36 resultados para Acid Sites
The lacustrine deposits infilling the intramontane Guadix-Baza Basin, in the Betic Range of Southern Spain, have yielded abundant well-preserved lithic artifacts. In addition, the lake beds contain a wide range of micromammals including Mimomys savini and Allophaiomys burgondiae and large mammals such as Mammuthus and Hippopotamus together with the African saber-toothed felid Megantereon. The association of the lithic artifacts along with the fossil assemblages, themselves of prime significance in the Eurasian mammal biochronology, is providing new insight into the controversy of the human settlement in Southern Europe. Despite the importance of the artifacts and fossil assemblage, estimates of the geological age of the site are still in conflict. Some attempts at dating the sediments have included biochronology, uranium series, amino acid racemization, and stratigraphic correlation with other well-dated sections in the basin, but so far have failed to yield unambiguous ages. Here we present paleomagnetic age dating at the relevant localities and thus provide useful age constraints for this critical paleoanthropological and mammal site. Our data provide firm evidence for human occupation in Southern Europe in the Lower Pleistocene, around 1 mega-annum ago. The current view of when and how hominids first dispersed into Europe needs to be reevaluated.
Alcohols in the homologous series of n-alcohols increase in central nervous system depressant potency with increasing chain length until a “cutoff” is reached, after which further increases in molecular size no longer increase alcohol potency. A similar phenomenon has been observed in the regulation of ligand-gated ion channels by alcohols. Different ligand-gated ion channels exhibit radically different cutoff points, suggesting the existence of discrete alcohol binding pockets of variable size on these membrane proteins. The identification of amino acid residues that determine the alcohol cutoff may, therefore, provide information about the location of alcohol binding sites. Alcohol regulation of the glycine receptor is critically dependent on specific amino acid residues in transmembrane domains 2 and 3 of the α subunit. We now demonstrate that these residues in the glycine α1 and the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptors also control alcohol cutoff. By mutation of Ser-267 to Gln, it was possible to decrease the cutoff in the glycine α1 receptor, whereas mutation of Ile-307 and/or Trp-328 in the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptor to smaller residues increased the cutoff. These results support the existence of alcohol binding pockets in these membrane proteins and suggest that the amino acid residues present at these positions can control the size of the alcohol binding cavity.
Interaction of light-activated rhodopsin with transducin (T) is the first event in visual signal transduction. We use covalent crosslinking approaches to map the contact sites in interaction between the two proteins. Here we use a photoactivatable reagent, N-[(2-pyridyldithio)-ethyl], 4-azido salicylamide. The reagent is attached to the SH group of cytoplasmic monocysteine rhodopsin mutants by a disulfide-exchange reaction with the pyridylthio group, and the derivatized rhodopsin then is complexed with T by illumination at λ >495 nm. Subsequent irradiation of the complex at λ310 nm generates covalent crosslinks between the two proteins. Crosslinking was demonstrated between T and a number of single cysteine rhodopsin mutants. However, sites of crosslinks were investigated in detail only between T and the rhodopsin mutant S240C (cytoplasmic loop V-VI). Crosslinking occurred predominantly with Tα. For identification of the sites of crosslinks in Tα, the strategy used involved: (i) derivatization of all of the free cysteines in the crosslinked proteins with N-ethylmaleimide; (ii) reduction of the disulfide bond linking the two proteins and isolation of all of the Tα species carrying the crosslinked moiety with a free SH group; (iii) adduct formation of the latter with the N-maleimide moiety of the reagent, maleimido-butyryl-biocytin, containing a biotinyl group; (iv) trypsin degradation of the resulting Tα derivatives and isolation of Tα peptides carrying maleimido-butyryl-biocytin by avidin-agarose chromatography; and (v) identification of the isolated peptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. We found that crosslinking occurred mainly to two C-terminal peptides in Tα containing the amino acid sequences 310–313 and 342–345.
Al-resistant (alr) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated and characterized to gain a better understanding of the genetic and physiological mechanisms of Al resistance. alr mutants were identified on the basis of enhanced root growth in the presence of levels of Al that strongly inhibited root growth in wild-type seedlings. Genetic analysis of the alr mutants showed that Al resistance was semidominant, and chromosome mapping of the mutants with microsatellite and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers indicated that the mutants mapped to two sites in the Arabidopsis genome: one locus on chromosome 1 (alr-108, alr-128, alr-131, and alr-139) and another on chromosome 4 (alr-104). Al accumulation in roots of mutant seedlings was studied by staining with the fluorescent Al-indicator dye morin and quantified via inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectrometry. It was found that the alr mutants accumulated lower levels of Al in the root tips compared with wild type. The possibility that the mutants released Al-chelating organic acids was examined. The mutants that mapped together on chromosome 1 released greater amounts of citrate or malate (as well as pyruvate) compared with wild type, suggesting that Al exclusion from roots of these alr mutants results from enhanced organic acid exudation. Roots of alr-104, on the other hand, did not exhibit increased release of malate or citrate, but did alkalinize the rhizosphere to a greater extent than wild-type roots. A detailed examination of Al resistance in this mutant is described in an accompanying paper (J. Degenhardt, P.B. Larsen, S.H. Howell, L.V. Kochian [1998] Plant Physiol 117: 19–27).
After birth, most of insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGFs) circulate as a ternary complex formed by the association of IGF binding protein 3-IGF complexes with a serum protein called acid-labile subunit (ALS). ALS retains the IGF binding protein-3-IGF complexes in the vascular compartment and extends the t1/2 of IGFs in the circulation. Synthesis of ALS occurs mainly in liver after birth and is stimulated by growth hormone. To study the basis for this regulation, we cloned and characterized the mouse ALS gene. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences indicated that the gene is composed of two exons separated by a 1126-bp intron. Exon 1 encodes the first 5 amino acids of the signal peptide and contributes the first nucleotide of codon 6. Exon 2 contributes the last 2 nt of codon 6 and encodes the remaining 17 amino acids of the signal peptide as well as the 580 amino acids of the mature protein. The polyadenylylation signal, ATTAAA, is located 241 bp from the termination codon. The cDNA and genomic DNA diverge 16 bp downstream from this signal. Transcription initiation was mapped to 11 sites over a 140-bp TATA-less region. The DNA fragment extending from nt -805 to -11 (ATG, +1) directed basal and growth hormone-regulated expression of a luciferase reporter plasmid in the rat liver cell line H4-II-E. Finally, the ALS gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 17 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
There are four acyl-lipid desaturases in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Each of these desaturases introduces a double bond at a specific position, such as the Delta6, Delta9, Delta12, or omicron3 position, in C18 fatty acids. The localization of the desaturases in cyanobacterial cells was examined immunocytochemically with antibodies raised against synthetic oligopeptides that corresponded to the carboxyl-terminal regions of the desaturases. All four desaturases appeared to be located in the regions of both the cytoplasmic and the thylakoid membranes. These findings suggest that fatty acid desaturation of membrane lipids takes place in the thylakoid membranes as well as in the cytoplasmic membranes.
Expression of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I) in Escherichia, coli complements the growth defect caused by a temperature-sensitive mutation in the host pol I. We replaced the nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 659-671 of the O-helix of Taq DNA pol I, corresponding to the substrate binding site, with an oligonucleotide containing random nucleotides. Functional Taq pol I mutants were selected based on colony formation at the nonpermissive temperature. By using a library with 9% random substitutions at each of 39 positions, we identified 61 active Taq pol I mutants, each of which contained from one to four amino acid substitutions. Some amino acids, such as alanine-661 and threonine-664, were tolerant of several or even many diverse replacements. In contrast, no replacements or only conservative replacements were identified at arginine-659, lysine-663, and tyrosine-671. By using a library with totally random nucleotides at five different codons (arginine-659, arginine-660, lysine-663, phenylalanine-667, and glycine-668), we confirmed that arginine-659 and lysine-663 were immutable, and observed that only tyrosine substituted for phenylalanine-667. The two immutable residues and the two residues that tolerate only highly conservative replacements lie on the side of O-helix facing the incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate, as determined by x-ray analysis. Thus, we offer a new approach to assess concordance of the active conformation of an enzyme, as interpreted from the crystal structure, with the active conformation inferred from in vivo function.
gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors are the major sites of fast synaptic inhibition in the brain. They are constructed from four subunit classes with multiple members: alpha (1-6), beta (1-4), gamma (1-4), and delta (1). The contribution of subunit diversity in determining receptor subcellular targeting was examined in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Significant detection of cell surface homomeric receptor expression by a combination of both immunological and electrophysiological methodologies was only found for the beta 3 subunit. Expression of alpha/beta binary combinations resulted in a nonpolarized distribution for alpha 1 beta 1 complexes, but specific basolateral targeting of both alpha 1 beta 2 and alpha 1 beta 3 complexes. The polarized distribution of these alpha/beta complexes was unaffected by the presence of the gamma 2S subunit. Interestingly, delivery of receptors containing the beta 3 subunit to the basolateral domain occurs via the apical surface. These results show that beta subunits can selectively target GABAA receptors to distinct cellular locations. Changes in the spatial and temporal expression of beta-subunit isoforms may therefore provide a mechanism for relocating GABAA receptor function between distinct neuronal domains. Given the critical role of these receptors in mediating synaptic inhibition, the contribution of different beta subunits in GABAA receptor function, may have implications in neuronal development and for receptor localization/clustering.
D-amino acid oxidase is the prototype of the FAD-dependent oxidases. It catalyses the oxidation of D-amino acids to the corresponding alpha-ketoacids. The reducing equivalents are transferred to molecular oxygen with production of hydrogen peroxide. We have solved the crystal structure of the complex of D-amino acid oxidase with benzoate, a competitive inhibitor of the substrate, by single isomorphous replacement and eightfold averaging. Each monomer is formed by two domains with an overall topology similar to that of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The benzoate molecule lays parallel to the flavin ring and is held in position by a salt bridge with Arg-283. Analysis of the active site shows that no side chains are properly positioned to act as the postulated base required for the catalytic carboanion mechanism. On the contrary, the benzoate binding mode suggests a direct transfer of the substrate alpha-hydrogen to the flavin during the enzyme reductive half-reaction.The active site Of D-amino acid oxidase exhibits a striking similarity with that of flavocytochrome b2, a structurally unrelated FMN-dependent flavoenzyme. The active site groups (if these two enzymes are in fact superimposable once the mirror-image of the flavocytochrome b2 active site is generated with respect to the flavin plane. Therefore, the catalytic sites of D-amino acid oxidase and flavocytochrome b2 appear to have converged to a highly similar but enantiomeric architecture in order to catalvze similar reactions (oxidation of alpha-amino acids or alpha-hydroxy acids), although with opposite stereochemistry.
The Shc adaptor protein contains two phosphotyrosine [Tyr(P)]binding modules--an N-terminal Tyr(P) binding (PTB) domain and a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. We have compared the ability of the Shc PTB domain to bind the receptors for nerve growth factor and insulin, both of which contain juxtamembrane Asn-Pro-Xaa-Tyr(P) motifs implicated in PTB binding. The Shc PTB domain binds with high affinity to a phosphopeptide corresponding to the nerve growth factor receptor Tyr-490 autophosphorylation site. Analysis of individual residues within this motif indicates that the Asn at position -3 [with respect to Tyr(P)], in addition to Tyr(P), is critical for PTB binding, while the Pro at position -2 plays a less significant role. A hydrophobic amino acid 5 residues N-terminal to the Tyr(P) is also essential for high-affinity binding. In contrast, the Shc PTB domain does not bind stably to the Asn-Pro-Xaa-Tyr(P) site at Tyr-960 in the activated insulin receptor, which has a polar residue (Ser) at position -5. Substitution of this Ser at position -5 with Ile markedly increased binding of the insulin receptor Tyr-960 phosphopeptide to the PTB domain. These results suggest that while the Shc PTB domain recognizes a core sequence of Asn-Pro-Xaa-Tyr(P), its binding affinity is modulated by more N-terminal residues in the ligand, which therefore contribute to the specificity of PTB-receptor interactions. An analysis of residues in the Shc PTB domain required for binding to Tyr(P) sites identified a specific and evolutionarily conserved Arg (Arg-175) that is uniquely important for ligand binding and is potentially involved in Tyr(P) recognition.
The Escherichia coli fnr gene product, FNR, is a DNA binding protein that regulates a large family of genes involved in cellular respiration and carbon metabolism during conditions of anaerobic cell growth. FNR is believed to contain a redox/O2-sensitive element for detecting the anaerobic state. To investigate this process, a fnr mutant that encodes an altered FNR protein with three amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal domain was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. In vivo, the mutant behaved like a wild-type strain under anaerobic conditions but had a 14-fold elevated level of transcriptional activation of a reporter gene during aerobic cell growth. The altered fur gene was overexpressed in E. coli and the resultant FNR protein was purified to near homogeneity by using anaerobic chromatography procedures. An in vitro Rsa I restriction site protection assay was developed that allowed for the assessment of oxygen-dependent DNA binding of the mutant FNR protein. The FNR protein was purified as a monomer of M(r) 28,000 that contained nonheme iron at 2.05 +/- 0.34 mol of Fe per FNR monomer. In vitro DNase I protection studies were performed to establish the locations of the FNR-binding sites at the narG, narK, dmsA, and hemA promoters that are regulated by either activation or repression of their transcription. The sizes of the DNA footprints are consistent with the binding of two monomers of FNR that protect the symmetrical FNR-recognition sequence TTGAT-nnnnATCAA. Exposure of the FNR protein or protein-DNA complex to air for even short periods of time (approximately 5 min) led to the complete loss of DNA protection at a consensus FNR recognition site. A model whereby the FNR protein exists in the cell as a monomer that assembles on the DNA under anaerobic conditions to form a dimer is discussed.
Previous molecular mechanics calculations suggest that strands of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) and complementary oligonucleotides form antiparallel duplexes stabilized by interresidue hydrogen bonds. In the computed structures, the amide carbonyl oxygen nearest the nucleobase (O7') forms an interresidue hydrogen bond with the backbone amide proton of the following residue, (n + 1)H1'. Of the 10 published two dimensional 1H NMR structures of a hexameric PNA.RNA heteroduplex. PNA(GAACTC).r(GAGUUC), 9 exhibit two to five potential interresidue hydrogen bonds. In our minimized average structure, created from the coordinates of these 10 NMR structures, three of the five possible interresidue hydrogen bond sites within the PNA backbone display the carbonyl oxygen (O7') and the amide proton (n + 1)H1' distances and N1'-H1'-(n - 1)O7' angles optimal for hydrogen bond formation. The finding of these interresidue hydrogen bonds supports the results of our previous molecular mechanics calculations.
Five human diseases are due to an excessive number of CAG repeats in the coding regions of five different genes. We have analyzed the repeat regions in four of these genes from nonhuman primates, which are not known to suffer from the diseases. These primates have CAG repeats at the same sites as in human alleles, and there is similar polymorphism of repeat number, but this number is smaller than in the human genes. In some of the genes, the segment of poly(CAG) has expanded in nonhuman primates, but the process has advanced further in the human lineage than in other primate lineages, thereby predisposing to diseases of CAG reiteration. Adjacent to stretches of homogeneous present-day codon repeats, previously existing codons of the same kind have undergone nucleotide substitutions with high frequency. Where these lead to amino acid substitutions, the effect will be to reduce the length of the original homopolymeric stretch in the protein.
The Epstein-Barr virus-encoded protein BZLF1 is a member of the basic leucine zipper (bZip) family of transcription factors. Like several other members of the bZip family, transcriptional activity of BZLF1 is modulated by retinoic acid receptors (RARs). We present evidence that the RAR alpha and BZLF1 can reciprocally repress each other's transcriptional activation by a newly discovered mechanism. Analysis of RAR alpha mutants in transfection studies reveals that the DNA binding domain is sufficient for inhibition of BZLF1 activity. Analysis of BZLF1 mutants indicates that both the coiled-coil dimerization domain and a region containing the transcriptional activation domain of BZLF1 are required for transrepression. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate physical interactions between RAR alpha and BZLF1 in vivo. Furthermore, glutathione S-transferase-pulldown assays reveal that these protein-protein interactions are mediated by the coiled-coil dimerization domain of BZLF1 and the DNA binding domain of RAR alpha. While RAR alpha is unable to recognize BZLF1 binding sites, the RAR alpha can be tethered to the DNA by forming a heteromeric complex with BZLF1 bound to DNA. Tethering RARs via protein-protein interactions onto promoter DNA suggest a mechanism through which RARs might gain additional levels of transcriptional regulation.
A sequence of epithelial cell proliferation, allocation to four principal lineages, migration-associated differentiation, and cell loss occurs along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse intestine. The sequence is completed in a few days and is recapitulated throughout the life-span of the animal. We have used an intestine-specific fatty acid binding protein gene, Fabpi, as a model for studying regulation of gene expression in this unique developmental system. Promoter mapping studies in transgenic mice identified a 20-bp cis-acting element (5'-AGGTGGAAGCCATCACACTT-3') that binds small intestinal nuclear proteins and participates in the control of Fabpi's cephalocaudal, differentiation-dependent, and cell lineage-specific patterns of expression. Immunocytochemical studies using confocal and electron microscopy indicate that it does so by acting as a suppressor of gene expression in the distal small intestine/colon, as a suppressor of gene activation in proliferating and nonproliferating cells located in the crypts of Lieberkühn, and as a suppressor of expression in the growth factor and defensin-producing Paneth cell lineage. The 20-bp domain has no obvious sequence similarities to known transcription factor binding sites. The three functions modulated by this compact element represent the types of functions required to establish and maintain the intestine's remarkably complex spatial patterns of gene expression. The transgenes described in this report also appear to be useful in characterizing the crypt's stem cell hierarchy.