219 resultados para cell cycle proteins


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The nuclear import system is highly conserved among eukaryotes. Here we report the effects of a conditional mutation in SRP1, which encodes a Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog of the vertebrate nuclear import receptor importin. Importin was isolated as a factor required for the initial targeting step of a nuclear import substrate to the nuclear envelope in a mammalian in vitro assay. We show that yeast Srp1 is similarly required for protein import. In addition, Srp1 is also required for the execution of mitosis: we demonstrate that cells containing a conditional mutation of SRP1 arrest with a G2/M phenotype in a manner analogous to classic cdc mutants. This defect may be due to the failure of the mutant to degrade the mitotic cyclin Clb2 and other proteins required for mitosis. The requirement of a nuclear import receptor for cell cycle-regulated proteolysis implies that import of cell cycle regulators into the nucleus is critical for cell cycle progression.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive human genetic disease characterized by immunological, neurological, and developmental defects and an increased risk of cancer. Cells from individuals with AT show sensitivity to ionizing radiation, elevated recombination, cell cycle abnormalities, and aberrant cytoskeletal organization. The molecular basis of the defect is unknown. A candidate AT gene (ATDC) was isolated on the basis of its ability to complement the ionizing radiation sensitivity of AT group D fibroblasts. Whether ATDC is mutated in any AT patients is not known. We have found that the ATDC protein physically interacts with the intermediate-filament protein vimentin, which is a protein kinase C substrate and colocalizing protein, and with an inhibitor of protein kinase C, hPKCI-1. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of cultured cells transfected with a plasmid encoding an epitope-tagged ATDC protein localizes the protein to vimentin filaments. We suggest that the ATDC and hPKCI-1 proteins may be components of a signal transduction pathway that is induced by ionizing radiation and mediated by protein kinase C.


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Some growth factors transduce positive growth signals, while others can act as growth inhibitors. Nuclear signaling events of previously quiescent cells stimulated with various growth factors have been studied by isolating the complexed chromatin-associated proteins and chromatin-associated proteins. Signals from the plasma membrane are integrated within the cells and quickly transduced to the nucleus. It is clear that several growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor alpha (but not transforming growth factor beta), and platelet-derived growth factor, utilize similar intracellular signaling biochemistries to modulate nucleosomal characteristics. The very rapid and consistent phosphorylation of nuclear p33, p54, and low molecular mass proteins in the range of 15-18 kDa after growth factor stimulation implies that there is a coordination and integration of the cellular signaling processes. Additionally, phosphorylation of p33 and some low molecular mass histones has been found to occur within 5 min of growth factor treatment and to reach a maximum by 30 min. In this study, we report that Neu receptor activating factor also utilizes the same signaling mechanism and causes p33 to become phosphorylated. In addition, both the tumor promoter okadaic acid (which inhibits protein phosphatases 1 and 2A) and phorbol ester (phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate) stimulate phosphorylation of p33, p54, and low molecular mass histones. However, transforming growth factor beta, which is a growth inhibitor for fibroblasts, fails to increase p33 phosphorylation. In general, p33 phosphorylation patterns correspond to positive and negative mitogenic signal transduction. p33 isolated from the complexed chromatin-associated protein fraction appears to be a kinase, or tightly associated with a kinase, and shares antigenicity with the cell division cycle-dependent Cdk2 kinase as determined by antibody-dependent analysis. The rapid phosphorylation of nucleosomal proteins may influence sets of early genes needed for the induction and progression of the cell cycle.


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The retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (Rb) participates in controlling the G1/S-phase transition, presumably by binding and inactivating E2F transcription activator family members. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with no, one, or two inactivated Rb genes were used to determine the specific contributions of Rb protein to cell cycle progression and gene expression. MEFs lacking both Rb alleles (Rb-/-) entered S phase in the presence of the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor methotrexate. Two E2F target genes, dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthase, displayed elevated mRNA and protein levels in Rb- MEFs. Since absence of functional Rb protein in MEFs is sufficient for S-phase entry under growth-limiting conditions, these data indicate that the E2F complexes containing Rb protein, and not the Rb-related proteins p107 and p130, may be rate limiting for the G1/S transition. Antineoplastic drugs caused accumulation of p53 in the nuclei of both Rb+/+ and Rb-/- MEFs. While p53 induction led to apoptosis in Rb-/- MEFs, Rb+/- and Rb+/+ MEFs underwent cell cycle arrest without apoptosis. These results reveal that diverse growth signals work through Rb to regulate entry into S phase, and they indicate that absence of Rb protein produces a constitutive DNA replication signal capable of activating a p53-associated apoptotic response.


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The transforming growth factor beta s (TGF-beta s) are a group of multifunctional growth factors which inhibit cell cycle progression in many cell types. The TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest has been partially attributed to the regulatory effects of TGF-beta on both the levels and the activities of the G1 cyclins and their kinase partners. The activities of these kinases are negatively regulated by a number of small proteins, p21 (WAF1, Cip1), p27Kip1, p16, and p15INK4B, that physically associate with cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, or cyclin-Cdk complexes. p21 has been previously shown to be transcriptionally induced by DNA damage through p53 as a mediator. We demonstrate that TGF-beta also causes a rapid transcriptional induction of p21, suggesting that p21 can respond to both intracellular and extracellular signals for cell cycle arrest. In contrast to DNA damage, however, induction of p21 by TGF-beta is not dependent on wild-type p53. The cell line studied in these experiments, HaCaT, contains two mutant alleles of p53, which are unable to activate transcription from the p21 promoter when overexpressed. In addition, TGF-beta and p53 act through distinct elements in the p21 promoter. Taken together, these findings suggest that TGF-beta can induce p21 through a p53-independent pathway. Previous findings have implicated p27Kip1 and p15INK2B as effectors mediating the TGF-beta growth inhibitory effect. These results demonstrate that a single extracellular antiproliferative signal, TGF-beta, can act through multiple signaling pathways to elicit a growth arrest response.


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Eg5, a member of the bimC subfamily of kinesin-like microtubule motor proteins, localizes to spindle microtubules in mitosis but not to interphase microtubules. We investigated the molecular basis for spindle localization by transient transfection of Xenopus A6 cells with myc-tagged derivatives of Eg5. Expressed at constitutively high levels from a cytomegalovirus promoter, mycEg5 protein is cytoplasmic throughout interphase, begins to bind microtubules in early prophase, and remains localized to spindle and/or midbody microtubules through mitosis to the end of telophase. Both N- and C-terminal regions of Eg5 are required for this cell-cycle-regulated targeting. Eg5 also contains within its C-terminal domain a sequence conserved among bimC subfamily proteins that includes a potential p34cdc2 phosphorylation site. We show that mutation of a single threonine (T937) within this site to nonphosphorylatable alanine abolishes localization of the mutant protein to the spindle, whereas mutation of T937 to serine preserves spindle localization. We hypothesize that phosphorylation of Eg5 may regulate its localization to the spindle in the cell cycle.


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The Ly-6 locus encodes several cell surface proteins whose functions are unknown. Although it is hypothesized that these proteins may be receptors, there is no direct evidence that they bind a ligand. Herein we present evidence that Ly-6A.2, a Ly-6 protein expressed on T lymphocytes, binds a ligand expressed on normal thymocytes and splenic B and T cells. We find that transgenic thymocytes that overexpress Ly-6A.2 spontaneously aggregate in culture. This homotypic adhesion requires the overexpression of Ly-6A.2 because it is not observed in cultures of nontransgenic thymocytes. The aggregation of Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is inhibited by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (which removes Ly-6A.2 and other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins from the membrane). Some anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies, including nonactivating ones and Fab' fragments, inhibit this aggregation. In contrast, other anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies increase the aggregation of transgenic but not nontransgenic thymocytes. To further examine whether Ly-6A.2 mediates adhesion (versus inducing another adhesion pathway) reaggregation assays were performed with paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes. Paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes reaggregate in culture and this aggregation is also blocked by phosphatidyl-inositol-specific phospholipase C and anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies. These results indicate that the homotypic adhesion of cultured Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is directly mediated by Ly-6A.2 and, more importantly, strongly suggests that Ly-6A.2 binds a ligand that is expressed on thymocytes. Tg+ thymocytes also bind to nontransgenic thymocytes, B cells, and T cells, indicating that normal cells naturally express the Ly-6A.2 ligand.


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Previously, researchers have speculated that genetic engineering can improve the long-term function of vascular grafts which are prone to atherosclerosis and occlusion. In this study, we demonstrated that an intraoperative gene therapy approach using antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blockage of medial smooth muscle cell proliferation can prevent the accelerated atherosclerosis that is responsible for autologous vein graft failure. Selective blockade of the expression of genes for two cell cycle regulatory proteins, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cell division cycle 2 kinase, was achieved in the smooth muscle cells of rabbit jugular veins grafted into the carotid arteries. This alteration of gene expression successfully redirected vein graft biology away from neointimal hyperplasia and toward medial hypertrophy, yielding conduits that more closely resembled normal arteries. More importantly, these genetically engineered grafts proved resistant to diet-induced atherosclerosis. These findings establish the feasibility of developing genetically engineered bioprostheses that are resistant to failure and better suited to the long-term treatment of occlusive vascular disease.


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The trimeric human single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HSSB; also called RP-A) plays an essential role in DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair, and homologous DNA recombination. The p34 subunit of HSSB is phosphorylated at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle or upon exposure of cells to DNA damage-inducing agents including ionizing and UV radiation. We have previously shown that the phosphorylation of p34 is catalyzed by both cyclin-dependent kinase-cyclin A complex and DNA-dependent protein kinase. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosphorylation of p34 by these kinases on the replication and repair function of HSSB. We observed no significant difference with the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of HSSB in the simian virus 40 DNA replication or nucleotide excision repair systems reconstituted with purified proteins. The phosphorylation status of the p34 subunit of HSSB was unchanged during the reactions. We suggest that the phosphorylated HSSB has no direct effect on the basic mechanism of DNA replication and nucleotide excision repair reactions in vitro, although we cannot exclude a role of p34 phosphorylation in modulating HSSB function in vivo through a yet poorly understood control pathway in the cellular response to DNA damage and replication.