For many years, the Neanderthals have been recognized as a distinctive extinct hominid group that occupied Europe and western Asia between about 200,000 and 30,000 years ago. It is still debated, however, whether these hominids belong in their own species, Homo neanderthalensis, or represent an extinct variant of Homo sapiens. Our ongoing studies indicate that the Neanderthals differ from modern humans in their skeletal anatomy in more ways than have been recognized up to now. The purpose of this contribution is to describe specializations of the Neanderthal internal nasal region that make them unique not only among hominids but possibly among terrestrial mammals in general as well. These features lend additional weight to the suggestion that Neanderthals are specifically distinct from Homo sapiens.
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are very likely footprints of ancient germ-cell infections. HERV sequences encompass about 1% of the human genome. HERVs have retained the potential of other retroelements to retrotranspose and thus to change genomic structure and function. The genomes of almost all HERV families are highly defective. Recent progress has allowed the identification of the biologically most active family, HTDV/HERV-K, which codes for viral proteins and particles and is highly expressed in germ-cell tumors. The demonstrable and potential roles of HTDV/HERV-K as well as of other human elements in disease and in maintaining genome plasticity are illustrated.
Specific targeting of the recombinant, Ca2+ -sensitive photoprotein, aequorin to intracellular organelles has provided new insights into the mechanisms of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. When applied to small mammalian cells, a major limitation of this technique has been the need to average the signal over a large number of cells. This prevents the identification of inter- or intracellular heterogeneities. Here we describe the imaging in single mammalian cells (CHO.T) of [Ca2+] with recombinant chimeric aequorin targeted to mitochondria. This was achieved by optimizing expression of the protein through intranuclear injection of cDNA and through the use of a charge-coupled device camera fitted with a dual microchannel plate intensifier. This approach allows accurate quantitation of the kinetics and extent of the large changes in mitochondrial matrix [Ca2+] ([Ca2+](m)) that follow receptor stimulation and reveal different behaviors of mitochondrial populations within individual cells. The technique is compared with measurements of [Ca2+](m) using the fluorescent indicator, rhod2. Comparison of [Ca2+](m) with the activity of the Ca2+ -sensitive matrix enzyme, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), reveals that this enzyme is a target of the matrix [Ca2+] changes. Peak [Ca2+](m) values following receptor stimulation are in excess of those necessary for full activation of PDH in situ, but may be necessary for the activation of other mitochondrial dehydrogenases. Finally, the data suggest that the complex regulation of PDH activity by a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle may provide a means by which changes in the frequency of cytosolic (and hence mitochondrial) [Ca2+] oscillations can be decoded by mitochondria.
We examine how the polypeptide chain in protein crystal structures exploits the multivalent hydrogen-bonding potential of bound water molecules. This shows that multiple interactions with a single water molecule tend to occur locally along the chain. A distinctive internal-coordinate representation of the local water-binding segments reveals several consensus conformations. The fractional water occupancy of each was found by comparison of the total number of conformations in the database regardless of the presence or absence of bound water. The water molecule appears particularly frequently in type II beta-turn geometries and an N-terminal helix feature. This work constitutes a first step into assessing not only the generality but also the significance of specific water binding in globular proteins.