247 resultados para Vaccine subunit


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The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) has been shown to play an important role in long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, but little is known about the function of PKA in long-term depression (LTD). We have combined pharmacologic and genetic approaches to demonstrate that PKA activity is required for both homosynaptic LTD and depotentiation and that a specific neuronal isoform of type I regulatory subunit (RI beta) is essential. Mice carrying a null mutation in the gene encoding RI beta were established by use of gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. Hippocampal slices from mutant mice show a severe deficit in LTD and depotentiation at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse. This defect is also evident at the lateral perforant path-dentate granule cell synapse in RI beta mutant mice. Despite a compensatory increase in the related RI alpha protein and a lack of detectable changes in total PKA activity, the hippocampal function in these mice is not rescued, suggesting a unique role for RI beta. Since the late phase of CA1 LTP also requires PKA but is normal in RI beta mutant mice, our data further suggest that different forms of synaptic plasticity are likely to employ different combinations of regulatory and catalytic subunits.


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Tyrosinase (EC, the key enzyme in melanin synthesis, has been shown to be one of the targets for cytotoxic T-cell recognition in melanoma patients. To develop serological reagents useful for immunophenotyping melanoma for tyrosinase, human tyrosinase cDNA was expressed in an Escherichia coli expression vector. The purified recombinant tyrosinase was used to generate mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The prototype monoclonal antibody, T311, recognized a cluster of protein moieties ranging from 70 to 80 kDa in tyrosinase mRNA-positive melanoma cell lines and melanoma specimens as well as in L cells transfected with tyrosinase cDNA. Untransfected L cells and L cells transfected with tyrosinase-related protein 1, TRP-1(gp75), were nonreactive. Immunohistochemical analysis of melanomas with T311 showed tyrosinase in melanotic and amelanotic variants, and tyrosinase expression correlated with the presence of tyrosinase mRNA. Melanocytes in skin stained with T311, whereas other normal tissues tested were negative. The expression pattern of three melanosome-associated proteins--tyrosinase, TRP-1(gp75), and gp100--in melanoma was also compared. Tyrosinase and gp100 are expressed in a higher percentage of melanomas than TRP-1(gp75), and the expression of these three antigens was discordant. Tyrosinase expression within individual tumor specimen is usually homogenous, distinctly different from the commonly observed heterogeneous pattern of gp100 expression.


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Vigilance, anxiety, epileptic activity, and muscle tone can be modulated by drugs acting at the benzodiazepine (BZ) site of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. In vivo, BZ sites are potential targets for endogenous ligands regulating the corresponding central nervous system states. To assess the physiological relevance of BZ sites, mice were generated containing GABAA receptors devoid of BZ sites. Following targeted disruption of the gamma 2 subunit gene, 94% of the BZ sites were absent in brain of neonatal mice, while the number of GABA sites was only slightly reduced. Except for the gamma 2 subunit, the level of expression and the regional and cellular distribution of the major GABAA receptor subunits were unaltered. The single channel main conductance level and the Hill coefficient were reduced to values consistent with recombinant GABAA receptors composed of alpha and beta subunits. The GABA response was potentiated by pentobarbital but not by flunitrazepam. Diazepam was inactive behaviorally. Thus, the gamma 2 subunit is dispensable for the assembly of functional GABAA receptors but is required for normal channel conductance and the formation of BZ sites in vivo. BZ sites are not essential for embryonic development, as suggested by the normal body weight and histology of newborn mice. Postnatally, however, the reduced GABAA receptor function is associated with retarded growth, sensorimotor dysfunction, and drastically reduced life-span. The lack of postnatal GABAA receptor regulation by endogenous ligands of BZ sites might contribute to this phenotype.


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Extensive proteolytic digestion of Na+,K(+)-ATPase (EC by trypsin produces a preparation where most of the extramembrane portions of the alpha subunit have been digested away and the beta subunit remains essentially intact. The fragment Gln-737-Arg-829 of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha subunit, which includes the putative transmembrane hairpin M5-M6, is readily, selectively, and irreversibly released from the posttryptic membrane preparation after incubation at 37 degrees C for several minutes. Once released from the membrane, the fragment aggregates but remains water soluble. Occlusion of K+ or Rb+ specifically prevents release of the Gln-737-Arg-829 fragment into the supernatant. Labeling of the posttryptic membrane preparation with cysteine-directed reagents revealed that Cys-802 (which is thought to be located within the M6 segment) is protected against the modification by Rb+ while this fragment is in the membrane but can be readily modified upon release. Cation occlusion apparently alters the folding and/or disposition of the M5-M6 fragment in the membrane in a way that does not occur when the fragment migrates to the aqueous phase. The ligand-dependent disposition of the M5-M6 hairpin in the membrane along with recent labeling studies suggest a key role for this segment in cation pumping by Na+,K(+)-ATPase.


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The DNA-activated serine/threonine protein kinase (DNA-PK) is composed of a large (approximately 460 kDa) catalytic polypeptide (DNA-PKcs) and Ku, a heterodimeric DNA-binding component (p70/p80) that targets DNA-PKcs to DNA. A 41-kbp segment of the DNA-PKcs gene was isolated, and a 7902-bp segment was sequenced. The sequence contains a polymorphic Pvu II restriction enzyme site, and comparing the sequence with that of the cDNA revealed the positions of nine exons. The DNA-PKcs gene was mapped to band q11 of chromosome 8 by in situ hybridization. This location is coincident with that of XRCC7, the gene that complements the DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination defects (where V is variable, D is diversity, and J is joining) of hamster V3 and murine severe combined immunodeficient (scid) cells.


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Genetic and physiological studies of the Drosophila Hyperkinetic (Hk) mutant revealed defects in the function or regulation of K+ channels encoded by the Shaker (Sh) locus. The Hk polypeptide, determined from analysis of cDNA clones, is a homologue of mammalian K+ channel beta subunits (Kv beta). Coexpression of Hk with Sh in Xenopus oocytes increases current amplitudes and changes the voltage dependence and kinetics of activation and inactivation, consistent with predicted functions of Hk in vivo. Sequence alignments show that Hk, together with mammalian Kv beta, represents an additional branch of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. These results are relevant to understanding the function and evolutionary origin of Kv beta.


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Multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK) phosphorylates proteins pivotally involved in diverse neuronal processes and thereby coordinates cellular responses to external stimuli that regulate intracellular Ca2+ [Hanson, P. I. & Schulman, H. (1992) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 61, 559-664]. Despite extensive study, the impact of this enzyme on control of the excitability of neuron populations in the mammalian nervous system in situ is unknown. To address this question, we studied transgenic mice carrying a null mutation (-/-) for the alpha subunit of CaMK. In contrast to wild-type littermates, null mutants exhibit profound hyperexcitability, evident in epileptic seizures involving limbic structures including the hippocampus. No evidence of increased excitability was detected in mice carrying null mutations of the gamma isoform of protein kinase C, underscoring the specificity of the effect of CaMK. CaMK plays a powerful and previously underappreciated role in control of neuronal excitability in the mammalian nervous system. These insights have important implications for analyses of mechanisms of epilepsy and, perhaps, learning and memory.


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Transcription factor TFIIIB plays a central role in transcription initiation by RNA polymerase III on genes encoding tRNA, 5S rRNA, and other small structural RNAs. We report the purification of a human TFIIIB-derived complex containing only the TATA-binding polypeptide (TBP) and a 90-kDa subunit (TFIIIB90) and the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding the 90-kDa subunit. The N-terminal half of TFIIIB90 exhibits sequence similarity to the yeast TFIIIB70 (BRF) and the class II transcription factor TFIIB and interacts weakly with TBP. The C-terminal half of TFIIIB90 contains a high-mobility-group protein 2 (HMG2)-related domain and interacts strongly with TBP. Recombinant TFIIIB90 plus recombinant human TBP substitute for human TFIIIB in a complementation assay for transcription of 5S, tRNA, and VA1 RNA genes, and both the TFIIB-related domain and the HMG2-related domain are required for this activity. TFIIIB90 is also required for transcription of human 7SK and U6 RNA genes by RNA polymerase III, but apparently within a complex distinct from the TBP/TFIIIB90 complex.


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Brefeldin A, a fungal metabolite that inhibits membrane transport, induces the mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of two cytosolic proteins of 38 and 50 kDa as judged by SDS/PAGE. The 38-kDa substrate has been previously identified as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We report that the 50-kDa BFA-induced ADP-ribosylated substrate (BARS-50) has native forms of 170 and 130 kDa, as determined by gel filtration of rat brain cytosol, indicating that BARS-50 might exist as a multimeric complex. BARS-50 can bind GTP, as indicated by blot-overlay studies with [alpha-32P]GTP and by photoaffinity labeling with guanosine 5'-[gamma-32P] [beta,gamma-(4-azidoanilido)]triphosphate. Moreover, ADP-ribosylation of BARS-50 was completely inhibited by the beta gamma subunit complex of G proteins, while the ADP-ribosylation of GAPDH was unmodified, indicating that this effect was due to an interaction of the beta gamma complex with BARS-50, rather than with the ADP-ribosylating enzyme. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis shows that BARS-50 is a group of closely related proteins that appear to be different from all the known GTP-binding proteins.


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The isozyme form of eukaryotic initiation factor 4F [eIF-(iso)4F] from wheat germ is composed of a p28 subunit that binds the 7-methylguanine cap of mRNA and a p86 subunit having unknown function. The p86 subunit was found to have limited sequence similarity to a kinesin-like protein encoded by the katA gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Native wheat germ eIF-(iso)4F and bacterially expressed p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex bound to taxol-stabilized maize microtubules (MTs) in vitro. Binding saturation occurred at 1 mol of p86 per 5-6 mol of polymerized tubulin dimer, demonstrating a substoichiometric interaction of p86 with MTs. No evidence was found for a direct interaction of the p28 subunit with MTs. Unlike kinesin, cosedimentation of eIF-(iso)4F with MTs was neither reduced by MgATP nor enhanced by adenosine 5'-[gamma-imido]triphosphate. Both p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex induced the bundling of MTs in vitro. The p86 subunit was immunolocalized to the cytosol in root maize cells and existed in three forms: fine particles, coarse particles, and linear patches. Many coarse particles and linear patches were colocalized or closely associated with cortical MT bundles in interphase cells. The results indicate that the p86 subunit of eIF-(iso)4F is a MT-associated protein that may simultaneously link the translational machinery to the cytoskeleton and regulate MT disposition in plant cells.


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The RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli promotes recombination preferentially at chi nucleotide sequences and has in vivo helicase and strong duplex DNA exonuclease (exoV) activities. The enzyme without the RecD subunit, as in a recD null mutant, promotes recombination efficiently but independently of chi and has no nucleolytic activity. Employing phage lambda red gam crosses, phage T4 2- survival measurements, and exoV assays, it is shown that E. coli cells in which RecBCD has extensive opportunity to interact with linear chi-containing DNA (produced by rolling circle replication of a plasmid with chi or by bleomycin-induced fragmentation of the cellular chromosome) acquire the phenotype of a recD mutant and maintain this for approximately 2 h. It is concluded that RecBCD is converted into RecBC during interaction with chi by irreversible inactivation of RecD. After conversion, the enzyme is released and initiates recombination on other DNA molecules in a chi-independent fashion. Overexpression of recD+ (from a plasmid) prevented the phenotypic change and providing RecD after the change restored chi-stimulated recombination. The observed recA+ dependence of the downregulation of exoV could explain the previously noted "reckless" DNA degradation of recA mutants. It is proposed that chi sites are regulatory elements for the RecBCD to RecBC switch and thereby function as cis- and trans-acting stimulators of RecBC-dependent recombination.


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Voltage-gated K+ channels are important modulators of the cardiac action potential. However, the correlation of endogenous myocyte currents with K+ channels cloned from human heart is complicated by the possibility that heterotetrameric alpha-subunit combinations and function-altering beta subunits exist in native tissue. Therefore, a variety of subunit interactions may generate cardiac K+ channel diversity. We report here the cloning of a voltage-gated K+ channel beta subunit, hKv beta 3, from adult human left ventricle that shows 84% and 74% amino acid sequence identity with the previously cloned rat Kv beta 1 and Kv beta 2 subunits, respectively. Together these three Kv beta subunits share > 82% identity in the carboxyl-terminal 329 aa and show low identity in the amino-terminal 79 aa. RNA analysis indicated that hKv beta 3 message is 2-fold more abundant in human ventricle than in atrium and is expressed in both healthy and diseased human hearts. Coinjection of hKv beta 3 with a human cardiac delayed rectifier, hKv1.5, in Xenopus oocytes increased inactivation, induced an 18-mV hyperpolarizing shift in the activation curve, and slowed deactivation (tau = 8.0 msec vs. 35.4 msec at -50 mV). hKv beta 3 was localized to human chromosome 3 by using a human/rodent cell hybrid mapping panel. These data confirm the presence of functionally important K+ channel beta subunits in human heart and indicate that beta-subunit composition must be accounted for when comparing cloned channels with endogenous cardiac currents.


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Macronuclei of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila possess a histone acetyltransferase activity closely associated with transcription-related histone acetylation. Nothing definitive is known concerning the polypeptide composition of this activity in Tetrahymena or any comparable activity from any cellular source. An acetyltransferase activity gel assay was developed which identifies a catalytically active subunit of this enzyme in Tetrahymena. This activity gel assay detects a single polypeptide of 55 kDa (p55) in crude macronuclear extracts, as well as in column-purified fractions, which incorporates [3H]acetate from [3H]acetyl-CoA into core histone substrates polymerized directly into SDS polyacrylamide gels. p55 copurifies precisely with acetyltransferase activity through all chromatographic steps examined, including reverse-phase HPLC. Gel-filtration chromatography of this activity indicates a molecular mass of 220 kDa, suggesting that the native enzyme may consist of four identical subunits of 55 kDa. Furthermore, p55 is tightly associated with di- and greater polynucleosomes and therefore may be defined as a component of histone acetyltransferase type A--i.e., chromatin associated.


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Helicobacter pylori is an important etiologic agent of gastroduodenal disease. In common with other organisms, H. pylori bacteria express heat shock proteins that share homologies with the GroES-GroEL class of proteins from Escherichia coli. We have assessed the heat shock proteins of H. pylori as potential protective antigens in a murine model of gastric Helicobacter infection. Orogastric immunization of mice with recombinant H. pylori GroES- and GroEL-like proteins protected 80% (n = 20) and 70% (n = 10) of animals, respectively, from a challenge dose of 10(4) Helicobacter felis bacteria (compared to control mice, P = 0.0042 and P = 0.0904, respectively). All mice (n = 19) that were immunized with a dual antigen preparation, consisting of H. pylori GroES-like protein and the B subunit of H. pylori urease, were protected against infection. This represented a level of protection equivalent to that provided by a sonicated Helicobacter extract (P = 0.955). Antibodies directed against the recombinant H. pylori antigens were predominantly of the IgG1 class, suggesting that a type 2 T-helper cell response was involved in protection. This work reports a protein belonging to the GroES class of heat shock proteins that was shown to induce protective immunity. In conclusion, GroES-like and urease B-subunit proteins have been identified as potential components of a future H. pylori subunit vaccine.


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Although only 44% identical to human karyopherin alpha 1, human karyopherin alpha 2 (Rch1 protein) substituted for human karyopherin alpha 1 (hSRP-1/NPI-1) in recognizing a standard nuclear localization sequence and karyopherin beta-dependent targeting to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells. By immunofluorescence microscopy of methanol-fixed cells, karyopherin beta was localized to the cytoplasm and the nuclear envelope and was absent from the nuclear interior. Digitonin permeabilization of buffalo rat liver cells depleted their endogenous karyopherin beta. Recombinant karyopherin beta can bind directly to the nuclear envelope of digitonin-permeabilized cells at 0 degree C (docking reaction). In contrast, recombinant karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2 did not bind unless karyopherin beta was present. Likewise, in an import reaction (at 20 degrees C) with all recombinant transport factors (karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, karyopherin beta, Ran, and p10) import depended on karyopherin beta. Localization of the exogenously added transport factors after a 30-min import reaction showed karyopherin beta at the nuclear envelope and karyopherin alpha 1 or alpha 2, Ran, and p10 in the nuclear interior. In an overlay assay with SDS/PAGE-resolved and nitrocellulose-transferred proteins of the nuclear envelope, 35S-labeled karyopherin beta bound to at least four peptide repeat-containing nucleoporins--Nup358, Nup214, Nup153, and Nup98.