21 resultados para Campylobacter jejuni enterotoxin


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The structure of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule HLA-DR1 derived from the human lymphoblastoid cell line LG-2 has been determined in a complex with the Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B superantigen. The HLA-DR1 molecule contains a mixture of endogenous peptides derived from cellular or serum proteins bound in the antigen-binding site, which copurify with the class II molecule. Continuous electron density for 13 amino acid residues is observed in the MHC peptide-binding site, suggesting that this is the core length of peptide that forms common interactions with the MHC molecule. Electron density is also observed for side chains of the endogenous peptides. The electron density corresponding to peptide side chains that interact with the DR1-binding site is more clearly defined than the electron density that extends out of the binding site. The regions of the endogenous peptides that interact with DRI are therefore either more restricted in conformation or sequence than the peptide side chains or amino acids that project out of the peptide-binding site. The hydrogen-bond interactions and conformation of a peptide model built into the electron density are similar to other HLA-DR-peptide structures. The bound peptides assume a regular conformation that is similar to a polyproline type II helix. The side-chain pockets and conserved asparagine residues of the DR1 molecule are well-positioned to interact with peptides in the polyproline type II conformation and may restrict the range of acceptable peptide conformations.


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Recruitment of antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is a major goal for immunotherapy of malignant tumours. We now describe that T-cell-activating superantigens targeted to a tumor by monoclonal antibodies induced large numbers of pseudospecific TILs and eradication of micrometastases. As a model for tumor micrometastases, syngeneic B16 melanoma cells transfected with the human colon carcinoma antigen C215 were injected intravenously into C57BL/6 mice and therapy with an anti-C215 Fab fragment-staphylococcal enterotoxin A (C215Fab-SEA) fusion protein reacting with the C215 antigen was initiated when visible lung metastases were established. More than 90% reduction of the number of lung metastases was observed when mice carrying 5-day-old established lung metastases were treated with C215Fab-SEA. The antitumor effect of C215Fab-SEA was shown to be T-cell-dependent since no therapeutic effect was seen in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Depletion of T-cell subsets by injection of monoclonal antibody demonstrated that CD8+ cells were the most prominent effector cells although some contribution from CD4+ cells was also noted. C215Fab-SEA treatment induced massive tumor infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, while only scattered T cells were observed in untreated tumors. SEA treatment alone induced a slight general inflammatory response in the lung parenchyme, but no specific accumulation of T cells was seen in the tumor. TILs induced by C215Fab-SEA were mainly CD8+ but a substantial number of CD4+ cells were also present. Immunohistochemical analysis showed strong production of the tumoricidal cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma in the tumor. Thus, the C215Fab-SEA fusion protein targets effector T lymphocytes to established tumors in vivo and provokes a strong local antitumor immune response.


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The invariant chain (Ii) prevents binding of ligands to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum and during intracellular transport. Stepwise removal of the Ii in a trans-Golgi compartment renders MHC class II molecules accessible for peptide loading, with CLIP (class II-associated Ii peptides) as the final fragment to be released. Here we show that CLIP can be subdivided into distinct functional regions. The C-terminal segment (residues 92-105) of the CLIP-(81-105) fragment mediates inhibition of self- and antigenic peptide binding to HLA-DR2 molecules. In contrast, the N-terminal segment CLIP-(81-98) binds to the Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B contact site outside the peptide-binding groove on the alpha 1 domain and does not interfere with peptide binding. Its functional significance appears to lie in the contribution to CLIP removal: the dissociation of CLIP-(81-105) is characterized by a fast off-rate, which is accelerated at endosomal pH, whereas in the absence of the N-terminal CLIP-(81-91), the off-rate of C-terminal CLIP-(92-105) is slow and remains unaltered at low pH. Mechanistically, the N-terminal segment of CLIP seems to prevent tight interactions of CLIP side chains with specificity pockets in the peptide-binding groove that normally occurs during maturation of long-lived class II-peptide complexes.


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We screened a panel of monoclonal antibodies against selected macrophage cell surface molecules for their ability to inhibit enterotoxin binding to major histocompatibility complex class II-negative C2D (H-2b) macrophages. Two monoclonal antibodies, HB36 and TIB126, that are specific for the alpha 2 domain of major histocompatibility complex class I, blocked staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B (SEA and SEB, respectively) binding to C2D macrophages in a specific and concentration-dependent manner. Inhibitory activities were haplotype-specific in that SEA and SEB binding to H-2k or H-2d macrophages was not inhibited by either monoclonal antibody. HB36, but not TIB126, inhibited enterotoxin-induced secretion of cytokines by H-2b macrophages. Lastly, passive protection of D-galactosamine-sensitized C2D mice by injection with HB36 antibody prevented SEB-induced death. Therefore, SEA and SEB binding to the alpha 2 domain of the H-2Db molecule induces biological activity and has physiological consequences.


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Superantigens such as the staphylococcal enterotoxins can play an important role in exacerbation of autoimmune disorders such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. In fact, superantigens can reactivate EAE in PL/J mice that have been sensitized to rat myelin basic protein (MBP). The T-cell subset predominantly responsible for disease in PL/J mice bears the V beta 8+ T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). The question arises as to whether T cells bearing other V beta specificities are involved in induction or reactivation of EAE with superantigen. Thus, we have investigated the ability of a non-V beta 8-specific superantigen, staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) (V beta specificities 1, 3, 10, 11, and 17), to induce EAE in PL/J mice that have been previously protected from disease by anergy and deletion of V beta 8+ T cells. PL/J mice were first pretreated with the V beta 8-specific superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) and then immunized with MBP. These mice exhibited V beta 8-specific anergy and depletion and did not develop EAE, even when further treated with SEB. However, administration of SEA to these same mice induced an initial episode of EAE which was characterized by severe hindleg paralysis and accelerated onset of disease. In contrast to SEB pretreatment, PL/J mice pretreated with SEA did develop EAE when immunized with MBP, and after resolution of clinical signs of disease these mice were susceptible to relapse of EAE induced by SEB but not by SEA. Thus, superantigens can activate encephalitogenic MBP-specific non-V beta 8+ T cells to cause EAE in PL/J mice. These data suggest that superantigens can play a central role in autoimmune disorders and that they introduce a profound complexity to autoimmune diseases such as EAE, akin to the complexity seen in multiple sclerosis.


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The influence of a synthetic retroviral peptide, CKS-17, on T helper type 1 (Th1)- or Th2-related cytokines was investigated in human blood mononuclear cells. Cells were stimulated with staphylococcal enterotoxin A, anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies, or lipopolysaccharide to induce cytokine mRNA. mRNA was detected by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or Northern blot analysis. CKS-17 down-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation for interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin (IL)-2, and p40 heavy and p35 light chains of IL-12, a cytokine that mediates development of Th1 response. CKS-17 up-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation of IL-10 and did not suppress Th2-related cytokine (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, or IL-13) mRNA expression. A reverse sequence of CKS-17 peptide, used as a control, showed no such action. Anti-human IL-10 monoclonal antibody blocked ability of CKS-17 to inhibit mRNA accumulation for IFN-gamma but not the CKS-17 suppressive activity of IL-12 p40 heavy chain mRNA. Thus, CKS-17-mediated suppression of IFN-gamma mRNA expression is dependent upon augmentation of IL-10 production by CKS-17. This conserved component of several retroviral envelope proteins, CKS-17, may act as an immunomodulatory epitope responsible for cytokine dysregulation that leads to suppression of cellular immunity.