38 resultados para Ancient Starch
Intact amyloplasts from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were used to study starch biosynthesis and phosphorylation. Assessed by the degree of intactness and by the level of cytosolic and vacuolar contamination, the best preparations were selected by searching for amyloplasts containing small starch grains. The isolated, small amyloplasts were 80% intact and were free from cytosolic and vacuolar contamination. Biosynthetic studies of the amyloplasts showed that [1-14C]glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) was an efficient precursor for starch synthesis in a manner highly dependent on amyloplast integrity. Starch biosynthesis from [1-14C]Glc-1-P in small, intact amyloplasts was 5-fold lower and largely independent of amyloplast intactness. When [33P]Glc-6-P was administered to the amyloplasts, radiophosphorylated starch was produced. Isoamylase treatment of the starch followed by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection revealed the separated phosphorylated α-glucans. Acid hydrolysis of the phosphorylated α-glucans and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography analyses showed that the incorporated phosphate was preferentially positioned at C-6 of the Glc moiety. The incorporation of radiolabel from Glc-1-P into starch in preparations of amyloplasts containing large grains was independent of intactness and most likely catalyzed by starch phosphorylase bound to naked starch grains.
This study identified and purified specific isoamylase- and pullulanase-type starch-debranching enzymes (DBEs) present in developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. The cDNA clone Zpu1 was isolated based on its homology with a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA coding for a pullulanase-type DBE. Comparison of the protein product, ZPU1, with 18 other DBEs identified motifs common to both isoamylase- and pullulanase-type enzymes, as well as class-specific sequence blocks. Hybridization of Zpu1 to genomic DNA defined a single-copy gene, zpu1, located on chromosome 2. Zpu1 mRNA was abundant in endosperm throughout starch biosynthesis, but was not detected in the leaf or the root. Anti-ZPU1 antiserum specifically recognized the approximately 100-kD ZPU1 protein in developing endosperm, but not in leaves. Pullulanase- and isoamylase-type DBEs were purified from extracts of developing maize kernels. The pullulanase-type activity was identified as ZPU1 and the isoamylase-type activity as SU1. Mutations of the sugary1 (su1) gene are known to cause deficiencies of SU1 isoamylase and a pullulanase-type DBE. ZPU1 activity, protein level, and electrophoretic mobility were altered in su1-mutant kernels, indicating that it is the affected pullulanase-type DBE. The Zpu1 transcript levels were equivalent in nonmutant and su1-mutant kernels, suggesting that coordinated regulation of ZPU1 and SU1 occurs posttranscriptionally.
In vascular plants, mutations leading to a defect in debranching enzyme lead to the simultaneous synthesis of glycogen-like material and normal starch. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii comparable defects lead to the replacement of starch by phytoglycogen. Therefore, debranching was proposed to define a mandatory step for starch biosynthesis. We now report the characterization of small amounts of an insoluble, amylose-like material found in the mutant algae. This novel, starch-like material was shown to be entirely dependent on the presence of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI), the enzyme responsible for amylose synthesis in plants. However, enzyme activity assays, solubilization of proteins from the granule, and western blots all failed to detect GBSSI within the insoluble polysaccharide matrix. The glycogen-like polysaccharides produced in the absence of GBSSI were proved to be qualitatively and quantitatively identical to those produced in its presence. Therefore, we propose that GBSSI requires the presence of crystalline amylopectin for granule binding and that the synthesis of amylose-like material can proceed at low levels without the binding of GBSSI to the polysaccharide matrix. Our results confirm that amylopectin synthesis is completely blocked in debranching-enzyme-defective mutants of C. reinhardtii.
The new direction in Maya archaeology is toward achieving a greater understanding of people and their roles and their relations in the past. To answer emerging humanistic questions about ancient people's lives Mayanists are increasingly making use of new and existing scientific methods from archaeology and other disciplines. Maya archaeology is bridging the divide between the humanities and sciences to answer questions about ancient people previously considered beyond the realm of archaeological knowledge.
The past decade in molecular biology has seen remarkable advances in the study of the origin and early evolution of life. The mathematical tools for analyzing DNA and protein sequences, coupled with the availability of complete microbial genome sequences, provide insight almost as far back as the age of the nucleic acids themselves. Experimental evolution in the laboratory and especially in vitro evolution of RNA provide insight into a hypothetical world where RNA, or a close relative, may have debuted as a primary functional and informational molecule. The ability to isolate new functional RNAs from random sequences now ultimately makes the world of possible primitive chemical interactions accessible even when the molecules or reactions are no longer present in modern species. Thus we can at last form direct experimental tests of specific models for the origin of RNA–protein associations, such as those that influenced the genetic code. This marks a turning point for probing the origin and early history of life at the molecular level.
The Deleted in AZoospermia (DAZ) genes encode potential RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in prenatal and postnatal germ cells and are strong candidates for human fertility factors. Here we report the identification of an additional member of the DAZ gene family, which we have called BOULE. With the identification of this gene, it is clear that the human DAZ gene family contains at least three members: DAZ, a Y-chromosome gene cluster that arose 30–40 million years ago and whose deletion is linked to infertility in men; DAZL, the “father” of DAZ, a gene that maps to human chromosome 3 and has homologs required for both female and male germ cell development in other organisms; and BOULE, a gene that we propose is the “grandfather” of DAZ and maps to human chromosome 2. Human and mouse BOULE resemble the invertebrate meiotic regulator Boule, the proposed ortholog of DAZ, in sequence and expression pattern and hence likely perform a similar meiotic function. In contrast, the previously identified human DAZ and DAZL are expressed much earlier than BOULE in prenatal germ stem cells and spermatogonia; DAZL also is expressed in female germ cells. These data suggest that homologs of the DAZ gene family can be grouped into two subfamilies (BOULE and DAZL) and that members of the DAZ family evolved from an ancestral meiotic regulator, Boule, to assume distinct, yet overlapping, functions in germ cell development.
Waxy wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lacks the waxy protein, which is also known as granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI). The starch granules of waxy wheat endosperm and pollen do not contain amylose and therefore stain red-brown with iodine. However, we observed that starch from pericarp tissue of waxy wheat stained blue-black and contained amylose. Significantly higher starch synthase activity was detected in pericarp starch granules than in endosperm starch granules. A granule-bound protein that differed from GBSSI in molecular mass and isoelectric point was detected in the pericarp starch granules but not in granules from endosperm. This protein was designated GBSSII. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of GBSSII, although not identical to wheat GBSSI, showed strong homology to waxy proteins or GBSSIs of cereals and potato, and contained the motif KTGGL, which is the putative substrate-binding site of GBSSI of plants and of glycogen synthase of Escherichia coli. GBSSII cross-reacted specifically with antisera raised against potato and maize GBSSI. This study indicates that GBSSI and GBSSII are expressed in a tissue-specific manner in different organs, with GBSSII having an important function in amylose synthesis in the pericarp.
Two distinct types of debranching enzymes have been identified in developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos using native gel analysis and tests of substrate preference on purified or partially purified activities. An isoamylase-like activity capable of hydrolyzing amylopectin and glycogen but not pullulan is present throughout development and is largely or entirely confined to the plastid. Activities capable of hydrolyzing pullulan are present both inside and outside of the plastid, and extraplastidial activity increases relative to the plastidial activity during development. Both types of debranching enzyme are also present in germinating embryos. We argue that debranching enzymes are likely to have a role in starch metabolism in the plastid of the developing embryo and in starch degradation during germination.
The sbeIIa and sbeIIb genes, encoding starch-branching enzyme (SBE) IIa and SBEIIb in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), have been isolated. The 5′ portions of the two genes are strongly divergent, primarily due to the 2064-nucleotide-long intron 2 in sbeIIb. The sequence of this intron shows that it contains a retro-transposon-like element. Expression of sbeIIb but not sbeIIa was found to be endosperm specific. The temporal expression patterns for sbeIIa and sbeIIb were similar and peaked around 12 d after pollination. DNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that sbeIIa and sbeIIb are both single-copy genes in the barley genome. By fluorescence in situ hybridization, the sbeIIa and sbeIIb genes were mapped to chromosomes 2 and 5, respectively. The cDNA clones for SBEIIa and SBEIIb were isolated and sequenced. The amino acid sequences of SBEIIa and SBEIIb were almost 80% identical. The major structural difference between the two enzymes was the presence of a 94-amino acid N-terminal extension in the SBEIIb precursor. The (β/α)8-barrel topology of the α-amylase superfamily and the catalytic residues implicated in branching enzymes are conserved in both barley enzymes.
To investigate the short-term effect of elevated temperatures on carbon metabolism in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers, developing tubers were exposed to a range of temperatures between 19°C and 37°C. Incorporation of [14C]glucose (Glc) into starch showed a temperature optimum at 25°C. Increasing the temperature from 23°C or 25°C up to 37°C led to decreased labeling of starch, increased labeling of sucrose (Suc) and intermediates of the respiratory pathway, and increased respiration rates. At elevated temperatures, hexose-phosphate levels were increased, whereas the levels of glycerate-3-phosphate (3PGA) and phosphoenolpyruvate were decreased. There was an increase in pyruvate and malate, and a decrease in isocitrate. The amount of adenine diphosphoglucose (ADPGlc) decreased when tubers were exposed to elevated temperatures. There was a strong correlation between the in vivo levels of 3PGA and ADPGlc in tubers incubated at different temperatures, and the decrease in ADPGlc correlated very well with the decrease in the labeling of starch. In tubers incubated at temperatures above 30°C, the overall activities of Suc synthase and ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase declined slightly, whereas soluble starch synthase and pyruvate kinase remained unchanged. Elevated temperatures led to an activation of Suc phosphate synthase involving a change in its kinetic properties. There was a strong correlation between Suc phosphate synthase activation and the in vivo level of Glc-6-phosphate. It is proposed that elevated temperatures lead to increased rates of respiration, and the resulting decline of 3PGA then inhibits ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase and starch synthesis.
The possible involvement of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) starch-branching enzyme I (PSBE-I) in the in vivo synthesis of phosphorylated amylopectin was investigated in in vitro experiments with isolated PSBE-I using 33P-labeled phosphorylated and 3H end-labeled nonphosphorylated α(1→4)glucans as the substrates. From these radiolabeled substrates PSBE-I was shown to catalyze the formation of dual-labeled (3H/33P) phosphorylated branched polysaccharides with an average degree of polymerization of 80 to 85. The relatively high molecular mass indicated that the product was the result of multiple chain-transfer reactions. The presence of α(1→6) branch points was documented by isoamylase treatment and anion-exchange chromatography. Although the initial steps of the in vivo mechanism responsible for phosphorylation of potato starch remains elusive, the present study demonstrates that the enzyme machinery available in potato has the ability to incorporate phosphorylated α(1→4)glucans into neutral polysaccharides in an interchain catalytic reaction. Potato mini tubers synthesized phosphorylated starch from exogenously supplied 33PO43− and [U-14C]Glc at rates 4 times higher than those previously obtained using tubers from fully grown potato plants. This system was more reproducible compared with soil-grown tubers and was therefore used for preparation of 33P-labeled phosphorylated α(1→4)glucan chains.
Function of the maize (Zea mays) gene sugary1 (su1) is required for normal starch biosynthesis in endosperm. Homozygous su1- mutant endosperms accumulate a highly branched polysaccharide, phytoglycogen, at the expense of the normal branched component of starch, amylopectin. These data suggest that both branched polysaccharides share a common precursor, and that the product of the su1 gene, designated SU1, participates in kernel starch biosynthesis. SU1 is similar in sequence to α-(1→6) glucan hydrolases (starch-debranching enzymes [DBEs]). Specific antibodies were produced and used to demonstrate that SU1 is a 79-kD protein that accumulates in endosperm coincident with the time of starch biosynthesis. Nearly full-length SU1 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. Two biochemical assays confirmed that SU1 hydrolyzes α-(1→6) linkages in branched polysaccharides. Determination of the specific activity of SU1 toward various substrates enabled its classification as an isoamylase. Previous studies had shown, however, that su1- mutant endosperms are deficient in a different type of DBE, a pullulanase (or R enzyme). Immunoblot analyses revealed that both SU1 and a protein detected by antibodies specific for the rice (Oryza sativa) R enzyme are missing from su1- mutant kernels. These data support the hypothesis that DBEs are directly involved in starch biosynthesis.
In the developing endosperm of monocotyledonous plants, starch granules are synthesized and deposited within the amyloplast. A soluble stromal fraction was isolated from amyloplasts of immature maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm and analyzed for enzyme activities and polypeptide content. Specific activities of starch synthase and starch-branching enzyme (SBE), but not the cytosolic marker alcohol dehydrogenase, were strongly enhanced in soluble amyloplast stromal fractions relative to soluble extracts obtained from homogenized kernels or endosperms. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that starch synthase I, SBEIIb, and sugary1, the putative starch-debranching enzyme, were each highly enriched in the amyloplast stroma, providing direct evidence for the localization of starch-biosynthetic enzymes within this compartment. Analysis of maize mutants shows the deficiency of the 85-kD SBEIIb polypeptide in the stroma of amylose extender cultivars and that the dull mutant lacks a >220-kD stromal polypeptide. The stromal fraction is distinguished by differential enrichment of a characteristic group of previously undocumented polypeptides. N-terminal sequence analysis revealed that an abundant 81-kD stromal polypeptide is a member of the Hsp70 family of stress-related proteins. Moreover, the 81-kD stromal polypeptide is strongly recognized by antibodies specific for an Hsp70 of the chloroplast stroma. These findings are discussed in light of implications for the correct folding and assembly of soluble, partially soluble, and granule-bound starch-biosynthetic enzymes during import into the amyloplast.