33 resultados para Ahlbäck, Anders


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We describe an efficient technique for the selective chemical and biological manipulation of the contents of individual cells. This technique is based on the electric-field-induced permeabilization (electroporation) in biological membranes using a low-voltage pulse generator and microelectrodes. A spatially highly focused electric field allows introduction of polar cell-impermeant solutes such as fluorescent dyes, fluorogenic reagents, and DNA into single cells. The high spatial resolution of the technique allows for design of, for example, cellular network constructions in which cells in close contact with each other can be made to possess different biochemical, biophysical, and morphological properties. Fluorescein, and fluo-3 (a calcium-sensitive fluorophore), are electroporated into the soma of cultured single progenitor cells derived from adult rat hippocampus. Fluo-3 also is introduced into individual submicrometer diameter processes of thapsigargin-treated progenitor cells, and a plasmid vector cDNA construct (pRAY 1), expressing the green fluorescent protein, is electroporated into cultured single COS 7 cells. At high electric field strengths, observations of dye-transfer into organelles are proposed.


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Cellular immunity is mediated by the interaction of an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with a peptide presented within the context of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Alloreactive T cells have αβ TCRs that can recognize both self- and foreign peptide–MHC (pMHC) complexes, implying that the TCR has significant complementarity with different pMHC. To characterize the molecular basis for alloreactive TCR recognition of pMHC, we have produced a soluble, recombinant form of an alloreactive αβ T cell receptor in Drosophila melanogaster cells. This recombinant TCR, 2C, is expressed as a correctly paired αβ heterodimer, with the chains covalently connected via a disulfide bond in the C-terminal region. The native conformation of the 2C TCR was probed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis by using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, as well as syngeneic and allogeneic pMHC ligands. The 2C interaction with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8, H-2Kb-SIYR, and H-2Ld-p2Ca spans a range of affinities from Kd = 10−4 to 10−6M for the syngeneic (H-2Kb) and allogeneic (H-2Kbm3, H-2Ld) ligands. In general, the syngeneic ligands bind with weaker affinities than the allogeneic ligands, consistent with current threshold models of thymic selection and T cell activation. Crystallization of the 2C TCR required proteolytic trimming of the C-terminal residues of the α and β chains. X-ray quality crystals of complexes of 2C with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8 and H-2Kb-SIYR have been grown.


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Objective: To analyse the cost effectiveness of a national programme to screen blood donors for infection with the human T cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus.


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A new humidifier for use during mechanical ventilation in endotracheally intubated patients is described and tested. The humidifier is based on a heat-moisture exchanger, which absorbs the expired heat and moisture and releases it into the inspired air. External heat and water are then added at the patient side of the heat-moisture exchanger, so that the inspired gas should reach 100% humidity (44 mg/l) at 37°C. In bench tests using constant and decelerating inspiratory flow and minute volumes of 3–25 l the device gave an absolute humidity of 41–44 mg/l, and it reduced the amount of water consumed in eight mechanically ventilated patients compared with a conventional active humidifier. During a 24-h test period there was no water condensation in the ventilator tubing with the new device.


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CD8+ and CD8− T cell lines expressing the same antigen-specific receptor [the 2C T cell receptor (TCR)] were compared for ability to bind soluble peptide-MHC and to lyse target cells. The 2C TCR on CD8− cells bound a syngeneic MHC (Kb+)-peptide complex 10–100 times less well than the same TCR on CD8+ cells, and the CD8− 2C cells lysed target cells presenting this complex very poorly. Surprisingly, however, the CD8− cells differed little from CD8+ cells in ability to bind an allogeneic MHC (Ld+)-peptide complex and to lyse target cells presenting this complex. The CD8+/CD8− difference provided an opportunity to estimate how long TCR engagements with peptide-MHC have to persist to initiate the cytolytic T cell response.


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Clinical evidence suggests that control mechanisms for local and global attention are lateralized in the temporal–parietal cortex. However, in the human occipital (visual) cortex, the evidence for lateralized local/global attention is controversial. To clarify this matter, we used functional MRI to map activity in the human occipital cortex, during local and global attention, with sustained visual fixation. Data were analyzed in a flattened cortical format, relative to maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency peak tuning. Neither local nor global attention was lateralized in the occipital cortex. Instead, local attention and global attention appear to be special cases of visual spatial attention, which are mapped consistently with the maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency tuning, in multiple visual cortical areas.


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Galanin is a neuropeptide with multiple inhibitory actions on neurotransmission and memory. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), increased galanin-containing fibers hyperinnervate cholinergic neurons within the basal forebrain in association with a decline in cognition. We generated transgenic mice (GAL-tg) that overexpress galanin under the control of the dopamine β-hydroxylase promoter to study the neurochemical and behavioral sequelae of a mouse model of galanin overexpression in AD. Overexpression of galanin was associated with a reduction in the number of identifiable neurons producing acetylcholine in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band. Behavioral phenotyping indicated that GAL-tgs displayed normal general health and sensory and motor abilities; however, GAL-tg mice showed selective performance deficits on the Morris spatial navigational task and the social transmission of food preference olfactory memory test. These results suggest that elevated expression of galanin contributes to the neurochemical and cognitive impairments characteristic of AD.


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The enzymatic synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) from indole by an in vitro preparation from maize (Zea mays L.) that does not use tryptophan (Trp) as an intermediate is described. Light-grown seedlings of normal maize and the maize mutant orange pericarp were shown to contain the necessary enzymes to convert [14C]indole to IAA. The reaction was not inhibited by unlabeled Trp and neither [14C]Trp nor [14C]serine substituted for [14C]indole in this in vitro system. The reaction had a pH optimum greater than 8.0, required a reducing environment, and had an oxidation potential near that of ascorbate. The results obtained with this in vitro enzyme preparation provide strong, additional evidence for the presence of a Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis pathway in plants.


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Tumor formation involves the accumulation of a series of genetic alterations that are required for malignant growth. In most malignancies, genetic changes can be observed at the chromosomal level as losses or gains of whole or large portions of chromosomes. Here we provide evidence that tumor DNA may be horizontally transferred by the uptake of apoptotic bodies. Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies derived from H-rasV12- and human c-myc-transfected rat fibroblasts resulted in loss of contact inhibition in vitro and a tumorigenic phenotype in vivo. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis revealed the presence of rat chromosomes or of rat and mouse fusion chromosomes in the nuclei of the recipient murine cells. The transferred DNA was propagated, provided that the transferred DNA conferred a selective advantage to the cell and that the phagocytotic host cell was p53-negative. These results suggest that lateral transfer of DNA between eukaryotic cells may result in aneuploidy and the accumulation of genetic changes that are necessary for tumor formation.


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The drugs in clinical use against African sleeping sickness are toxic, costly, or inefficient. We show that Trypanosoma brucei, which causes this disease, has very low levels of CTP, which are due to a limited capacity for de novo synthesis and the lack of salvage pathways. The CTP synthetase inhibitors 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON) and α-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid (acivicin) reduced the parasite CTP levels even further and inhibited trypanosome proliferation in vitro and in T. brucei-infected mice. In mammalian cells, DON mainly inhibits de novo purine biosynthesis, a pathway lacking in trypanosomes. We could rescue DON-treated human and mouse fibroblasts by the addition of the purine base hypoxanthine to the growth medium. For treatment of sleeping sickness, we propose the use of CTP synthetase inhibitors alone or in combination with appropriate nucleosides or bases.


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The past two decades have seen an enormous growth in the field of human brain mapping. Investigators have extensively exploited techniques such as positron emission tomography and MRI to map patterns of brain activity based on changes in cerebral hemodynamics. However, until recently, most studies have investigated equilibrium changes in blood flow measured over time periods upward of 1 min. The advent of high-speed MRI methods, capable of imaging the entire brain with a temporal resolution of a few seconds, allows for brain mapping based on more transient aspects of the hemodynamic response. Today it is now possible to map changes in cerebrovascular parameters essentially in real time, conferring the ability to observe changes in brain state that occur over time periods of seconds. Furthermore, because robust hemodynamic alterations are detectable after neuronal stimuli lasting only a few tens of milliseconds, a new class of task paradigms designed to measure regional responses to single sensory or cognitive events can now be studied. Such “event related” functional MRI should provide for fundamentally new ways to interrogate brain function, and allow for the direct comparison and ultimately integration of data acquired by using more traditional behavioral and electrophysiological methods.


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Human area V1 offers an excellent opportunity to study, using functional MRI, a range of properties in a specific cortical visual area, whose borders are defined objectively and convergently by retinotopic criteria. The retinotopy in V1 (also known as primary visual cortex, striate cortex, or Brodmann’s area 17) was defined in each subject by using both stationary and phase-encoded polar coordinate stimuli. Data from V1 and neighboring retinotopic areas were displayed on flattened cortical maps. In additional tests we revealed the paired cortical representations of the monocular “blind spot.” We also activated area V1 preferentially (relative to other extrastriate areas) by presenting radial gratings alternating between 6% and 100% contrast. Finally, we showed evidence for orientation selectivity in V1 by measuring transient functional MRI increases produced at the change in response to gratings of differing orientations. By systematically varying the orientations presented, we were able to measure the bandwidth of the orientation “transients” (45°).


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Previous studies of cortical retinotopy focused on influences from the contralateral visual field, because ascending inputs to cortex are known to be crossed. Here, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to demonstrate and analyze an ipsilateral representation in human visual cortex. Moving stimuli, in a range of ipsilateral visual field locations, revealed activity: (i) along the vertical meridian in retinotopic (presumably lower-tier) areas; and (ii) in two large branches anterior to that, in presumptive higher-tier areas. One branch shares the anterior vertical meridian representation in human V3A, extending superiorly toward parietal cortex. The second branch runs antero-posteriorly along lateral visual cortex, overlying motion-selective area MT. Ipsilateral stimuli sparing the region around the vertical meridian representation also produced signal reductions (perhaps reflecting neural inhibition) in areas showing contralaterally driven retinotopy. Systematic sampling across a range of ipsilateral visual field extents revealed significant increases in ipsilateral activation in V3A and V4v, compared with immediately posterior areas V3 and VP. Finally, comparisons between ipsilateral stimuli of different types but equal retinotopic extent showed clear stimulus specificity, consistent with earlier suggestions of a functional segregation of motion vs. form processing in parietal vs. temporal cortex, respectively.