336 resultados para single-stranded DNA binding protein


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Insolubility of full-length HIV-1 integrase (IN) limited previous structure analyses to individual domains. By introducing five point mutations, we engineered a more soluble IN that allowed us to generate multidomain HIV-1 IN crystals. The first multidomain HIV-1 IN structure is reported. It incorporates the catalytic core and C-terminal domains (residues 52–288). The structure resolved to 2.8 Å is a Y-shaped dimer. Within the dimer, the catalytic core domains form the only dimer interface, and the C-terminal domains are located 55 Å apart. A 26-aa α-helix, α6, links the C-terminal domain to the catalytic core. A kink in one of the two α6 helices occurs near a known proteolytic site, suggesting that it may act as a flexible elbow to reorient the domains during the integration process. Two proteins that bind DNA in a sequence-independent manner are structurally homologous to the HIV-1 IN C-terminal domain, suggesting a similar proteinDNA interaction in which the IN C-terminal domain may serve to bind, bend, and orient viral DNA during integration. A strip of positively charged amino acids contributed by both monomers emerges from each active site of the dimer, suggesting a minimally dimeric platform for binding each viral DNA end. The crystal structure of the isolated catalytic core domain (residues 52–210), independently determined at 1.6-Å resolution, is identical to the core domain within the two-domain 52–288 structure.


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Insulin negatively regulates expression of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) gene by means of an insulin-responsive element (IRE) that also contributes to glucocorticoid stimulation of this gene. We find that the Caenorhabditis elegans protein DAF-16 binds the IGFBP-1⋅IRE with specificity similar to that of the forkhead (FKH) factor(s) that act both to enhance glucocorticoid responsiveness and to mediate the negative effect of insulin at this site. In HepG2 cells, DAF-16 and its mammalian homologs, FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX, activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE; this effect is inhibited by the viral oncoprotein E1A, but not by mutants of E1A that fail to interact with the coactivator p300/CREB-binding protein (CBP). We show that DAF-16 and FKHR can interact with both the KIX and E1A/SRC interaction domains of p300/CBP, as well as the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). A C-terminal deletion mutant of DAF-16 that is nonfunctional in C. elegans fails to bind the KIX domain of CBP, fails to activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE, and inhibits activation of the IGFBP-1 promoter by glucocorticoids. Thus, the interaction of DAF-16 homologs with the KIX domain of CBP is essential to basal and glucocorticoid-stimulated transactivation. Although AFX interacts with the KIX domain of CBP, it does not interact with SRC and does not respond to glucocorticoids or insulin. Thus, we conclude that DAF-16 and FKHR act as accessory factors to the glucocorticoid response, by recruiting the p300/CBP/SRC coactivator complex to an FKH factor site in the IGFBP-1 promoter, which allows the cell to integrate the effects of glucocorticoids and insulin on genes that carry this site.


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The transcription of fatty acid synthase (FAS), a central enzyme in de novo lipogenesis, is dramatically induced by fasting/refeeding and insulin. We reported that upstream stimulatory factor binding to the −65 E-box is required for induction of the FAS transcription by insulin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. On the other hand, we recently found that two upstream 5′ regions are required for induction in vivo by fasting/refeeding and insulin; one at −278 to −131 albeit at a low level, and the other at −444 to −278 with an E-box at −332 where upstream stimulatory factor functions for maximal induction. Here, we generated double transgenic mice carrying the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter driven by the various 5′ deletions of the FAS promoter region and a truncated active form of the sterol regulatory element (SRE) binding protein (SREBP)-1a. We found that SREBP participates in the nutritional regulation of the FAS promoter and that the region between −278 and −131 bp is required for SREBP function. We demonstrate that SREBP binds the −150 canonical SRE present between −278 and −131, and SREBP can function through the −150 SRE in cultured cells. These in vivo and in vitro results indicate that SREBP is involved in the nutritional induction of the FAS promoter via the −278/−131 region and that the −150 SRE is the target sequence.


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Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate proteinprotein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.


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GABAergic (GABA = γ-aminobutyric acid) neurons from different brain regions contain high levels of parvalbumin, both in their soma and in their neurites. Parvalbumin is a slow Ca2+ buffer that may affect the amplitude and time course of intracellular Ca2+ transients in terminals after an action potential, and hence may regulate short-term synaptic plasticity. To test this possibility, we have applied paired-pulse stimulations (with 30- to 300-ms intervals) at GABAergic synapses between interneurons and Purkinje cells, both in wild-type (PV+/+) mice and in parvalbumin knockout (PV−/−) mice. We observed paired-pulse depression in PV+/+ mice, but paired-pulse facilitation in PV−/− mice. In paired recordings of connected interneuron-Purkinje cells, dialysis of the presynaptic interneuron with the slow Ca2+ buffer EGTA (1 mM) rescues paired-pulse depression in PV−/− mice. These data show that parvalbumin potently modulates short-term synaptic plasticity.


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The DNA binding activity of p53 is crucial for its tumor suppressor function and is subject to tight regulation. Previous studies revealed that the inhibitory function of the p53 C terminus is implicated in the latent, low affinity sequence-specific DNA binding activity of p53 in the uninduced state. Sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 has been shown to be activated by several posttranslational modifications and interacting proteins that target predominantly the C terminus. Moreover, several authors have shown that synthetic peptides corresponding to p53 C-terminal sequences activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding. In an effort to identify the interaction site of p53 with these activating peptides we assessed complex formation between p53 deletion constructs and C-terminal activating peptides by peptide affinity precipitation. This study revealed that two distal regions of the p53 molecule contribute synergistically to the interaction with activating C-terminal peptides: amino acids 80–93 and 364–393. The C-terminal residues 364–393 are already well characterized as having negative regulatory function. DNA binding analyses with these deletion constructs reveal a comparable negative regulatory activity for residues 80–93, defining this region as a previously unidentified negative regulatory domain of p53. Furthermore, synthetic peptides spanning this newly identified proline-rich negative regulatory region (residues 80–93) are able to activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro. We suggest that both negative regulatory regions, residues 80–93 and 364–393, contribute cooperatively to the maintenance of the latent, low-affinity DNA binding conformation of p53.


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A large library of phage-displayed human single-chain Fv antibodies (scFv), containing 6.7 × 109 members, was generated by improving the steps of library construction. Fourteen different protein antigens were used to affinity select antibodies from this library. A panel of specific antibodies was isolated with each antigen, and each panel contained an average of 8.7 different scFv. Measurements of antibody–antigen interactions revealed several affinities below 1 nM, comparable to affinities observed during the secondary murine immune response. In particular, four different scFv recognizing the ErbB2 protein had affinities ranging from 220 pM to 4 nM. Antibodies derived from the library proved to be useful reagents for immunoassays. For example, antibodies generated to the Chlamydia trachomatis elementary bodies stained Chlamydia-infected cells, but not uninfected cells. These results demonstrate that phage antibody libraries are ideally suited for the rapid production of panels of high-affinity mAbs to a wide variety of protein antigens. Such libraries should prove especially useful for generating reagents to study the function of gene products identified by genome projects.


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Ho endonuclease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a homing endonuclease that makes a site-specific double-strand break in the MAT gene in late G1. Here we show that Ho is rapidly degraded via the ubiquitin-26S proteasome system through two ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UBC2Rad6 and UBC3Cdc34. UBC2Rad6 is complexed with the ring finger DNA-binding protein Rad18, and we find that Ho is stabilized in rad18 mutants. We show that the Ho degradation pathway involving UBC3Cdc34 goes through the Skp1/Cdc53/F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex and identify a F-box protein, Yml088w, that is required for Ho degradation. Components of a defined pathway of the DNA damage response, MEC1, RAD9, and CHK1, are also necessary for Ho degradation, whereas functions of the RAD24 epistasis group and the downstream effector RAD53 have no role in degradation of Ho. Our results indicate a link between the endonuclease function of Ho and its destruction.


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A crystal structure for a member of the AraC prokaryotic transcriptional activator family, MarA, in complex with its cognate DNA-binding site is described. MarA consists of two similar subdomains, each containing a helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif. The two recognition helices of the motifs are inserted into adjacent major groove segments on the same face of the DNA but are separated by only 27 Å thereby bending the DNA by ≈35°. Extensive interactions between the recognition helices and the DNA major groove provide the sequence specificity.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein is important for genetic recombination and repair of DNA double-strand breaks in vivo and can promote strand exchange between linear double-stranded DNA and circular single-stranded DNA in vitro. However, unlike Escherichia coli RecA, Rad51 requires an overhanging complementary 3′ or 5′ end to initiate strand exchange; given that fact, we previously surmised that the fully exchanged molecules resulted from branch migration in either direction depending on which type of end initiated the joint molecule. Our present experiments confirm that branch migration proceeds in either direction, the polarity depending on whether a 3′ or 5′ end initiates the joint molecules. Furthermore, heteroduplex DNA is formed rapidly, first at the overhanging end of the linear double-stranded DNA’s complementary strand and then more slowly by progressive lengthening of the heteroduplex region until strand exchange is complete. Although joint molecule formation occurs equally efficiently when initiated with a 3′ or 5′ overhanging end, branch migration proceeds more rapidly when it is initiated by an overhanging 3′ end, i.e., in the 5′ to 3′ direction with respect to the single-stranded DNA.


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By using elastic measurements on single DNA molecules, we show that stretching a negatively supercoiled DNA activates homologous pairing in physiological conditions. These experiments indicate that a stretched unwound DNA locally denatures to alleviate the force-driven increase in torsional stress. This is detected by hybridization with 1 kb of homologous single-stranded DNA probes. The stretching force involved (≈2 pN) is small compared with those typically developed by molecular motors, suggesting that this process may be relevant to DNA processing in vivo. We used this technique to monitor the progressive denaturation of DNA as it is unwound and found that distinct, stable denaturation bubbles formed, beginning in A+T-rich regions.


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The evolutionarily conserved protein EB1 originally was identified by its physical association with the carboxyl-terminal portion of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein, an APC domain commonly mutated in familial and sporadic forms of colorectal neoplasia. The subcellular localization of EB1 in epithelial cells was studied by using immunofluorescence and biochemical techniques. EB1 colocalized both to cytoplasmic microtubules in interphase cells and to spindle microtubules during mitosis, with pronounced centrosome staining. The cytoskeletal array detected by anti-EB1 antibody was abolished by incubation of the cells with nocodazole, an agent that disrupts microtubules; upon drug removal, EB1 localized to the microtubule-organizing center. Immunofluorescence analysis of SW480, a colon cancer cell line that expresses only carboxyl-terminal-deleted APC unable to interact with EB1, demonstrated that EB1 remained localized to the microtubule cytoskeleton, suggesting that this pattern of subcellular distribution is not mediated by its interaction with APC. In vitro cosedimentation with taxol-stabilized microtubules demonstrated that a significant fraction of EB1 associated with microtubules. Recent studies of the yeast EB1 homologues Mal3 and Bim1p have demonstrated that both proteins localize to microtubules and are important in vivo for microtubule function. Our results demonstrate that EB1 is a novel component of the microtubule cytoskeleton in mammalian cells. Associating with the mitotic apparatus, EB1 may play a physiologic role connecting APC to cellular division, coordinating the control of normal growth and differentiation processes in the colonic epithelium.


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CCAAT/enhancer binding protein δ (C/EBPδ) is a transcriptional regulator implicated in the hepatic acute phase response and in adipogenic and myeloid cell differentiation. We found that C/EBPδ is widely expressed in the peripheral and central nervous systems, including neurons of the hippocampal formation, indicating a role in neural functions. To examine the role of C/EBPδ in vivo, we generated mice with a targeted deletion of the C/EBPδ gene. This mutation does not interfere with normal embryonic and postnatal development. Performance in a battery of behavioral tests indicates that basic neurological functions are normal. Furthermore, performance in a Morris water maze task suggests that C/EBPδ mutant mice have normal spatial learning. However, in the contextual and auditory-cue-conditioned fear task, C/EBPδ null mice displayed significantly more conditioned freezing to the test context than did wild-type controls, but equivalent conditioning to the auditory cue. These data demonstrate a selectively enhanced contextual fear response in mice carrying a targeted genomic mutation and implicate C/EBPδ in the regulation of a specific type of learning and memory.


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Stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (BAR) by clenbuterol (CLE) increases nerve growth factor (NGF) biosynthesis in the rat cerebral cortex but not in other regions of the brain. We have explored the transcription mechanisms that may account for the cortex-specific activation of the NGF gene. Although the NGF promoter contains an AP-1 element, AP-1-binding activity in the cerebral cortex was not induced by CLE, suggesting that other transcription factors govern the brain area-specific induction of NGF. Because BAR activation increases cAMP levels, we examined the role of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP), some of which are known to be cAMP-inducible. In C6–2B glioma cells, whose NGF expression is induced by BAR agonists, (i) CLE increased C/EBPδ-binding activity, (ii) NGF mRNA levels were increased by overexpressing C/EBPδ, and (iii) C/EBPδ increased the activity of an NGF promoter–reporter construct. Moreover, DNase footprinting and deletion analyses identified a C/EBPδ site in the proximal region of the NGF promoter. C/EBPδ appears to be responsible for the BAR-mediated activation of the NGF gene in vivo, since CLE elicited a time-dependent increase in C/EBPδ-binding activity in the cerebral cortex only. Our data suggest that, while AP-1 may regulate basal levels of NGF expression, C/EBPδ is a critical component determining the area-specific expression of NGF in response to BAR stimulation.


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In vivo, retroviral integration is mediated by a large nucleoprotein complex, termed the preintegration complex (PIC). PICs isolated from infected cells display in vitro integration activity. Here, we analyze the roles of different host cell factors in the structure and function of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) PICs. PICs purified by size exclusion after treatment with high salt lost their integration activity, and adding back an extract from uninfected cells restored this activity. In parallel, the native proteinDNA intasome structure detected at the ends of HIV-1 by Mu-mediated PCR footprinting was abolished by high salt and restored by the crude cell extract. Various purified proteins previously implicated in retroviral PIC function then were analyzed for their effects on the structure and function of salt-treated HIV-1 PICs. Whereas relatively low amounts (5–20 nM) of human barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) protein restored integration activity, substantially more (5–10 μM) human host factor HMG I(Y) was required. Similarly high levels (3–8 μM) of bovine RNase A, a DNA-binding protein used as a nonspecific control, also restored activity. Mu-mediated PCR footprinting revealed that of these three purified proteins, only BAF restored the native structure of the HIV-1 proteinDNA intasome. We suggest that BAF is a natural host cofactor for HIV-1 integration.