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From the characterization of enzyme activities and the analysis of genomic sequences, the complement of DNA methyltransferases (MTases) possessed by the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 has been deduced. Anabaena has nine DNA MTases. Four are associated with Type II restriction enzymes (AvaI, AvaII, AvaIII and the newly recognized inactive AvaIV), and five are not. Of the latter, four may be classified as solitary MTases, those whose function lies outside of a restriction/modification system. The group is defined here based on biochemical and genetic characteristics. The four solitary MTases, DmtA/M.AvaVI, DmtB/M.AvaVII, DmtC/M.AvaVIII and DmtD/M.AvaIX, methylate at GATC, GGCC, CGATCG and rCCGGy, respectively. DmtB methylates cytosines at the N4 position, but its sequence is more similar to N6-adenine MTases than to cytosine-specific enzymes, indicating that it may have evolved from the former. The solitary MTases, appear to be of ancient origin within cyanobacteria, while the restriction MTases appear to have arrived by recent horizontal transfer as did five now inactive Type I restriction systems. One Mtase, M.AvaV, cannot reliably be classified as either a solitary or restriction MTase. It is structurally unusual and along with a few proteins of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin defines a structural class of MTases distinct from all previously described.


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Phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase (PRA-PH) and phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase (PRA-CH) are encoded by HIS4 in yeast and by hisIE in bacteria and catalyze the second and the third step, respectively, in the histidine biosynthetic pathway. By complementing a hisI mutation of Escherichia coli with an Arabidopsis cDNA library, we isolated an Arabidopsis cDNA (At-IE) that possesses these two enzyme activities. The At-IE cDNA encodes a bifunctional protein of 281 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 31,666 D. Genomic DNA-blot analysis with the At-IE cDNA as a probe revealed a single-copy gene in Arabidopsis, and RNA-blot analysis showed that the At-IE gene was expressed ubiquitously throughout development. Sequence comparison suggested that the At-IE protein has an N-terminal extension of about 50 amino acids with the properties of a chloroplast transit peptide. We demonstrated through heterologous expression studies in E. coli that the functional domains for the PRA-CH (hisI) and PRA-PH (hisE) resided in the N-terminal and the C-terminal halves, respectively, of the At-IE protein.


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Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown to the nine-leaf stage. Despite a saturating N supply, the youngest mature leaves (seventh position on the stem) contained little NO3− reserve. Droughted plants (deprived of nutrient solution) showed changes in foliar enzyme activities, mRNA accumulation, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate and amino acid contents. Total leaf water potential and CO2 assimilation rates, measured 3 h into the photoperiod, decreased 3 d after the onset of drought. Starch, glucose, fructose, and amino acids, but not sucrose (Suc), accumulated in the leaves of droughted plants. Maximal extractable phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities increased slightly during water deficit, whereas the sensitivity of this enzyme to the inhibitor malate decreased. Maximal extractable Suc phosphate synthase activities decreased as a result of water stress, and there was an increase in the sensitivity to the inhibitor orthophosphate. A correlation between maximal extractable foliar nitrate reductase (NR) activity and the rate of CO2 assimilation was observed. The NR activation state and maximal extractable NR activity declined rapidly in response to drought. Photosynthesis and NR activity recovered rapidly when nutrient solution was restored at this point. The decrease in maximal extractable NR activity was accompanied by a decrease in NR transcripts, whereas Suc phosphate synthase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNAs were much less affected. The coordination of N and C metabolism is retained during drought conditions via modulation of the activities of Suc phosphate synthase and NR commensurate with the prevailing rate of photosynthesis.


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In the developing endosperm of monocotyledonous plants, starch granules are synthesized and deposited within the amyloplast. A soluble stromal fraction was isolated from amyloplasts of immature maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm and analyzed for enzyme activities and polypeptide content. Specific activities of starch synthase and starch-branching enzyme (SBE), but not the cytosolic marker alcohol dehydrogenase, were strongly enhanced in soluble amyloplast stromal fractions relative to soluble extracts obtained from homogenized kernels or endosperms. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that starch synthase I, SBEIIb, and sugary1, the putative starch-debranching enzyme, were each highly enriched in the amyloplast stroma, providing direct evidence for the localization of starch-biosynthetic enzymes within this compartment. Analysis of maize mutants shows the deficiency of the 85-kD SBEIIb polypeptide in the stroma of amylose extender cultivars and that the dull mutant lacks a >220-kD stromal polypeptide. The stromal fraction is distinguished by differential enrichment of a characteristic group of previously undocumented polypeptides. N-terminal sequence analysis revealed that an abundant 81-kD stromal polypeptide is a member of the Hsp70 family of stress-related proteins. Moreover, the 81-kD stromal polypeptide is strongly recognized by antibodies specific for an Hsp70 of the chloroplast stroma. These findings are discussed in light of implications for the correct folding and assembly of soluble, partially soluble, and granule-bound starch-biosynthetic enzymes during import into the amyloplast.


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Inflammatory processes in chronic rejection remain a serious clinical problem in organ transplantation. Activated cellular infiltrate produces high levels of both superoxide and nitric oxide. These reactive oxygen species interact to form peroxynitrite, a potent oxidant that can modify proteins to form 3-nitrotyrosine. We identified enhanced immunostaining for nitrotyrosine localized to tubular epithelium of chronically rejected human renal allografts. Western blot analysis of rejected tissue demonstrated that tyrosine nitration was restricted to a few specific polypeptides. Immunoprecipitation and amino acid sequencing techniques identified manganese superoxide dismutase, the major antioxidant enzyme in mitochondria, as one of the targets of tyrosine nitration. Total manganese superoxide dismutase protein was increased in rejected kidney, particularly in the tubular epithelium; however, enzymatic activity was significantly decreased. Exposure of recombinant human manganese superoxide dismutase to peroxynitrite resulted in a dose-dependent (IC50 = 10 microM) decrease in enzymatic activity and concomitant increase in tyrosine nitration. Collectively, these observations suggest a role for peroxynitrite during development and progression of chronic rejection in human renal allografts. In addition, inactivation of manganese superoxide dismutase by peroxynitrite may represent a general mechanism that progressively increases the production of peroxynitrite, leading to irreversible oxidative injury to mitochondria.


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The X and Y domains of phospholipase C (PLC)-gamma1, which are conserved in all mammalian phosphoinositide-specific PLC isoforms and are proposed to interact to form the catalytic site, have been expressed as individual hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins in the baculovirus system. Following coinfection of insect cells with recombinant viruses, association of X and Y polypeptides was demonstrated in coprecipitation assays. When enzyme activity was examined, neither domain possessed catalytic activity when expressed alone; however, coexpression of the X and Y polypeptides produced a functional enzyme. This reconstituted phospholipase activity remained completely dependent on the presence of free Ca2+. The specific activity of the X:Y complex was significantly greater (20- to 100-fold) than that of holoPLC-gamma1 and was only moderately influenced by varying the concentration of substrate. The enzyme activities of holoPLC-gamma1 and the X:Y complex exhibited distinct pH optima. For holoPLC-gamma1 maximal activity was detected at pH 5.0, while activity of the X:Y complex was maximal at pH 7.2.


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The differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells may require stimulation by microenvironmental factors in vivo. In this study, the effects of mesenchymal and luminal elements in nonmalignant epithelia] cells isolated from the human fetus were studied in vitro. Enterocytes from the human fetus were cultured and microenvironmental factors were added in stages, each stage more closely approximating the microenvironment in vivo. Four stages were examined: epithelial cells derived on plastic from intestinal culture and grown as a cell clone, the same cells grown on connective tissue support, primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts with a laminin base, and primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts and laminin with n-butyrate added to the incubation medium. The epithelial cell clone dedifferentiated when grown on plastic; however, the cells expressed cytokeratins and villin as evidence of their epithelial cell origin. Human connective tissue matrix from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma cells (Matrigel) modulated their phenotype: alkaline phosphatase activity increased, microvilli developed on their apical surface, and the profile of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins resembled that secreted by differentiated enterocytes. Epithelial cells taken directly from the human fetus as primary cultures and grown as explants on fibroblasts and laminin expressed greater specific enzyme activities in brush border membrane fractions than the cell clone. These activities were enhanced by the luminal molecule sodium butyrate. Thus the sequential addition of connective tissue and luminal molecules to nonmalignant epithelia] cells in vitro induces a spectrum of changes in the epithelial cell phenotype toward full differentiation.


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GTP cyclohydrolase I of Escherichia coli is a torus-shaped homodecamer with D5 symmetry and catalyzes a complex ring expansion reaction conducive to the formation of dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP. The x-ray structure of a complex of the enzyme with the substrate analog, dGTP, bound at the active site was determined at a resolution of 3 A. In the decamer, 10 equivalent active sites are present, each of which contains a 10-A deep pocket formed by surface areas of 3 adjacent subunits. The substrate forms a complex hydrogen bond network with the protein. Active site residues were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, and enzyme activities of the mutant proteins were measured. On this basis, a mechanism of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is proposed. Cleavage of the imidazole ring is initiated by protonation of N7 by His-179 followed by the attack of water at C8 of the purine system. Cystine Cys-110 Cys-181 may be involved in this reaction step. Opening of the imidazole ring may be in concert with cleavage of the furanose ring to generate a Schiff's base from the glycoside. The gamma-phosphate of GTP may be involved in the subsequent Amadori rearrangement of the carbohydrate side chain by activating the hydroxyl group of Ser-135.


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A mixed-class alcohol dehydrogenase has been characterized from avian liver. Its functional properties resemble the classical class I type enzyme in livers of humans and animals by exhibiting low Km and kcat values with alcohols (Km = 0.7 mM with ethanol) and low Ki values with 4-methylpyrazole (4 microM). These values are markedly different from corresponding parameters of class II and III enzymes. In contrast, the primary structure of this avian liver alcohol dehydrogenase reveals an overall relationship closer to class II and to some extent class III (69 and 65% residue identities, respectively) than to class I or the other classes of the human alcohol dehydrogenases (52-61%), the presence of an insertion (four positions in a segment close to position 120) as in class II but in no other class of the human enzymes, and the presence of several active site residues considered typical of the class II enzyme. Hence, the avian enzyme has mixed-class properties, being functionally similar to class I, yet structurally similar to class II, with which it also clusters in phylogenetic trees of characterized vertebrate alcohol dehydrogenases. Comparisons reveal that the class II enzyme is approximately 25% more variable than the "variable" class I enzyme, which itself is more variable than the "constant" class III enzyme. The overall extreme, and the unusual chromatographic behavior may explain why the class II enzyme has previously not been found outside mammals. The properties define a consistent pattern with apparently repeated generation of novel enzyme activities after separate gene duplications.


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Growth inhibition assays indicated that the IC50 values for methotrexate (MTX) and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd) in HS-18, a liposarcoma cell line lacking retinoblastoma protein (pRB), and SaOS-2, an osteosarcoma cell line with a truncated and nonfunctional pRB, were 10- to 12-fold and 4- to 11-fold higher, respectively, than for the HT-1080 (fibrosarcoma) cell line, which has wild-type pRB. These Rb-/- cell lines exhibited a 2- to 4-fold increase in both dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and thymidylate synthase (TS) enzyme activities as well as a 3- to 4-fold increase in mRNA levels for these enzymes compared to the HT-1080 (Rb+/+) cells. This increase in expression was not due to amplification of the DHFR and TS genes. Growth inhibition by MTX and FdUrd was increased and DHFR and TS activities and expression were correspondingly decreased in Rb transfectants of SaOS-2 cells. In contrast, there was no significant difference in growth inhibition among these cell lines for the nonantimetabolites VP-16, cisplatin, and doxorubicin. A gel mobility-shift assay showed that parental SaOS-2 cells had increased levels of free E2F compared to the Rb-reconstituted SaOS-2 cells. These results indicate that pRB defective cells may have decreased sensitivity to growth inhibition by target enzymes encoded by genes whose transcription is enhanced by E2F proteins and suggest mechanisms of interaction between cytotoxic agents and genes involved in cell cycle progression.


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The macrocyclic polyketides rapamycin and FK506 are potent immunosuppressants that prevent T-cell proliferation through specific binding to intracellular protein receptors (immunophilins). The cloning and specific alteration of the biosynthetic genes for these polyketides might allow the biosynthesis of clinically valuable analogues. We report here that three clustered polyketide synthase genes responsible for rapamycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces hygroscopicus together encode 14 homologous sets of enzyme activities (modules), each catalyzing a specific round of chain elongation. An adjacent gene encodes a pipecolate-incorporating enzyme, which completes the macrocycle. The total of 70 constituent active sites makes this the most complex multienzyme system identified so far. The DNA region sequenced (107.3 kbp) contains 24 additional open reading frames, some of which code for proteins governing other key steps in rapamycin biosynthesis.


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We report the detection of endogenous intracellular glutathionyl (GS.) radicals in the intact neuroblastoma cell line NCB-20 under oxidative stress. Spin-trapping and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic methods were used for monitoring the radicals. The cells incubated with the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline 1-oxide (DMPO) were challenged with H2O2 generated by the enzymic reaction of glucose/glucose oxidase. These cells exhibit the EPR spectrum of the GS. radical adduct of DMPO (DMPO-.SG) without exogenous reduced glutathione (GSH). The identity of this radical adduct was confirmed by observing hyperfine coupling constants identical to previously reported values in in vitro studies, which utilized known enzymic reactions, such as horseradish peroxidase and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, with GSH and H2O2 as substrates. The formation of the GS. radicals required viable cells and continuous biosynthesis of GSH. No significant effect on the resonance amplitude by the addition of a membrane-impermeable paramagnetic broadening agent indicated that these radicals were located inside the intact cell. N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)-treated cells produced NAC-derived free radicals (NAC.) in place of GS. radicals. The time course studies showed that DMPO-.SG formation exhibited a large increase in its concentration after a lag period, whereas DMPO-NAC. formation from NAC-treated cells did not show this sudden increase. These results were discussed in terms of the limit of antioxidant enzyme defenses in cells and the potential role of the GS. radical burst in activation of the transcription nuclear factor NF-kappa B in response to oxidative stress.


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Kinetics of CO association with guanylate cyclase [GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC] and dissociation from carboxy guanylate cyclase have been studied at pH 7.5 by flash photolysis, yielding rate constants at 23 degrees C of 1.2 +/- 0.1 x 10(5) M-1.sec-1 and 28 +/- 2 sec-1, respectively. While the CO combination rate constant is the same as for the T state of hemoglobin, the CO dissociation rate constant is much higher than expected for a six-coordinate carboxyheme protein; yet the absorption spectrum is indicative of a six-coordinate heme. The two observations are reconciled by a reaction mechanism in which CO dissociation proceeds via a five-coordinate intermediate. This intermediate is structurally very similar to the five-coordinate nitrosyl heme derivative of guanylate cyclase and is presumably responsible for the observed 4-fold activation of guanylate cyclase by CO. Thus, we provide a model that explains enzyme activities of the nitrosyl and carboxy forms of the enzyme on the basis of a common mechanism.


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Induction of phase 2 enzymes, which neutralize reactive electrophiles and act as indirect antioxidants, appears to be an effective means for achieving protection against a variety of carcinogens in animals and humans. Transcriptional control of the expression of these enzymes is mediated, at least in part, through the antioxidant response element (ARE) found in the regulatory regions of their genes. The transcription factor Nrf2, which binds to the ARE, appears to be essential for the induction of prototypical phase 2 enzymes such as glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1). Constitutive hepatic and gastric activities of GST and NQO1 were reduced by 50–80% in nrf2-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice. Moreover, the 2- to 5-fold induction of these enzymes in wild-type mice by the chemoprotective agent oltipraz, which is currently in clinical trials, was almost completely abrogated in the nrf2-deficient mice. In parallel with the enzymatic changes, nrf2-deficient mice had a significantly higher burden of gastric neoplasia after treatment with benzo[a]pyrene than did wild-type mice. Oltipraz significantly reduced multiplicity of gastric neoplasia in wild-type mice by 55%, but had no effect on tumor burden in nrf2-deficient mice. Thus, Nrf2 plays a central role in the regulation of constitutive and inducible expression of phase 2 enzymes in vivo and dramatically influences susceptibility to carcinogenesis. Moreover, the total loss of anticarcinogenic efficacy of oltipraz in the nrf2-disrupted mice highlights the prime importance of elevated phase 2 gene expression in chemoprotection by this and similar enzyme inducers.