47 resultados para Differentiating Hostile


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One of the current limitations of gene transfer protocols involving mammalian genomes is the lack of spatial and temporal control over the desired gene manipulation. Starting from a human keratin gene showing a complex regulation as a template, we identified regulatory sequences that confer inducible gene expression in a subpopulation of keratinocytes in stratified epithelia of adult transgenic mice. We used this cassette to produce transgenic mice with an inducible skin blistering phenotype mimicking a form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a keratin gene disorder. Upon induction by topical application of a phorbol ester, the mutant keratin transgene product accumulates in the differentiating layers of epidermis, leading to keratinocyte lysis after application of mechanical trauma. This mouse model will allow for a better understanding of the complex relationship between keratin mutation, keratinocyte cytoarchitecture, and hypersensitivity to trauma. The development of an inducible expression vector showing an exquisite cellular specificity has important implications for manipulating genes in a spatially and temporally controlled fashion in transgenic mice, and for the design of gene therapy strategies using skin as a tissue source for the controlled delivery of foreign substances.


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Full term pregnancy early in life is the most effective natural protection against breast cancer in women. Rats treated with chemical carcinogen are similarly protected by a previous pregnancy from mammary carcinogenesis. Proliferation and differentiation of the mammary gland does not explain this phenomenon, as shown by the relative ineffectiveness of perphenazine, a potent mitogenic and differentiating agent. Here, we show that short term treatment of nulliparous rats with pregnancy levels of estradiol 17β and progesterone has high efficacy in protecting them from chemical carcinogen induced mammary cancers. Because the mammary gland is exposed to the highest physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone during full term pregnancy, it is these elevated levels of hormones that likely induce protection from mammary cancer. Thus, it appears possible to mimic the protective effects of pregnancy against breast cancer in nulliparous rats by short term specific hormonal intervention.


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Vertebrate eye development begins at the gastrula stage, when a region known as the eye field acquires the capacity to generate retina and lens. Optx2, a homeobox gene of the sine oculis-Six family, is selectively expressed in this early eye field and later in the lens placode and optic vesicle. The distal and ventral portion of the optic vesicle are fated to become the retina and optic nerve, whereas the dorsal portion eventually loses its neural characteristics and activates the synthesis of melanin, forming the retinal pigment epithelium. Optx2 expression is turned off in the future pigment epithelium but remains expressed in the proliferating neuroblasts and differentiating cells of the neural retina. When an Optx2-expressing plasmid is transfected into embryonic or mature chicken pigment epithelial cells, these cells adopt a neuronal morphology and express markers characteristic of developing neural retina and photoreceptors. One explanation of these results is that Optx2 functions as a determinant of retinal precursors and that it has induced the transdifferentiation of pigment epithelium into retinal neurons and photoreceptors. We also have isolated optix, a Drosophila gene that is the closest insect homologue of Optx2 and Six3. Optix is expressed during early development of the fly head and eye primordia.


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Mineral surfaces were important during the emergence of life on Earth because the assembly of the necessary complex biomolecules by random collisions in dilute aqueous solutions is implausible. Most silicate mineral surfaces are hydrophilic and organophobic and unsuitable for catalytic reactions, but some silica-rich surfaces of partly dealuminated feldspars and zeolites are organophilic and potentially catalytic. Weathered alkali feldspar crystals from granitic rocks at Shap, north west England, contain abundant tubular etch pits, typically 0.4–0.6 μm wide, forming an orthogonal honeycomb network in a surface zone 50 μm thick, with 2–3 × 106 intersections per mm2 of crystal surface. Surviving metamorphic rocks demonstrate that granites and acidic surface water were present on the Earth’s surface by ∼3.8 Ga. By analogy with Shap granite, honeycombed feldspar has considerable potential as a natural catalytic surface for the start of biochemical evolution. Biomolecules should have become available by catalysis of amino acids, etc. The honeycomb would have provided access to various mineral inclusions in the feldspar, particularly apatite and oxides, which contain phosphorus and transition metals necessary for energetic life. The organized environment would have protected complex molecules from dispersion into dilute solutions, from hydrolysis, and from UV radiation. Sub-micrometer tubes in the honeycomb might have acted as rudimentary cell walls for proto-organisms, which ultimately evolved a lipid lid giving further shelter from the hostile outside environment. A lid would finally have become a complete cell wall permitting detachment and flotation in primordial “soup.” Etch features on weathered alkali feldspar from Shap match the shape of overlying soil bacteria.


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Fiber cells of the lens are interconnected by an extensive network of gap junctions containing α3 (Cx46) and α8 (Cx50) connexins. A specific role for these connexins in lens homeostasis is not known. To determine the contribution of these connexins to lens function, we used impedance techniques to study cell-to-cell coupling in lenses from homozygous α3 knockout (−/−), heterozygous (+/−), and wild-type (+/+) mice. Western blots and immunofluorescence data indicated that α8 remained at similar levels in the three classes of lenses, whereas α3 was approximately 50% of the normal level in the +/− lenses, and it was absent from the −/− lenses. Moreover, the data from +/+ lenses suggest that a cleavage of connexins occurs abruptly between the peripheral shell of differentiating fibers (DF) and the inner core of mature fibers (MF). The appearance of the cleaved connexins was correlated to a change in the coupling conductance. In −/− lenses the coupling conductance of MF was zero, and these fibers were depolarized by about 30 mV from normal (≈−65 mV). The DF remained coupled, but the conductance was reduced to 30–35% of normal. However, the gap junctions in the DF of α3 −/− lenses remained sensitive to pH. We conclude that α3 connexin is necessary for the coupling of central fibers to peripheral cells, and that this coupling is essential for fiber cell homeostasis because uncoupled MF depolarize and subsequently become opaque.


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In urodele amphibians, lens induction during development and regeneration occurs through different pathways. During development, the lens is induced from the mutual interaction of the ectoderm and the optic vesicle, whereas after lentectomy the lens is regenerated through the transdifferentiation of the iris-pigmented epithelial cells. Given the known role of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) during lens development, we examined whether or not the expression and the effects of exogenous FGF during urodele lens regeneration were conserved. In this paper, we describe expression of FGF-1 and its receptors, FGFR-2 (KGFR and bek variants) and FGFR-3, in newts during lens regeneration. Expression of these genes was readily observed in the dedifferentiating pigmented epithelial cells, and the levels of expression were high in the lens epithelium and the differentiating fibers and lower in the retina. These patterns of expression implied involvement of FGFs in lens regeneration. To further elucidate this function, we examined the effects of exogenous FGF-1 and FGF-4 during lens regeneration. FGF-1 or FGF-4 treatment in lentectomized eyes resulted in the induction of abnormalities reminiscent to the ones induced during lens development in transgenic mice. Effects included transformation of epithelial cells to fiber cells, double lens regeneration, and lenses with abnormal polarity. These results establish that FGF molecules are key factors in fiber differentiation, polarity, and morphogenesis of the lens during regeneration even though the regenerating lens is induced by a different mechanism than in lens development. In this sense, FGF function in lens regeneration and development should be regarded as conserved. Such conservation should help elucidate the mechanisms of lens regeneration in urodeles and its absence in higher vertebrates.


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During retinogenesis, the Xenopus basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Xath5 has been shown to promote a ganglion cell fate. In the developing mouse and chicken retinas, gene targeting and overexpression studies have demonstrated critical roles for the Brn3 POU domain transcription factor genes in the promotion of ganglion cell differentiation. However, the genetic relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes is unknown. To understand the genetic regulatory network(s) that controls retinal ganglion cell development, we analyzed the relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes by using a gain-of-function approach in the chicken embryo. We found that during retinogenesis, the chicken Ath5 gene (Cath5) is expressed in retinal progenitors and in differentiating ganglion cells but is absent in terminally differentiated ganglion cells. Forced expression of both Cath5 and the mouse Ath5 gene (Math5) in retinal progenitors activates the expression of cBrn3c following central-to-peripheral and temporal-to-nasal gradients. As a result, similar to the Xath5 protein, both Cath5 and Math5 proteins have the ability to promote the development of ganglion cells. Moreover, we found that forced expression of all three Brn3 genes also can stimulate the expression of cBrn3c. We further found that Ath5 and Brn3 proteins are capable of transactivating a Brn3b promoter. Thus, these data suggest that the expression of cBrn3c in the chicken and Brn3b in the mouse is initially activated by Ath5 factors in newly generated ganglion cells and later maintained by a feedback loop of Brn3 factors in the differentiated ganglion cells.


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c-Maf is a bZip transcription factor expressed in developmental and cellular differentiation processes. Recently, a c-maf knockout mouse model, showing abnormal lens development, has been reported. In order to study the regulation mechanisms of c-maf gene expression during the differentiation process we have cloned and functionally characterized the rat c-maf (maf-2) gene. The rat c-maf gene is an intronless gene, covering a length of 3.5 kb. Transient transfection analysis of the 5′-flanking region of the c-maf gene using luciferase as the reporter gene shows that Pax6, a master transcription factor for lens development, strongly activates the c-maf promoter construct. Endogenous c-maf is also activated by the Pax6 expression vector. Electrophoresis mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting analysis show that at least three Pax6-binding sites are located in the 5′-flanking and 5′-non-coding regions of the rat c-maf gene. The c-maf gene was also markedly activated by its own product, c-Maf, through the MARE (Maf recognition element), suggesting that a positive autoregulatory mechanism controls this gene. In situ hybridization histochemical detection of Pax6 and c-Maf in the E14 lens showed that both mRNAs are expressed in the lens equator where lens epithelial cells are differentiating to lens fiber cells. These results suggest that a Pax6/c-Maf transcription factor cascade is working in lens development.


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Members of the Snail family of zinc finger transcription factors are known to play critical roles in neurogenesis in invertebrates, but none of these factors has been linked to vertebrate neuronal differentiation. We report the isolation of a gene encoding a mammalian Snail family member that is restricted to the nervous system. Human and murine Scratch (Scrt) share 81% and 69% identity to Drosophila Scrt and the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal antiapoptotic protein, CES-1, respectively, across the five zinc finger domain. Expression of mammalian Scrt is predominantly confined to the brain and spinal cord, appearing in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and persisting into postnatal life. Additional expression is seen in the retina and, significantly, in neuroendocrine (NE) cells of the lung. In a parallel fashion, we detect hScrt expression in lung cancers with NE features, especially small cell lung cancer. hScrt shares the capacity of other Snail family members to bind to E-box enhancer motifs, which are targets of basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors. We show that hScrt directly antagonizes the function of heterodimers of the proneural bHLH protein achaete-scute homolog-1 and E12, leading to active transcriptional repression at E-box motifs. Thus, Scrt has the potential to function in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and in cancers with NE features by modulating the action of bHLH transcription factors critical for neuronal differentiation.


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Dendritic cell (DC) differentiation from human CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) can be triggered in vitro by a combination of cytokines consisting of stem cell factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and tumor necrosis factor α. The immune response regulatory cytokines, IL-4 and IL-13, promote DC maturation from HPCs, induce monocyte-DC transdifferentiation, and selectively up-regulate 15-lipoxygenase 1 (15-LO-1) in blood monocytes. To gain more insight into cytokine-regulated eicosanoid production in DCs we studied the effects of IL-4/IL-13 on LO expression during DC differentiation. In the absence of IL-4, DCs that had been generated from CD34+ HPCs in response to stem cell factor/granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor/tumor necrosis factor α expressed high levels of 5-LO and 5-LO activating protein. However, a small subpopulation of eosinophil peroxidase+ (EOS-PX) cells significantly expressed 15-LO-1. Addition of IL-4 to differentiating DCs led to a marked and selective down-regulation of 5-LO but not of 5-LO activating protein in DCs and in EOS-PX+ cells and, when added at the onset of DC differentiation, also prevented 5-LO up-regulation. Similar effects were observed during IL-4- or IL-13-dependent monocyte-DC transdifferentiation. Down-regulation of 5-LO was accompanied by up-regulation of 15-LO-1, yielding 15-LO-1+ 5-LO-deficient DCs. However, transforming growth factor β1 counteracted the IL-4-dependent inhibition of 5-LO but only minimally affected 15-LO-1 up-regulation. Thus, transforming growth factor β1 plus IL-4 yielded large mature DCs that coexpress both LOs. Localization of 5-LO in the nucleus and of 15-LO-1 in the cytosol was maintained at all cytokine combinations in all DC phenotypes and in EOS-PX+ cells. In the absence of IL-4, major eicosanoids of CD34+-derived DCs were 5S-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5S-HETE) and leukotriene B4, whereas the major eicosanoids of IL-4-treated DCs were 15S-HETE and 5S-15S-diHETE. These actions of IL-4/IL-13 reveal a paradigm of eicosanoid formation consisting of the inhibition of one and the stimulation of another LO in a single leukocyte lineage.


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All animals need to sense temperature to avoid hostile environments and to regulate their internal homeostasis. A particularly obvious example is that animals need to avoid damagingly hot stimuli. The mechanisms by which temperature is sensed have until recently been mysterious, but in the last couple of years, we have begun to understand how noxious thermal stimuli are detected by sensory neurons. Heat has been found to open a nonselective cation channel in primary sensory neurons, probably by a direct action. In a separate study, an ion channel gated by capsaicin, the active ingredient of chili peppers, was cloned from sensory neurons. This channel (vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1) is gated by heat in a manner similar to the native heat-activated channel, and our current best guess is that this channel is the molecular substrate for the detection of painful heat. Both the heat channel and VR1 are modulated in interesting ways. The response of the heat channel is potentiated by phosphorylation by protein kinase C, whereas VR1 is potentiated by externally applied protons. Protein kinase C is known to be activated by a variety of inflammatory mediators, including bradykinin, whereas extracellular acidification is characteristically produced by anoxia and inflammation. Both modulatory pathways are likely, therefore, to have important physiological correlates in terms of the enhanced pain (hyperalgesia) produced by tissue damage and inflammation. Future work should focus on establishing, in molecular terms, how a single ion channel can detect heat and how the detection threshold can be modulated by hyperalgesic stimuli.


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What is the role of selective attention in visual perception? Before answering this question, it is necessary to differentiate between attentional mechanisms that influence the identification of a stimulus from those that operate after perception is complete. Cognitive neuroscience techniques are particularly well suited to making this distinction because they allow different attentional mechanisms to be isolated in terms of timing and/or neuroanatomy. The present article describes the use of these techniques in differentiating between perceptual and postperceptual attentional mechanisms and then proposes a specific role of attention in visual perception. Specifically, attention is proposed to resolve ambiguities in neural coding that arise when multiple objects are processed simultaneously. Evidence for this hypothesis is provided by two experiments showing that attention—as measured electrophysiologically—is allocated to visual search targets only under conditions that would be expected to lead to ambiguous neural coding.


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The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem in plants and is responsible for wood formation in forest trees. In this study we used a microscale mass-spectrometry technique coupled with cryosectioning to visualize the radial concentration gradient of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) across the cambial meristem and the differentiating derivatives in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees that had different rates of cambial growth. This approach allowed us to investigate the relationship between growth rate and the concentration of endogenous IAA in the dividing cells. We also tested the hypothesis that IAA is a positional signal in xylem development (C. Uggla, T. Moritz, G. Sandberg, B. Sundberg [1996] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93: 9282–9286). This idea postulates that the width of the radial concentration gradient of IAA regulates the radial number of dividing cells in the cambial meristem, which is an important component for determining cambial growth rate. The relationship between IAA concentration in the dividing cells and growth rate was poor, although the highest IAA concentration was observed in the fastest-growing cambia. The radial width of the IAA concentration gradient showed a strong correlation with cambial growth rate. The results indicate that IAA gives positional information in plants.


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Three MADS-box genes isolated from Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), PrMADS1, PrMADS2, and PrMADS3, are orthologs to members of the AGL2 and AGL6 gene subfamilies in Arabidopsis. These genes were expressed during early stages of pine shoot development in differentiating seed- and pollen-cone buds. Their transcripts were found within a group of cells that formed ovuliferous scale and microsporophyll primordia. Expression of PrMADS3 was also detected in a group of cells giving rise to needle primordia within differentiated vegetative buds, and in needle primordia.


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Two cDNA clones encoding endo-β-1,4-glucanases (EGases) were isolated from a radiata pine (Pinus radiata) cDNA library prepared from immature female strobili. The cDNAs PrCel1 (Pinus radiata cellulase 1) and PrCel2 encode proteins 509 and 515 amino acids in length, respectively, including putative signal peptides. Both proteins contain domains conserved in plant and bacterial EGases. The proteins PRCEL1 and PRCEL2 showed strong similarity to each other (76% amino acid identity), and higher similarity to TPP18 (73 and 67%, respectively), an EGase cloned from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) pistils, than to any other reported EGases. Northern-blot analyses indicated that both genes displayed a similar pattern of expression. The only significant difference was in the level of expression. In situ hybridizations were used to demonstrate that, within differentiating pine reproductive structures, PrCel1 expression was greatest in microsporangia in pollen strobili and near the developing ovule in the seed strobili. Expression was also found in vegetative tissues, especially in regions experiencing cell elongation, such as the elongating region of root tips. Both proteins have an ability to degrade carboxymethylcellulose in vitro. Genomic-blot analysis indicated the presence of a family of EGase genes in the radiata pine genome, and that PrCel1 and PrCel2 are transcribed from distinct one-copy genes.