251 resultados para natural killer cell receptor


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Full activation of T cells requires signaling through the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and additional surface molecules interacting with ligands on the antigen-presenting cell. TCR recognition of agonist ligands in the absence of accessory signals frequently results in the induction of a state of unresponsiveness termed anergy. However, even in the presence of costimulation, anergy can be induced by TCR partial agonists. The unique pattern of early receptor-induced tyrosine phosphorylation events induced by partial agonists has led to the hypothesis that altered TCR signaling is directly responsible for the development of anergy. Here we show that anergy induction is neither correlated with nor irreversibly determined by the pattern of early TCR-induced phosphorylation. Rather, it appears to result from the absence of downstream events related to interleukin 2 receptor occupancy and/or cell division. This implies that the anergic state can be manipulated independently of the precise pattern of early biochemical changes following TCR occupancy, a finding with implications for understanding the induction of self-tolerance and the use of partial agonist ligands in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.


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We have studied the properties of r-eag voltage-activated potassium channels in a stably transfected human embryonic kidney cell line. It was found that r-eag channels are rapidly and reversibly inhibited by a rise in intracellular calcium from 30 to 300 nM. The inhibition does not appear to depend on the activity of calcium-dependent kinases and phosphatases. The effect of calcium on r-eag channel activity was studied in inside-out membrane patches. Calcium inhibited r-eag channel activity with a mean IC50 of 67 nM. Activation of muscarinic receptors, generating calcium oscillations in the transfected cells, induced a synchronous inhibition of r-eag mediated outward currents. This shows that calcium can mediate r-eag current inhibition following muscarinic receptor activation. The data indicate that r-eag channels are calcium-inhibitable voltage-activated potassium channels.


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Cell adhesion has a fundamental role in the proliferation and motility of normal cells and the metastasis of tumor cells. To identify signaling pathways activated by the adherence of tumor cells, we analyzed the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in mouse melanoma cells before and after attachment to substrata. We discovered that cellular adherence activated the protein-tyrosine kinase of the cell surface receptor Met, whose ligand is hepatocyte growth factor and scatter factor. The activation was exceedingly prompt, affected the great majority of Met in the cells, persisted so long as the cells remained adherent, and was rapidly reversed as soon as the cells were detached from substrata. Activation of Met required that cells be adherent but not that they spread on the substratum, and it occurred in the absence of any apparent ligand for the receptor. Ligand-independent activation of Met occurred in several varieties of tumor cells but not in normal endothelial cells that express the receptor. The activation of Met described here may represent a means by which cells respond to mechanical as opposed to biochemical stimuli.


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High molecular weight kininogen (HK) and factor XII are known to bind to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) in a zinc-dependent and saturable manner indicating that HUVEC express specific binding site(s) for those proteins. However, identification and immunochemical characterization of the putative receptor site(s) has not been previously accomplished. In this report, we have identified a cell surface glycoprotein that is a likely candidate for the HK binding site on HUVECs. When solubilized HUVEC membranes were subjected to an HK-affinity column in the presence or absence of 50 microM ZnCl2 and the bound membrane proteins eluted, a single major protein peak was obtained only in the presence of zinc. SDS/PAGE analysis and silver staining of the protein peak revealed this protein to be 33 kDa and partial sequence analysis matched the NH2 terminus of gC1q-R, a membrane glycoprotein that binds to the globular "heads" of C1q. Two other minor proteins of approximately 70 kDa and 45 kDa were also obtained. Upon analysis by Western blotting, the 33-kDa band was found to react with several monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing different epitopes on gC1q-R. Ligand and dot blot analyses revealed zinc-dependent binding of biotinylated HK as well as biotinylated factor XII to the isolated 33-kDa HUVEC molecule as well as recombinant gC1q-R. In addition, binding of 125I-HK to HUVEC cells was inhibited by selected monoclonal anti-gC1q-R antibodies. C1q, however, did not inhibit 125I-HK binding to HUVEC nor did those monoclonals known to inhibit C1q binding to gC1q-R. Taken together, the data suggest that HK (and factor XII) bind to HUVECs via a 33-kDa cell surface glycoprotein that appears to be identical to gC1q-R but interact with a site on gC1q-R distinct from that which binds C1q.


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The B cell antigen receptor (BCR) consists of the membrane-bound immunoglobulin (mIg) molecule and the Ig-alpha/Ig-beta heterodimer, which functions as signaling subunit of the receptor. Stimulation of the BCR activates protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) that phosphorylate a number of substrate proteins, including the Ig-alpha/Ig-beta heterodimer of the BCR itself. How the PTKs become activated after BCR engagement is not known at present. Here, we show that BCR-negative J558L cells treated with the protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate/H2O2 display only a weak substrate phosphorylation. However, in BCR-positive transfectants of J558L, treatment with pervanadate/H2O2 induces a strong phosphorylation of several substrate proteins. Treatment with pervanadate/H2O2 does not result in receptor crosslinking, yet the pattern of protein phosphorylation is similar to that observed after BCR stimulation by antigen. The response requires cellular integrity because tyrosine phosphorylation of most substrates is not visible in cell lysates. Cells that express a BCR containing an Ig-alpha subunit with a mutated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif display a delayed response. The data suggest that, once expressed on the surface, the BCR organizes protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTKs, and their substrates into a transducer complex that can be activated by pervanadate/H202 in the absence of BCR crosslinking. Assembly of this preformed complex seems to be a prerequisite for BCR-mediated signal transduction.


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By using RAR type (alpha, beta, or gamma)-specific synthetic retinoids and a pan-retinoic X receptor (RXR)-specific ligand, we have investigated the contribution of RARs and RXRs in the activation of RA target genes and the differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells. We demonstrate cell-type- and promoter context-dependent functional redundancies that differ between the three RAR types for mediating the induction of RARbeta2 and Hoxa-1 in wild-type, RARgamma-/- and RARalpha-/- F9 cells and in P19 cells. The extent of redundancy between RARs is further modulated by the synergistic activation of RXRs with a pan-RXR agonist. We also demonstrate that the expression of RARbeta2 is auto-inducible in RARgamma-/- but not in wild-type F9 cells, indicating that the functional redundancies observed between RARs in gene disruption studies can be artefactually generated. Thus, even though all three RARs can functionally substitute each other for inducing the expression of RA target genes and cell differentiation, one RAR can cell-specifically override the activity of the other RARs. Interestingly, only RARgamma can mediate the retinoic acid-induced differentiation of wild-type F9 cells, whereas the differentiation of P19 cells can be mediated by either RARalpha or RARgamma.


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It has been reported that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 is expressed in islet cells and is localized to both insulin and somatostatin granules [Blondel, O., Moody, M. M., Depaoli, A. M., Sharp, A. H., Ross, C. A., Swift, H. & Bell, G. I. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 7777-7781]. This subcellular localization was based on electron microscope immunocytochemistry using antibodies (affinity-purified polyclonal antiserum AB3) directed to a 15-residue peptide of rat inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3. We now show that these antibodies cross-react with rat, but not human, insulin. Accordingly, the anti-inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 (AB3) antibodies label electron dense cores of mature (insulin-rich) granules of rat pancreatic beta cells, and rat granule labeling was blocked by preabsorption of the AB3 antibodies with rat insulin. The immunostaining of immature, Golgi-associated proinsulin-rich granules with AB3 antibodies was very weak, indicating that cross-reactivity is limited to the hormone and not its precursor. Also, the AB3 antibodies labeled pure rat insulin crystals grown in vitro but failed to stain crystals grown from pure human insulin. By immunoprecipitation, the antibodies similarly displayed a higher affinity for rat than for human insulin. We could not confirm the labeling of somatostatin granules using AB3 antibodies.


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Testicular germ cell tumors are the most common form of cancer in young adult males. They result from a derangement of primordial germ cells, and they grow out from a noninvasive carcinoma-in-situ precursor. Since carcinoma in situ can readily be cured by low-dose irradiation, there is a great incentive for non- or minimally invasive methods for detection of carcinoma in situ. We have recently shown that human Tera-2 embryonal carcinoma cells, obtained from a nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumor, show alternative splicing and alternative promoter use of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor gene, giving rise to a unique 1.5-kb transcript. In this study we have set up a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction strategy for characterization of the various transcripts for this receptor. Using this technique, we show that a panel of 18 seminomas and II nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumors all express the 1.5-kb transcript. In addition, a panel of 27 samples of testis parenchyma with established carcinoma in situ were all found to be positive for the 1.5-kb transcript, while parenchyma lacking carcinoma in situ, placenta, and control semen were all negative. These data show that the 1.5-kb platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor transcript can be used as a highly selective marker for detection of early stages of human testicular germ cell tumors.


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mSOS, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is a positive regulator of Ras. Fyn tyrosine protein kinase is a potential mediator in T-cell antigen receptor signal transduction in subsets of T cells. We investigated the functional and physical interaction between mSOS and Fyn in T-cell hybridoma cells. Stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor induced the activation of guanine nucleotide exchange activity in mSOS immunoprecipitates. Overexpression of Fyn mutants with an activated kinase mutation and with a Src homology 2 deletion mutation resulted in a stimulation and suppression of the mSOS activity, respectively. The complex formations of Fyn-Shc, Shc-Grb2, and Grb2-mSOS were detected in the activated Fyn-transformed cells, whereas the SH2 deletion mutant of Fyn failed to form a complex with mSOS. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc was induced by the overexpression of the activated Fyn. These findings support the idea that Fyn activates the activity of mSOS bound to Grb2 through tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc. Unlike the current prevailing model, Fyn-induced activation of Ras might involve the stimulation of the catalytic guanine nucleotide exchange activity of mSOS.


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The function of the recently discovered angiotensin II type 2 (AT2) receptor remains elusive. This receptor is expressed abundantly in fetus, but scantily in adult tissues except brain, adrenal medulla, and atretic ovary. In this study, we demonstrated that this receptor mediates programmed cell death (apoptosis). We observed this effect in PC12W cells (rat pheochromocytoma cell line) and R3T3 cells (mouse fibroblast cell line), which express abundant AT2 receptor but not AT1 receptor. The cellular mechanism appears to involve the dephosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase). Vanadate, a protein-tyrosine-phosphatase inhibitor, attenuated the dephosphorylation of MAP kinases by the AT2 receptor and restored the apoptotic changes. Antisense oligonucleotide to MAP kinase phosphatase 1 inhibited the AT2 receptor-mediated MAP kinase dephosphorylation and blocked the AT2 receptor-mediated apoptosis. These results suggest that protein-tyrosine-phosphatase, including MAP kinase phosphatase 1 activated by the AT2 receptor, is involved in apoptosis. We hypothesize that this apoptotic function of the AT2 receptor may play an important role in developmental biology and pathophysiology.


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Cellular desensitization is believed to be important for growth control but direct evidence is lacking. In the current study we compared effects of wild-type and down-regulation-resistant mutant m3 muscarinic receptors on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cell desensitization, proliferation, and transformation. We found that down-regulation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors was the principal mechanism of desensitization of receptor-activated inositol phosphate phospholipid hydrolysis in these cells. Activation of wild-type and mutant receptors inhibited anchorage-independent growth as assayed by colony formation in agar. However, the potency for inhibition of anchorage-independent growth was greater for cells expressing the mutant receptor. Activation of either receptor also initially inhibited anchorage-dependent cell proliferation in randomly growing populations. Rates of DNA synthesis and cell division were profoundly reduced by carbachol in cells expressing either receptor at early time points. Analysis of cell cycle parameters indicated that cell cycle progression was inhibited at transitions from G1 to S and G2/M to G1 phases. However, mutant receptor effects on anchorage-dependent growth were sustained, whereas wild-type receptor effects were transient. Thus, receptor down-regulation restored cell cycle progression. In contrast, activation of either receptor blocked entry into the cell cycle from quiescence, and this response was not reduced by receptor down-regulation. Therefore, activation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors inhibited CHO cell anchorage-dependent and -independent growth. In anchored cells carbachol inhibited the cell cycle at three distinct points. Inhibitions at two of these points were eliminated by wild-type receptor down-regulation while the other was not. These results directly demonstrate that desensitization mechanisms can act as principal determinants of cellular growth responses.


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The critical role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) as a mediator in autoimmune inflammatory processes is evident from in vivo studies with TNF-blocking agents. However, the mechanisms by which TNF, and possibly also its homologue lymphotoxin alpha, contributes to development of pathology in rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn disease and in animal models like experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is unclear. Possibilities include regulation of vascular adhesion molecules enabling leukocyte movement into tissues or direct cytokine-mediated effector functions such as mediation of tissue damage. Here we show that administration of a TNF receptor (55 kDa)-IgG fusion protein prevented clinical signs of actively induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Significantly, the total number of CD4+ T lymphocytes isolated from the central nervous system of clinically healthy treated versus diseased control animals was comparable. By using a CD45 congenic model of passively transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis to enable tracking of myelin basic protein-specific effector T lymphocytes, prevention of clinical signs of disease was again demonstrated in treated animals but without quantitative or qualitative impediment to the movement of autoreactive T lymphocytes to and within the central nervous system. Thus, despite the uninterrupted movement of specific T lymphocytes into the target tissue, subsequent disease development was blocked. This provides compelling evidence for a direct effector role of TNF/lymphotoxin alpha in autoimmune tissue damage.


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Signals for endocytosis and for basolateral and lysosomal sorting are closely related in a number of membrane proteins, suggesting similar sorting mechanisms at the plasma membrane and in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). We tested the hypothesis that basolateral membrane proteins are transported to the cell surface via endosomes for the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1. This protein was tagged with a tyrosine sulfation site (H1TS) to allow specific labeling with [35S]sulfate in the TGN. Madin-Darby canine kidney cells expressing H1TS were pulse-labeled and chased for a period of time insufficient for labeled H1TS to reach the cell surface. Upon homogenization and gradient centrifugation, fractions devoid of TGN were subjected to immunoisolation of compartments containing mannose 6-phosphate receptor, which served as an endosomal marker. H1TS in transit to the cell surface was efficiently coisolated, whereas a labeled secretory protein and free glycosaminoglycan chains were not. This indicates an indirect pathway for the asialoglycoprotein receptor to the plasma membrane via endosomes and has important implications for protein sorting in the TGN and endosomes.


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The crystal structure of the pheromone Er-1 from the unicellular eukaryotic organism Euplotes raikovi was determined at 1.6 A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 19.9%. In the tightly packed crystal, two extensive intermolecular helix-helix interactions arrange the Er-1 molecules into layers. Since the putative receptor of the pheromone is a membrane-bound protein, whose extracellular C-terminal domain is identical in amino acid sequence to the soluble pheromone, the interactions found in the crystal may mimic the pheromone-receptor interactions as they occur on a cell surface. Based on this, we propose a model for the interaction between soluble pheromone molecules and their receptors. In this model, strong pheromone-receptor binding emerges as a consequence of the cooperative utilization of several weak interactions. The model offers an explanation for the results of binding studies and may also explain the adhesion between cells that occurs during mating.


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Using a reverse transcription-coupled PCR, we demonstrated that both brain and spleen type cannabinoid receptor (CB1-R and CB2-R, respectively) mRNAs are expressed in the preimplantation mouse embryo. The CB1-R mRNA expression was coincident with the activation of the embryonic genome late in the two-cell stage, whereas the CB2-R mRNA was present from the one-cell through the blastocyst stages. The major psychoactive component of marijuana (-)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [(-)-THC] inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP generation in the blastocyst, and this inhibition was prevented by pertussis toxin. However, the inactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) failed to influence this response. These results suggest that cannabinoid receptors in the embryo are coupled to inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding proteins. Further, the oviduct and uterus exhibited the enzymatic capacity to synthesize the putative endogenous cannabinoid ligand arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide). Synthetic and natural cannabinoid agonists [WIN 55,212-2, CP 55,940, (-)-THC, and anandamide], but not CBD or arachidonic acid, arrested the development of two-cell embryos primarily between the four-cell and eight-cell stages in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Anandamide also interfered with the development of eight-cell embryos to blastocysts in culture. The autoradiographic studies readily detected binding of [3H]anandamide in embryos at all stages of development. Positive signals were present in one-cell embryos and all blastomeres of two-cell through four-cell embryos. However, most of the binding sites in eight-cell embryos and morulae were present in the outer cells. In the blastocyst, these signals were primarily localized in the mural trophectoderm with low levels of signals in the polar trophectoderm, while little or no signals were noted in inner cell mass cells.These results establish that the preimplantation mouse embryo is a target for cannabinoid ligands. Consequently, many of the adverse effects of cannabinoids observed during pregnancy could be mediated via these cannabinoid receptors. Although the physiological significance of the cannabinoid ligand-receptor signaling in normal preimplantation embryo development is not yet clear, the regulation of embryonic cAMP and/or Ca2+ levels via this signaling pathway may be important for normal embryonic development and/or implantation.