22 resultados para Axis patterning
The Hox family of proteins plays a central role in establishing the body plan of a wide range of metazoan organisms. Each member of this family of transcriptional regulators has a distinct functional specificity, yet they bind to similar DNA target sequences through their conserved homeodomain. The mechanisms whereby Hox proteins achieve their diverse specificities in vivo remain undefined. Using the opposing effects of Hoxa-4 and Hoxc-8 in vertebral patterning, we demonstrate by replacing the homeodomain of Hoxa-4 with that of Hoxc-8 that the functional specificity of Hoxa-4 does not track with the homeodomain. These observations provide evidence that other regions of Hox proteins play an important role in mediating functional specificity during mammalian embryogenesis.
We have cloned, from a beetle and a locust, genes that are homologous to the class 3 Hox genes of vertebrates. Outside the homeobox they share sequence motifs with the Drosophila zerknüllt (zen) and z2 genes, and like zen, are expressed only in extraembryonic membranes. We conclude that the zen genes of Drosophila derive from a Hox class 3 sequence that formed part of the common ancestral Hox cluster, but that in insects this (Hox) gene has lost its role in patterning the anterio-posterior axis of the embryo, and acquired a new function. In the lineage leading to Drosophila, the zen genes have diverged particularly rapidly.
Previously, we elucidated the role of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) in the dorsal-ventral patterning of the Xenopus embryo by using a dominant negative mutant of the BMP-4 receptor (DN-BR). The present paper describes the involvement of Ras, Raf, and activator protein 1 (AP-1) in BMP-4 signaling during Xenopus embryonic development. The AP-1 activity was determined by injecting an AP-1-dependent luciferase reporter gene into two-cell-stage Xenopus embryos and measuring the luciferase activity at various developmental stages. We found that injection of BMP-4 mRNA increased AP-1 activity, whereas injection of DN-BR mRNA inhibited AP-1 activity. Similar inhibitory effects were seen with injection of mRNAs encoding dominant negative mutants of c-Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun. These results suggest that the endogenous AP-1 activity is regulated by BMP-4/Ras/Raf/Jun signals. We next investigated the effects of Ras/Raf/AP-1 signals on the biological functions of BMP-4. DN-BR-induced dorsalization of the embryo, revealed by the formation of a secondary body axis or dorsalization of the ventral mesoderm explant analyzed by histological and molecular criteria, was significantly reversed by coinjection of [Val12]Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun mRNA. Furthermore, the BMP-4-stimulated erythroid differentiation in the ventral mesoderm was substantially inhibited by coinjection with the dominant negative c-Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun mutant. Our results suggest the involvement of Ras/Raf/AP-1 in the BMP-4 signaling pathway.
In the amniotes, two unique layers of cells, the epiblast and the hypoblast, constitute the embryo at the blastula stage. All the tissues of the adult will derive from the epiblast, whereas hypoblast cells will form extraembryonic yolk sac endoderm. During gastrulation, the endoderm and the mesoderm of the embryo arise from the primitive streak, which is an epiblast structure through which cells enter the interior. Previous investigations by others have led to the conclusion that the avian hypoblast, when rotated with regard to the epiblast, has inductive properties that can change the fate of competent cells in the epiblast to form an ectopic embryonic axis. Thus, it has been suggested that the hypoblast normally induces the epiblast to form a primitive streak at a specific locus. In the work reported here, an attempt was made to reexamine the issue of induction. In contrast to previous reports, it was found that the rotated hypoblast of the chicken embryo does not initiate formation of an ectopic axis in the epiblast. The embryonic axis always initiates and develops according to the basic polarity of the epiblast layer. These results provoke a reinterpretation of the issues of mesoderm induction and primitive streak initiation in the avian embryo.
The dorsoventral axis is established early in Xenopus development and may involve signaling by Wnts, a family of Wnt1-protooncogene-related proteins. The protein kinase shaggy functions in the wingless/Wnt signaling pathway, which operates during Drosophila development. To assess the role of a closely related kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3 beta), in vertebrate embryogenesis, we cloned a cDNA encoding a Xenopus homolog of GSK-3 beta (XGSK-3 beta). XGSK-3 beta-specific transcripts were detected by Northern analysis in Xenopus eggs and early embryos. Microinjection of the mRNA encoding a catalytically inactive form of rat GSK-3 beta into a ventrovegetal blastomere of eight-cell embryos caused ectopic formation of a secondary body axis containing a complete set of dorsal and anterior structures. Furthermore, in isolated ectodermal explants, the mutant GSK-3 beta mRNA activated the expression of neural tissue markers. Wild-type XGSK-3 beta mRNA suppressed the dorsalizing effects of both the mutated GSK-3 beta and Xenopus dishevelled, a proposed upstream signaling component of the same pathway. These results strongly suggest that XGSK-3 beta functions to inhibit dorsoventral axis formation in the embryo and provide evidence for conservation of the Wnt signaling pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates.
Plakoglobin interacts with both classical and desmosomal cadherins. It is closely related to Drosophila aramadillo (arm) gene product; arm acts in the wingless (wg)-signaling pathway to establish segment polarity. In Xenopus, homologs of wg--i.e., wnts, can produce anterior axis duplications by inducing dorsal mesoderm. Studies in Drosophila suggest that wnt acts by increasing the level of cytoplasmic armadillo protein (arm). To test whether simply increasing the level of plakoglobin mimics the effects of exogenous wnts in Xenopus, we injected fertilized eggs with RNA encoding an epitope-tagged form of plakoglobin; this induced both early radial gastrulation and anterior axis duplication. Exogenous plakoglobin accumulates in the nuclei of embryonic cells. Plakoglobin binds to the tail domain of the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein 1. When RNA encoding the tail domain of desmoglein was coinjected with plakoglobin RNA, both the dorsalizing effect and nuclear accumulation of plakoglobin were suppressed. Mutational analysis indicates that the central arm repeat region of plakoglobin is sufficient to induce axis duplication and that this polypeptide accumulates in the nuclei of embryonic cells. These data show that increased plakoglobin levels can, by themselves, generate the intracellular signals involved in the specification of dorsal mesoderm.
The body musculature of higher vertebrates is composed of the epaxial muscles, associated with the vertebral column, and of the hypaxial muscles of the limbs and ventro-lateral body wall. Both sets of muscles arise from different cell populations within the dermomyotomal component of the somite. Myogenesis first occurs in the medial somitic cells that will form the epaxial muscles and starts with a significant delay in cells derived from the lateral somitic moiety that migrate to yield the hypaxial muscles. The newly formed somite is mostly composed of unspecified cells, and the determination of somitic compartments toward specific lineages is controlled by environmental cues. In this report, we show that determinant signals for lateral somite specification are provided by the lateral plate. They result in a blockade of the myogenic program, which maintains the lateral somitic cells as undifferentiated muscle progenitors expressing the Pax-3 gene, and represses the activation of the MyoD family genes. In vivo, this mechanism could account for the delay observed in the onset of myogenesis between muscles of the epaxial and hypaxial domains.