84 resultados para Branched-chain amino acids
In eukaryotic cells, lysosomes represent a major site for macromolecule degradation. Hydrolysis products are eventually exported from this acidic organelle into the cytosol through specific transporters. Impairment of this process at either the hydrolysis or the efflux step is responsible of several lysosomal storage diseases. However, most lysosomal transporters, although biochemically characterized, remain unknown at the molecular level. In this study, we report the molecular and functional characterization of a lysosomal amino acid transporter (LYAAT-1), remotely related to a family of H+-coupled plasma membrane and synaptic vesicle amino acid transporters. LYAAT-1 is expressed in most rat tissues, with highest levels in the brain where it is present in neurons. Upon overexpression in COS-7 cells, the recombinant protein mediates the accumulation of neutral amino acids, such as γ-aminobutyric acid, l-alanine, and l-proline, through an H+/amino acid symport. Confocal microscopy on brain sections revealed that this transporter colocalizes with cathepsin D, an established lysosomal marker. LYAAT-1 thus appears as a lysosomal transporter that actively exports neutral amino acids from lysosomes by chemiosmotic coupling to the H+-ATPase of these organelles. Homology searching in eukaryotic genomes suggests that LYAAT-1 defines a subgroup of lysosomal transporters in the amino acid/auxin permease family.
Synthesis and coupling reactions of alpha,alpha-dialkylated amino acids with nucleobase side chains.
Several di- and tripeptides containing protected purine (adenine) and pyrimidine (thymine) residues on their side chains were synthesized. The parent amino acids alpha, alpha-dialkylated in a symmetrical manner. An effective coupling procedure was developed for these sterically hindered amino acids: the fluoren-9-ylmethyloxycarbonyl-protected amino acid was dehydrated to its oxazolinone form, which was coupled in good yields with amino esters in hot tetrachloroethane.
Seed and vascular expression of a high-affinity transporter for cationic amino acids in Arabidopsis.
In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.
An autotrophic theory of the origin of metabolism and life has been proposed in which carbon dioxide is reduced by ferrous sulfide and hydrogen sulfide by means of a reversed citric acid cycle, leading to the production of amino acids. Similar processes have been proposed for purine synthesis. Ferrous sulfide is a strong reducing agent in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and can produce hydrogen as well as reduce alkenes, alkynes, and thiols to saturated hydrocarbons and reduce ketones to thiols. However, the reduction of carbon dioxide has not been demonstrated. We show here that no amino acids, purines, or pyrimidines are produced from carbon dioxide with the ferrous sulfide and hydrogen sulfide system. Furthermore, this system does not produce amino acids from carboxylic acids by reductive amination and carboxylation. Thus, the proposed autotrophic theory, using carbon dioxide, ferrous sulfide, and hydrogen sulfide, lacks the robustness needed to be a geological process and is, therefore, unlikely to have played a role in the origin of metabolism or the origin of life.
Reef-building corals and other tropical anthozoans harbor endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. It is now recognized that the dinoflagellates are fundamental to the biology of their hosts, and their carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are linked in important ways. Unlike free living species, growth of symbiotic dinoflagellates is unbalanced and a substantial fraction of the carbon fixed daily by symbiont photosynthesis is released and used by the host for respiration and growth. Release of fixed carbon as low molecular weight compounds by freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates is evoked by a factor (i.e., a chemical agent) present in a homogenate of host tissue. We have identified this "host factor" in the Hawaiian coral Pocillopora damicornis as a set of free amino acids. Synthetic amino acid mixtures, based on the measured free amino acid pools of P. damicornis tissues, not only elicit the selective release of 14C-labeled photosynthetic products from isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates but also enhance total 14CO2 fixation.
Escherichia coli RuvC protein is a specific endonuclease that resolves Holliday junctions during homologous recombination. Since the endonucleolytic activity of RuvC requires a divalent cation and since 3 or 4 acidic residues constitute the catalytic centers of several nucleases that require a divalent cation for the catalytic activity, we examined whether any of the acidic residues of RuvC were required for the nucleolytic activity. By site-directed mutagenesis, we constructed a series of ruvC mutant genes with similar amino acid replacements in 1 of the 13 acidic residues. Among them, the mutant genes with an alteration at Asp-7, Glu-66, Asp-138, or Asp-141 could not complement UV sensitivity of a ruvC deletion strain, and the multicopy mutant genes showed a dominant negative phenotype when introduced into a wild-type strain. The products of these mutant genes were purified and their biochemical properties were studied. All of them retained the ability to form a dimer and to bind specifically to a synthetic Holliday junction. However, they showed no, or extremely reduced, endonuclease activity specific for the junction. These 4 acidic residues, which are dispersed in the primary sequence, are located in close proximity at the bottom of the putative DNA binding cleft in the three-dimensional structure. From these results, we propose that these 4 acidic residues constitute the catalytic center for the Holliday junction resolvase and that some of them play a role in coordinating a divalent metal ion in the active center.
The genetic code is based on aminoacylation reactions where specific amino acids are attached to tRNAs bearing anticodon trinucleotides. However, the anticodon-independent specific aminoacylation of RNA minihelix substrates by bacterial and yeast tRNA synthetases suggested an operational RNA code for amino acids whereby specific RNA sequences/structures in tRNA acceptor stems correspond to specific amino acids. Because of the possible significance of the operational RNA code for the development of the genetic code, we investigated aminoacylation of synthetic RNA minihelices with a human enzyme to understand the sequences needed for that aminoacylation compared with those needed for a microbial system. We show here that the species-specific aminoacylation of glycine tRNAs is recapitulated by a species-specific aminoacylation of minihelices. Although the mammalian and Escherichia coli minihelices differ at 6 of 12 base pairs, two of the three nucleotides essential for aminoacylation by the E. coli enzyme are conserved in the mammalian minihelix. The two conserved nucleotides were shown to be also important for aminoacylation of the mammalian minihelix by the human enzyme. A simple interchange of the differing nucleotide enabled the human enzyme to now charge the bacterial substrate and not the mammalian minihelix. Conversely, this interchange made the bacterial enzyme specific for the mammalian substrate. Thus, the positional locations (if not the actual nucleotides) for the operational RNA code for glycine appear conserved from bacteria to mammals.
The transient expression of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) regulates the transcription of a variety of growth-control genes, including c-fos, c-myc, and the gene for transforming growth factor beta 1 via discrete promoter sequences termed retinoblastoma control elements (RCE). Previous analyses have shown that Sp1 is one of three RCE-binding proteins identified in nuclear extracts and that Rb functionally interacts with Sp1 in vivo, resulting in the "superactivation" of Sp1-mediated transcription. By immunochemical and biochemical criteria, we report that an Sp1-related transcription factor, Sp3, is a second RCE-binding protein. Furthermore, in transient cotransfection assays, we report that Rb "superactivates" Sp3-mediated RCE-dependent transcription in vivo and that levels of superactivation are dependent on the trans-activator (Sp1 or Sp3) studied. Using expression vectors carrying mutated Rb cDNAs, we have identified two portions of Rb required for superactivation: (i) a portion of the Rb "pocket" (amino acids 614-839) previously determined to be required for physical interactions between Rb and transcription factors such as E2F-1 and (ii) a novel amino-terminal region (amino acids 140-202). Since both of these regions of Rb are targets of mutation in human tumors, our data suggest that superactivation of Sp1/Sp3 may play a role in Rb-mediated growth suppression and/or the induction of differentiation.
It has been suggested that transepithelial gradients of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs; the major anions in the colonic lumen) generate pH gradients across the colonic epithelium. Quantitative confocal microscopy was used to study extracellular pH in mouse distal colon with intact epithelial architecture, by superfusing tissue with carboxy SNARF-1 (a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye). Results demonstrate extracellular pH regulation in two separate microdomains surrounding colonic crypts: the crypt lumen and the subepithelial tissue adjacent to crypt colonocytes. Apical superfusion with (i) a poorly metabolized SCFA (isobutyrate), (ii) an avidly metabolized SCFA (n-butyrate), or (iii) a physiologic mixture of acetate/propionate/n-butyrate produced similar results: alkalinization of the crypt lumen and acidification of subepithelial tissue. Effects were (i) dependent on the presence and orientation of a transepithelial SCFA gradient, (ii) not observed with gluconate substitution, and (iii) required activation of sustained vectorial acid/base transport by SCFAs. Results suggest that the crypt lumen functions as a pH microdomain due to slow mixing with bulk superfusates and that crypts contribute significant buffering capacity to the lumen. In conclusion, physiologic SCFA gradients cause polarized extracellular pH regulation because epithelial architecture and vectorial transport synergize to establish regulated microenvironments.
Phosphorylation of Ser-627 is both necessary and sufficient for full activity of the expressed 35-kDa catalytic domain of myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK). Ser-627 lies in the variable loop between highly conserved residues DFG and APE at a position at which a phosphorylated Ser/Thr also occurs in many other Ser/Thr protein kinases. The variable loop of MIHCK contains two other hydroxyamino acids: Thr-631, which is conserved in almost all Ser/Thr kinases, and Thr-632, which is not conserved. We determined the effects on the kinase activity of the expressed catalytic domain of mutating Ser-627, Thr-631, and Thr-632 individually to Ala, Asp, and Glu. The S627A mutant was substantially less active than wild type (wt), with a lower kcat and higher Km for both peptide substrate and ATP, but was more active than unphosphorylated wt. The S627D and S627E mutants were also less active than phosphorylated wt, i.e., acidic amino acids cannot substitute for phospho-Ser-627. The activity of the T631A mutant was as low as that of the S627A mutant, whereas the T632A mutant was as active as phosphorylated wt, indicating that highly conserved Thr-631, although not phosphorylated, is essential for catalytic activity. Asp and Glu substitutions for Thr-631 and Thr-632 were inhibitory to various degrees. Molecular modeling indicated that Thr-631 can hydrogen bond with conserved residue Asp-591 in the catalytic loop and that similar interactions are possible for other kinases whose activities also are regulated by phosphorylation in the variable loop. Thus, this conserved Thr residue may be essential for the activities of other Ser/Thr protein kinases as well as for the activity of MIHCK.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the β-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the β-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.
Cysteine mutagenesis and site-directed spin labeling in the C-terminal region of rhodopsin have been used to probe the local structure and proximity of that region to the cytoplasmic loops. Each of the native amino acids in the sequence T335–T340 was replaced with Cys, one at a time. The sulfhydryl groups of all mutants reacted rapidly with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4′-dithiodipyridine, which indicated a high degree of solvent accessibility. Furthermore, to probe the proximity relationships, a series of double Cys mutants was constructed. One Cys in all sets was at position 338 and the other was at a position in the sequence S240–V250 in the EF interhelical loop, at position 65 in the AB interhelical loop, or at position 140 in the CD interhelical loop. In the dark state, no significant disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C65 or C140 under the conditions used, whereas a relatively rapid disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C242 or C245. Spin labels in the double Cys mutants showed the strongest magnetic interactions between the nitroxides attached to C338 and C245 or C246. Light activation of the double mutant T242C/S338C resulted in slower disulfide formation, whereas interactions between nitroxides at C338 and C245 or C246 decreased. These results suggest the proximity of the C-terminal residue C338 to residues located on the outer face of a cytoplasmic helical extension of the F helix with an apparent increase of distance upon photoactivation.
An analysis of the x-ray structure of homodimeric avian farnesyl diphosphate synthase (geranyltransferase, EC coupled with information about conserved amino acids obtained from a sequence alignment of 35 isoprenyl diphosphate synthases that synthesize farnesyl (C15), geranylgeranyl (C20), and higher chain length isoprenoid diphosphates suggested that the side chains of residues corresponding to F112 and F113 in the avian enzyme were important for determining the ultimate length of the hydrocarbon chains. This hypothesis was supported by site-directed mutagenesis to transform wild-type avian farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS) into synthases capable of producing geranylgeranyl diphosphate (F112A), geranylfarnesyl (C25) diphosphate (F113S), and longer chain prenyl diphosphates (F112A/F113S). An x-ray analysis of the structure of the F112A/F113S mutant in the apo state and with allylic substrates bound produced the strongest evidence that these mutations caused the observed change in product specificity by directly altering the size of the binding pocket for the growing isoprenoid chain in the active site of the enzyme. The proposed binding pocket in the apo mutant structure was increased in depth by 5.8 Å as compared with that for the wild-type enzyme. Allylic diphosphates were observed in the holo structures, bound through magnesium ions to the aspartates of the first of two conserved aspartate-rich sequences (D117–D121), with the hydrocarbon tails of all the ligands growing down the hydrophobic pocket toward the mutation site. A model was constructed to show how the growth of a long chain prenyl product may proceed by creation of a hydrophobic passageway from the FPS active site to the outside surface of the enzyme.
Betidamino acids (a contraction of "beta" position and "amide") are N'-monoacylated (optionally, N'-monoacylated and N-mono- or N,N'-dialkylated) aminoglycine derivatives in which each N'acyl/alkyl group may mimic naturally occurring amino acid side chains or introduce novel functionalities. Betidamino acids are most conveniently generated on solid supports used for the synthesis of peptides by selective acylation of one of the two amino functions of orthogonally protected aminoglycine(s) to generate the side chain either prior to or after the elongation of the main chain. We have used unresolved Nalpha-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-N'alpha-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl++ + aminoglycine, and Nalpha-(Nalpha-methyl)-tert-butyloxycarbonyl-N'alpha-fluo renylmethoxycarbonyl aminoglycine as the templates for the introduction of betidamino acids in Acyline [Ac-D2Nal-D4Cpa-D3Pal-Ser-4Aph(Ac)-D4Aph(A c)-Leu-Ilys-Pro-DAla-NH2, where 2Nal is 2-naphthylalanine, 4Cpa is 4-chlorophenylalanine, 3Pal is 3-pyridylalanine, Aph is 4-aminophenylalanine, and Ilys is Nepsilon-isopropyllysine], a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist, in order to test biocompatibility of these derivatives. Diasteremneric peptides could be separated in most cases by reverse-phase HPLC. Biological results indicated small differences in relative potencies (<5-fold) between the D and L nonalkylated betidamino acid-containing Acyline derivatives. Importantly, most betide diastereomers were equipotent with Acyline. In an attempt to correlate structure and observed potency, Ramachandran-type plots were calculated for a series of betidamino acids and their methylated homologs. According to these calculations, betidamino acids have access to a more limited and distinct number of conformational states (including those associated with alpha-helices, beta-sheets, or turn structures), with deeper minima than those observed for natural amino acids.
Invariant chain (Ii) is a trimeric membrane protein which binds and stabilizes major histocompatibility complex class II heterodimers in the endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal compartments of antigen-presenting cells. In concert with an intracellular class II-like molecule, HLA-DM, Ii seems to facilitate loading of conventional class II molecules with peptides before transport of the class II-peptide complex to the cell surface for recognition by T cells. The interaction of Ii with class II molecules is thought to be mediated in large part through a region of 24 amino acids (the class II-associated Ii peptide, CLIP) which binds as a cleaved moiety in the antigenic peptide-binding groove of class II molecules in HLA-DM-deficient cell lines. Here we use nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to demonstrate that a soluble recombinant Ii ectodomain contains significant disordered regions which probably include CLIP.