20 resultados para GENETIC-MAP


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The incubation period (IP) and the neuropathology of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have been extensively used to distinguish prion isolates (or strains) inoculated into panels of inbred mouse strains. Such studies have shown that the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent is indistinguishable from the agent causing variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD), but differs from isolates of sporadic CJD, reinforcing the idea that the vCJD epidemic in Britain results from consumption of contaminated beef products. We present a mouse model for genetic and environmental factors that modify the incubation period of BSE cross-species transmission. We have used two mouse strains that carry the same prion protein (PrP) allele, but display a 100-day difference in their mean IP following intracerebral inoculation with primary BSE isolate. We report genetic effects on IP that map to four chromosomal regions, and in addition we find significant factors of host environment, namely the age of the host's mother, the age of the host at infection, and an X-cytoplasm interaction in the host.


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Rice has become a model cereal plant for molecular genetic research. Rice has the most comprehensive molecular linkage maps with more than 2000 DNA markers and shows synteny and colinearity with the maps of other cereal crops. Until now, however, no information was available about the positions of centromeres and arm locations of markers on the molecular linkage map. Secondary and telotrisomics were used to assign restriction fragment length polymorphism markers to specific chromosome arms and thereby to map the positions of centromeres. More than 170 restriction fragment length polymorphism markers were assigned to specific chromosome arms through gene dosage analysis using the secondary and telotrisomics and the centromere positions were mapped on all 12 linkage groups. The orientations of seven linkage groups were reversed to fit the "short arm on top" convention and the corrected map is presented.


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Various types of physical mapping data were assembled by developing a set of computer programs (Integrated Mapping Package) to derive a detailed, annotated map of a 4-Mb region of human chromosome 13 that includes the BRCA2 locus. The final assembly consists of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig with 42 members spanning the 13q12-13 region and aligned contigs of 399 cosmids established by cross-hybridization between the cosmids, which were selected from a chromosome 13-specific cosmid library using inter-Alu PCR probes from the YACs. The end sequences of 60 cosmids spaced nearly evenly across the map were used to generate sequence-tagged sites (STSs), which were mapped to the YACs by PCR. A contig framework was generated by STS content mapping, and the map was assembled on this scaffold. Additional annotation was provided by 72 expressed sequences and 10 genetic markers that were positioned on the map by hybridization to cosmids.


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The recent emergence of a pathogenic new non-O1 serotype (O139) of Vibrio cholerae has led to numerous studies in an attempt to identify the origins of this new strain. Our studies indicate that O139 strains have clear differences in the surface polysaccharides when compared with O1 strains: the lipopolysaccharide can be described as semi-rough. Southern hybridization with the O1 rfb region demonstrates that O139 strains no longer contain any of the rfb genes required for the synthesis of the O1 O-antigen or its modification and also lack at least 6 kb of additional contiguous DNA. However, O139 strains have retained rfaD and have a single open reading frame closely related to three small open reading frames of the O1 rfb region. This region is closely related to the H-repeat of Escherichia coli and to the transposases of a number of insertion sequence elements and has all the features of an insertion sequence element that has been designated VcIS1. Transposon insertion mutants defective in O139 O-antigen (and capsule) biosynthesis map to the same fragment as VcIS1. Preliminary sequence data of complementing clones indicate that this DNA encodes a galactosyl-transferase and other enzymes for the utilization of galactose in polysaccharide biosynthesis. We propose a mechanism by which both the Ogawa serotype of O1 strains and the O139 serotype strains may have evolved.


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We describe here a simple and easily manipulatable Escherichia coli-based genetic system that permits us to identify bacterial gene products that modulate the sensitivity of bacteria to tumoricidal agents, such as DMP 840, a bisnaphthalimide drug. To the extent that the action of these agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding of how the agents work in mammalian cells. The approach briefly is to use a library of E. coli genes that are overexpressed in a high copy number vector to select bacterial clones that are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of drugs. AtolC bacterial mutant is used to maximize permeability of cells to hydrophobic organic molecules. By using DMP 840 to model the system, we have identified two genes, designated mdaA and mdaB, that impart resistance to DMP 840 when they are expressed at elevated levels. mdaB maps to E. coli map coordinate 66, is located between the parE and parC genes, and encodes a protein of 22 kDa. mdaA maps to E. coli map coordinate 18, is located adjacent to the glutaredoxin (grx) gene, and encodes a protein of 24 kDa. Specific and regulatable overproduction of both of these proteins correlates with DMP 840 resistance. Overproduction of the MdaB protein also imparts resistance to two mammalian topoisomerase inhibitors, Adriamycin and etoposide. In contrast, overproduction of the MdaA protein produces resistance only to Adriamycin. Based on its drug-resistance properties and its location between genes that encode the two subunits of the bacterial topoisomerase IV, we suggest that mdaB acts by modulating topoisomerase IV activity. The location of the mdaA gene adjacent to grx suggests it acts by a drug detoxification mechanism.