60 resultados para Aspartic Proteinases


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In the cycling human endometrium, the expression of interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) and of several related matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) follows the late-secretory fall in sex steroid plasma concentrations and is thought to be a critical step leading to menstruation. The rapid and extensive lysis of interstitial matrix that precedes menstrual shedding requires a strict control of these proteinases. However, the mechanism by which ovarian steroids regulate endometrial MMPs remains unclear. We report here that, in the absence of ovarian steroids, MMP-1 expression in endometrial fibroblasts is markedly stimulated by medium conditioned by endometrial epithelial cells. This stimulation can be prevented by antibodies directed against interleukin 1α (IL-1α) but not against several other cytokines. Ovarian steroids inhibit the release of IL-1α and repress MMP-1 production by IL-1α-stimulated fibroblasts. In short-term cultures of endometrial explants obtained throughout the menstrual cycle, the release of both IL-1α and MMP-1 is essentially limited to the perimenstrual phase. We conclude that epithelium-derived IL-1α is the key paracrine inducer of MMP-1 in endometrial fibroblasts. However, MMP-1 production in the human endometrium is ultimately blocked by ovarian steroids, which act both upstream and downstream of IL-1α, thereby exerting an effective control via a “double-block” mechanism.


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Drosophila Mad proteins are intracellular signal transducers of decapentaplegic (dpp), the Drosophila transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/bone morphogenic protein (BMP) homolog. Studies in which the mammalian Smad homologs were transiently overexpressed in cultured cells have implicated Smad2 in TGF-β signaling, but the physiological relevance of the Smad3 protein in signaling by TGF-β receptors has not been established. Here we stably expressed Smad proteins at controlled levels in epithelial cells using a novel approach that combines highly efficient retroviral gene transfer and quantitative cell sorting. We show that upon TGF-β treatment Smad3 becomes rapidly phosphorylated at the SSVS motif at its very C terminus. Either attachment of an epitope tag to the C terminus or replacement of these three serine residues with alanine abolishes TGF-β-induced Smad3 phosphorylation; these proteins act in a dominant-negative fashion to block the antiproliferative effect of TGF-β in mink lung epithelial cells. A Smad3 protein in which the three C-terminal serines have been replaced by aspartic acids is also a dominant inhibitor of TGF-β signaling, but can activate plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) transcription in a ligand-independent fashion when its nuclear localization is forced by transient overexpression. Phosphorylation of the three C-terminal serine residues of Smad3 by an activated TGF-β receptor complex is an essential step in signal transduction by TGF-β for both inhibition of cell proliferation and activation of the PAI-1 promoter.


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The new antigen receptor (NAR) gene in the nurse shark diversifies extensively by somatic hypermutation. It is not known, however, whether NAR somatic hypermutation generates the primary repertoire (like in the sheep) or rather is used in antigen-driven immune responses. To address this issue, the sequences of NAR transmembrane (Tm) and secretory (Sec) forms, presumed to represent the primary and secondary repertoires, respectively, were examined from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of three adult nurse sharks. More than 40% of the Sec clones but fewer than 11% of Tm clones contained five mutations or more. Furthermore, more than 75% of the Tm clones had few or no mutations. Mutations in the Sec clones occurred mostly in the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) with a significant bias toward replacement substitutions in CDR1; in Tm clones there was no significant bias toward replacements and only a low level of targeting to the CDRs. Unlike the Tm clones where the replacement mutational pattern was similar to that seen for synonymous changes, Sec replacements displayed a distinct pattern of mutations. The types of mutations in NAR were similar to those found in mouse Ig genes rather than to the unusual pattern reported for shark and Xenopus Ig. Finally, an oligoclonal family of Sec clones revealed a striking trend toward acquisition of glutamic/aspartic acid, suggesting some degree of selection. These data strongly suggest that hypermutation of NAR does not generate the repertoire, but instead is involved in antigen-driven immune responses.


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The high-molecular-weight serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) are restricted, generally, to inhibiting proteinases of the serine mechanistic class. However, the viral serpin, cytokine response modifier A, and the human serpins, antichymotrypsin and squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1 (SCCA1), inhibit different members of the cysteine proteinase class. Although serpins employ a mobile reactive site loop (RSL) to bait and trap their target serine proteinases, the mechanism by which they inactivate cysteine proteinases is unknown. Our previous studies suggest that SCCA1 inhibits papain-like cysteine proteinases in a manner similar to that observed for serpin–serine proteinase interactions. However, we could not preclude the possibility of an inhibitory mechanism that did not require the serpin RSL. To test this possibility, we employed site-directed mutagenesis to alter the different residues within the RSL. Mutations to either the hinge or the variable region of the RSL abolished inhibitory activity. Moreover, RSL swaps between SCCA1 and the nearly identical serpin, SCCA2 (an inhibitor of chymotrypsin-like serine proteinases), reversed their target specificities. Thus, there were no unique motifs within the framework of SCCA1 that independently accounted for cysteine proteinase inhibitory activity. Collectively, these data suggested that the sequence and mobility of the RSL of SCCA1 are essential for cysteine proteinase inhibition and that serpins are likely to utilize a common RSL-dependent mechanism to inhibit both serine and cysteine proteinases.


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Fission yeast Spc1/StyI MAPK is activated by many environmental insults including high osmolarity, oxidative stress, and heat shock. Spc1/StyI is activated by Wis1, a MAPK kinase (MEK), which is itself activated by Wik1/Wak1/Wis4, a MEK kinase (MEKK). Spc1/StyI is inactivated by the tyrosine phosphatases Pyp1 and Pyp2. Inhibition of Pyp1 was recently reported to play a crucial role in the oxidative stress and heat shock responses. These conclusions were based on three findings: 1) osmotic, oxidative, and heat stresses activate Spc1/StyI in wis4 cells; 2) oxidative stress and heat shock activate Spc1/StyI in cells that express Wis1AA, in which MEKK consensus phosphorylation sites were replaced with alanine; and 3) Spc1/StyI is maximally activated in Δpyp1 cells. Contrary to these findings, we report: 1) Spc1/StyI activation by osmotic stress is greatly reduced in wis4 cells; 2) wis1-AA and Δwis1 cells have identical phenotypes; and 3) all forms of stress activate Spc1/StyI in Δpyp1 cells. We also report that heat shock, but not osmotic or oxidative stress, activate Spc1 in wis1-DD cells, which express Wis1 protein that has the MEKK consensus phosphorylation sites replaced with aspartic acid. Thus osmotic and oxidative stress activate Spc1/StyI by a MEKK-dependent process, whereas heat shock activates Spc1/StyI by a novel mechanism that does not require MEKK activation or Pyp1 inhibition.


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Screening of a library derived from primary human endothelial cells revealed a novel human isoform of vesicle-associated membrane protein-1 (VAMP-1), a protein involved in the targeting and/or fusion of transport vesicles to their target membrane. We have termed this novel isoform VAMP-1B and designated the previously described isoform VAMP-1A. VAMP-1B appears to be an alternatively spliced form of VAMP-1. A similar rat splice variant of VAMP-1 (also termed VAMP-1B) has recently been reported. Five different cultured cell lines, from different lineages, all contained VAMP-1B but little or no detectable VAMP-1A mRNA, as assessed by PCR. In contrast, brain mRNA contained VAMP-1A but no VAMP-1B. The VAMP-1B sequence encodes a protein identical to VAMP-1A except for the carboxy-terminal five amino acids. VAMP-1 is anchored in the vesicle membrane by a carboxy-terminal hydrophobic sequence. In VAMP-1A the hydrophobic anchor is followed by a single threonine, which is the carboxy-terminal amino acid. In VAMP-1B the predicted hydrophobic membrane anchor is shortened by four amino acids, and the hydrophobic sequence is immediately followed by three charged amino acids, arginine-arginine-aspartic acid. Transfection of human endothelial cells with epitope-tagged VAMP-1B demonstrated that VAMP-1B was targeted to mitochondria whereas VAMP-1A was localized to the plasma membrane and endosome-like structures. Analysis of C-terminal mutations of VAMP-1B demonstrated that mitochondrial targeting depends both on the addition of positive charge at the C terminus and a shortened hydrophobic membrane anchor. These data suggest that mitochondria may be integrated, at least at a mechanistic level, to the vesicular trafficking pathways that govern protein movement between other organelles of the cell.


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Conventional myosin II plays a fundamental role in the process of cytokinesis where, in the form of bipolar thick filaments, it is thought to be the molecular motor that generates the force necessary to divide the cell. In Dictyostelium, the formation of thick filaments is regulated by the phosphorylation of three threonine residues in the tail region of the myosin heavy chain. We report here on the effects of this regulation on the localization of myosin in live cells undergoing cytokinesis. We imaged fusion proteins of the green-fluorescent protein with wild-type myosin and with myosins where the three critical threonines had been changed to either alanine or aspartic acid. We provide evidence that thick filament formation is required for the accumulation of myosin in the cleavage furrow and that if thick filaments are overproduced, this accumulation is markedly enhanced. This suggests that myosin localization in dividing cells is regulated by myosin heavy chain phosphorylation.


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Activating mutations in the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase have been identified in both rodent and human mast cell leukemia. One activating Kit mutation substitutes a valine for aspartic acid at codon 816 (D816V) and is frequently observed in human mastocytosis. Mutation at the equivalent position in the murine c-kit gene, involving a substitution of tyrosine for aspartic acid (D814Y), has been described in the mouse mastocytoma cell line P815. We have investigated the mechanism of oncogenic activation by this mutation. Expression of this mutant Kit receptor tyrosine kinase in a mast cell line led to the selective tyrosine phosphorylation of a 130-kDa protein and the degradation, through the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, of a 65-kDa phosphoprotein. The 65-kDa protein was identified as the src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, a negative regulator of signaling by Kit and other hematopoietic receptors, and the protein product of the murine motheaten locus. This mutation also altered the sites of receptor autophosphorylation and peptide substrate selectivity. Thus, this mutation activates the oncogenic potential of Kit by a novel mechanism involving an alteration in Kit substrate recognition and the degradation of SHP-1, an attenuator of the Kit signaling pathway.


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Because ascorbic acid (AA) is concentrated in synaptic vesicles containing glutamic acid, we hypothesized that AA might act as a neurotransmitter. Because AA is an antioxidant, it might therefore inhibit nitric oxidergic (NOergic) activation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release from medial basal hypothalamic explants by chemically reducing NO. Cell membrane depolarization induced by increased potassium concentration [K+] increased medium concentrations of both AA and LH-RH. An inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS), NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (NMMA), prevented the increase in medium concentrations of AA and LH-RH induced by high [K+], suggesting that NO mediates release of both AA and LH-RH. Calcium-free medium blocked not only the increase in AA in the medium but also the release of LH-RH. Sodium nitroprusside, which releases NO, stimulated LH-RH release and decreased the concentration of AA in the incubation medium, presumably because the NO released oxidized AA to dehydro-AA. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) had no effect on basal LH-RH release but completely blocked high [K+]- and nitroprusside-induced LH-RH release. N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), which mimics the action of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamic acid, releases LH-RH by releasing NO. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) inhibited the LH-RH-releasing action of NMDA. AA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks NOergic stimulation of LH-RH release by chemically reducing the NO released by the NOergic neurons.


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Two important cytokines mediating inflammation are tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and IL-1β, both of which require conversion to soluble forms by converting enzymes. The importance of TNFα-converting enzyme and IL-1β-converting enzyme in the production of circulating TNFα and IL-1β in response to systemic challenges has been demonstrated by the use of specific converting enzyme inhibitors. Many inflammatory responses, however, are not systemic but instead are localized. In these situations release and/or activation of cytokines may be different from that seen in response to a systemic stimulus, particularly because associations of various cell populations in these foci allows for the exposure of procytokines to the proteolytic enzymes produced by activated neutrophils, neutrophil elastase (NE), proteinase 3 (PR3), and cathepsin G (Cat G). To investigate the possibility of alternative processing of TNFα and/or IL-1β by neutrophil-derived proteinases, immunoreactive TNFα and IL-1β release from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated THP-1 cells was measured in the presence of activated human neutrophils. Under these conditions, TNFα and IL-1β release was augmented 2- to 5-fold. In the presence of a specific inhibitor of NE and PR3, enhanced release of both cytokines was largely abolished; however, in the presence of a NE and Cat G selective inhibitor, secretory leucocyte proteinase inhibitor, reduction of the enhanced release was minimal. This finding suggested that the augmented release was attributable to PR3 but not NE nor Cat G. Use of purified enzymes confirmed this conclusion. These results indicate that there may be alternative pathways for the production of these two proinflammatory cytokines, particularly in the context of local inflammatory processes.


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Caenorhabditis elegans dauer formation is an alternative larval developmental pathway that the worm can take when environmental conditions become detrimental. Animals can survive several months in this stress-resistant stage and can resume normal development when growth conditions improve. Although the worms integrate a variety of sensory information to commit to dauer formation, it is currently unknown whether they also monitor internal cellular damage. The Ro ribonucleoprotein complex, which was initially described as a human autoantigen, is composed of one major 60-kDa protein, Ro60, that binds to one of four small RNA molecules, designated Y RNAs. Ro60 has been shown to bind mutant 5S rRNA molecules in Xenopus oocytes, suggesting a role for Ro60 in 5S rRNA biogenesis. Analysis of ribosomes from a C. elegans rop-1(−) strain, which is null for the expression of Ro60, demonstrated that they contain a high percentage of mutant 5S rRNA molecules, thereby strengthening the notion of a link between the rop-1 gene product and 5S rRNA quality control. The Ro particle was recently shown to be involved in the resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans to UV irradiation, suggesting a role for the Ro complex in stress resistance. We have studied the role of rop-1 in dauer formation. We present genetic and biochemical evidence that rop-1 interacts with dauer-formation genes and is involved in the regulation of the worms' entry into the dauer stage. Furthermore, we find that the rop-1 gene product undergoes a proteolytic processing step that is regulated by the dauer formation pathway via an aspartic proteinase. These results suggest that the Ro particle may function in an RNA quality-control checkpoint for dauer formation.


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Loss of neurotransmitter receptors, especially glutamate and dopamine receptors, is one of the pathologic hallmarks of brains of patients with Huntington disease (HD). Transgenic mice that express exon 1 of an abnormal human HD gene (line R6/2) develop neurologic symptoms at 9–11 weeks of age through an unknown mechanism. Analysis of glutamate receptors (GluRs) in symptomatic 12-week-old R6/2 mice revealed decreases compared with age-matched littermate controls in the type 1 metabotropic GluR (mGluR1), mGluR2, mGluR3, but not the mGluR5 subtype of G protein-linked mGluR, as determined by [3H]glutamate receptor binding, protein immunoblotting, and in situ hybridization. Ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid and kainate receptors were also decreased, while N-methyl-d-aspartic acid receptors were not different compared with controls. Other neurotransmitter receptors known to be affected in HD were also decreased in R6/2 mice, including dopamine and muscarinic cholinergic, but not γ-aminobutyric acid receptors. D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor binding was drastically reduced to one-third of control in the brains of 8- and 12-week-old R6/2 mice. In situ hybridization indicated that mGluR and D1 dopamine receptor mRNA were altered as early as 4 weeks of age, long prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus, altered expression of neurotransmitter receptors precedes clinical symptoms in R6/2 mice and may contribute to subsequent pathology.


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The crystal structure of human endostatin reveals a zinc-binding site. Atomic absorption spectroscopy indicates that zinc is a constituent of both human and murine endostatin in solution. The human endostatin zinc site is formed by three histidines at the N terminus, residues 1, 3, and, 11, and an aspartic acid at residue 76. The N-terminal loop ordered around the zinc makes a dimeric contact in human endostatin crystals. The location of the zinc site at the amino terminus, immediately adjacent to the precursor cleavage site, suggests the possibility that the zinc may be involved in activation of the antiangiogenic activity following cleavage from the inactive collagen XVIII precursor or in the cleavage process itself.


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The specific formylation of initiator methionyl-tRNA by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF; EC is important for the initiation of protein synthesis in eubacteria and in eukaryotic organelles. The determinants for formylation in the tRNA are clustered mostly in the acceptor stem. As part of studies on the molecular mechanism of recognition of the initiator tRNA by MTF, we report here on the isolation and characterization of suppressor mutations in Escherichia coli MTF, which compensate for the formylation defect of a mutant initiator tRNA, lacking a critical determinant in the acceptor stem. We show that the suppressor mutant in MTF has a glycine-41 to arginine change within a 16-amino acid insertion found in MTF from many sources. A mutant with glycine-41 changed to lysine also acts as a suppressor, whereas mutants with changes to aspartic acid, glutamine, and leucine do not. The kinetic parameters of the purified wild-type and mutant Arg-41 and Lys-41 enzymes, determined by using the wild-type and mutant tRNAs as substrates, show that the Arg-41 and Lys-41 mutant enzymes compensate specifically for the strong negative effect of the acceptor stem mutation on formylation. These and other considerations suggest that the 16-amino acid insertion in MTF plays an important role in the specific recognition of the determinants for formylation in the acceptor stem of the initiator tRNA.


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The primary electron donor in bacterial reaction centers is a dimer of bacteriochlorophyll a molecules, labeled L or M based on their proximity to the symmetry-related protein subunits. The electronic structure of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer was probed by introducing small systematic variations in the bacteriochlorophyll–protein interactions by a series of site-directed mutations that replaced residue Leu M160 with histidine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid, asparagine, lysine, and serine. The midpoint potentials for oxidation of the dimer in the mutants showed an almost continuous increase up to ≈60 mV compared with wild type. The spin density distribution of the unpaired electron in the cation radical state of the dimer was determined by electron–nuclear–nuclear triple resonance spectroscopy in solution. The ratio of the spin density on the L side of the dimer to the M side varied from ≈2:1 to ≈5:1 in the mutants compared with ≈2:1 for wild type. The correlation between the midpoint potential and spin density distribution was described using a simple molecular orbital model, in which the major effect of the mutations is assumed to be a change in the energy of the M half of the dimer, providing estimates for the coupling and energy levels of the orbitals in the dimer. These results demonstrate that the midpoint potential can be fine-tuned by electrostatic interactions with amino acids near the dimer and show that the properties of the electronic structure of a donor or acceptor in a protein complex can be directly related to functional properties such as the oxidation–reduction midpoint potential.