43 resultados para Expresión del factor NF-kB


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A toxic dose of the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO; 1 mM) promoted apoptotic cell death of RAW 264.7 macrophages, which was attenuated by cellular preactivation with a nontoxic dose of GSNO (200 μM) or with lipopolysaccharide, interferon-γ, and NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA) for 15 h. Protection from apoptosis was achieved by expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2). Here we investigated the underlying mechanisms leading to Cox-2 expression. LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA prestimulation activated nuclear factor (NF)-κB and promoted Cox-2 expression. Cox-2 induction by low-dose GSNO demanded activation of both NF-κB and activator protein-1 (AP-1). NF-κB supershift analysis implied an active p50/p65 heterodimer, and a luciferase reporter construct, containing four copies of the NF-κB site derived from the murine Cox-2 promoter, confirmed NF-κB activation after NO addition. An NF-κB decoy approach abrogated not only Cox-2 expression after low-dose NO or after LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA but also inducible protection. The importance of AP-1 for Cox-2 expression and cell protection by low-level NO was substantiated by using the extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibitor PD98059, blocking NO-elicited Cox-2 expression, but leaving the cytokine signal unaltered. Transient transfection of a dominant-negative c-Jun mutant further attenuated Cox-2 expression by low-level NO. Whereas cytokine-mediated Cox-2 induction relies on NF-κB activation, a low-level NO–elicited Cox-2 response required activation of both NF-κB and AP-1.


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HMG I(Y) proteins bind to double-stranded A+T oligonucleotides longer than three base pairs. Such motifs form part of numerous NF-AT-binding sites of lymphokine promoters, including the interleukin 4 (IL-4) promoter. NF-AT factors share short homologous peptide sequences in their DNA-binding domain with NF-κB factors and bind to certain NF-κB sites. It has been shown that HMG I(Y) proteins enhance NF-κB binding to the interferon β promoter and virus-mediated interferon β promoter induction. We show that HMG I(Y) proteins exert an opposite effect on the DNA binding of NF-AT factors and the induction of the IL-4 promoter in T lymphocytes. Introduction of mutations into a high-affinity HMG I(Y)-binding site of the IL-4 promoter, which decreased HMG I(Y)-binding to a NF-AT-binding sequence, the Pu-bB (or P) site, distinctly increased the induction of the IL-4 promoter in Jurkat T leukemia cells. High concentrations of HMG I(Y) proteins are able to displace NF-ATp from its binding to the Pu-bB site. High HMG I(Y) concentrations are typical for Jurkat cells and peripheral blood T lymphocytes, whereas El4 T lymphoma cells and certain T helper type 2 cell clones contain relatively low HMG I(Y) concentrations. Our results indicate that HMG I(Y) proteins do not cooperate, but instead compete with NF-AT factors for the binding to DNA even though NF-AT factors share some DNA-binding properties with NF-kB factors. This competition between HMG I(Y) and NF-AT proteins for DNA binding might be due to common contacts with minor groove nucleotides of DNA and may be one mechanism contributing to the selective IL-4 expression in certain T lymphocyte populations, such as T helper type 2 cells.


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The antiinflammatory action of aspirin generally has been attributed to direct inhibition of cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), but additional mechanisms are likely at work. These include aspirin’s inhibition of NFκB translocation to the nucleus as well as the capacity of salicylates to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation (i.e., deplete ATP). At clinically relevant doses, salicylates cause cells to release micromolar concentrations of adenosine, which serves as an endogenous ligand for at least four different types of well-characterized receptors. Previously, we have shown that adenosine mediates the antiinflammatory effects of other potent and widely used antiinflammatory agents, methotrexate and sulfasalazine, both in vitro and in vivo. To determine in vivo whether clinically relevant levels of salicylate act via adenosine, via NFκB, or via the “inflammatory” cyclooxygenase COX-2, we studied acute inflammation in the generic murine air-pouch model by using wild-type mice and mice rendered deficient in either COX-2 or p105, the precursor of p50, one of the components of the multimeric transcription factor NFκB. Here, we show that the antiinflammatory effects of aspirin and sodium salicylate, but not glucocorticoids, are largely mediated by the antiinflammatory autacoid adenosine independently of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by COX-1 or COX-2 or of the presence of p105. Indeed, both inflammation and the antiinflammatory effects of aspirin and sodium salicylate were independent of the levels of prostaglandins at the inflammatory site. These experiments also provide in vivo confirmation that the antiinflammatory effects of glucocorticoids depend, in part, on the p105 component of NFκB.


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The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of receptors (EGFR) is overproduced in estrogen receptor (ER) negative (−) breast cancer cells. An inverse correlation of the level of EGFR and ER is observed between ER− and ER positive (+) breast cancer cells. A comparative study with EGFR-overproducing ER− and low-level producing ER+ breast cancer cells suggests that EGF is a major growth-stimulating factor for ER− cells. An outline of the pathway for the EGF-induced enhanced proliferation of ER− human breast cancer cells is proposed. The transmission of mitogenic signal induced by EGF–EGFR interaction is mediated via activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). The basal level of active NF-κB in ER− cells is elevated by EGF and inhibited by anti-EGFR antibody (EGFR-Ab), thus qualifying EGF as a NF-κB activation factor. NF-κB transactivates the cell-cycle regulatory protein, cyclin D1, which causes increased phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein, more strongly in ER− cells. An inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, Ly294–002, blocked this event, suggesting a role of the former in the activation of NF-κB by EGF. Go6976, a well-characterized NF-κB inhibitor, blocked EGF-induced NF-κB activation and up-regulation of cell-cycle regulatory proteins. This low molecular weight compound also caused apoptotic death, predominantly more in ER− cells. Thus Go6976 and similar NF-κB inhibitors are potentially novel low molecular weight therapeutic agents for treatment of ER− breast cancer patients.


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The transcription factor NF-κB activates a number of genes whose protein products are proinflammatory. In quiescent cells, NF-κB exists in a latent form and is activated via a signal-dependent proteolytic mechanism in which the inhibitory protein IκB is degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Consequently, inhibition of the proteasome suppresses activation of NF-κB. This suppression should therefore decrease transcription of many genes encoding proinflammatory proteins and should ultimately have an anti-inflammatory effect. To this end, a series of peptide boronic acid inhibitors of the proteasome, exemplified herein by PS-341, were developed. The proteasome is the large multimeric protease that catalyzes the final proteolytic step of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. PS-341, a potent, competitive inhibitor of the proteasome, readily entered cells and inhibited the activation of NF-κB and the subsequent transcription of genes that are regulated by NF-κB. Significantly, PS-341 displayed similar effects in vivo. Oral administration of PS-341 had anti-inflammatory effects in a model of Streptococcal cell wall-induced polyarthritis and liver inflammation in rats. The attenuation of inflammation in this model was associated with an inhibition of IκBα degradation and NF-κB-dependent gene expression. These experiments clearly demonstrate that the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and NF-κB play important roles in regulating chronic inflammation and that, as predicted, proteasome inhibition has an anti-inflammatory effect.


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Glucocorticoids exert multiple anti-inflammatory activities, one of which is the inhibition of transcription dependent on the nuclear factor (NF)-κB. It has been suggested that the effect of dexamethasone (DEX), a glucocorticoid analog, is attributed to an increased production of the inhibitory IκB molecule, which in turn would bind and remove activated, DNA-bound NF-κB complexes in the cell nucleus. Upon investigating DEX-mediated repression of interleukin-6 expression induced by tumor necrosis factor, DEX treatment was found to act directly on NF-κB-dependent transcription, without changing the expression level of IκB. Neither the mRNA of IκB nor the protein was significantly elevated by a combined treatment with tumor necrosis factor and DEX of murine endothelial or fibroblast cells. The DNA-binding activity of induced NF-κB also remained unchanged after stimulation of cells with DEX. Evidence for a direct nuclear mechanism of action was obtained by analysis of cell lines stably expressing a fusion protein between the DNA-binding domain of the yeast Gal4 protein and the transactivating p65 subunit of NF-κB. Expression of a Gal4-dependent luciferase reporter gene activated by this nuclear fusion protein was also strongly repressed after addition of DEX. Because the DNA-binding activity of the Gal4 fusion protein was not affected by DEX, it can be concluded that the reduction of gene activation was caused by interference of the activated glucocorticoid receptor with the transactivation potential of the NF-κB p65 subunit.


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The neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is expressed on the surface of astrocytes, where its homophilic binding leads to the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. Transfection of astrocytes with a construct encompassing the transmembrane region and the cytoplasmic domain of N-CAM (designated Tm-Cyto, amino acids 685–839 in the full-length molecule) inhibited this activation up to 40%, and inhibited N-CAM-induced translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus. N-CAM also activated NF-κB in astrocytes from N-CAM knockout mice, presumably through binding to a heterophile. This activation, however, was not blocked by Tm-Cyto expression, indicating that the inhibitory effect of the Tm-Cyto construct is specific for cell surface N-CAM. Deletions and point mutations of the cytoplasmic portion of the Tm-Cyto construct indicated that the region between amino acids 780 and 800 were essential for inhibitory activity. This region contains four threonines (788, 793, 794, and 797). Mutation to alanine of T788, T794, or T797, but not T793, abolished inhibitory activity, as did mutation of T788 or T797 to aspartic acid. A Tm-Cyto construct with T794 mutated to aspartic acid retained inhibitory activity but did not itself induce a constitutive NF-κB response. This result suggests that phosphorylation of T794 may be necessary but is not the triggering event. Overall, these findings define a short segment of the N-CAM cytoplasmic domain that is critical for N-CAM-induced activation of NF-κB and may be important in other N-CAM-mediated signaling.


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The gene encoding the Ras-related GTPase RhoB-specific is immediate-early inducible by genotoxic treatments. Regulation of transcriptional activation of rhoB is still unclear. Here we show that cells lacking either p53 or c-Fos are not different from wild-type cells with respect to the level of rhoB induction upon UV irradiation, indicating that these transcription factors are not crucial for stimulation of rhoB mRNA expression. Extracts from UV-irradiated and non-irradiated cells revealed similar DNA-binding activities to a 0.17 kb rhoB promoter fragment harboring the functional element(s) necessary for stimulation of rhoB by UV light. By means of immunoprecipitation we found that an ATF-2-specific antibody co-precipitates the 32P-labeled 0.17 kb rhoB fragment, whereas an anti-AP1 antibody did not. Since no consensus sequence for binding of ATF-2 is present within the rhoB promoter, ATF-2 is likely to be associated with another factor that binds to the minimal promoter. Deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis of the 0.17 kb rhoB fragment revealed a CCAAT box to be an essential requirement for stimulation of rhoB by UV light and methyl methanesulfonate. Moreover, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the CCAAT-binding factor NF-YA is complexed with ATF-2. Overall, the data strongly indicate that transcriptional activation of the rhoB gene by genotoxic stress is regulated via a CCAAT box and that interaction of CCAAT-binding factor and ATF-2 triggers the stress-inducible expression of rhoB.


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A 70-kb virulence plasmid (sometimes called pYV) enables Yersinia spp. to survive and multiply in the lymphoid tissues of their host. It encodes the Yop virulon, a system consisting of secreted proteins called Yops and their dedicated type III secretion apparatus called Ysc. The Ysc apparatus forms a channel composed of 29 proteins. Of these, 10 have counterparts in almost every type III system. Secretion of some Yops requires the assistance, in the bacterial cytosol, of small individual chaperones called the Syc proteins. These chaperones act as bodyguards or secretion pilots for their partner Yop. Yop proteins fall into two categories. Some are intracellular effectors, whereas the others are “translocators” needed to deliver the effectors across the eukaryotic plasma membrane, into eukaryotic cells. The translocators (YopB, YopD, LcrV) form a pore of 16–23 Å in the eukaryotic cell plasma membrane. The effector Yops are YopE, YopH, YpkA/YopO, YopP/YopJ, YopM, and YopT. YopH is a powerful phosphotyrosine phosphatase playing an antiphagocytic role by dephosphorylating several focal adhesion proteins. YopE and YopT contribute to antiphagocytic effects by inactivating GTPases controlling cytoskeleton dynamics. YopP/YopJ plays an anti-inflammatory role by preventing the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. It also induces rapid apoptosis of macrophages. Less is known about the role of the phosphoserine kinase YopO/YpkA and YopM.


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The transcription factor NF-κB regulates expression of genes that are involved in inflammation, immune response, viral infection, cell survival, and division. However, the role of NF-κB in hypertrophic growth of terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes is unknown. Here we report that NF-κB activation is required for hypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes. In cultured rat primary neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes, the nuclear translocation of NF-κB and its transcriptional activity were stimulated by several hypertrophic agonists, including phenylephrine, endothelin-1, and angiotensin II. The activation of NF-κB was inhibited by expression of a “supersuppressor” IκBα mutant that is resistant to stimulation-induced degradation and a dominant negative IκB kinase (IKKβ) mutant that can no longer be activated by phosphorylation. Furthermore, treatment with phenylephrine induced IκBα degradation in an IKK-dependent manner, suggesting that NF-κB is a downstream target of the hypertrophic agonists. Importantly, expression of the supersuppressor IκBα mutant or the dominant negative IKKβ mutant blocked the hypertrophic agonist-induced expression of the embryonic gene atrial natriuretic factor and enlargement of cardiomyocytes. Conversely, overexpression of NF-κB itself induced atrial natriuretic factor expression and cardiomyocyte enlargement. These findings suggest that NF-κB plays a critical role in the hypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes and may serve as a potential target for the intervention of heart disease.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) mediates a wide variety of disease states including septic shock, acute and chronic inflammation, and cachexia. Recently, a multivalent guanylhydrazone (CNI-1493) developed as an inhibitor of macrophage activation was shown to suppress TNF production and protect against tissue inflammation and endotoxin lethality [Bianchi, M., Ulrich, P., Bloom, O., Meistrell, M., Zimmerman, G. A., Schmidtmayerova, H., Bukrinsky, M., Donnelley, T., Bucala, R., Sherry, B., Manogue, K. R., Tortolani, A. J., Cerami, A. & Tracey, K. J. (1995) Mol. Med. 1, 254-266, and Bianchi, M., Bloom, O., Raabe, T., Cohen, P. S., Chesney, J., Sherry, B., Schmidtmayerova, H., Zhang, X., Bukrinsky, M., Ulrich, P., Cerami, A. & Tracey, J. (1996) J. Exp. Med., in press]. We have now elucidated the mechanism by which CNI-1493 inhibits macrophage TNF synthesis and show here that it acts through suppression of TNF translation efficiency. CNI-1493 blocked neither the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced increases in the expression of TNF mRNA nor the translocation of nuclear factor NF-kappa B to the nucleus in macrophages activated by 15 min of LPS stimulation, indicating that CNI-1493 does not interfere with early NF-kappa B-mediated transcriptional regulation of TNF. However, synthesis of the 26-kDa membrane form of TNF was effectively blocked by CNI-1493. Further evidence for the translational suppression of TNF is given by experiments using chloram-phenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) constructs containing elements of the TNF gene that are involved in TNF translational regulation. Both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of the TNF gene were required to elicit maximal translational suppression by CNI-1493. Identification of the molecular target through which CNI-1493 inhibits TNF translation should provide insight into the regulation of macrophage activation and mechanisms of inflammation.


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The activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB by 12(R)-hydroxyeicosatrienoic acid [12(R)-HETrE], an arachidonic acid metabolite with potent stereospecific proinflammatory and angiogenic properties, was examined and its role in the angiogenic response was determined in capillary endothelial cells derived from coronary microvessels. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assay of nuclear protein extracts from cells treated with 12(R)-HETrE demonstrated a rapid and stereospecific time- and concentration-dependent increase in the binding activity of NF-kappaB, which was inhibitable by the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine, butylated hydroxyanisole, and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and was partially attenuated by the protein kinase C inhibitors, staurosporine and calphostin C. Neither 12(S)-HETrE nor other related eicosanoids--e.g., 12(R)-HETE, 12(S)-HETE, and leukotriene B4--stimulated the activation of NF-kappaB relative to 12(R)-HETrE, substantiating the claim for a specific receptor-mediated mechanism. 12(R)-HETrE stimulated the formation of capillary-like cords of microvessel endothelial cells distinguishable from a control; this effect was comparable to that observed with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Inhibition of NF-kappaB activation resulted in inhibition of capillary-like formation of endothelial cells treated with 12(R)-HETrE by 80% but did not affect growth observed with bFGF. It is suggested that 12(R)-HETrE's angiogenic activity involves the activation of NF-kappaB, possibly via protein kinase C stimulation and the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates for downstream signaling.


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Activation of individual CD4+ T cells results in differential lymphokine expression: interleukin 2 (IL-2) is preferentially produced by T helper type 1 (TH1) cells, which are involved in cell-mediated immune responses, whereas IL-4 is synthesized by TH2 cells, which are essential for humoral immunity. The Ca(2+)-dependent factor NF-ATp plays a key role in the inducible transcription of both these lymphokine genes. However, while IL2 expression requires the contribution of Ca(2+)- and protein kinase C-dependent signals, we report that activation of human IL4 transcription through the Ca(2+)-dependent pathway is diminished by protein kinase C stimulation in Jurkat T cells. This phenomenon is due to mutually exclusive binding of NF-ATp and NF-kappa B to the P sequence, an element located 69 bp upstream of the IL4 transcription initiation site. Human IL4 promoter-mediated transcription is downregulated in Jurkat cells stimulated with the NF-kappa B-activating cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha and suppressed in RelA-overexpressing cells. In contrast, protein kinase C stimulation or RelA overexpression does not affect the activity of a human IL4 promoter containing a mouse P sequence, which is a higher-affinity site for NF-ATp and a lower-affinity site for RelA. Thus, competition between two general transcriptional activators, RelA and NF-ATp, mediates the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C stimulation on IL4 expression and may contribute to differential gene expression in TH cells.


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Productive infection of T cells with human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) typically requires that the T cells be stimulated with antigens or mitogens. This requirement has been attributed to the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B, which synergizes with the constitutive transcription factor Sp1 to drive the HIV-1 promoter. Recently, we have found that vigorous replication of HIV-1 takes place in nonactivated memory T cells after syncytium formation with dendritic cells (DCs). These syncytia lack activated cells as determined by an absence of staining for Ki-67 cell cycle antigen. The expression and activity of NF-kappa B and Sp1 were, therefore, analyzed in isolated T cells and DCs from humans and mice. We have used immunolabeling, Western blot analysis, and electrophoretic mobility shift and supershift assays. T cells lack active NF-kappa B but express Sp1 as expected. DCs express high levels of all known NF-kappa B and Rel proteins, with activity residing primarily within RelB, p50, and p65. However, DCs lack Sp1, which may explain the failure of HIV-1 to replicate in purified DCs. Coexpression of NF-kappa B and Sp1 occurs in the heterologous DC-T-cell syncytia that are induced by HIV-1. Therefore, HIV-1-induced cell fusion brings together factors that upregulate virus transcription. Since DCs and memory T cells frequently traffic together in situ, these unusual heterologous syncytia could develop in infected individuals and lead to chronic HIV-1 replication without ostensible immune stimulation.


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Neuronal proliferation, migration, and differentiation are regulated by the sequential expression of particular genes at specific stages of development. Such processes rely on differential gene expression modulated through second-messenger systems. Early postnatal mouse cerebellar granule cells migrate into the internal granular layer and acquire differentiated properties. The neurotransmitter glutamate has been shown to play an important role in this developmental process. We show here by immunohistochemistry that the RelA subunit of the transcription factor NF-kappa B is present in several areas of the mouse brain. Moreover, immunofluorescence microscopy and electrophoretic mobility-shift assay demonstrate that in cerebellar granule cell cultures derived from 3- to 7-day-old mice, glutamate specifically activates the transcription factor NF-kappa B, as shown by binding of nuclear extract proteins to a synthetic oligonucleotide reproducing the kappa B site of human immunodeficiency virus. The use of different antagonists of the glutamate recpetors indicates that the effect of glutamate occurs mainly via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor activation, possibly as a result of an increase in intracellular Ca2+. The synaptic specificity of the effect is strongly suggested by the observation that glutamate failed to activate NF-kappa B in astrocytes, while cytokines, such as interleukin 1 alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha, did so. The effect of glutamate appears to be developmentally regulated. Indeed, NF-kappa B is found in an inducible form in the cytoplasm of neurons of 3- to 7-day-old mice but is constitutively activated in the nuclei of neurons derived from older pups (8-10 days postnatal). Overall, these observations suggest the existence of a new pathway of trans-synaptic regulation of gene expression.