24 resultados para Asymmetric bending


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To gain insight into the structural basis of DNA bending by adenine–thymine tracts (A-tracts) and their role in DNA recognition by gene-regulatory proteins, we have determined the crystal structure of the high-affinity DNA target of the cancer-associated human papillomavirus E2 protein. The three independent B-DNA molecules of the crystal structure determined at 2.2-Å resolution are examples of A-tract-containing helices where the global direction and magnitude of curvature are in accord with solution data, thereby providing insights, at the base pair level, into the mechanism of DNA bending by such sequence motifs. A comparative analysis of E2–DNA conformations with respect to other structural and biochemical studies demonstrates that (i) the A-tract structure of the core region, which is not contacted by the protein, is critical for the formation of the high-affinity sequence-specific protein–DNA complex, and (ii) differential binding affinity is regulated by the intrinsic structure and deformability encoded in the base sequence of the DNA target.


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The effect of Fos and Jun binding on the structure of the AP-1 recognition site is controversial. Results from phasing analysis and phase-sensitive detection studies of DNA bending by Fos and Jun have led to opposite conclusions. The differences between these assays, the length of the spacer between two bends and the length of the sequences flanking the bends, are investigated here using intrinsic DNA bend standards. Both an increase in the spacer length as well as a decrease in the length of flanking sequences resulted in a reduction in the phase-dependent variation in electrophoretic mobilities. Probes with a wide separation between the bends and short flanking sequences, such as those used in the phase-sensitive detection studies, displayed no phase-dependent mobility variation. This shape-dependent variation in electrophoretic mobilities was reproduced by complexes formed by truncated Fos and Jun. Results from ligase-catalyzed cyclization experiments have been interpreted to indicate the absence of DNA bending in the Fos-Jun-AP-1 complex. However, truncated Fos and Jun can alter the relative rates of inter- and intramolecular ligation through mechanisms unrelated to DNA bending, confounding the interpretation of cyclization data. The analogous phase- and shape-dependence of the electrophoretic mobilities of the Fos-Jun-AP-1 complex and an intrinsic DNA bend confirm that Fos and Jun bend DNA, which may contribute to their functions in transcription regulation.


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Proteins that bend DNA are important regulators of biological processes. Sequence-specific DNA bending ligands have been designed that bind two noncontiguous sites in the major groove and induce a bend in the DNA. An oligonucleotide containing pyrimidine segments separated by a central variable linker domain simultaneously binds by triple helix formation two 15-bp purine tracts separated by 10 bp. Bend angles of 61 degrees, 50 degrees, and 38 degrees directed towards the minor groove were quantitated by phasing analysis for linkers of four, five, and six T residues, respectively. The design and synthesis of nonnatural architectural factors may provide a new class of reagents for use in biology and human medicine.


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Recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA gaps was investigated in Ustilago maydis. The experimental system was designed for analysis of repair of an autonomously replicating plasmid containing a cloned gene disabled by an internal deletion. It was discovered that crossing over rarely accompanied gap repair. The strong bias against crossing over was observed in three different genes regardless of gap size. These results indicate that gap repair in U. maydis is unlikely to proceed by the mechanism envisioned in the double-stranded break repair model of recombination, which was developed to account for recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Experiments aimed at exploring processing of DNA ends were performed to gain understanding of the mechanism responsible for the observed bias. A heterologous insert placed within a gap in the coding sequence of two different marker genes strongly inhibited repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-proximal junction joining the insert and coding sequence but had little effect on repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-distal junction. Gene conversion of plasmid restriction fragment length polymorphism markers engineered in sequences flanking both sides of a gap accompanied repair but was directionally biased. These results are interpreted to mean that the DNA ends flanking a gap are subject to different types of processing. A model featuring a single migrating D-loop is proposed to explain the bias in gap repair outcome based on the observed asymmetry in processing the DNA ends.


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A number of alternatively spliced epsilon transcripts have been detected in IgE-producing B cells, in addition to the mRNAs encoding the classical membrane and secreted IgE heavy (H) chains. In a recent study, we examined the protein products of three of these alternatively spliced isoforms and found that they are intracellularly retained and degraded because of their inability to assemble into complete IgE molecules. We have now similarly examined a more recently described epsilon mRNA species that is generated by splicing between a donor splice site immediately upstream of the stop codon in the H-chain constant region exon 4 (CH4) and an acceptor site located in the 3' part of the second membrane exon. We show that this isoform is efficiently secreted by both plasma cells and B lymphocytes and therefore represents a second secreted IgE isoform (epsilon S2). The epsilon S2 H chain is only six amino acids longer than the classical secreted Ig H chain (epsilon S1) and contains a C-terminal cysteine, which is a characteristic sequence feature of mu and alpha H chains. However, unlike IgM and IgA, the epsilon S2 C-terminal cysteine (Cys-554) does not induce polymerization of H2L2 molecules (where L is light chain), but rather creates a disulfide bond between the two H chains that increases the rate of association into covalently bound H2L2 monomers. This C-terminal cysteine also does not function as an intracellular retention element because the epsilon S2 isoform was secreted in amounts equal to that of the epsilon S1, both in B lymphocytes and in plasma cells. The epsilon S2 H chains secreted by B lymphocytes differed from the epsilon S1 H chains in the extent of glycosylation. Interestingly, a difference in glycosylation between B-lymphocytes and plasma cells was also noted for both isoforms. The presence of the Cys-554 also allowed the identification of a distinctive asymmetric pathway of IgE assembly, common to both types of epsilon H chains.


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Adult Schistosoma mansoni blood flukes reside in the mesenteric veins of their vertebrate hosts, where they absorb immense quantities of glucose through their tegument by facilitated diffusion. Previously, we obtained S. mansoni cDNAs encoding facilitated-diffusion schistosome glucose transporter proteins 1 and 4 (SGTP1 and SGTP4) and localized SGTP1 to the basal membranes of the tegument and the underlying muscle. In this study, we characterize the expression and localization of SGTP4 during the schistosome life cycle. Antibodies specific to SGTP4 appear to stain only the double-bilayer, apical membranes of the adult parasite tegument, revealing an asymmetric distribution relative to the basal transporter SGTP1. On living worms, SGTP4 is available to surface biotinylation, suggesting that it is exposed at the hose-parasite interface. SGTP4 is detected shortly after the transformation of free-living, infectious cercariae into schistosomula and coincides with the appearance of the double membrane. Within 15 min after transformation, anti-SGTP4 staining produces a bright, patchy distribution at the surface of schistosomula, which becomes contiguous over the entire surface of the schistosomula by 24 hr after transformation. SGTP4 is not detected in earlier developmental stages (eggs, sporocysts, and cercariae) that do not possess the specialized double membrane. Thus, SGTP4 appears to be expressed only in the mammalian stages of the parasite's life cycle and specifically localized within the host-interactive, apical membranes of the tegument.


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In PCR, DNA polymerases from thermophilic bacteria catalyze the extension of primers annealed to templates as well as the structure-specific cleavage of the products of primer extension. Here we show that cleavage by Thermus aquaticus and Thermus thermophilus DNA polymerases can be precise and substantial: it occurs at the base of the stem-loop structure assumed by the single strand products of primer extension using as template a common genetic element, the promoter-operator of the Escherichia coli lactose operon, and may involve up to 30% of the products. The cleavage is independent of primer, template, and triphosphates, is dependent on substrate length and temperature, requires free ends and Mg2+, and is absent in DNA polymerases lacking the 5'-->3' exonuclease, such as the Stoffel fragment and the T7 DNA polymerase. Heterogeneity of the extension products results also from premature detachment of the enzyme approaching the 5' end of the template.


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Integration host factor (IHF) is a DNA-bending protein that binds to an upstream activating sequence (UAS1) and, on a negatively supercoiled DNA template, activates transcription from the ilvPG promoter of the ilvG-MEDA operon of Escherichia coli. The transcriptional initiation site of the ilvGMEDA operon is located 92 bp downstream of UAS1. Activation is still observed when the orientation of the upstream IHF binding site is reversed. This manipulation places the IHF binding site on the opposite face of the DNA helix, directs the IHF-induced DNA bend in the opposite direction, and presents the opposite face of the nonsymmetrical, heterodimeric, IHF molecule to the downstream RNA polymerase. Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor, LEF-1, is a DNA-bending, lymphoid-specific, mammalian transcription factor that shares no amino acid sequence similarity with IHF. When the IHF site in UAS1 is replaced with a LEF-1 site, LEF-1 activates transcription from the downstream ilvPG promoter in E. coli as well as it is activated by its natural activator, IHF. These results suggest that specific interactions between IHF and RNA polymerase are not required for activation. The results of DNA structural studies show that IHF forms a protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that, in the absence of RNA polymerase, alters the structure of the DNA helix in the -10 hexanucleotide region of the downstream ilvPG promoter. The results of in vitro abortive transcription assays show that IIIF also increases the apparent rate of RNA polymerase isomerization from a closed to an open complex. We suggest, therefore, that IHF activates transcription by forming a higher-order protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that structurally alters the DNA helix in a way that facilitates open complex formation at the downstream ilvPG promoter site.