37 resultados para Collagen remodeling


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ARNO is a member of a family of guanine-nucleotide exchange factors with specificity for the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPases. ARNO possesses a central catalytic domain with homology to yeast Sec7p and an adjacent C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. We have previously shown that ARNO localizes to the plasma membrane in vivo and efficiently catalyzes ARF6 nucleotide exchange in vitro. In addition to a role in endocytosis, ARF6 has also been shown to regulate assembly of the actin cytoskeleton. To determine whether ARNO is an upstream regulator of ARF6 in vivo, we examined the distribution of actin in HeLa cells overexpressing ARNO. We found that, while expression of ARNO leads to disassembly of actin stress fibers, it does not result in obvious changes in cell morphology. However, treatment of ARNO transfectants with the PKC agonist phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in the dramatic redistribution of ARNO, ARF6, and actin into membrane protrusions resembling lamellipodia. This process requires ARF activation, as actin rearrangement does not occur in cells expressing a catalytically inactive ARNO mutant. PKC phosphorylates ARNO at a site immediately C-terminal to its PH domain. However, mutation of this site had no effect on the ability of ARNO to regulate actin rearrangement, suggesting that phosphorylation of ARNO by PKC does not positively regulate its activity. Finally, we demonstrate that an ARNO mutant lacking the C-terminal PH domain no longer mediates cytoskeletal reorganization, indicating a role for this domain in appropriate membrane localization. Taken together, these data suggest that ARNO represents an important link between cell surface receptors, ARF6, and the actin cytoskeleton.


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One approach to understanding common human diseases is to determine the genetic defects responsible for similar diseases in animal models and place those defective genes in their corresponding biochemical pathways. Our laboratory is working with an animal model for human rheumatoid arthritis called collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). We are particularly interested in determining the location of disease-predisposing loci. To that end, we performed experiments to localize susceptibility loci for CIA in an F2 cross between the highly susceptible mouse strain DBA/1j and the highly resistant mouse strain SWR/j. Specifically, a quantitative trait locus analysis was performed to localize regions of the mouse genome responsible for susceptibility/severity to CIA. One susceptibility locus, Cia1 in the major histocompatibility locus, had been identified previously. Two additional loci were detected in our analysis that contribute to CIA severity (Cia2, Cia3) on chromosomes 2 and 6. A third locus was detected that contributes to the age of onset of the disease. This locus (Cia4) was located on chromosome 2 and was linked to the same region as Cia2. Determining the identity of these loci may provide insights into the etiology of human rheumatoid arthritis.


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We have studied the role of the basic helix–loop–helix–PAS transcription factor EPAS-1/hypoxia-inducible factor 2α in vascular development by gene targeting. In ICR/129 Sv outbred background, more than half of the mutants displayed varying degrees of vascular disorganization, typically in the yolk sac, and died in utero between embryonic day (E)9.5 and E13.5. In mutant embryos directly derived from EPAS-1−/− embryonic stem cells (hence in 129 Sv background), all embryos developed severe vascular defects both in the yolk sac and embryo proper and died between E9.5 and E12.5. Normal blood vessels were formed by vasculogenesis but they either fused improperly or failed to assemble into larger vessels later during development. Our results suggest that EPAS-1 plays an important role at postvasculogenesis stages and is required for the remodeling of the primary vascular network into a mature hierarchy pattern.


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The SWI/SNF family of chromatin-remodeling complexes facilitates gene expression by helping transcription factors gain access to their targets in chromatin. SWI/SNF and Rsc are distinctive members of this family from yeast. They have similar protein components and catalytic activities but differ in biological function. Rsc is required for cell cycle progression through mitosis, whereas SWI/SNF is not. Human complexes of this family have also been identified, which have often been considered related to yeast SWI/SNF. However, all human subunits identified to date are equally similar to components of both SWI/SNF and Rsc, leaving open the possibility that some or all of the human complexes are rather related to Rsc. Here, we present evidence that the previously identified human SWI/SNF-B complex is indeed of the Rsc type. It contains six components conserved in both Rsc and SWI/SNF. Importantly, it has a unique subunit, BAF180, that harbors a distinctive set of structural motifs characteristic of three components of Rsc. Of the two mammalian ATPases known to be related to those in the yeast complexes, human SWI/SNF-B contains only the homolog that functions like Rsc during cell growth. Immunofluorescence studies with a BAF180 antibody revealed that SWI/SNF-B localizes at the kinetochores of chromosomes during mitosis. Our data suggest that SWI/SNF-B and Rsc represent a novel subfamily of chromatin-remodeling complexes conserved from yeast to human, and could participate in cell division at kinetochores of mitotic chromosomes.


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Transient global ischemia induces selective delayed cell death, primarily of principal neurons in the hippocampal CA1. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced cell death are as yet unclear. The present study shows that global ischemia triggers a pronounced and cell-specific reduction in GluR2 [the subunit that limits Ca2+ permeability of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors] in vulnerable CA1 neurons, as evidenced by immunofluorescence of brain sections and Western blot analysis of microdissected hippocampal subfields. At 72 h after ischemia (a time before cell death), virtually all CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibited greatly reduced GluR2 immunolabeling throughout their somata and dendritic processes. GluR2 immunolabeling was unchanged in pyramidal cells of the CA3 and granule cells of the dentate gyrus, regions resistant to ischemia-induced damage. Immunolabeling of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was unchanged in CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus. Western analysis indicated that GluR2 subunit abundance was markedly reduced in CA1 at 60 and 72 h after the ischemic insult; GluR1 abundance was unchanged in all subfields at all times examined. These findings, together with the previous observation of enhanced AMPA-elicited Ca2+ influx in postischemic CA1 neurons, show that functional GluR2-lacking, Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors are expressed in vulnerable neurons before cell death. Thus, the present study provides an important link in the postulated causal chain between global ischemia and delayed death of CA1 pyramidal neurons.


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It is known that the extracellular matrix regulates normal cell proliferation, and it is assumed that anchorage-independent malignant cells escape this regulatory function. Here we demonstrate that human M24met melanoma cells remain responsive to growth regulatory signals that result from contact with type I collagen and that the effect on proliferation depends on the physical structure of the collagen. On polymerized fibrillar collagen, M24met cells are growth arrested at the G1/S checkpoint and maintain high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA and protein. In contrast, on nonfibrillar (denatured) collagen, the cells enter the cell cycle, and p27KIP1 is down-regulated. These growth regulatory effects involve contact between type I collagen and the collagen-binding integrin α2β1, which appears restricted in the presence of fibrillar collagen. Thus melanoma cells remain sensitive to negative growth regulatory signals originating from fibrillar collagen, and the proteolytic degradation of fibrils is a mechanism allowing tumor cells to escape these restrictive signals.


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We used genome-wide expression analysis to explore how gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is remodeled in response to various changes in extracellular environment, including changes in temperature, oxidation, nutrients, pH, and osmolarity. The results demonstrate that more than half of the genome is involved in various responses to environmental change and identify the global set of genes induced and repressed by each condition. These data implicate a substantial number of previously uncharacterized genes in these responses and reveal a signature common to environmental responses that involves ∼10% of yeast genes. The results of expression analysis with MSN2/MSN4 mutants support the model that the Msn2/Msn4 activators induce the common response to environmental change. These results provide a global description of the transcriptional response to environmental change and extend our understanding of the role of activators in effecting this response.


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Human synovial sarcoma has been shown to exclusively harbor the chromosomal translocation t(X;18) that produces the chimeric gene SYT-SSX. However, the role of SYT-SSX in cellular transformation remains unclear. In this study, we have established 3Y1 rat fibroblast cell lines that constitutively express SYT, SSX1, and SYT-SSX1 and found that SYT-SSX1 promoted growth rate in culture, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and tumor formation in nude mice. Deletion of the N-terminal 181 amino acids of SYT-SSX1 caused loss of its transforming activity. Furthermore, association of SYT-SSX1 with the chromatin remodeling factor hBRM/hSNF2α, which regulates transcription, was demonstrated in both SYT-SSX1-expressing 3Y1 cells and in the human synovial sarcoma cell line HS-SY-II. The binding region between the two molecules was shown to reside within the N-terminal 181 amino acids stretch (aa 1–181) of SYT-SSX1 and 50 amino acids (aa 156–205) of hBRM/hSNF2α and we found that the overexpression of this binding region of hBRM/hSNF2α significantly suppressed the anchorage-independent growth of SYT-SSX1-expressing 3Y1 cells. To analyze the transcriptional regulation by SYT-SSX1, we established conditional expression system of SYT-SSX1 and examined the gene expression profiles. The down-regulation of potential tumor suppressor DCC was observed among 1,176 genes analyzed by microarray analysis, and semi-quantitative reverse transcription–PCR confirmed this finding. These data clearly demonstrate transforming activity of human oncogene SYT-SSX1 and also involvement of chromatin remodeling factor hBRM/hSNF2α in human cancer.


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The Drosophila trithorax group gene brahma (brm) encodes the ATPase subunit of a SWI/SNF-like chromatin-remodeling complex. A key question about chromatin-remodeling complexes is how they interact with DNA, particularly in the large genomes of higher eukaryotes. Here, we report the characterization of BAP111, a BRM-associated protein that contains a high mobility group (HMG) domain predicted to bind distorted or bent DNA. The presence of an HMG domain in BAP111 suggests that it may modulate interactions between the BRM complex and chromatin. BAP111 is an abundant nuclear protein that is present in all cells throughout development. By using gel filtration chromatography and immunoprecipitation assays, we found that the majority of BAP111 protein in embryos is associated with the BRM complex. Furthermore, heterozygosity for BAP111 enhanced the phenotypes resulting from a partial loss of brm function. These data demonstrate that the BAP111 subunit is important for BRM complex function in vivo.


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Little is known about stem cell biology or the specialized environments or niches believed to control stem cell renewal and differentiation in self-renewing tissues of the body. Functional assays for stem cells are available only for hematopoiesis and spermatogenesis, and the microenvironment, or niche, for hematopoiesis is relatively inaccessible, making it difficult to analyze donor stem cell colonization events in recipients. In contrast, the recently developed spermatogonial stem cell assay system allows quantitation of individual colonization events, facilitating studies of stem cells and their associated microenvironment. By using this assay system, we found a 39-fold increase in male germ-line stem cells during development from birth to adult in the mouse. However, colony size or area of spermatogenesis generated by neonate and adult stem cells, 2–3 months after transplantation into adult tubules, was similar (∼0.5 mm2). In contrast, the microenvironment in the immature pup testis was 9.4 times better than adult testis in allowing colonization events, and the area colonized per donor stem cell, whether from adult or pup, was about 4.0 times larger in recipient pups than adults. These factors facilitated the restoration of fertility by donor stem cells transplanted to infertile pups. Thus, our results demonstrate that stem cells and their niches undergo dramatic changes in the postnatal testis, and the microenvironment of the pup testis provides a more hospitable environment for transplantation of male germ-line stem cells.


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Single-gene mutations that extend lifespan provide valuable tools for the exploration of the molecular basis for age-related changes in cell and tissue function and for the pathophysiology of age-dependent diseases. We show here that mice homozygous for loss-of-function mutations at the Pit1 (Snell dwarf) locus show a >40% increase in mean and maximal longevity on the relatively long-lived (C3H/HeJ × DW/J)F1 background. Mutant dwJ/dw animals show delays in age-dependent collagen cross-linking and in six age-sensitive indices of immune system status. These findings thus demonstrate that a single gene can control maximum lifespan and the timing of both cellular and extracellular senescence in a mammal. Pituitary transplantation into dwarf mice does not reverse the lifespan effect, suggesting that the effect is not due to lowered prolactin levels. In contrast, homozygosity for the Ghrhrlit mutation, which like the Pit1dw mutation lowers plasma growth hormone levels, does lead to a significant increase in longevity. Male Snell dwarf mice, unlike calorically restricted mice, become obese and exhibit proportionately high leptin levels in old age, showing that their exceptional longevity is not simply due to alterations in adiposity per se. Further studies of the Pit1dw mutant, and the closely related, long-lived Prop-1df (Ames dwarf) mutant, should provide new insights into the hormonal regulation of senescence, longevity, and late life disease.


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The ability of the cornea to transmit light while being mechanically resilient is directly attributable to the formation of an extracellular matrix containing orthogonal sheets of collagen fibrils. The detailed structure of the fibrils and how this structure underpins the mechanical properties and organization of the cornea is understood poorly. In this study, we used automated electron tomography to study the three-dimensional organization of molecules in corneal collagen fibrils. The reconstructions show that the collagen molecules in the 36-nm diameter collagen fibrils are organized into microfibrils (≈4-nm diameter) that are tilted by ≈15° to the fibril long axis in a right-handed helix. An unexpected finding was that the microfibrils exhibit a constant-tilt angle independent of radial position within the fibril. This feature suggests that microfibrils in concentric layers are not always parallel to each other and cannot retain the same neighbors between layers. Analysis of the lateral structure shows that the microfibrils exhibit regions of order and disorder within the 67-nm axial repeat of collagen fibrils. Furthermore, the microfibrils are ordered at three specific regions of the axial repeat of collagen fibrils that correspond to the N- and C-telopeptides and the d-band of the gap zone. The reconstructions also show macromolecules binding to the fibril surface at sites that correspond precisely to where the microfibrils are most orderly.


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Ullrich syndrome is a recessive congenital muscular dystrophy affecting connective tissue and muscle. The molecular basis is unknown. Reverse transcription–PCR amplification performed on RNA extracted from fibroblasts or muscle of three Ullrich patients followed by heteroduplex analysis displayed heteroduplexes in one of the three genes coding for collagen type VI (COL6). In patient A, we detected a homozygous insertion of a C leading to a premature termination codon in the triple-helical domain of COL6A2 mRNA. Both healthy consanguineous parents were carriers. In patient B, we found a deletion of 28 nucleotides because of an A → G substitution at nucleotide −2 of intron 17 causing the activation of a cryptic acceptor site inside exon 18. The second mutation was an exon skipping because of a G → A substitution at nucleotide −1 of intron 23. Both mutations are present in an affected brother. The first mutation is also present in the healthy mother, whereas the second mutation is carried by their healthy father. In patient C, we found only one mutation so far—the same deletion of 28 nucleotides found in patient B. In this case, it was a de novo mutation, as it is absent in her parents. mRNA and protein analysis of patient B showed very low amounts of COL6A2 mRNA and of COL6. A near total absence of COL6 was demonstrated by immunofluorescence in fibroblasts and muscle. Our results demonstrate that Ullrich syndrome is caused by recessive mutations leading to a severe reduction of COL6.


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The junction-associated protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) is a member of a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologues thought to be important in signal transduction at sites of cell-cell contact. We present evidence that under certain conditions of cell growth, ZO-1 can be detected in the nucleus. Two different antibodies against distinct portions of the ZO-1 polypeptide reveal nuclear staining in subconfluent, but not confluent, cell cultures. An exogenously expressed, epitope-tagged ZO-1 can also be detected in the nuclei of transfected cells. Nuclear accumulation can be stimulated at sites of wounding in cultured epithelial cells, and immunoperoxidase detection of ZO-1 in tissue sections of intestinal epithelial cells reveals nuclear labeling only along the outer tip of the villus. These results suggest that the nuclear localization of ZO-1 is inversely related to the extent and/or maturity of cell contact. Since cell-cell contacts are specialized sites for signaling pathways implicated in growth and differentiation, we suggest that the nuclear accumulation of ZO-1 may be relevant for its suggested role in membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue signal transduction.