55 resultados para Control-region


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Globin genes are subject to tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific regulation. A switch from human fetal (gamma)-to adult (beta)-globin expression occurs within erythroid precursor cells of the adult lineage. Previously we and others showed by targeted gene disruption that the zinc finger gene, erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF), is required for expression of the beta-globin gene in mice, presumably through interaction with a high-affinity binding site in the proximal promoter. To examine the role of EKLF in the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene we interbred EKLF heterozygotes (+/-) with mice harboring a human beta-globin yeast artificial chromosome transgene. We find that in the absence of EKLF, while human beta-globin expression is dramatically reduced, gamma-globin transcripts are elevated approximately 5-fold. Impaired silencing of gamma-globin expression identifies EKLF as the first transcription factor participating quantitatively in the gamma-globin to beta-globin switch. Our findings are compatible with a competitive model of switching in which EKLF mediates an adult stage-specific interaction between the beta-globin gene promoter and the locus control region that excludes the gamma-globin gene.


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We have analyzed the level of intraindividual sequence variability (heteroplasmy) of mtDNA in human brain by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Single base substitutions, as well as insertions or deletions of single bases, were numerous in the noncoding control region (D-loop), and 35-45% of the molecules from a single tissue showed sequence differences. By contrast, heteroplasmy in coding regions was not detected. The lower level of heteroplasmy in the coding regions is indicative of selection against deleterious mutations. Similar levels of heteroplasmy were found in two brain regions from the same individual, while no heteroplasmy was detected in blood. Thus, heteroplasmy seems to be more frequent in nonmitotic tissues. We observed a 7.7-fold increase in the frequency of deletions/insertions and a 2.2-fold increase in the overall frequency of heteroplasmic mutations in two individuals aged 96 and 99, relative to an individual aged 28. Our results show that intraindividual sequence variability occurs at a high frequency in the noncoding regions of normal human brain and indicate that small insertions and deletions might accumulate with age at a lower rate than large rearrangements.


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An analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes in several European populations reveals an almost monomorphic pattern in the Finns, whereas Y-chromosomal diversity is significantly higher in other populations. Furthermore, analyses of nucleotide positions in the mitochondrial control region that evolve slowly show a decrease in genetic diversity in Finns. Thus, relatively few men and women have contributed the genetic lineages that today survive in the Finnish population. This is likely to have caused the so-called "Finnish disease heritage"-i.e., the occurrence of several genetic diseases in the Finnish population that are rare elsewhere. A preliminary analysis of the mitochondrial mutations that have accumulated subsequent to the bottleneck suggests that it occurred about 4000 years ago, presumably when populations using agriculture and animal husbandry arrived in Finland.


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We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.


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Nucleotide sequences were determined for the gamma1- and gamma2-globin loci from representatives of the seven anciently separated clades in the three extant platyrrhine families (Atelidae, Pitheciidae, and Cebidae). These sequences revealed an evolutionary trend in New World monkeys either to inactivate the gamma1 gene or to fuse it with the gamma2 gene, i.e. to have only one functional fetally expressed gamma gene. This trend is clearly evident in six of the seven clades: (i) it occurred in atelids by deletion of most of the gamma1 gene in the basal ancestor of this clade; (ii-iv) in pitheciid titi, saki, and cebid capuchin monkeys by potentially debilitating nucleotide substitutions in the proximal CCAAT box of the gamma1 promoters and (v and vi) in cebid owl and squirrel monkeys by crossovers that fused 5' sequence from gamma1 with 3' sequence from gamma2. In the five clades with gamma1 and gamma2 loci separated by intergenic sequences (the fifth clade being the cebid marmosets), the gamma2 genes retained an unaltered proximal CCAAT motif and their gamma2 promoters accumulated fewer nucleotide substitutions than did the gamma1 promoters. Thus, phylogenetic considerations indicate that the stem platyrrhines, ancestral to all New World monkeys, had gamma2 as the primary fetally expressed gamma gene. A further inference is that when the earlier stem anthropoid gamma gene duplicated, gamma2 (at its greater downstream distance from epsilon) could evade embryonic activation by the locus control region but could be fetally activated once released by regulatory mutations from fetal repressors.


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Further comparison of mitochondrial control-region DNA base sequences of 16 avian species belonging to the subfamily Phasianinae revealed the following: (i) Generalized perdicine birds (quails and partridges) are of ancient lineages. Even the closest pair, the common quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and the Chinese bamboo partridge (Bambusicola thoracica), maintained only 85.71% identity. (ii) The 12 species of phasianine birds previously and presently studied belonged to three distinct branches. The first branch was made exclusively of members of the genus Gallus, while the second branch was made of pheasants of the genera Phasianus, Chrysolophus, and Syrmaticus. Gallopheasants of the genus Lophura were distant cousins to these pheasants. The great argus (Argusianus argus) and peafowls of the genus Pavo constituted the third branch. The position of peacock-pheasants of the genus Polyplectron in the third branch was similar to that of the genus Lophura in the second branch. Members of the fourth phasianine branch, such as tragopans and monals, were not included in the present study. (iii) The one perdicine species, Bambusicola thoracica, was more closely related to phasianine genera Gallus and Pavo than to members of other perdicine genera. The above might indicate that Bambusicola belong to one-stem perdicine lineage that later splits into two sublineages that yielded phasianine birds, one evolving to Gallus, and the other differentiating toward Pavo and its allies.


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Chronic exposure of HIT-T15 beta cells to elevated glucose concentrations leads to decreased insulin gene transcription. The reduction in expression is accompanied by diminished binding of a glucose-sensitive transcription factor (termed GSTF) that interacts with two (A+T)-rich elements within the 5' flanking control region of the insulin gene. In this study we examined whether GSTF corresponds to the recently cloned insulin gene transcription factor STF-1, a homeodomain protein whose expression is restricted to the nucleus of endodermal cells of the duodenum and pancreas. We found that an affinity-purified antibody recognizing STF-1 supershifted the GSTF activator complex formed from HIT-T15 extracts. In addition, we demonstrated a reduction in STF-1 mRNA and protein levels that closely correlated with the change in GSTF binding in HIT-T15 cells chronically cultured under supraphysiologic glucose concentrations. The reduction in STF-1 expression in these cells could be accounted for by a change in the rate of STF-1 gene transcription, suggesting a posttranscriptional control mechanism. In support of this hypothesis, no STF-1 mRNA accumulated in HIT-T15 cells passaged in 11.1 mM glucose. The only RNA species detected was a 6.4-kb STF-1 RNA species that hybridized with 5' and 3' STF-1-specific cDNA probes. We suggest that the 6.4-kb RNA represents an STF-1 mRNA precursor and that splicing of this RNA is defective in these cells. Overall, this study suggests that reduced expression of a key transcriptional regulatory factor, STF-1, contributes to the decrease in insulin gene transcription in HIT-T15 cells chronically cultured in supraphysiologic glucose concentration.


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Transcription of the Bacillus subtilis pur operon is repressed in response to a signal of excess adenine. We have purified the repressor protein and have identified, cloned, and overexpressed the purR regulatory gene that controls transcription initiation of the operon. B. subtilis purR encodes a 62-kDa homodimer that binds to the pur operon control region. The PurR binding site which overlaps the promoter encompasses approximately 110 bp. The protein-DNA interaction is inhibited by 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate. A mutation that deletes the repressor binding site or one that disrupts purR abolishes binding activity in vitro and repression of transcription in vivo in response to the excess adenine signal. These results lead to a model in which an excess-adenine signal is transmitted to PurR via the 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate pool. In addition, purR is autoregulated. There is no structural or mechanistic similarity between the B. subtilis and Escherichia coli purine repressors.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into hematopoietic cells may provide a means of treating both inherited and acquired diseases involving hematopoietic cells. Implementation of this approach for disorders resulting from mutations affecting the beta-globin gene (e.g., beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia), however, has been hampered by the inability to generate recombinant viruses able to efficiently and faithfully transmit the necessary sequences for appropriate gene expression. We have addressed this problem by carefully examining the interactions between retroviral and beta-globin gene sequences which affect vector transmission, stability, and expression. First, we examined the transmission properties of a large number of different recombinant proviral genomes which vary both in the precise nature of vector, beta-globin structural gene, and locus control region (LCR) core sequences incorporated and in the placement and orientation of those sequences. Through this analysis, we identified one specific vector, termed M beta 6L, which carries both the human beta-globin gene and core elements HS2, HS3, and HS4 from the LCR and faithfully transmits recombinant proviral sequences to cells with titers greater than 10(6) per ml. Populations of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells transduced by this virus expressed levels of human beta-globin transcript which, on a per gene copy basis, were 78% of the levels detected in an MEL-derived cell line, Hu11, which carries human chromosome 11, the site of the beta-globin locus. Analysis of individual transduced MEL cell clones, however, indicated that, while expression was detected in every clone tested (n = 17), the levels of human beta-globin treatment varied between 4% and 146% of the levels in Hu11. This clonal variation in expression levels suggests that small beta-globin LCR sequences may not provide for as strict chromosomal position-independent expression of beta-globin as previously suspected, at least in the context of retrovirus-mediated gene transfer.


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The developmental stage- and erythroid lineage-specific activation of the human embryonic zeta- and fetal/adult alpha-globin genes is controlled by an upstream regulatory element [hypersensitive site (HS)-40] with locus control region properties, a process mediated by multiple nuclear factor-DNA complexes. In vitro DNase I protection experiments of the two G+C-rich, adult alpha-globin promoters have revealed a number of binding sites for nuclear factors that are common to HeLa and K-562 extracts. However, genomic footprinting analysis has demonstrated that only a subset of these sites, clustered between -130 and +1, is occupied in an erythroid tissue-specific manner. The function of these in vivo-occupied motifs of the alpha-globin promoters, as well as those previously mapped in the HS-40 region, is assayed by site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression in embryonic/fetal erythroid K-562 cells. These studies, together with our expression data on the human embryonic zeta-globin promoter, provide a comprehensive view of the functional roles of individual nuclear factor-DNA complexes in the final stages of transcriptional activation of the human alpha-like globin promoters by the HS-40 element.


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Juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have recently been documented in the vicinity of Baja California and thousands of these animals have been captured in oceanic fisheries of the North Pacific. The presence of loggerhead turtles in the central and eastern North Pacific is a prominent enigma in marine turtle distribution because the nearest documented nesting concentrations for this species are in Australia and Japan, over 10,000 km from Baja California. To determine the origin of the Baja California feeding aggregate and North Pacific fishery mortalities, samples from nesting areas and pelagic feeding aggregates were compared with genetic markers derived from mtDNA control region sequences. Overall, 57 of 60 pelagic samples (95%) match haplotypes seen only in Japanese nesting areas, implicating Japan as the primary source of turtles in the North Pacific Current and around Baja California. Australian nesting colonies may contribute the remaining 5% of these pelagic feeding aggregates. Juvenile loggerhead turtles apparently traverse the entire Pacific Ocean, approximately one-third of the planet, in the course of developmental migrations, but mortality in high-seas fisheries raises concern over the future of this migratory population.


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Conclusive evidence was provided that gamma 1, the upstream of the two linked simian gamma-globin loci (5'-gamma 1-gamma 2-3'), is a pseudogene in a major group of New World monkeys. Sequence analysis of PCR-amplified genomic fragments of predicted sizes revealed that all extant genera of the platyrrhine family Atelidae [Lagothrix (woolly monkeys), Brachyteles (woolly spider monkeys), Ateles (spider monkeys), and Alouatta (howler monkeys)] share a large deletion that removed most of exon 2, all of intron 2 and exon 3, and much of the 3' flanking sequence of gamma 1. The fact that two functional gamma-globin genes were not present in early ancestors of the Atelidae (and that gamma 1 was the dispensible gene) suggests that for much or even all of their evolution, platyrrhines have had gamma 2 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene, in contrast to catarrhines (e.g., humans and chimpanzees) that have gamma 1 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. Results from promoter sequences further suggest that all three platyrrhine families (Atelidae, Cebidae, and Pitheciidae) have gamma 2 rather than gamma 1 as their primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. The implications of this suggestion were explored in terms of how gene redundancy, regulatory mutations, and distance of each gamma-globin gene from the locus control region were possibly involved in the acquisition and maintenance of fetal, rather than embryonic, expression.


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The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) belongs to a new class of channel proteins called the ENaC/DEG superfamily involved in epithelial Na+ transport, mechanotransduction, and neurotransmission. The role of ENaC in Na+ homeostasis and in the control of blood pressure has been demonstrated recently by the identification of mutations in ENaC β and γ subunits causing hypertension. The function of ENaC in Na+ reabsorption depends critically on its ability to discriminate between Na+ and other ions like K+ or Ca2+. ENaC is virtually impermeant to K+ ions, and the molecular basis for its high ionic selectivity is largely unknown. We have identified a conserved Ser residue in the second transmembrane domain of the ENaC α subunit (αS589), which when mutated allows larger ions such as K+, Rb+, Cs+, and divalent cations to pass through the channel. The relative ion permeability of each of the αS589 mutants is related inversely to the ionic radius of the permeant ion, indicating that αS589 mutations increase the molecular cutoff of the channel by modifying the pore geometry at the selectivity filter. Proper geometry of the pore is required to tightly accommodate Na+ and Li+ ions and to exclude larger cations. We provide evidence that ENaC discriminates between cations mainly on the basis of their size and the energy of dehydration.


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A process that we refer to as control by epistasy of synthesis (CES process) occurs during chloroplast protein biogenesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: the synthesis of some chloroplast-encoded subunits, the CES subunits, is strongly attenuated when some other subunits from the same complex, the dominant subunits, are missing. Herein we investigate the molecular basis of the CES process for the biogenesis of the cytochrome b6f complex and show that negative autoregulation of cytochrome f translation occurs in the absence of other complex subunits. This autoregulation is mediated by an interaction, either direct or indirect, between the 5′ untranslated region of petA mRNA, which encodes cytochrome f, and the C-terminal domain of the unassembled protein. This model for the regulation of cytochrome f translation explains both the decreased rate of cytochrome f synthesis in vivo in the absence of its assembly partners and its increase in synthesis when significant accumulation of the C-terminal domain of the protein is prevented. When expressed from a chimeric mRNA containing the atpA 5′ untranslated region, cytochrome f no longer showed an assembly-dependent regulation of translation. Conversely, the level of antibiotic resistance conferred by a chimeric petA-aadA-rbcL gene was shown to depend on the state of assembly of cytochrome b6f complexes and on the accumulation of the C-terminal domain of cytochrome f. We discuss the possible ubiquity of the CES process in organellar protein biogenesis.


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The normal expression pattern of the Wnt responsive homeobox gene Siamois is restricted to the dorso-vegetal region of the Xenopus embryo. Because the Wnt signaling pathway (via β-catenin) is active on the entire dorsal side of the early embryo, we have asked why Siamois expression is not seen in the dorsal ectoderm. Only Wnt signaling, via activation of β-catenin, can induce directly Siamois, and signaling via the SMAD1 (BMP2/4) or SMAD2 (activin/Vg-1) pathways cannot. We now directly show that the SMAD2 pathway can cooperate with the Wnt pathway to induce expression of Siamois much more strongly than the Wnt pathway alone, in normal embryos. We demonstrate the significance of this cooperation in normal embryos by blocking the SMAD2 signaling pathway with a dominant negative activin receptor. The activin dominant negative receptor blocks this cooperative effect and reduces the expression of Siamois by threefold in early embryos. Furthermore, we find that this cooperative relationship between the SMAD2 and Wnt pathways is reciprocal. Thus, in normal embryos, the Wnt pathway can enhance induction, by the SMAD 2 pathway, of the organizer genes Gsc and Chd but not the pan-mesodermal marker genes Xbra and Eomes. We conclude that the Wnt and SMAD2 signaling pathways cooperate to induce the expression of Spemann-organizer specific genes and so help to localize their spatial expression.