38 resultados para 5-DOF haptic interaction


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) toward the α subunits of heterotrimeric, signal-transducing G proteins. RGS11 contains a G protein γ subunit-like (GGL) domain between its Dishevelled/Egl-10/Pleckstrin and RGS domains. GGL domains are also found in RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and the Caenorhabditis elegans protein EGL-10. Coexpression of RGS11 with different Gβ subunits reveals specific interaction between RGS11 and Gβ5. The expression of mRNA for RGS11 and Gβ5 in human tissues overlaps. The Gβ5/RGS11 heterodimer acts as a GAP on Gαo, apparently selectively. RGS proteins that contain GGL domains appear to act as GAPs for Gα proteins and form complexes with specific Gβ subunits, adding to the combinatorial complexity of G protein-mediated signaling pathways.


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Interaction between a peptide hormone and extracellular domains of its receptor is a crucial step for initiation of hormone action. We have developed a modification of the yeast two-hybrid system to study this interaction and have used it to characterize the interaction of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with its receptor by using GAL4 transcriptional regulation with a β-galactosidase assay as readout. In this system, IGF-1 and proIGF-1 bound to the cysteine-rich domain, extracellular domain, or entire IGF-1 proreceptor. This interaction was specific. Thus, proinsulin showed no significant interaction with the IGF-1 receptor, while a chimeric proinsulin containing the C-peptide of IGF-1 had an intermediate interaction, consistent with its affinity for the IGF-1 receptor. Over 2000 IGF-1 mutants were generated by PCR and screened for interaction with the color assay. About 40% showed a strong interaction, 20% showed an intermediate interaction, and 40% give little or no signal. Of 50 mutants that were sequenced, several (Leu-5 → His, Glu-9 → Val, Arg-37 → Gly, and Met-59 → Leu) appeared to enhance receptor association, others resulted in weaker receptor interaction (Tyr-31 → Phe and Ile-43 → Phe), and two gave no detectable signal (Leu-14 → Arg and Glu-46 → Ala). Using PCR-based mutagenesis with proinsulin, we also identified a gain of function mutant (proinsulin Leu-17 → Pro) that allowed for a strong IGF-1–receptor interaction. These data demonstrate that the specificity of the interaction between a hormone and its receptor can be characterized with high efficiency in the two-hybrid system and that novel hormone analogues may be found by this method.


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Action potentials in juvenile and adult rat layer-5 neocortical pyramidal neurons can be initiated at both axonal and distal sites of the apical dendrite. However, little is known about the interaction between these two initiation sites. Here, we report that layer 5 pyramidal neurons are very sensitive to a critical frequency of back-propagating action potentials varying between 60 and 200 Hz in different neurons. Bursts of four to five back-propagating action potentials above the critical frequency elicited large regenerative potentials in the distal dendritic initiation zone. The critical frequency had a very narrow range (10–20 Hz), and the dendritic regenerative activity led to further depolarization at the soma. The dendritic frequency sensitivity was suppressed by blockers of voltage-gated calcium channels, and also by synaptically mediated inhibition. Calcium-fluorescence imaging revealed that the site of largest transient increase in intracellular calcium above the critical frequency was located 400–700 μm from the soma at the site for initiation of calcium action potentials. Thus, the distal dendritic initiation zone can interact with the axonal initiation zone, even when inputs to the neuron are restricted to regions close to the soma, if the output of the neuron exceeds a critical frequency.


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In Alzheimer disease (AD), neurons are thought to be subjected to the deleterious cytotoxic effects of activated microglia. We demonstrate that binding of amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ) to neuronal Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproduct (RAGE), a cell surface receptor for Aβ, induces macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) by an oxidant sensitive, nuclear factor κB-dependent pathway. AD brain shows increased neuronal expression of M-CSF in proximity to Aβ deposits, and in cerebrospinal fluid from AD patients there was ≈5-fold increased M-CSF antigen (P < 0.01), compared with age-matched controls. M-CSF released by Aβ-stimulated neurons interacts with its cognate receptor, c-fms, on microglia, thereby triggering chemotaxis, cell proliferation, increased expression of the macrophage scavenger receptor and apolipoprotein E, and enhanced survival of microglia exposed to Aβ, consistent with pathologic findings in AD. These data delineate an inflammatory pathway triggered by engagement of Aβ on neuronal RAGE. We suggest that M-CSF, thus generated, contributes to the pathogenesis of AD, and that M-CSF in cerebrospinal fluid might provide a means for monitoring neuronal perturbation at an early stage in AD.


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Homologues of Drosophilia transient receptor potential (TRP) have been proposed to be unitary subunits of plasma membrane ion channels that are activated as a consequence of active or passive depletion of Ca2+ stores. In agreement with this hypothesis, cells expressing TRPs display novel Ca2+-permeable cation channels that can be activated by the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) protein. Expression of TRPs alters cells in many ways, including up-regulation of IP3Rs not coded for by TRP genes, and proof that TRP forms channels of these and other cells is still missing. Here, we document physical interaction of TRP and IP3R by coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase-pulldown experiments and identify two regions of IP3R, F2q and F2g, that interact with one region of TRP, C7. These interacting regions were expressed in cells with an unmodified complement of TRPs and IP3Rs to study their effect on agonist- as well as store depletion-induced Ca2+ entry and to test for a role of their respective binding partners in Ca2+ entry. C7 and an F2q-containing fragment of IP3R decreased both forms of Ca2+ entry. In contrast, F2g enhanced the two forms of Ca2+ entry. We conclude that store depletion-activated Ca2+ entry occurs through channels that have TRPs as one of their normal structural components, and that these channels are directly activated by IP3Rs. IP3Rs, therefore, have the dual role of releasing Ca2+ from stores and activating Ca2+ influx in response to either increasing IP3 or decreasing luminal Ca2+.


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Proteins of the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) family accelerate GTP hydrolysis by the α subunits (Gα) of G proteins, leading to rapid recovery of signaling cascades. Many different RGS proteins can accelerate GTP hydrolysis by an individual Gα, and GTP hydrolysis rates of different Gαs can be enhanced by the same RGS protein. Consequently, the mechanisms for specificity in RGS regulation and the residues involved remain unclear. Using the evolutionary trace (ET) method, we have identified a cluster of residues in the RGS domain that includes the RGS-Gα binding interface and extends to include additional functionally important residues on the surface. One of these is within helix α3, two are in α5, and three are in the loop connecting α5 and α6. A cluster of surface residues on Gα previously identified by ET, and composed predominantly of residues from the switch III region and helix α3, is spatially contiguous with the ET-identified residues in the RGS domain. This cluster includes residues proposed to interact with the γ subunit of Gtα's effector, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDEγ). The proximity of these clusters suggests that they form part of an interface between the effector and the RGS-Gα complex. Sequence variations in these residues correlate with PDEγ effects on GTPase acceleration. Because ET identifies residues important for all members of a protein family, these residues likely form a general site for regulation of G protein-coupled signaling cascades, possibly by means of effector interactions.


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Binding properties of lignin peroxidase (LiP) from the basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium against a synthetic lignin (dehydrogenated polymerizate, DHP) were studied with a resonant mirror biosensor. Among several ligninolytic enzymes, only LiP specifically binds to DHP. Kinetic analysis revealed that the binding was reversible, and that the dissociation equilibrium constant was 330 μM. The LiP–DHP interaction was controlled by the ionization group with a pKa of 5.3, strongly suggesting that a specific amino acid residue plays a role in lignin binding. A one-electron transfer from DHP to oxidized intermediates LiP compounds I and II (LiPI and LiPII) was characterized by using a stopped-flow technique, showing that binding interactions of DHP with LiPI and LiPII led to saturation kinetics. The dissociation equilibrium constants for LiPI–DHP and LiPII–DHP interactions were calculated to be 350 and 250 μM, and the first-order rate constants for electron transfer from DHP to LiPI and to LiPII were calculated to be 46 and 16 s−1, respectively. These kinetic and spectral studies strongly suggest that LiP is capable of oxidizing lignin directly at the protein surface by a long-range electron transfer process. A close look at the crystal structure suggested that LiP possesses His-239 as a possible lignin-binding site on the surface, which is linked to Asp-238. This Asp residue is hydrogen-bonded to the proximal His-176. This His–Asp⋅⋅⋅proximal-His motif would be a possible electron transfer route to oxidize polymeric lignin.


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The alanine helix provides a model system for studying the energetics of interaction between water and the helical peptide group, a possible major factor in the energetics of protein folding. Helix formation is enthalpy-driven (−1.0 kcal/mol per residue). Experimental transfer data (vapor phase to aqueous) for amides give the enthalpy of interaction with water of the amide group as ≈−11.5 kcal/mol. The enthalpy of the helical peptide hydrogen bond, computed for the gas phase by quantum mechanics, is −4.9 kcal/mol. These numbers give an enthalpy deficit for helix formation of −7.6 kcal/mol. To study this problem, we calculate the electrostatic solvation free energy (ESF) of the peptide groups in the helical and β-strand conformations, by using the delphi program and parse parameter set. Experimental data show that the ESF values of amides are almost entirely enthalpic. Two key results are: in the β-strand conformation, the ESF value of an interior alanine peptide group is −7.9 kcal/mol, substantially less than that of N-methylacetamide (−12.2 kcal/mol), and the helical peptide group is solvated with an ESF of −2.5 kcal/mol. These results reduce the enthalpy deficit to −1.5 kcal/mol, and desolvation of peptide groups through partial burial in the random coil may account for the remainder. Mutant peptides in the helical conformation show ESF differences among nonpolar amino acids that are comparable to observed helix propensity differences, but the ESF differences in the random coil conformation still must be subtracted.


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The inactivation of phosphorylated nitrate reductase (NR) by the binding of 14-3-3 proteins is one of a very few unambiguous biological functions for 14-3-3 proteins. We report here that serine and threonine residues at the +6 to +8 positions, relative to the known regulatory binding site involving serine-543, are important in the interaction with GF14ω, a recombinant plant 14-3-3. Also shown is that an increase in ionic strength with KCl or inorganic phosphate, known physical effectors of NR activity, directly disrupts the binding of protein and peptide ligands to 14-3-3 proteins. Increased ionic strength attributable to KCl caused a change in conformation of GF14ω, resulting in reduced surface hydrophobicity, as visualized with a fluorescent probe. Similarly, it is shown that the 5′ isomer of AMP was specifically able to disrupt the inactive phosphorylated NR:14-3-3 complex. Using the 5′-AMP fluorescent analog trinitrophenyl-AMP, we show that there is a probable AMP-binding site on GF14ω.


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Protoplasts isolated from red-light-adapted Arabidopsis hypocotyls and incubated under red light exhibited rapid and transient shrinking within a period of 20 min in response to a blue-light pulse and following the onset of continuous blue light. Long-persisting shrinkage was also observed during continuous stimulation. Protoplasts from a hy4 mutant and the phytochrome-deficient phyA/phyB double mutant of Arabidopsis showed little response, whereas those from phyA and phyB mutants showed a partial response. It is concluded that the shrinking response itself is mediated by the HY4 gene product, cryptochrome 1, whereas the blue-light responsiveness is strictly controlled by phytochromes A and B, with a greater contribution by phytochrome B. It is shown further that the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) was not required during or after, but was required before blue-light perception. Furthermore, a component that directly determines the blue-light responsiveness was generated by Pfr after a lag of 15 min over a 15-min period and decayed with similar kinetics after removal of Pfr by far-red light. The anion-channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid prevented the shrinking response. This result, together with those in the literature and the kinetic features of shrinking, suggests that anion channels are activated first, and outward-rectifying cation channels are subsequently activated, resulting in continued net effluxes of Cl− and K+. The postshrinking volume recovery is achieved by K+ and Cl− influxes, with contribution by the proton motive force. External Ca2+ has no role in shrinking and the recovery. The gradual swelling of protoplasts that prevails under background red light is shown to be a phytochrome-mediated response in which phytochrome A contributes more than phytochrome B.


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Werner syndrome (WS) is a premature aging disorder where the affected individuals appear much older than their chronological age. The single gene that is defective in WS encodes a protein (WRN) that has ATPase, helicase and 3′→5′ exonuclease activities. Our laboratory has recently uncovered a physical and functional interaction between WRN and the Ku heterodimer complex that functions in double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination. Importantly, Ku specifically stimulates the exonuclease activity of WRN. We now report that Ku enables the Werner exonuclease to digest through regions of DNA containing 8-oxoadenine and 8-oxoguanine modifications, lesions that have previously been shown to block the exonuclease activity of WRN alone. These results indicate that Ku significantly alters the exonuclease function of WRN and suggest that the two proteins function concomitantly in a DNA damage processing pathway. In support of this notion we also observed co-localization of WRN and Ku, particularly after DNA damaging treatments.


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The 5' noncoding region of poliovirus RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) for cap-independent initiation of translation. Utilization of the IRES requires the participation of one or more cellular proteins that mediate events in the translation initiation reaction, but whose biochemical roles have not been defined. In this report, we identify a cellular RNA binding protein isolated from the ribosomal salt wash of uninfected HeLa cells that specifically binds to stem-loop IV, a domain located in the central part of the poliovirus IRES. The protein was isolated by specific RNA affinity chromatography, and 55% of its sequence was determined by automated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The sequence obtained matched that of poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2), previously identified as an RNA binding protein from human cells. PCBP2, as well as a related protein, PCBP1, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli after cloning the cDNAs into an expression plasmid to produce a histidine-tagged fusion protein. Specific interaction between recombinant PCBP2 and poliovirus stem-loop IV was demonstrated by RNA mobility shift analysis. The closely related PCBP1 showed no stable interaction with the RNA. Stem-loop IV RNA containing a three nucleotide insertion that abrogates translation activity and virus viability was unable to bind PCBP2.


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CD30 is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily. CD30 is expressed on normal activated lymphocytes, on several virally transformed T- or B-cell lines and on neoplastic cells of Hodgkin's lymphoma. The interaction of CD30 with its ligand induces pleiotropic effects on cells resulting in proliferation, differentiation, or death. The CD30 cytoplasmic tail interacts with TNF receptor-associated factors (TRAFs), which have been shown to transduce signals mediated by TNF-R2 and CD40. We demonstrate here that TRAF2 also plays an important role in CD30-induced NF-kappa B activation. We also show that TRAF2-mediated activation of NF-kappa B plays a role in the activation of HIV transcription induced by CD30 cross-linking. Detailed site-directed mutagenesis of the CD30 cytoplasmic tail reveals that there are two independent binding sites for TRAF, each interacting with a different domain of TRAF. Furthermore, we localized the TRAF-C binding site in CD30 to a 5-7 amino acid stretch.


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To analyze the function of the 5' DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) of the locus control region (LCR) on beta-like globin gene expression, a 2.3-kb deletion of 5'HS3 or a 1.9-kb deletion of 5'HS2 was recombined into a beta-globin locus yeast artificial chromosome, and transgenic mice were produced. Deletion of 5'HS3 resulted in a significant decrease of epsilon-globin gene expression and an increase of gamma-globin gene expression in embryonic cells. Deletion of 5'HS2 resulted in only a small decrease in expression of epsilon-, gamma-, and beta-globin mRNA at all stages of development. Neither deletion affected the temporal pattern of globin gene switching. These results suggest that the LCR contains functionally redundant elements and that LCR complex formation does not require the presence of all DNase I hypersensitive sites. The phenotype of the 5'HS3 deletion suggests that individual HSs may influence the interaction of the LCR with specific globin gene promoters during the course of ontogeny.


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Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked immunodeficiency disorder with the most severe pathology in the T lymphocytes and platelets. The disease arises from mutations in the gene encoding the WAS protein. T lymphocytes of affected males with WAS exhibit a severe disturbance of the actin cytoskeleton, suggesting that the WAS protein could regulate its organization. We show here that WAS protein interacts with a member of the Rho family of GTPases, Cdc42. This interaction, which is guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent, was detected in cell lysates, in transient transfections and with purified recombinant proteins. A weaker interaction was also detected with Rac1 using WAS protein from cell lysates. It was also found that different mutant WAS proteins from three affected males retained their ability to interact with Cdc42 and that the level of expression of the WAS protein in these mutants was only 2-5% of normal. Taken together these data suggest that the WAS protein might function as a signal transduction adaptor downstream of Cdc42, and in affected males, the cytoskeletal abnormalities may result from a defect in Cdc42 signaling.