28 resultados para Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Laser-polarized gases (3He and 129Xe) are currently being used in magnetic resonance imaging as strong signal sources that can be safely introduced into the lung. Recently, researchers have been investigating other tissues using 129Xe. These studies use xenon dissolved in a carrier such as lipid vesicles or blood. Since helium is much less soluble than xenon in these materials, 3He has been used exclusively for imaging air spaces. However, considering that the signal of 3He is more than 10 times greater than that of 129Xe for presently attainable polarization levels, this work has focused on generating a method to introduce 3He into the vascular system. We addressed the low solubility issue by producing suspensions of 3He microbubbles. Here, we provide the first vascular images obtained with laser-polarized 3He. The potential increase in signal and absence of background should allow this technique to produce high-resolution angiographic images. In addition, quantitative measurements of blood flow velocity and tissue perfusion will be feasible.
Magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) theoretically provides the spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio needed to resolve neuritic plaques, the neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Two previously unexplored MR contrast parameters, T2* and diffusion, are tested for plaque-specific contrast to noise. Autopsy specimens from nondemented controls (n = 3) and patients with AD (n = 5) were used. Three-dimensional T2* and diffusion MR images with voxel sizes ranging from 3 × 10−3 mm3 to 5.9 × 10−5 mm3 were acquired. After imaging, specimens were cut and stained with a microwave king silver stain to demonstrate neuritic plaques. From controls, the alveus, fimbria, pyramidal cell layer, hippocampal sulcus, and granule cell layer were detected by either T2* or diffusion contrast. These structures were used as landmarks when correlating MRMs with histological sections. At a voxel resolution of 5.9 × 10−5 mm3, neuritic plaques could be detected by T2*. The neuritic plaques emerged as black, spherical elements on T2* MRMs and could be distinguished from vessels only in cross-section when presented in three dimension. Here we provide MR images of neuritic plaques in vitro. The MRM results reported provide a new direction for applying this technology in vivo. Clearly, the ability to detect and follow the early progression of amyloid-positive brain lesions will greatly aid and simplify the many possibilities to intervene pharmacologically in AD.
We have developed a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy method that selectively can sample cortical gray matter and adjacent white matter in the frontal lobe. We have used this approach to study a group of patients (n = 7) infected with HIV and clinical manifestations of the AIDS dementia complex (ADC), a group of patients (n = 8) infected with HIV without any indications of ADC, and seven controls. The patients without ADC had a statistically significant increase in the ratio of myo-inositol to creatine in white matter compared with normal controls. In contrast, the group of patients with ADC had almost normal levels of myo-inositol to creatine in both gray matter and white matter and showed a statistically significant decrease in the N-acetylaspartate to creatine ratio in gray matter compared with either the normal controls or the patients without ADC. Patterns of spectral abnormalities correlated with neuropsychological measures of frontal lobe dysfunction, suggesting that the evaluation of frontal lobe metabolism by magnetic resonance spectroscopy can play a role in the early detection of ADC, in determining its progression, and in assessing responses to therapeutic interventions.
Functional MRI revealed differences between children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and healthy controls in their frontal–striatal function and its modulation by methylphenidate during response inhibition. Children performed two go/no-go tasks with and without drug. ADHD children had impaired inhibitory control on both tasks. Off-drug frontal–striatal activation during response inhibition differed between ADHD and healthy children: ADHD children had greater frontal activation on one task and reduced striatal activation on the other task. Drug effects differed between ADHD and healthy children: The drug improved response inhibition in both groups on one task and only in ADHD children on the other task. The drug modulated brain activation during response inhibition on only one task: It increased frontal activation to an equal extent in both groups. In contrast, it increased striatal activation in ADHD children but reduced it in healthy children. These results suggest that ADHD is characterized by atypical frontal–striatal function and that methylphenidate affects striatal activation differently in ADHD than in healthy children.
Demyelination is a common pathological finding in human neurological diseases and frequently persists as a result of failure of endogenous repair. Transplanted oligodendrocytes and their precursor cells can (re)myelinate axons, raising the possibility of therapeutic intervention. The migratory capacity of transplanted cells is of key importance in determining the extent of (re)myelination and can, at present, be evaluated only by using invasive and irreversible procedures. We have exploited the transferrin receptor as an efficient intracellular delivery device for magnetic nanoparticles, and transplanted tagged oligodendrocyte progenitor cells into the spinal cord of myelin-deficient rats. Cell migration could be easily detected by using three-dimensional magnetic resonance microscopy, with a close correlation between the areas of contrast enhancement and the achieved extent of myelination. The present results demonstrate that magnetic resonance tracking of transplanted oligodendrocyte progenitors is feasible; this technique has the potential to be easily extended to other neurotransplantation studies involving different precursor cell types.
Accurate and automated methods for measuring the thickness of human cerebral cortex could provide powerful tools for diagnosing and studying a variety of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. Manual methods for estimating cortical thickness from neuroimaging data are labor intensive, requiring several days of effort by a trained anatomist. Furthermore, the highly folded nature of the cortex is problematic for manual techniques, frequently resulting in measurement errors in regions in which the cortical surface is not perpendicular to any of the cardinal axes. As a consequence, it has been impractical to obtain accurate thickness estimates for the entire cortex in individual subjects, or group statistics for patient or control populations. Here, we present an automated method for accurately measuring the thickness of the cerebral cortex across the entire brain and for generating cross-subject statistics in a coordinate system based on cortical anatomy. The intersubject standard deviation of the thickness measures is shown to be less than 0.5 mm, implying the ability to detect focal atrophy in small populations or even individual subjects. The reliability and accuracy of this new method are assessed by within-subject test–retest studies, as well as by comparison of cross-subject regional thickness measures with published values.
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation experiments were used to study the rigidity and spatial proximity of polymers in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) cell walls. Proton T1ρ decay and cross-polarization patterns were consistent with the presence of rigid, crystalline cellulose microfibrils with a diameter of approximately 3 nm, mobile pectic galacturonans, and highly mobile arabinans. A direct-polarization, magic-angle-spinning spectrum recorded under conditions adapted to mobile polymers showed only the arabinans, which had a conformation similar to that of beet arabinans in solution. These cell walls contained very small amounts of hemicellulosic polymers such as xyloglucan, xylan, and mannan, and no arabinan or galacturonan fraction closely associated with cellulose microfibrils, as would be expected of hemicelluloses. Cellulose microfibrils in the beet cell walls were stable in the absence of any polysaccharide coating.
In vivo assessment of gene expression is desirable to obtain information on the extent and duration of transduction of tissue after gene delivery. We have developed an in vivo, potentially noninvasive, method for detecting virally mediated gene transfer to the liver. The method employs an adenoviral vector carrying the gene for the brain isozyme of murine creatine kinase (CK-B), an ATP-buffering enzyme expressed mainly in muscle and brain but absent from liver, kidney, and pancreas. Gene expression was monitored by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using the product of the CK enzymatic reaction, phosphocreatine, as an indicator of transfection. The vector was administered into nude mice by tail vein injection, and exogenous creatine was administered in the drinking water and by i.p. injection of 2% creatine solution before 31P MRS examination, which was performed on surgically exposed livers. A phosphocreatine resonance was detected in livers of mice injected with the vector and was absent from livers of control animals. CK expression was confirmed in the injected animals by Western blot analysis, enzymatic assays, and immunofluorescence measurements. We conclude that the syngeneic enzyme CK can be used as a marker gene for in vivo monitoring of gene expression after virally mediated gene transfer to the liver.
At the forefront of cognitive neuroscience research in normal humans are the new techniques of functional brain imaging: positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The signal used by positron emission tomography is based on the fact that changes in the cellular activity of the brain of normal, awake humans and laboratory animals are accompanied almost invariably by changes in local blood flow. This robust, empirical relationship has fascinated scientists for well over a hundred years. Because the changes in blood flow are accompanied by lesser changes in oxygen consumption, local changes in brain oxygen content occur at the sites of activation and provide the basis for the signal used by magnetic resonance imaging. The biological basis for these signals is now an area of intense research stimulated by the interest in these tools for cognitive neuroscience research.
The transport, compartmentation, and metabolism of homoserine was characterized in two strains of meristematic higher plant cells, the dicotyledonous sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and the monocotyledonous weed Echinochloa colonum. Homoserine is an intermediate in the synthesis of the aspartate-derived amino acids methionine, threonine (Thr), and isoleucine. Using 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance, we showed that homoserine actively entered the cells via a high-affinity proton-symport carrier (Km approximately 50–60 μm) at the maximum rate of 8 ± 0.5 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight, and in competition with serine or Thr. We could visualize the compartmentation of homoserine, and observed that it accumulated at a concentration 4 to 5 times higher in the cytoplasm than in the large vacuolar compartment. 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance permitted us to analyze the phosphorylation of homoserine. When sycamore cells were incubated with 100 μm homoserine, phosphohomoserine steadily accumulated in the cytoplasmic compartment over 24 h at the constant rate of 0.7 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight, indicating that homoserine kinase was not inhibited in vivo by its product, phosphohomoserine. The rate of metabolism of phosphohomoserine was much lower (0.06 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight) and essentially sustained Thr accumulation. Similarly, homoserine was actively incorporated by E. colonum cells. However, in contrast to what was seen in sycamore cells, large accumulations of Thr were observed, whereas the intracellular concentration of homoserine remained low, and phosphohomoserine did not accumulate. These differences with sycamore cells were attributed to the presence of a higher Thr synthase activity in this strain of monocot cells.
Successful cryopreservation of most multicompartmental biological systems has not been achieved. One prerequisite for success is quantitative information on cryoprotectant permeation into and amongst the compartments. This report describes direct measurements of cryoprotectant permeation into a multicompartmental system using chemical shift selective magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy and MR spectroscopy. We used the developing zebrafish embryo as a model for studying these complex systems because these embryos are composed of two membrane-limited compartments: (i) a large yolk (surrounded by the yolk syncytial layer) and (ii) differentiating blastoderm cells (each surrounded by a plasma membrane). MR images of the spatial distribution of three cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, and methanol) demonstrated that methanol permeated the entire embryo within 15 min. In contrast, the other cryoprotectants exhibited little or no permeation over 2.5 h. MR spectroscopy and microinjections of cryoprotectants into the yolk inferred that the yolk syncytial layer plays a critical role in limiting the permeation of some cryoprotectants throughout the embryo. This study demonstrates the power of MR technology combined with micromanipulation for elucidating key physiological factors in cryobiology.
Of all humans thus far studied, Sherpas are considered by many high-altitude biomedical scientists as most exquisitely adapted for life under continuous hypobaric hypoxia. However, little is known about how the heart is protected in hypoxia. Hypoxia defense mechanisms in the Sherpa heart were explored by in vivo, noninvasive 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Six Sherpas were examined under two experimental conditions [normoxic (21% FiO2) and hypoxic (11% FiO2) and in two adaptational states--the acclimated state (on arrival at low-altitude study sites) and the deacclimating state (4 weeks of ongoing exposure to low altitude). Four lowland subjects were used for comparison. We found that the concentration ratios of phosphocreatine (PCr)/adenosine triphosphate (ATP) were maintained at steady-state normoxic values (0.96, SEM = 0.22) that were about half those found in normoxic lowlanders (1.76, SEM = 0.03) monitored the same way at the same time. These differences in heart energetic status between Sherpas and lowlanders compared under normoxic conditions remained highly significant (P < 0.02) even after 4 weeks of deacclimation at low altitudes. In Sherpas under acute hypoxia, the heart rate increased by 20 beats per min from resting values of about 70 beats per min, and the percent saturation of hemoglobin decreased to about 75%. However, these perturbations did not alter the PCr/ATP concentration ratios, which remained at about 50% of the values expected in healthy lowlanders. Because the creatine phosphokinase reaction functions close to equilibrium, these steady-state PCr/ATP ratios presumably coincided with about 3-fold higher free adenosine diphosphate (ADP) concentrations. Higher ADP concentrations (i.e., lower [PCr]/[ATP] ratios) were interpreted to correlate with the Km values for ADP-requiring kinases of glycolysis and to reflect elevated carbohydrate contributions to heart energy needs. This metabolic organization is postulated as advantageous in hypobaria because the ATP yield per O2 molecule is 25-60% higher with glucose than with free fatty acids (the usual fuels utilized in the human heart in postfasting conditions).