that constitutes approximately 7% of the total vesicle protein. Multiple lines of evidence implicate syp I in a number of nerve terminal functions. To test these, we have disrupted the murine Syp I gene. Mutant mice lacking syp I were viable and fertile. No changes in the structure and protein composition of the mutant brains were observed except for a decrease in synaptobrevin/VAMP II. Synaptic transmission was normal with no detectable changes in synaptic plasticity or the probability of release. Our data demonstrate that one of the major synaptic vesicle membrane proteins is not essential for synaptic transmission, suggesting that its function is either redundant or that it has a more subtle function not apparent in the assays used.


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Mitral/tufted cells (M/T cells) and granule cells form reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses in the main olfactory bulb; the granule cell is excited by glutamate from the M/T cell and in turn inhibits M/T cells by gamma-aminobutyrate. The trans-synaptically excited granule cell is thought to induce lateral inhibition in neighboring M/T cells and to refine olfactory information. It remains, however, elusive how significantly and specifically this synaptic regulation contributes to the discrimination of different olfactory stimuli. This investigation concerns the mechanism of olfactory discrimination by single unit recordings of responses to a series of normal aliphatic aldehydes from individual rabbit M/T cells. This analysis revealed that inhibitory responses are evoked in a M/T cell by a defined subset of odor molecules with structures closely related to the excitatory odor molecules. Furthermore, blockade of the reciprocal synaptic transmission by the glutamate receptor antagonist or the gamma-aminobutyrate receptor antagonist markedly suppressed the odor-evoked inhibition, indicating that the inhibitory responses are evoked by lateral inhibition via the reciprocal synaptic transmission. The synaptic regulation in the olfactory bulb thus greatly enhances the tuning specificity of odor responses and would contribute to discrimination of olfactory information.


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The molecular mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation in the hippocampus have received much attention because of the likely functional importance of synaptic plasticity for information storage and the development of neuronal connectivity. Surprisingly, it remains unclear whether activity modifies the strength of individual synapses in a digital (all-or-none) or analog (graded) manner. Here we characterize step-like all-or-none transitions from baseline synaptic transmission to potentiated states following protocols for inducing potentiation at putative single CA3-CA1 synaptic connections. Individual synapses appear to have all-or-none potentiation indicative of highly cooperative processes but different thresholds for undergoing potentiation. These results raise the possibility that some forms of synaptic memory may be stored in a digital manner in the brain.


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It is widely accepted that interleukin-1β (IL-1β), a cytokine produced not only by immune cells but also by glial cells and certain neurons influences brain functions during infectious and inflammatory processes. It is still unclear, however, whether IL-1 production is triggered under nonpathological conditions during activation of a discrete neuronal population and whether this production has functional implications. Here, we show in vivo and in vitro that IL-1β gene expression is substantially increased during long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission, a process considered to underlie certain forms of learning and memory. The increase in gene expression was long lasting, specific to potentiation, and could be prevented by blockade of potentiation with the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, (±)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5). Furthermore, blockade of IL-1 receptors by the specific interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) resulted in a reversible impairment of long-term potentiation maintenance without affecting its induction. These results show for the first time that the production of biologically significant amounts of IL-1β in the brain can be induced by a sustained increase in the activity of a discrete population of neurons and suggest a physiological involvement of this cytokine in synaptic plasticity.


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In hippocampal neurons, neurotransmitter release can be regulated by protein kinase A (PKA) through a direct action on the secretory machinery. To identify the site of PKA modulation, we have taken advantage of the ability of the neurotoxin Botulinum A to cleave the synaptic protein SNAP-25. Cleavage of this protein decreases the Ca2+ responsiveness of the secretory machinery by partially uncoupling Ca2+-sensing from fusion per se. This is expressed as a shift toward higher Ca2+ levels of the Ca2+ to neurotransmitter release relationship and as a perturbation of synaptic delay under conditions where secretion induced by the Ca2+-independent secretagogue ruthenium red is unimpaired. We find that SNAP-25 cleavage also perturbs PKA-dependent modulation of secretion; facilitation of ruthenium red-evoked neurotransmitter release by the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin is blocked completely after Botulinum toxin A action. Together with our observation that forskolin modifies the Ca2+ to neurotransmitter release relationship, our results suggest that SNAP-25 acts as a functional linker between Ca2+ detection and fusion and that PKA modulates an early step in the secretory machinery related to calcium sensing to facilitate synaptic transmission.


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γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission and have been implicated in responses to sedative/hypnotic agents (including neuroactive steroids), anxiety, and learning and memory. Using gene targeting technology, we generated a strain of mice deficient in the δ subunit of the GABA type A receptors. In vivo testing of various behavioral responses revealed a strikingly selective attenuation of responses to neuroactive steroids, but not to other modulatory drugs. Electrophysiological recordings from hippocampal slices revealed a significantly faster miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current decay time in null mice, with no change in miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current amplitude or frequency. Learning and memory assessed with fear conditioning were normal. These results begin to illuminate the novel contributions of the δ subunit to GABA pharmacology and sedative/hypnotic responses and behavior and provide insights into the physiology of neurosteroids.


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We have studied GABAergic synaptic transmission in retinal ganglion cells and hippocampal pyramidal cells to determine, at a cellular level, what is the effect of the targeted disruption of the gene encoding the synthetic enzyme GAD65 on the synaptic release of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Neither the size nor the frequency of GABA-mediated spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) were reduced in retina or hippocampus in GAD65−/− mice. However, the release of GABA during sustained synaptic activation was substantially reduced. In the retina both electrical- and K+-induced increases in IPSC frequency were depressed without a change in IPSC amplitude. In the hippocampus the transient increase in the probability of inhibitory transmitter release associated with posttetanic potentiation was absent in the GAD65−/− mice. These results indicate that during and immediately after sustained stimulation the increase in the probability of transmitter release is not maintained in GAD65−/− mice. Such a finding suggests a decrease in the size or refilling kinetics of the releasable pool of vesicles, and various mechanisms are discussed that could account for such a defect.


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Kainate (KA) receptor activation depresses stimulus-evoked γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA-mediated) synaptic transmission onto CA1 pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and simultaneously increases the frequency of spontaneous GABA release through an increase in interneuronal spiking. To determine whether these two effects are independent, we examined the mechanism by which KA receptor activation depresses the stimulus-evoked, inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC). Bath application of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole proprionic acid (AMPA)/KA receptor agonist KA in the presence of the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI 53655 caused a large increase in spontaneous GABA release and a coincident depression of the evoked IPSC. The depressant action on the evoked IPSC was reduced, but not abolished, by the GABAB receptor antagonist SCH 50911, suggesting that the KA-induced increase in spontaneous GABA release depresses the evoked IPSC through activation of presynaptic GABAB receptors. KA had no resolvable effect on the potassium-induced increase in miniature IPSC frequency, suggesting that KA does not act through a direct effect on the release machinery or presynaptic calcium influx. KA caused a decrease in pyramidal cell input resistance, which was reduced by GABAA receptor antagonists. KA also caused a reduction in the size of responses to iontophoretically applied GABA, which was indistinguishable from the SCH 50911-resistant, residual depression of the evoked IPSC. These results suggest that KA receptor activation depresses the evoked IPSC indirectly by increasing interneuronal spiking and GABA release, leading to activation of presynaptic GABAB receptors, which depress GABA release, and postsynaptic GABAA receptors, which increase passive shunting.


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Calretinin (Cr) is a Ca2+ binding protein present in various populations of neurons distributed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. We have generated Cr-deficient (Cr−/−) mice by gene targeting and have investigated the associated phenotype. Cr−/− mice were viable, and a large number of morphological, biochemical, and behavioral parameters were found unaffected. In the normal mouse hippocampus, Cr is expressed in a widely distributed subset of GABAergic interneurons and in hilar mossy cells of the dentate gyrus. Because both types of cells are part of local pathways innervating dentate granule cells and/or pyramidal neurons, we have explored in Cr−/− mice the synaptic transmission between the perforant pathway and granule cells and at the Schaffer commissural input to CA1 pyramidal neurons. Cr−/− mice showed no alteration in basal synaptic transmission, but long-term potentiation (LTP) was impaired in the dentate gyrus. Normal LTP could be restored in the presence of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline, suggesting that in Cr−/− dentate gyrus an excess of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release interferes with LTP induction. Synaptic transmission and LTP were normal in CA1 area, which contains only few Cr-positive GABAergic interneurons. Cr−/− mice performed normally in spatial memory task. These results suggest that expression of Cr contributes to the control of synaptic plasticity in mouse dentate gyrus by indirectly regulating the activity of GABAergic interneurons, and that Cr−/− mice represent a useful tool to understand the role of dentate LTP in learning and memory.


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The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is a transmitter-gated ion channel mediating the majority of fast inhibitory synaptic transmission within the brain. The receptor is a pentameric assembly of subunits drawn from multiple classes (α1–6, β1–3, γ1–3, δ1, and ɛ1). Positive allosteric modulation of GABAA receptor activity by general anesthetics represents one logical mechanism for central nervous system depression. The ability of the intravenous general anesthetic etomidate to modulate and activate GABAA receptors is uniquely dependent upon the β subunit subtype present within the receptor. Receptors containing β2- or β3-, but not β1 subunits, are highly sensitive to the agent. Here, chimeric β1/β2 subunits coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with human α6 and γ2 subunits identified a region distal to the extracellular N-terminal domain as a determinant of the selectivity of etomidate. The mutation of an amino acid (Asn-289) present within the channel domain of the β3 subunit to Ser (the homologous residue in β1), strongly suppressed the GABA-modulatory and GABA-mimetic effects of etomidate. The replacement of the β1 subunit Ser-290 by Asn produced the converse effect. When applied intracellularly to mouse L(tk−) cells stably expressing the α6β3γ2 subunit combination, etomidate was inert. Hence, the effects of a clinically utilized general anesthetic upon a physiologically relevant target protein are dramatically influenced by a single amino acid. Together with the lack of effect of intracellular etomidate, the data argue against a unitary, lipid-based theory of anesthesia.


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The membrane protein syntaxin participates in several protein–protein interactions that have been implicated in neurotransmitter release. To probe the physiological importance of these interactions, we microinjected into the squid giant presynaptic terminal botulinum toxin C1, which cleaves syntaxin, and the H3 domain of syntaxin, which mediates binding to other proteins. Both reagents inhibited synaptic transmission yet did not affect the number or distribution of synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic active zone. Recombinant H3 domain inhibited the interactions between syntaxin and SNAP-25 that underlie the formation of stable SNARE complexes in vitro. These data support the notion that syntaxin-mediated SNARE complexes are necessary for docked synaptic vesicles to fuse.


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A single mossy fiber input contains several release sites and is located on the proximal portion of the apical dendrite of CA3 neurons. It is, therefore, well suited to exert a strong influence on pyramidal cell excitability. Accordingly, the mossy fiber synapse has been referred to as a detonator or teacher synapse in autoassociative network models of the hippocampus. The very low firing rates of granule cells [Jung, M. W. & McNaughton, B. L. (1993) Hippocampus 3, 165–182], which give rise to the mossy fibers, raise the question of how the mossy fiber synapse temporally integrates synaptic activity. We have therefore addressed the frequency dependence of mossy fiber transmission and compared it to associational/commissural synapses in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. Paired pulse facilitation had a similar time course, but was 2-fold greater for mossy fiber synapses. Frequency facilitation, during which repetitive stimulation causes a reversible growth in synaptic transmission, was markedly different at the two synapses. At associational/commissural synapses facilitation occurred only at frequencies greater than once every 10 s and reached a magnitude of about 125% of control. At mossy fiber synapses, facilitation occurred at frequencies as low as once every 40 s and reached a magnitude of 6-fold. Frequency facilitation was dependent on a rise in intraterminal Ca2+ and activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II, and was greatly reduced at synapses expressing mossy fiber long-term potentiation. These results indicate that the mossy fiber synapse is able to integrate granule cell spiking activity over a broad range of frequencies, and this dynamic range is substantially reduced by long-term potentiation.