17 resultados para Alkylation


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Protein farnesyltransferase catalyzes the alkylation of cysteine in C-terminal CaaX sequences of a variety of proteins, including Ras, nuclear lamins, large G proteins, and phosphodiesterases, by farnesyl diphosphate (FPP). These modifications enhance the ability of the proteins to associate with membranes and are essential for their respective functions. The enzyme-catalyzed reaction was studied by using a series of substrate analogs for FPP to distinguish between electrophilic and nucleophilic mechanisms for prenyl transfer. FPP analogs containing hydrogen, fluoromethyl, and trifluoromethyl substituents in place of the methyl at carbon 3 were evaluated as alternative substrates for alkylation of the sulfhydryl moiety in the peptide dansyl-GCVIA. The analogs were alternative substrates for the prenylation reaction and were competitive inhibitors against FPP. A comparison of kcat for FPP and the analogs with ksolv, the rate constants for solvolysis of related p-methoxybenzenesulfonate derivatives, indicated that protein prenylation occurred by an electrophilic mechanism.


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Key studies defining the DNA alkylation properties and selectivity of a new class of exceptionally potent, naturally occurring antitumor antibiotics including CC-1065, duocarmycin A, and duocarmycin SA are reviewed. Recent studies conducted with synthetic agents containing deep-seated structural changes and the unnatural enantiomers of the natural products and related analogs have defined the structural basis for the sequence-selective alkylation of duplex DNA and fundamental relationships between chemical structure, functional reactivity, and biological properties. The agents undergo a reversible, stereoelectronically controlled adenine-N3 addition to the least substituted carbon of the activated cyclopropane within selected AT-rich sites. The preferential AT-rich non-covalent binding selectivity of the agents within the narrower, deeper AT-rich minor groove and the steric accessibility to the alkylation site that accompanies deep AT-rich minor groove penetration control the sequence-selective DNA alkylation reaction and stabilize the resulting adduct. For the agents that possess sufficient reactivity to alkylate DNA, a direct relationship between chemical or functional stability and biological potency has been defined.