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The Escherichia coli fnr gene product, FNR, is a DNA binding protein that regulates a large family of genes involved in cellular respiration and carbon metabolism during conditions of anaerobic cell growth. FNR is believed to contain a redox/O2-sensitive element for detecting the anaerobic state. To investigate this process, a fnr mutant that encodes an altered FNR protein with three amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal domain was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. In vivo, the mutant behaved like a wild-type strain under anaerobic conditions but had a 14-fold elevated level of transcriptional activation of a reporter gene during aerobic cell growth. The altered fur gene was overexpressed in E. coli and the resultant FNR protein was purified to near homogeneity by using anaerobic chromatography procedures. An in vitro Rsa I restriction site protection assay was developed that allowed for the assessment of oxygen-dependent DNA binding of the mutant FNR protein. The FNR protein was purified as a monomer of M(r) 28,000 that contained nonheme iron at 2.05 +/- 0.34 mol of Fe per FNR monomer. In vitro DNase I protection studies were performed to establish the locations of the FNR-binding sites at the narG, narK, dmsA, and hemA promoters that are regulated by either activation or repression of their transcription. The sizes of the DNA footprints are consistent with the binding of two monomers of FNR that protect the symmetrical FNR-recognition sequence TTGAT-nnnnATCAA. Exposure of the FNR protein or protein-DNA complex to air for even short periods of time (approximately 5 min) led to the complete loss of DNA protection at a consensus FNR recognition site. A model whereby the FNR protein exists in the cell as a monomer that assembles on the DNA under anaerobic conditions to form a dimer is discussed.


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An efficient method of constructing recombinant adenoviruses (Ads) has been established. The expression unit to be introduced into recombinant Ad was first inserted into the unique Swa I site of the full-length Ad genome cloned in a cassette cosmid. The cassette bearing the expression unit was then cotransfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells together with the Ad DNA-terminal protein complex digested at several sites with Eco T22I or Ase I/EcoRI. The use of the parent Ad DNA-terminal protein complex instead of the deproteinized Ad genome DNA allowed very efficient recovery of the desired recombinant Ad, and the above restriction digestion drastically reduced regeneration of the parent virus. Several hundred virus clones were readily obtained in each experiment, and about 70% of the clones were the desired recombinant viruses. Furthermore, because the cassette contained the full-length Ad genome, any position of the genome could be easily modified to develop a new vector design. We established construction systems for two types of Ad vectors, the E1-substitution type and the E4-insertion type. This method may greatly facilitate the application of recombinant Ads and should be useful for further improvement of Ad vectors.


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During meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the first chemical step in homologous recombination is the occurrence of site-specific DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In wild-type cells, these breaks undergo resection of their 5' strand termini to yield molecules with 3' single-stranded tails. We have further characterized the breaks that accumulate in rad50S mutant stains defective in DSB resection. We find that these DSBs are tightly associated with protein via what appears to be a covalent linkage. When genomic DNA is prepared from meiotic rad50S cultures without protease treatment steps, the restriction fragments diagnostic of DSBs selectively partition to the organic-aqueous interphase in phenol extractions and band at lower than normal density in CsCl density gradients. Selective partitioning and decreased buoyant density are abolished if the DNA is treated with proteinase K prior to analysis. Similar results are obtained with sae2-1 mutant strains, which have phenotypes identical to rad50S mutants. The protein is bound specifically to the 5' strand termini of DSBs and is present at both 5' ends in at least a fraction of breaks. The stability of the complex to various protein denaturants and the strand specificity of the attachment are most consistent with a covalent linkage to DSB termini. We propose that the DSB-associated protein is the catalytic subunit of the meiotic recombination initiation nuclease and that it cleaves DNA via a covalent protein-DNA intermediate.


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Rat skeletal muscle selenoprotein W cDNA was isolated and sequenced. The isolation strategy involved design of degenerate PCR primers from reverse translation of a partial peptide sequence. A reverse transcription-coupled PCR product from rat muscle mRNA was used to screen a muscle cDNA library prepared from selenium-supplemented rats. The cDNA sequence confirmed the known protein primary sequence, including a selenocysteine residue encoded by TGA, and identified residues needed to complete the protein sequence. RNA folding algorithms predict a stem-loop structure in the 3' untranslated region of the selenoprotein W mRNA that resembles selenocysteine insertion sequence (SE-CIS) elements identified in other selenocysteine coding cDNAs. Dietary regulation of selenoprotein W mRNA was examined in rat muscle. Dietary selenium at 0.1 ppm as selenite increased muscle mRNA 4-fold relative to a selenium-deficient diet. Higher dietary selenium produced no further increase in mRNA levels.


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T-cell receptors (TCRs) recognize peptide bound within the relatively conserved structural framework of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II molecules but can discriminate between closely related MHC molecules. The structural basis for the specificity of ternary complex formation by the TCR and MHC/peptide complexes was examined for myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T-cell clones restricted by different DR2 subtypes. Conserved features of this system allowed a model for positioning of the TCR on DR2/peptide complexes to be developed: (i) The DR2 subtypes that presented the immunodominant MBP peptide differed only at a few polymorphic positions of the DR beta chain. (ii) TCR recognition of a polymorphic residue on the helical portion of the DR beta chain (position DR beta 67) was important in determining the MHC restriction. (iii) The TCR variable region (V) alpha 3.1 gene segment was used by all of the T-cell clones. TCR V beta usage was more diverse but correlated with the MHC restriction--i.e., with the polymorphic DR beta chains. (iv) Two clones with conserved TCR alpha chains but different TCR beta chains had a different MHC restriction but a similar peptide specificity. The difference in MHC restriction between these T-cell clones appeared due to recognition of a cluster of polymorphic DR beta-chain residues (DR beta 67-71). MBP-(85-99)-specific TCRs therefore appeared to be positioned on the DR2/peptide complex such that the TCR beta chain contacted the polymorphic DR beta-chain helix while the conserved TCR alpha chain contacted the nonpolymorphic DR alpha chain.


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Studies to date have identified only a few proteins that are expressed in a segment-specific manner within the mammalian brain. Here we report that a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTPH1, is selectively expressed in the adult thalamus. Expression of PTPH1 mRNA is detected in most, but not all, thalamic nuclei. Nuclei that are derived embryonically from the dorsal thalamus and project to the neocortex express this gene, whereas those derived from the ventral thalamus do not. PTPH1 mRNA expression is also restricted to the dorsal thalamus during development and, thus, can serve as a specific marker for the dorsal thalamic nuclei. Since the subcellular localization of PTPH1 protein is not known, its functional role is not clear. However, the restriction of its expression to the thalamic nuclei that have thalamocortical connections suggests that PTPH1 may play a role in the maintenance of these connections or in determining the physiological properties of thalamic relay nuclei.


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The DNA-activated serine/threonine protein kinase (DNA-PK) is composed of a large (approximately 460 kDa) catalytic polypeptide (DNA-PKcs) and Ku, a heterodimeric DNA-binding component (p70/p80) that targets DNA-PKcs to DNA. A 41-kbp segment of the DNA-PKcs gene was isolated, and a 7902-bp segment was sequenced. The sequence contains a polymorphic Pvu II restriction enzyme site, and comparing the sequence with that of the cDNA revealed the positions of nine exons. The DNA-PKcs gene was mapped to band q11 of chromosome 8 by in situ hybridization. This location is coincident with that of XRCC7, the gene that complements the DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination defects (where V is variable, D is diversity, and J is joining) of hamster V3 and murine severe combined immunodeficient (scid) cells.