20 resultados para CHAIN-TRANSFER AGENT


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The three-dimensional structure of murine mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase V has been determined and refined at 2.45-A resolution (crystallographic R factor = 0.187). Significant structural differences unique to the active site of carbonic anhydrase V are responsible for differences in the mechanism of catalytic proton transfer as compared with other carbonic anhydrase isozymes. In the prototypical isozyme, carbonic anhydrase II, catalytic proton transfer occurs via the shuttle group His-64; carbonic anhydrase V has Tyr-64, which is not an efficient proton shuttle due in part to the bulky adjacent side chain of Phe-65. Based on analysis of the structure of carbonic anhydrase V, we speculate that Tyr-131 may participate in proton transfer due to its proximity to zinc-bound solvent, its solvent accessibility, and its electrostatic environment in the protein structure. Finally, the design of isozyme-specific inhibitors is discussed in view of the complex between carbonic anhydrase V and acetazolamide, a transition-state analogue. Such inhibitors may be physiologically important in the regulation of blood glucose levels.


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We report the generation of a retroviral vector that infects human cells specifically through recognition of the low density lipoprotein receptor. The rationale for this targeted infection is to add onto the ecotropic envelope protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus, normally trophic for murine cells, a single-chain variable fragment derived from a monoclonal antibody recognizing the human low density lipoprotein receptor. This chimeric envelope protein was used to construct a packaging cell line producing a retroviral vector capable of high-efficiency transfer of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene to human cells expressing low density lipoprotein receptor. This approach offers a generalized plan to generate cell and tissue-specific retroviral vectors, an essential step toward in vivo gene therapy strategies.


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Predominant usage of V beta 8.2 gene segments, encoding a T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable region, has been reported for pathogenic Lewis rat T cells reactive to myelin basic protein (MBP). However, up to 75% of the alpha/beta T cells in a panel of MBP-specific T-cell lines did not display TCR V beta 8.2, V beta 8.5, V beta 10, or V beta 16 elements. To further investigate TCR usage, we sorted the T-cell lines for V beta 8.2- and V beta 10-positive T cells or depleted the lines of cells with these TCRs. V beta 8.2-positive T cells and one of the depleted T-cell lines strongly reacted against the MBP peptide MBP-(68-88). The depleted T-cell line caused marked experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) even in Lewis rats in which endogenous V beta 8.2-positive T cells had been eliminated by neonatal treatment with anti-V beta 8.2 monoclonal antibodies. T-cell hybridomas generated from this line predominantly used V beta 3 TCR genes coexpressed with TCR V alpha 2 transcripts, which were also used by V beta 8.2-positive T cells. Furthermore, V beta 10-positive T cells reactive to MBP-(44-67) were encephalitogenic when injected immediately after positive selection. After induction of EAE by sorted V beta 8.2- or V beta 10-positive T-cell lines, immunocytochemical analysis of the spinal cord tissue showed a predominance of the injected TCR or of nontypable alpha/beta T cells after injection of the depleted line. Our results demonstrate heterogeneity of TCR beta-chain usage even for a single autoantigen in an inbred strain. Moreover, V beta 8.2-positive T cells are not essential for the induction and progression of adoptive-transfer EAE.


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The T-cell antigen receptor zeta chain plays an important role in coupling antigen recognition to several intracellular signal-transduction pathways. zeta chain can associate with certain protein tyrosine kinases and retains the capacity to transduce signals independently of the other receptor subunits. Thus, zeta chain could couple cell-surface-expressed T-cell antigen receptors to the intracellular signal-transduction apparatus by its association with various intracellular molecules in addition to tyrosine kinases. In the process of searching for zeta chain-associated molecules we observed that after lysis of resting T cells with Triton X-100, zeta chain is localized in the detergent-insoluble fraction, in addition to its presence in the detergent-soluble fraction. Treatment of T cells with cytochalasin B, an actin-depolymerizing agent, leads to the complete dissociation of zeta chain from the Triton-insoluble fraction, suggesting a linkage between zeta chain and the cytoskeletal matrix. We have also determined that cytoskeletal-associated zeta chain is expressed on the cell surface. Furthermore, a tyrosine-phosphorylated 16-kDa zeta chain was detected only in the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of resting T cells. zeta chain also maintains its association with the cytoskeleton when expressed in COS cells, inferring that the cytoskeletal elements involved in this linkage may be ubiquitous. Finally, we have localized a 42-amino acid region in the intracytoplasmic domain of zeta chain, which is crucial for maximal interaction between zeta chain and the cytoskeleton. Anchorage of cell-surface-expressed zeta chain to the cytoskeleton in resting T cells may facilitate recycling of receptor complexes and/or allow the transduction of external stimuli into the cell.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the primary agent of tuberculosis, must acquire iron from the host to cause infection. To do so, it releases high-affinity iron-binding siderophores called exochelins. Exochelins are thought to transfer iron to another type of high-affinity iron-binding molecule in the bacterial cell wall, mycobactins, for subsequent utilization by the bacterium. In this paper, we describe the purification of exochelins of M. tuberculosis and their characterization by mass spectrometry. Exochelins comprise a family of molecules whose most abundant species range in mass from 744 to 800 Da in the neutral Fe(3+)-loaded state. The molecules form two 14-Da-increment series, one saturated and the other unsaturated, with the increments reflecting different numbers of CH2 groups on a side chain. These series further subdivide into serine- or threonine-containing species. The virulent M. tuberculosis Erdman strain and the avirulent M. tuberculosis H37Ra strain produce a similar set of exochelins. Based on a comparison of their tandem mass spectra, exochelins share a common core structure with mycobactins. However, exochelins are smaller than mycobactins due to a shorter alkyl side chain, and the side chain of exochelins terminates in a methyl ester. These differences render exochelins more polar than the lipophilic mycobactins and hence soluble in the aqueous extracellular milieu of the bacterium in which they bind iron in the host.