276 resultados para Maltose-binding Protein Htlv-1 Gp21 Chimera


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK) is the prototypical member of the family of cytosolic kinases that phosphorylate guanine nucleotide binding-protein-coupled receptors and thereby trigger uncoupling between receptors and guanine nucleotide binding proteins. Herein we show that this kinase is subject to phosphorylation and regulation by protein kinase C (PKC). In cell lines stably expressing alpha1B- adrenergic receptors, activation of these receptors by epinephrine resulted in an activation of cytosolic betaARK. Similar data were obtained in 293 cells transiently coexpressing alpha1B- adrenergic receptors and betaARK-1. Direct activation of PKC with phorbol esters in these cells caused not only an activation of cytosolic betaARK-1 but also a translocation of betaARK immunoreactivity from the cytosol to the membrane fraction. A PKC preparation purified from rat brain phospborylated purified recombinant betaARK-1 to a stoichiometry of 0.86 phosphate per betaARK-1. This phosphorylation resulted in an increased activity of betaARK-1 when membrane-bound rhodopsin served as its substrate but in no increase of its activity toward a soluble peptide substrate. The site of phosphorylation was mapped to the C terminus of betaARK-1. We conclude that PKC activates betaARK by enhancing its translocation to the plasma membrane.


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The Alzheimer disease 40-residue amyloid beta protein (AbetaP[1-40]) forms cation-selective channels across acidic phospholipid bilayer membranes with spontaneous transitions over a wide range of conductances ranging from 40 to 4000 pS. Zn2+ has been reported to bind to AbetaP[1-40] with high affinity, and it has been implicated in the formation of amyloid plaques. We now report the functional consequences of such Zn2+ binding for the AbetaP[1-40] channel. Provided the AbetaP[1-40] channel is expressed in the low conductance (<400 pS) mode, Zn2+ blocks the open channel in a dose- dependent manner. For AbetaP[1-40] channels in the giant conductance mode (>400 pS), Zn2+ doses in the millimolar range were required to exert substantial blockade. The Zn2+ chelator o-phenanthroline reverses the blockade. We also found that Zn2+ modulates AbetaP[1-40] channel gating and conductance only from one side of the channel. These data are consistent with predictions of our recent molecular modeling studies on AbetaP[1-40] channels indicating asymmetric Zn(2+)-AbetaP[1-40] interactions at the entrance to the pore.


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Integration host factor (IHF) is a DNA-bending protein that binds to an upstream activating sequence (UAS1) and, on a negatively supercoiled DNA template, activates transcription from the ilvPG promoter of the ilvG-MEDA operon of Escherichia coli. The transcriptional initiation site of the ilvGMEDA operon is located 92 bp downstream of UAS1. Activation is still observed when the orientation of the upstream IHF binding site is reversed. This manipulation places the IHF binding site on the opposite face of the DNA helix, directs the IHF-induced DNA bend in the opposite direction, and presents the opposite face of the nonsymmetrical, heterodimeric, IHF molecule to the downstream RNA polymerase. Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor, LEF-1, is a DNA-bending, lymphoid-specific, mammalian transcription factor that shares no amino acid sequence similarity with IHF. When the IHF site in UAS1 is replaced with a LEF-1 site, LEF-1 activates transcription from the downstream ilvPG promoter in E. coli as well as it is activated by its natural activator, IHF. These results suggest that specific interactions between IHF and RNA polymerase are not required for activation. The results of DNA structural studies show that IHF forms a protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that, in the absence of RNA polymerase, alters the structure of the DNA helix in the -10 hexanucleotide region of the downstream ilvPG promoter. The results of in vitro abortive transcription assays show that IIIF also increases the apparent rate of RNA polymerase isomerization from a closed to an open complex. We suggest, therefore, that IHF activates transcription by forming a higher-order protein-DNA complex in the UAS1 region that structurally alters the DNA helix in a way that facilitates open complex formation at the downstream ilvPG promoter site.


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The guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) cascade underlying phototransduction is one of the best understood of all signaling pathways. The diffusional interactions of the proteins underlying the cascade have been analyzed, both at a macroscopic level and also in terms of the stochastic nature of the molecular contacts. In response to a single activated rhodopsin (R*) formed as a result of a single photon hit, it can be shown that molecules of the G-protein transducin will be activated approximately linearly with time. This, in turn, will cause the number of activated molecules of the effector protein (the phosphodiesterase) also to increase linearly with time. These kinetics of protein activation provide an accurate description of the time course of the rising phase of the photoreceptor's electrical response over a wide range of flash intensities. Recent estimates indicate that at room temperature each R* triggers activation of the phosphodiesterase at a rate of 1000-2000 subunits.s-1. Now that a quantitative description of the activation steps in transduction has been obtained, perhaps the greatest challenge for the future is to provide a comprehensive description of the shutoff reactions, so that a complete account of the photoreceptor's response to light can be achieved.


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Cytotoxic lymphocytes are characterized by their inclusion of cytoplasmic granules that fuse with the plasma membrane following target cell recognition. We previously identified a cytotoxic granule membrane protein designated p15-TIA-1 that is immunochemically related to an RNA-recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding protein designated p40-TIA-1. Although it was suggested that p15-TIA-1 might be derived from p40-T1A-1 by proteolysis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of p15-TIA-1 immunoaffinity purified from a natural killer (NK) cell line by using monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2G9 revealed that p15-T1A-1 is identical to the deduced amino acid sequence of NKG7 and GIG-1, cDNAs isolated from NK cells and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-treated mononuclear cells, respectively. Epitope mapping revealed that mAb 2G9 recognizes the C terminus of p15-T1A-1 and p40-T1A-1. The deduced amino acid sequence of p15-T1A-1/NKG7/GIG-1 predicts that the protein possesses four transmembrane domains, and immuno-electron microscopy localizes the endogenous protein to the membranes of cytotoxic granules in NK cells. Given its subcellular localization, we propose to rename-this protein GMP-17, for granule membrane protein of 17 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy of freshly isolated NK cells confirms this granular localization. Target cell-induced NK cell degranulation results in translocation of GMP-17 from granules to the plasma membrane, suggesting a possible role for GMP-17 in regulating the effector function of lymphocytes and neutrophils.


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Binding reactions between human growth hormone (hGH) and its receptor provide a detailed account of how a polypeptide hormone activates its receptor and more generally how proteins interact. Through high-resolution structural and functional studies it is seen that hGH uses two different sites (site 1 and site 2) to bind two identical receptor molecules. This sequential dimerization reaction activates the receptor, presumably by bringing the intracellular domains into close proximity so they may activate cytosolic components. As a consequence of this mechanism it is possible to build antagonists to the receptor by introducing mutations in hGH that block binding at site 2 and to build even more potent antagonists by combining these with mutants that enhance binding at site 1. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of all contact residues at the site 1 interface shows that only a small and complementary set of side chains clustered near the center of the interface affects binding. The most important contacts are hydrophobic, and these are surrounded by polar and charged interactions of lesser importance. Kinetic analysis shows for the most part that the important side chains function to maintain the complex, not to guide the hormone to the receptor. Hormone-induced homodimerization or heterodimerization reactions are turning out to be pervasive mechanisms for signal transduction. Moreover, the molecular recognition principles seen in the hGH-receptor complex are likely to generalize to other protein-protein complexes.


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The biological function of the retinoblastoma protein (RB) in the cell division cycle has been extensively documented, but its apparent role in differentiation remains largely unexplored. To investigate how RB is involved in differentiation, the U937 large-cell lymphoma line was induced to differentiate along a monocyte/macrophage lineage. During differentiation RB was found to interact directly through its simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen)-binding domain with NF-IL6, a member of the CAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) family of transcription factors. NF-IL6 utilizes two distinct regions to bind to the hypophosphorylated form of RB in vitro and in cells. Wild-type but not mutant RB enhanced both binding activity of NF-IL6 to its cognate DNA sequences in vitro and promoter transactivation by NF-IL6 in cells. These findings indicate a novel biochemical function of RB: it activates, by an apparent chaperone-like activity, specific transcription factors important for differentiation. This contrasts with its sequestration and inactivation of other transcription factors, such as E2F-1, which promote progression of the cell cycle. Such disparate mechanisms may help to explain the dual role of RB in cell differentiation and the cell division cycle.


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We have identified another Drosophila GTP-binding protein (G protein) alpha subunit, dGq alpha-3. Transcripts encoding dGq alpha-3 are derived from alternative splicing of the dGq alpha locus previously shown to encode two visual-system-specific transcripts [Lee, Y.-J., Dobbs, M.B., Verardi, M.L. & Hyde, D.R. (1990) Neuron 5, 889-898]. Immunolocalization studies using dGq alpha-3 isoform-specific antibodies and LacZ fusion genes show that dGq alpha-3 is expressed in chemosensory cells of the olfactory and taste structures, including a subset of olfactory and gustatory neurons, and in cells of the central nervous system, including neurons in the lamina ganglionaris. These data are consistent with a variety of roles for dGq alpha-3, including mediating a subset of olfactory and gustatory responses in Drosophila, and supports the idea that some chemosensory responses use G protein-coupled receptors and the second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.


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The orphan nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is expressed in the adrenal cortex and gonads and regulates the expression of several P450 steroid hydroxylases in vitro. We examined the role of SF-1 in the adrenal glands and gonads in vivo by a targeted disruption of the mouse SF-1 gene. All SF-1-deficient mice died shortly after delivery. Their adrenal glands and gonads were absent, and persistent Mullerian structures were found in all genotypic males. While serum levels of corticosterone in SF-1-deficient mice were diminished, levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were elevated, consistent with intact pituitary corticotrophs. Intrauterine survival of SF-1-deficient mice appeared normal, and they had normal serum level of corticosterone and ACTH, probably reflecting transplacental passage of maternal steroids. We tested whether SF-1 is required for P450 side-chain-cleavage enzyme (P450scc) expression in the placenta, which expresses both SF-1 and P450scc, and found that in contrast to its strong activation of the P450scc gene promoter in vitro, the absence of SF-1 had no effect on P450scc mRNA levels in vivo. Although the region targeted by our disruption is shared by SF-1 and by embryonal long terminal repeat-binding protein (ELP), a hypothesized alternatively spliced product, we believe that the observed phenotype reflects absent SF-1 alone, as PCR analysis failed to detect ELP transcripts in any mouse tissue, and sequences corresponding to ELP are not conserved across species. These results confirm that SF-1 is an important regulator of adrenal and gonadal development, but its regulation of steroid hydroxylase expression in vivo remains to be established.


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Most proteins that activate RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription in eukaryotic cells contain sequence-specific DNA-binding domains and "activation" regions. The latter bind general transcription factors and/or coactivators and are required for high-level transcription. Their function in vivo is unknown. Since several activation domains bind the TATA-binding protein (TBP), TBP-associated factors, or other general factors in vitro, one role of the activation domain may be to facilitate promoter occupancy by supporting cooperative binding of the activator and general transcription factors. Using the GAL4 system of yeast, we have tested this model in vivo. It is demonstrated that the presence of a TATA box (the TBP binding site) facilitates binding of GAL4 protein to low- and moderate-affinity sites and that the activation domain modulates these effects. These results support the cooperative binding model for activation domain function in vivo.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are essential components of cell signaling. In this study, we investigated the regulation of PKC-alpha in murine B16 amelanotic melanoma (B16a) cells by the monohydroxy fatty acids 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid [12(S)-HETE] and 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid [13(S)-HODE]. 12(S)-HETE induced a translocation of PKC-alpha to the plasma membrane and focal adhesion plaques, leading to enhanced adhesion of B16a cells to the matrix protein fibronectin. However, 13(S)-HODE inhibited these 12(S)-HETE effects on PKC-alpha. A receptor-mediated mechanism of action for 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE is supported by the following findings. First, 12(S)-HETE triggered a rapid increase in cellular levels of diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate in B16a cells. 13(S)-HODE blocked the 12(S)-HETE-induced bursts of both second messengers. Second, the 12(S)-HETE-increased adhesion of B16a cells to fibronectin was sensitive to inhibition by a phospholipase C inhibitor and pertussis toxin. Finally, a high-affinity binding site (Kd = 1 nM) for 12(S)-HETE was detected in B16a cells, and binding of 12(S)-HETE to B16a cells was effectively inhibited by 13(S)-HODE (IC50 = 4 nM). In summary, our data provide evidence that regulation of PKC-alpha by 12(S)-HETE and 13(S)-HODE may be through a guanine nucleotide-binding protein-linked receptor-mediated hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids.


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To examine the role of complement components as regulators of the expression of endothelial adhesive molecules in response to immune complexes (ICs), we determined whether ICs stimulate both endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes and expression of E-selectin and intercellular and vascular cell adhesion molecules 1 (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1). We found that ICs [bovine serum albumin (BSA)-anti-BSA] stimulated endothelial cell adhesiveness for added leukocytes in the presence of complement-sufficient normal human serum (NHS) but not in the presence of heat-inactivated serum (HIS) or in tissue culture medium alone. Depletion of complement component C3 or C8 from serum did not prevent enhanced endothelial adhesiveness stimulated by ICs. In contrast, depletion of complement component C1q markedly inhibited IC-stimulated endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes. When the heat-labile complement component C1q was added to HIS, the capacity of ICs to stimulate endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes was completely restored. Further evidence for the possible role of C1q in mediating the effect of ICs on endothelial cells was the discovery of the presence of the 100- to 126-kDa C1q-binding protein on the surface of endothelial cells (by cytofluorography) and of message for the 33-kDa C1q receptor in resting endothelial cells (by reverse transcription-PCR). Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide blocked endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes stimulated by either interleukin 1 or ICs in the presence of NHS. After stimulation with ICs in the presence of NHS, endothelial cells expressed increased numbers of adhesion molecules (E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1). Endothelial expression of adhesion molecules mediated, at least in part, endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes, since leukocyte adhesion was blocked by monoclonal antibodies directed against E-selectin. These studies show that ICs stimulate endothelial cells to express adhesive proteins for leukocytes in the presence of a heat-labile serum factor. That factor appears to be C1q.


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The regulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gene expression in response to Tat is dependent on an element downstream of the HIV-1 transcriptional initiation site designated the trans-activating region (TAR). TAR forms a stable stem-loop RNA structure in which a 3-nt bulge structure and a 6-nt loop structure are important for Tat activation. In the absence of Tat, the HIV-1 promoter generates so-called short or nonprocessive transcripts terminating at +60, while in the presence of Tat the synthesis of these short transcripts is markedly decreased and transcripts that extend through the 9.0-kb HIV-1 genome are synthesized. Tat effects on transcriptional elongation are likely due to alterations in the elongation properties of RNA polymerase II. In this study we demonstrated that a set of cellular cofactors that modulate the binding of the cellular protein TRP-185 to the TAR RNA loop sequences also functioned to markedly stimulate the specific binding of hypophosphorylated (IIa) and hyperphosphorylated (IIo) RNA polymerase II to TAR RNA. The concentrations of RNA polymerase II required for this interaction with TAR RNA were similar to those required to initiate in vitro transcription from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat. RNA gel retardation analysis with wild-type and mutant TAR RNAs indicated that the TAR RNA loop and bulge sequences were critical for the binding of RNA polymerase II. The addition of wild-type but not mutant Tat protein to gel retardation analysis with TAR RNA and RNA polymerase II resulted in the loss of binding of RNA polymerase II binding to TAR RNA. These results suggest that Tat may function to alter RNA polymerase II, which is paused due to its binding to HIV-1 TAR RNA with resultant stimulation of its transcriptional elongation properties.


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Nuclear-encoded proteins targeted to the chloroplast are typically synthesized with N-terminal transit peptides which are proteolytically removed upon import. Structurally related proteins of 145 and 143 kDa copurify with a soluble chloroplast processing enzyme (CPE) that cleaves the precursor for the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein and have been implicated in the maturation of the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and acyl carrier protein. The 145- and 143-kDa proteins have not been found as a heterodimer and thus may represent functionally independent isoforms encoded by separate genes. Here we describe the primary structure of a 140-kDa polypeptide encoded by cDNAs isolated by using antibodies raised against the 145/143-kDa doublet. The 140-kDa polypeptide contains a transit peptide, and strikingly, a His-Xaa-Xaa-Glu-His zinc-binding motif that is conserved in a recently recognized family of metalloendopeptidases, which includes Escherichia coli protease III, insulin-degrading enzyme, and subunit beta of the mitochondrial processing peptidase. Identity of 25-30%, concentrated near the N terminus of the 140-kDa polypeptide, is found with these proteases. Expression of CPE in leaves is not light dependent. Indeed, transcripts are present in dark-grown plants, and the 145/143-kDa doublet and proteolytic activity are both found in etioplasts, as well as in root plastids. Thus, CPE appears to be a necessary component of the import machinery in photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic tissues, and it may function as a general stromal processing peptidase in plastids.