22 resultados para Forms of sociability


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We examined the effects of eye position on saccades evoked by electrical stimulation of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) of rhesus monkeys. Microstimulation evoked saccades from sites on the posterior bank, floor, and the medial bank of the IPS. The size and direction of the eye movements varied as a function of initial eye position before microstimulation. At many stimulation sites, eye position affected primarily the amplitude and not the direction of the evoked saccades. These "modified vector saccades" were characteristic of most stimulation-sensitive zones in the IPS, with the exception of a narrow strip located mainly on the floor of the sulcus. Stimulation in this "intercalated zone" evoked saccades that moved the eyes into a particular region in head-centered space, independent of the starting position of the eyes. This latter response is compatible with the stimulation site representing a goal zone in head-centered coordinates. On the other hand, the modified vector saccades observed outside the intercalated zone are indicative of a more distributed representation of head-centered space. A convergent projection from many modified vector sites onto each intercalated site may be a basis for a transition from a distributed to a more explicit representation of space in head-centered coordinates.


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The synthetic oligosaccharide moiety of the antibiotic calicheamicin and the head-to-head dimer of this oligosaccharide are known to bind to the minor groove of DNA in a sequence-selective manner preferring distinct target sequences. We tested these carbohydrates for their ability to interfere with transcription factor function. The oligosaccharides inhibit binding of transcription factors to DNA in a sequence-selective manner, probably by inducing a conformational change in DNA structure. They also interfere with transcription by polymerase II in vitro. The effective concentrations of the oligosaccharides for inhibition of transcription factor binding and for transcriptional inhibition are in the micromolar range. The dimer is a significantly more active inhibitor than is the monomer.


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GATA-1 is a zinc-finger transcription factor that plays a critical role in the normal development of hematopoietic cell lineages. In human and murine erythroid cells a previously undescribed 40-kDa protein is detected with GATA-1-specific antibodies. We show that the 40-kDa GATA-1 (GATA-1s) is produced by the use of an internal AUG initiation codon in the GATA-1 transcript. The GATA-1 proteins share identical binding activity and form heterodimers in erythroleukemic cells but differ in their transactivation potential and in their expression in developing mouse embryos.


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Growth factor-binding protein 2 (Grb2) is an adaptor protein that links tyrosine kinases to Ras. BCR-ABL is a tyrosine kinase oncoprotein that is implicated in the pathogenesis of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1)-positive leukemias. Grb2 forms a complex with BCR-ABL and the nucleotide exchange factor Sos that leads to the activation of the Ras protooncogene. In this report we demonstrate that Grb2 mutant proteins lacking amino- or carboxyl-terminal src homology SH3 domains suppress BCR-ABL-induced Ras activation and reverse the oncogenic phenotype. The Grb2 SH3-deletion mutant proteins bind to BCR-ABL and do not impair tyrosine kinase activity. Expression of the Grb2 SH3-deletion mutant proteins in BCR-ABL-transformed Rat-1 fibroblasts and in the human Ph1-positive leukemic cell line K562 inhibits their ability to grow as foci in soft agar and form tumors in nude mice. Furthermore, expression of the Grb2 SH3-deletion mutants in K562 cells induced their differentiation. Because Ras plays an important role in signaling by receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, the use of interfering mutant Grb2 proteins may be applied to block the proliferation of other cancers that depend in part on activated tyrosine kinases for growth.


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The diphtheria tox repressor (DtxR) of Corynebacterium diphtheriae plays a critical role in the regulation of diphtheria toxin expression and the control of other iron-sensitive genes. The crystal structures of apo-DtxR and of the metal ion-activated form of the repressor have been solved and used to identify motifs involved in DNA and metal ion binding. Residues involved in binding of the activated repressor to the diphtheria tox operator, glutamine 43, arginine 47, and arginine 50, were located and confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Previous biochemical and genetic data can be explained in terms of these structures. Conformational differences between apo- and Ni-DtxR are discussed with regard to the mechanism of action of this repressor.


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When secY is overexpressed over secE or secE is underexpressed, a fraction of SecY protein is rapidly degraded in vivo. This proteolysis was unaffected in previously described protease-defective mutants examined. We found, however, that some mutations in ftsH, encoding a membrane protein that belongs to the AAA (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) family, stabilized oversynthesized SecY. This stabilization was due to a loss of FtsH function, and overproduction of the wild-type FtsH protein accelerated the degradation. The ftsH mutations also suppressed, by alleviating proteolysis of an altered form of SecY, the temperature sensitivity of the secY24 mutation, which alters SecY such that its interaction with SecE is weakened and it is destabilized at 42 degrees C. We were able to isolate a number of additional mutants with decreased ftsH expression or with an altered form of FtsH using selection/screening based on suppression of secY24 and stabilization of oversynthesized SecY. These results indicate that FtsH is required for degradation of SecY. Overproduction of SecY in the ftsH mutant cells proved to deleteriously affect cell growth and protein export, suggesting that elimination of uncomplexed SecY is important for optimum protein translocation and for the integrity of the membrane. The primary role of FtsH is discussed in light of the quite pleiotropic mutational effects, which now include stabilization of uncomplexed SecY.


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The trimeric human single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HSSB; also called RP-A) plays an essential role in DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair, and homologous DNA recombination. The p34 subunit of HSSB is phosphorylated at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle or upon exposure of cells to DNA damage-inducing agents including ionizing and UV radiation. We have previously shown that the phosphorylation of p34 is catalyzed by both cyclin-dependent kinase-cyclin A complex and DNA-dependent protein kinase. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosphorylation of p34 by these kinases on the replication and repair function of HSSB. We observed no significant difference with the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of HSSB in the simian virus 40 DNA replication or nucleotide excision repair systems reconstituted with purified proteins. The phosphorylation status of the p34 subunit of HSSB was unchanged during the reactions. We suggest that the phosphorylated HSSB has no direct effect on the basic mechanism of DNA replication and nucleotide excision repair reactions in vitro, although we cannot exclude a role of p34 phosphorylation in modulating HSSB function in vivo through a yet poorly understood control pathway in the cellular response to DNA damage and replication.