39 resultados para Chimeric Proteins


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The mechanisms responsible for coated pit formation in cells remain unknown, but indirect evidence has argued both for and against a critical role of receptor cytoplasmic domains in the process. If the endocytic motifs of receptors are responsible for recruiting AP2 to the plasma membrane, thereby driving coated pit formation, then the level of constitutively internalized receptors at the membrane would be expected to govern the steady-state level of coated pits in cells. Here we directly test this hypothesis for broad classes of receptors containing three distinct constitutive internalization signals. Chimeric proteins consisting of an integral membrane reporter protein (Tac) coupled to cytoplasmic domains bearing tyrosine-, di-leucine-, or acidic cluster/casein kinase II-based internalization signals were overexpressed to levels that saturated the internalization pathway. Quantitative confocal immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that the number of plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits and the concentration of their structural components were invariant when comparing cells expressing saturating levels of the chimeric receptors to nonexpressing cells or to cells expressing only the Tac reporter lacking cytoplasmic internalization signals. Biochemical analysis showed that the distribution of coat proteins between assembled coated pits and soluble pools was also not altered by receptor overexpression. Finally, the cellular localizations of AP2 and AP1 were similarly unaffected. These results provide a clear indication that receptor endocytic signals do not determine coated pit levels by directly recruiting AP2 molecules. Rather, the findings support a model in which coated pit formation proceeds through recruitment and activation of AP2, likely through a limited number of regulated docking sites that act independently of endocytic signals.


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It has been proposed that the architecture of protein domains has evolved by the combinatorial assembly and/or exchange of smaller polypeptide segments. To investigate this proposal, we fused DNA encoding the N-terminal half of a β-barrel domain (from cold shock protein CspA) with fragmented genomic Escherichia coli DNA and cloned the repertoire of chimeric polypeptides for display on filamentous bacteriophage. Phage displaying folded polypeptides were selected by proteolysis; in most cases the protease-resistant chimeric polypeptides comprised genomic segments in their natural reading frames. Although the genomic segments appeared to have no sequence homologies with CspA, one of the originating proteins had the same fold as CspA, but another had a different fold. Four of the chimeric proteins were expressed as soluble polypeptides; they formed monomers and exhibited cooperative unfolding. Indeed, one of the chimeric proteins contained a set of very slowly exchanging amides and proved more stable than CspA itself. These results indicate that native-like proteins can be generated directly by combinatorial segment assembly from nonhomologous proteins, with implications for theories of the evolution of new protein folds, as well as providing a means of creating novel domains and architectures in vitro.


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We have developed a strategy for the identification of peptides able to functionally replace a zinc finger domain in a transcription factor. This strategy could have important ramifications for basic research on gene regulation and for the development of therapeutic agents. In this study in yeast, we expressed chimeric proteins that included a random peptide combinatorial library in association with two zinc finger domains and a transactivating domain. The library was screened for chimeric proteins capable of activating transcription from a target sequence in the upstream regulatory regions of selectable or reporter genes. In a screen of approximately 1.5 × 107 transformants we identified 30 chimeric proteins that exhibited transcriptional activation, some of which were able to discriminate between wild-type and mutant DNA targets. Chimeric library proteins expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusions bound to double-stranded oligonucleotides containing the target sequence, suggesting that the chimeras bind directly to DNA. Surprisingly, none of the peptides identified resembled a zinc finger or other well-known transcription factor DNA binding domain.


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The structures of two isoforms of Bcl-2 that differ by two amino acids have been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Because wild-type Bcl-2 behaved poorly in solution, the structures were determined by using Bcl-2/Bcl-xL chimeras in which part of the putative unstructured loop of Bcl-2 was replaced with a shortened loop from Bcl-xL. These chimeric proteins have a low pI compared with the wild-type protein and are soluble. The structures of the two Bcl-2 isoforms consist of 6 α-helices with a hydrophobic groove on the surface similar to that observed for the homologous protein, Bcl-xL. Comparison of the Bcl-2 structures to that of Bcl-xL shows that although the overall fold is the same, there are differences in the structural topology and electrostatic potential of the binding groove. Although the structures of the two isoforms of Bcl-2 are virtually identical, differences were observed in the ability of the proteins to bind to a 25-residue peptide from the proapoptotic Bad protein and a 16-residue peptide from the proapoptotic Bak protein. These results suggest that there are subtle differences in the hydrophobic binding groove in Bcl-2 that may translate into differences in antiapoptotic activity for the two isoforms.


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Phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to generate phosphatidic acid. In mammalian cells this reaction has been implicated in the recruitment of coatomer to Golgi membranes and release of nascent secretory vesicles from the trans-Golgi network. These observations suggest that PLD is associated with the Golgi complex; however, to date, because of its low abundance, the intracellular localization of PLD has been characterized only indirectly through overexpression of chimeric proteins. We have used highly sensitive antibodies to PLD1 together with immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy as well as cell fractionation to identify the intracellular localization of endogenous PLD1 in several cell types. Although PLD1 had a diffuse staining pattern, it was enriched significantly in the Golgi apparatus and was also present in cell nuclei. On fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus by treatment with nocodazole, PLD1 closely associated with membrane fragments, whereas after inhibition of PA synthesis, PLD1 dissociated from the membranes. Overexpression of an hemagglutinin-tagged form of PLD1 resulted in displacement of the endogenous enzyme from its perinuclear localization to large vesicular structures. Surprisingly, when the Golgi apparatus collapsed in response to brefeldin A, the nuclear localization of PLD1 was enhanced significantly. Our data show that the intracellular localization of PLD1 is consistent with a role in vesicle trafficking from the Golgi apparatus and suggest that it also functions in the cell nucleus.


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Molecular analysis of complex modular structures, such as promoter regions or multi-domain proteins, often requires the creation of families of experimental DNA constructs having altered composition, order, or spacing of individual modules. Generally, creation of every individual construct of such a family uses a specific combination of restriction sites. However, convenient sites are not always available and the alternatives, such as chemical resynthesis of the experimental constructs or engineering of different restriction sites onto the ends of DNA fragments, are costly and time consuming. A general cloning strategy (nucleic acid ordered assembly with directionality, NOMAD; WWW resource locator http:@Lmb1.bios.uic.edu/NOMAD/NOMAD.htm l) is proposed that overcomes these limitations. Use of NOMAD ensures that the production of experimental constructs is no longer the rate-limiting step in applications that require combinatorial rearrangement of DNA fragments. NOMAD manipulates DNA fragments in the form of "modules" having a standardized cohesive end structure. Specially designed "assembly vectors" allow for sequential and directional insertion of any number of modules in an arbitrary predetermined order, using the ability of type IIS restriction enzymes to cut DNA outside of their recognition sequences. Studies of regulatory regions in DNA, such as promoters, replication origins, and RNA processing signals, construction of chimeric proteins, and creation of new cloning vehicles, are among the applications that will benefit from using NOMAD.


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BCR-ABL is a chimeric oncogene generated by translocation of sequences from the c-abl protein-tyrosine kinase gene on chromosome 9 into the BCR gene on chromosome 22. Alternative chimeric proteins, p210BCR-ABL and p190BCR-ABL, are produced that are characteristic of chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, respectively. Their role in the etiology of human leukemia remains to be defined. Transformed murine hematopoietic cells can be used as a model of BCR-ABL function since these cells can be made growth factor independent and tumorigenic by the action of the BCR-ABL oncogene. We show that the BCR-ABL oncogenes prevent apoptotic death in these cells by inducing a Bcl-2 expression pathway. Furthermore, BCR-ABL-expressing cells revert to factor dependence and nontumorigenicity after Bcl-2 expression is suppressed. These results help to explain the ability of BCR-ABL oncogenes to synergize with c-myc in cell transformation.


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The intracellular levels of many proteins are regulated by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. One of the best-characterized enzymes that catalyzes the attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is a ubiquitin ligase complex, Skp1-Cullin-F box complex containing Hrt1 (SCF). We sought to artificially target a protein to the SCF complex for ubiquitination and degradation. To this end, we tested methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP-2), which covalently binds the angiogenesis inhibitor ovalicin. A chimeric compound, protein-targeting chimeric molecule 1 (Protac-1), was synthesized to recruit MetAP-2 to SCF. One domain of Protac-1 contains the IκBα phosphopeptide that is recognized by the F-box protein β-TRCP, whereas the other domain is composed of ovalicin. We show that MetAP-2 can be tethered to SCFβ-TRCP, ubiquitinated, and degraded in a Protac-1-dependent manner. In the future, this approach may be useful for conditional inactivation of proteins, and for targeting disease-causing proteins for destruction.


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Rer1p, a Golgi membrane protein, is required for the correct localization of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, Sec12p, by a retrieval mechanism from the cis-Golgi to the ER. To test whether or not the role of Rer1p is common to multiple ER membrane proteins, we examined the localization of two other ER membrane proteins, Sec71p and Sec63p, in the wild-type and rer1 mutant yeast cells, using their fusions with an α-mating factor precursor (Mfα1p). Although Sec71p and Sec63p have completely different topology from Sec12p, their Mfα1p fusion proteins were also mislocalized to the trans-Golgi in the rer1 mutant. Overexpression of these fusions caused their mislocalization to the trans-Golgi even in the wild-type cells, and this mislocalization was partially suppressed by the co-overexpression of Rer1p. Either Sec71p or an artificial chimeric protein whose ER localization depends on Rer1p gave a competitive effect on the localization of the Mfα1-Sec71p fusion, which was abolished in rer1. Thus, Rer1p appears to be one of the common limiting components in the retrieval machinery for ER membrane proteins. The results also suggest that Sec71p and Sec63p depend on ER-Golgi recycling, at least partly, for ER localization. We also examined the effect of a mutation in α-COP, a subunit of yeast coatomer, on the localization of these ER membrane proteins. The Mfα1p fusions of Sec12p, Sec71p, and Sec63p were all more or less mislocalized in ret1–1. These observations imply that the roles of Rer1p and coatomer are much more general than thought before.


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The expression of a number of human paired box-containing (PAX) genes has been correlated with various types of tumors. Novel fusion genes encoding chimeric fusion proteins have been found in the pediatric malignant tumor alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). They are generated by two chromosomal translocations t(2;13) and t(1;13) juxtaposing PAX3 or PAX7, respectively, with a forkhead domain gene FKHR. Here we describe that specific down-regulation of the t(2;13) translocation product in alveolar RMS cells by antisense oligonucleotides results in reduced cellular viability. Cells of embryonal RMS, the other major histiotype of this tumor, were found to express either wild type PAX3 or PAX7 at elevated levels when compared with primary human myoblasts. Treatment of corresponding embryonal RMS cells with antisense olignucleotides directed against the mRNA translational start site of either one of these two transcription factors similarly triggers cell death, which is most likely due to induction of apoptosis. Retroviral mediated ectopic expression of mouse Pax3 in a PAX7 expressing embryonal RMS cell line could partially rescue antisense induced apoptosis. These data suggest that the PAX3/FKHR fusion gene and wild-type PAX genes play a causative role in the formation of RMS and presumably other tumor types, possibly by suppressing the apoptotic program that would normally eliminate these cells.


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Efforts to increase the potency of transcriptional activators are generally unsuccessful because poor expression of activators in mammalian cells limits their delivery to target promoters. Here we report that the effectiveness of chimeric activators can be dramatically improved by expressing them as noncovalent tetrameric bundles. Bundled activation domains are much more effective at activating a reporter gene than simple monomeric activators, presumably because, at similar expression levels, up to 4 times as many the activation domains are delivered to the target promoter. These bundled activation domains are also more effective than proteins in which activation domains are tandemly reiterated in the same polypeptide chain, because such proteins are very poorly expressed and therefore not delivered effectively. These observations suggest that there is a threshold number of activation domains that must be bound to a promoter for activation, above which promoter activity is simply a function of the number of activators bound. We show that bundling can be exploited practically to enhance the sensitivity of mammalian two-hybrid assays, enabling detection of weak interactions or those between poorly expressed proteins. Bundling also dramatically improves the performance of a small-molecule-regulated gene expression system when the expression level of regulatory protein is limiting, a situation that may be encountered in gene therapy applications.


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Invasion of erythrocytes by malaria parasites is mediated by specific molecular interactions. Whereas Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi use the Duffy blood group antigen, Plasmodium falciparum uses sialic acid residues of glycophorin A as receptors to invade human erythrocytes. P. knowlesi uses the Duffy antigen as well as other receptors to invade rhesus erythrocytes by multiple pathways. Parasite ligands that bind these receptors belong to a family of erythrocyte-binding proteins (EBP). The EBP family includes the P. vivax and P. knowlesi Duffy-binding proteins, P. knowlesi β and γ proteins, which bind alternate receptors on rhesus erythrocytes, and P. falciparum erythrocyte-binding antigen (EBA-175), which binds sialic acid residues of human glycophorin A. Binding domains of each EBP lie in a conserved N-terminal cysteine-rich region, region II, which contains around 330 amino acids with 12 to 14 conserved cysteines. Regions containing binding residues have now been mapped within P. vivax and P. knowlesi β region II. Chimeric domains containing P. vivax region II sequences fused to P. knowlesi β region II sequences were expressed on the surface of COS cells and tested for binding to erythrocytes. Binding residues of P. vivax region II lie in a 170-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 7, and binding residues of P. knowlesi β region II lie in a 53-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 5. Mapping regions responsible for receptor recognition is an important step toward understanding the structural basis for the interaction of these parasite ligands with host receptors.


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Previous studies have shown that when the cytosolic domains of the type I membrane proteins TGN38 and lysosomal glycoprotein 120 (lgp120) are added to a variety of reporter molecules, the resultant chimeric molecules are localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and to lysosomes, respectively. In the present study we expressed chimeric constructs of rat TGN38 and rat lgp120 in HeLa cells. We found that targeting information in the cytosolic domain of TGN38 could be overridden by the presence of the lumenal and transmembrane domains of lgp120. In contrast, the presence of the transmembrane and cytosolic domains of TGN38 was sufficient to deliver the lumenal domain of lgp120 to the trans-Golgi network. On the basis of steady-state localization of the various chimeras and antibody uptake experiments, we propose that there is a hierarchy of targeting information in each molecule contributing to sorting within the endocytic pathway. The lumenal and cytosolic domains of lgp120 contribute to sorting and delivery to lysosomes, whereas the transmembrane and cytosolic domains of TGN38 contribute to sorting and delivery to the trans-Golgi network.


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The membrane proteins of all regulated secretory organelles (RSOs) recycle after exocytosis. However, the recycling of those membrane proteins that are targeted to both dense core granules (DCGs) and synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) has not been addressed. Since neuroendocrine cells contain both RSOs, and the recycling routes that lead to either organelle overlap, transfer between the two pools of membrane proteins could occur during recycling. We have previously demonstrated that a chimeric protein containing the cytosolic and transmembrane domains of P-selectin coupled to horseradish peroxidase is targeted to both the DCG and the SLMV in PC12 cells. Using this chimera, we have characterized secretagogue-induced traffic in PC12 cells. After stimulation, this chimeric protein traffics from DCGs to the cell surface, internalizes into transferrin receptor (TFnR)-positive endosomes and thence to a population of secretagogue-responsive SLMVs. We therefore find a secretagogue-dependent rise in levels of HRP within SLMVs. In addition, the levels within SLMVs of the endogenous membrane protein, synaptotagmin, as well as a green fluorescent protein-tagged version of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/synaptobrevin, also show a secretagogue-dependent increase.


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Pretreatment of intact rabbit portal vein smooth muscle with the chimeric toxin DC3B (10−6 M, 48 h; Aullo et al., 1993; Boquet et al. 1995) ADP-ribosylated endogenous RhoA, including cytosolic RhoA complexed with rhoGDI, and inhibited the tonic phase of phenylephrine-induced contraction and the Ca2+-sensitization of force by phenylephrine, endothelin and guanosine triphosphate (GTP)γS, but did not inhibit Ca2+-sensitization by phorbol dibutyrate. DC3B also inhibited GTPγS-induced translocation of cytosolic RhoA (Gong et al., 1997a) to the membrane fraction. In DC3B-treated muscles the small fraction of membrane-associated RhoA could be immunoprecipitated, even after exposure to GTPγS, which prevents immunoprecipitation of non-ADP–ribosylated RhoA. Dissociation of cytosolic RhoA–rhoGDI complexes with SDS restored the immunoprecipitability and ADP ribosylatability of RhoA, indicating that both the ADP-ribosylation site (Asn 41) and RhoA insert loop (Wei et al., 1997) are masked by rhoGDI and that the long axes of the two proteins are in parallel in the heterodimer. We conclude that RhoA plays a significant role in G-protein-, but not protein kinase C-mediated, Ca2+ sensitization and that ADP ribosylation inhibits in vivo the Ca2+-sensitizing effect of RhoA by interfering with its binding to a membrane-associated effector.