240 resultados para Homologous recombination


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Human CAS cDNA contains a 971-aa open reading frame that is homologous to the essential yeast gene CSE1. CSE1 is involved in chromosome segregation and is necessary for B-type cyclin degradation in mitosis. Using antibodies to CAS, it was shown that CAS levels are high in proliferating and low in nonproliferating cells. Here we describe the distribution of CAS in cells and tissues analyzed with antibodies against CAS. CAS is an approximately 100-kDa protein present in the cytoplasm of proliferating cells at levels between 2 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6) molecules per cell. The intracellular distribution of CAS resembles that of tubulin. In interphase cells, anti-CAS antibody shows microtubule-like patterns and in mitotic cells it labels the mitotic spindle. CAS is removed from microtubules by mild detergent treatment (cytoskeleton preparations) and in vincristine- or taxol-treated cells. CAS is diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm with only traces present in tubulin paracrystals or bundles. Thus, CAS appears to be associated with but not to be an integral part of microtubules. Immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissues shows elevated amounts of CAS in proliferating cells such as testicular spermatogonia and cells in the basal layer cells of the colon. CAS was also concentrated in the respiratory epithelium of the trachea and in axons and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. These cells contain many microtubules. The cellular location of CAS is consistent with an important role in cell division as well as in ciliary movement and vesicular transport.


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RAG1 protein is essential for the activation of V(D)J recombination in developing lymphocytes (V, variable; D, diversity; J, joining). However, it has not been determined whether its role involves substrate recognition and catalysis. A single amino acid substitution mutation in the RAG1 gene has now been identified that renders its activity sensitive to the sequence of the coding region abutting the heptamer site in the recombination signal sequence. These results strongly imply that RAG1 interacts directly with DNA.


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The E2F1 transcription factor has a well-characterized activation domain at its C terminus and the E1A protein has a recently defined activation domain at its N terminus. Here we show that these activation domains are highly related in sequence. The sequence homology reflects, at least partly, the conservation of common binding sites for the RB and CBP/p300 proteins, which are preserved in the same relative order along E2F1 and E1A. Furthermore, the interaction of RB and CBP with these two activation domains results in the same functional consequences: RB represses both activation domains, whereas CBP stimulates them. We conclude that the activation domains of E1A(12s) and E2F1 belong to a novel functional class, characterized by specific protein binding sites. The implication of this conservation with respect to E1A-induced stimulation of E2F activity is discussed.


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Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites were transformed with plasmids containing P. falciparum or Toxoplasma gondii dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (dhfr-ts) coding sequences that confer resistance to pyrimethamine. Under pyrimethamine pressure, transformed parasites were obtained that maintained the transfected plasmids as unrearranged episomes for several weeks. These parasite populations were replaced after 2 to 3 months by parasites that had incorporated the transfected DNA into nuclear chromosomes. Depending upon the particular construct used for transformation, homologous integration was detected in the P. falciparum dhfr-ts locus (chromosome 4) or in hrp3 and hrp2 sequences that were used in the plasmid constructs as gene control regions (chromosomes 13 and 8, respectively). Transformation by homologous integration sets the stage for targeted gene alterations and knock-outs that will advance understanding of P. falciparum.


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The Holliday junction, a key intermediate in both homologous and site-specific recombination, is generated by the reciprocal exchange of single strands between two DNA duplexes. Resolution of the junctions can occur in two directions with respect to flanking markers, either restoring the parental DNA configuration or generating a genetic crossover. Recombination can be regulated, in principle, by factors that influence the directionality of the resolution step. We demonstrate that the vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase, a eukaryotic type I enzyme, catalyzes resolution of synthetic Holliday junctions in vitro. The mechanism entails concerted transesterifications at two recognition sites, 5'-CCCTT decreases, that are opposed within a partially mobile four-way junction. Cruciforms are resolved unidirectionally and with high efficiency into two linear duplexes. These findings suggest a model whereby type I topoisomerases may either promote or suppress genetic recombination in vivo.


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DNA molecules undergoing transformation into yeast are highly recombinogenic, even when diverged. We reasoned that transformation-associated recombination (TAR) could be employed to clone large DNAs containing repeat sequences, thereby eliminating the need for in vitro enzymatic reactions such as restriction and ligation and reducing the amount of DNA handling. Gently isolated human DNA was transformed directly into yeast spheroplasts along with two genetically marked (M1 and M2) linearized vectors that contained a human Alu sequence at one end and a telomere sequence at the other end (Alu-CEN-M1-TEL and Alu-M2-TEL). Nearly all the M1-selected transformants had yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing human DNA inserts that varied in size from 70 kb to > 600 kb. Approximately half of these had also acquired the unselected M2 marker. The mitotic segregational stability of YACs generated from one (M1) or two (M1 and M2) vector(s) was comparable, suggesting de novo generation of telomeric ends. Since no YACs were isolated when rodent DNAs or a vector lacking an Alu sequence was used, the YACs were most likely the consequence of TAR between the repeat elements on the vector(s) and the human DNA. Using the BLUR13 Alu-containing vector, we demonstrated that human DNA could be efficiently cloned from mouse cells that contained a single human chromosome 16. The distribution of cloned DNAs on chromosome 16 was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. We propose that TAR cloning can provide an efficient means for generating YACs from specific chromosomes and subchromosome fragments and that TAR cloning may be useful for isolating families of genes and specific genes from total genome DNA.


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UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc): polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (polypeptide GalNAc-T) catalyzes transfer of the monosaccharide GalNAc to serine and threonine residues, thereby initiating O-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Previous studies have suggested the possibility of multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts, although attachment of saccharide units to polypeptide or lipid in generating oligosaccharide structures in vertebrates has been dependent upon the activity of single gene products. To address this issue and to determine the relevance of Oglycosylation variation in T-cell ontogeny, we have directed Cre/loxP mutagenic recombination to the polypeptide GalNAc-T locus in gene-targeted mice. Resulting deletion in the catalytic region of polypeptide GalNAc-T occurred to completion on both alleles in thymocytes and was found in peripheral T cells, but not among other cell types. Thymocyte O-linked oligosaccharide formation persisted in the absence of a functional targeted polypeptide GalNAc-T allele as determined by O-glycan-specific lectin binding. T-cell development and colonization of secondary lymphoid organs were also normal. These results indicate a complexity in vertebrate O-glycan biosynthesis that involves multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts. We infer the potential for protein-specific O-glycan formation governed by distinct polypeptide GalNAc-Ts.


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cdc18+ of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a periodically expressed gene that is required for entry into S phase and for the coordination of S phase with mitosis. cdc18+ is related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene CDC6, which has also been implicated in the control of DNA replication. We have identified a new Sch. pombe gene, orp1+, that encodes an 80-kDa protein with amino acid sequence motifs conserved in the Cdc18 and Cdc6 proteins. Genetic analysis indicates that orp1+ is essential for viability. Germinating spores lacking the orp1+ gene are capable of undergoing one or more rounds of DNA replication but fail to progress further, arresting as long cells with a variety of deranged nuclear structures. Unlike cdc18+, orp1+ is expressed constitutively during the cell cycle. cdc18+, CDC6, and orp1+ belong to a family of related genes that also includes the gene ORC1, which encodes a subunit of the origin recognition complex (ORC) of S. cerevisiae. The products of this gene family share a 250-amino acid domain that is highly conserved in evolution and contains several characteristic motifs, including a consensus purine nucleotide-binding motif. Among the members of this gene family, orp1+ is most closely related to S. cerevisiae ORC1. Thus, the protein encoded by orp1+ may represent a component of an Sch. pombe ORC. The orp1+ gene is also closely related to an uncharacterized putative human homologue. It is likely that the members of the cdc18/CDC6 family play key roles in the regulation of DNA replication during the cell cycle of diverse species from archaebacteria to man.


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V(D)J rearrangement is the molecular mechanism by which an almost infinite array of specific immune receptors are generated. Defects in this process result in profound immunodeficiency as is the case in the C.B-17 SCID mouse or in RAG-1 (recombination-activating gene 1) or RAG-2 deficient mice. It has recently become clear that the V(D)J recombinase most likely consists of both lymphoid-specific factors and ubiquitously expressed components of the DNA double-strand break repair pathway. The deficit in SCID mice is in a factor that is required for both of these pathways. In this report, we show that the factor defective in the autosomal recessive severe combined immunodeficiency of Arabian foals is required for (i) V(D)J recombination, (ii) resistance to ionizing radiation, and (iii) DNA-dependent protein kinase activity.


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We have characterized a family of repetitive DNA elements with homology to the MgPa cellular adhesion operon of Mycoplasma genitalium, a bacterium that has the smallest known genome of any free-living organism. One element, 2272 bp in length and flanked by DNA with no homology to MgPa, was completely sequenced. At least four others were partially sequenced. The complete element is a composite of six regions. Five of these regions show sequence similarity with nonadjacent segments of genes of the MgPa operon. The sixth region, located near the center of the element, is an A+T-rich sequence that has only been found in this repeat family. Open reading frames are present within the five individual regions showing sequence homology to MgPa and the adjacent open reading frame 3 (ORF3) gene. However, termination codons are found between adjacent regions of homology to the MgPa operon and in the A+T-rich sequence. Thus, these repetitive elements do not appear to be directly expressible protein coding sequences. The sequence of one region from five different repetitive elements was compared with the homologous region of the MgPa gene from the type strain G37 and four newly isolated M. genitalium strains. Recombination between repetitive elements of strain G37 and the MgPa operon can explain the majority of polymorphisms within our partial sequences of the MgPa genes of the new isolates. Therefore, we propose that the repetitive elements of M. genitalium provide a reservoir of sequence that contributes to antigenic variation in proteins of the MgPa cellular adhesion operon.


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In prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, the electrophoretic variation in housekeeping enzymes from natural populations is assumed to have arisen by the accumulation of stochastic predominantly neutral mutations. In the naturally transformable bacterium Neisseria meningitidis, we show that variation in the electrophoretic mobility of adenylate kinase is due to inter- and intraspecies recombination rather than mutation. The nucleotide sequences of the adenylate kinase gene (adk) from isolates that express the predominant slow electrophoretic variant were rather uniform, differing in sequence at an average of 1.1% of nucleotide sites. The adk sequences of rare isolates expressing the fast migrating variant were identical to each other but had a striking mosaic structure when compared to the adk genes from strains expressing the predominant variant. Thus the sequence from the fast variants was identical to those of typical slow variants in the first 158 bp of the gene but differed by 8.4% in the rest of the gene (nt 159-636). The fast electrophoretic variant appears to have arisen by the replacement of most of the meningococcal gene with the corresponding region from the adk gene of a closely related Neisseria species. The adk genes expressing the electrophoretic variant with intermediate mobility were perfect, or almost perfect, recombinants between the adk genes expressing the fast and slow variants. Recombination may, therefore, play a major role in the generation of electrophoretically detectable variation in housekeeping enzymes of some bacterial species.


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Escherichia coli RecA protein, in the presence of ATP or its analog adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, polymerizes on single-stranded DNA to form nucleoprotein filaments that can then bind to homologous sequences on duplex DNA. The three-stranded joint molecule formed as a result of this binding event is a key intermediate in general recombination. We have used affinity cleavage to examine this three-stranded joint by incorporating a single thymidine-EDTA.Fe (T*) into the oligonucleotide part of the filament. Our analysis of the cleavage patterns from the joint molecule reveals that the nucleoprotein filament binds in the minor groove of an extended Watson-Crick duplex.


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The ability of the Hex generalized mismatch repair system to prevent recombination between partially divergent (also called homeologous) sequences during transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae was investigated. By using as donor in transformation cloned fragments 1.7-17.5% divergent in DNA sequence from the recipient, it was observed that the Hex system prevents chromosomal integration of the least and the most divergent fragments but frequently fails to do so for other fragments. In the latter case, the Hex system becomes saturated (inhibited) due to an excess of mismatches: it is unable to repair a single mismatch located elsewhere on the chromosome. Further investigation with chromosomal donor DNA, carrying only one genetically marked divergent region, revealed that a single divergent fragment can lead to saturation of the Hex system. Increase in cellular concentration of either HexA, the MutS homologue that binds mismatches, or HexB, the MutL homologue for which the essential role in repair as yet remains obscure, was shown to restore repair ability in previously saturating conditions. Investigation of heterospecific transformation by chromosomal DNA from two related streptococcal species, Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus mitis, also revealed complete saturation of the Hex system. Therefore the Hex system is not a barrier to interspecies recombination in S. pneumoniae. These results are discussed in light of those described for the Mut system of Escherichia coli.


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Many features of Down syndrome might result from the overdosage of only a few genes located in a critical region of chromosome 21. To search for these genes, cosmids mapping in this region were isolated and used for trapping exons. One of the trapped exons obtained has a sequence very similar to part of the Drosophila single-minded (sim) gene, a master regulator of the early development of the fly central nervous system midline. Mapping data indicated that this exonic sequence is only present in the Down syndrome-critical region in the human genome. Hybridization of this exonic sequence with human fetal kidney poly(A)+ RNA revealed two transcripts of 6 and 4.3 kb. In situ hybridization of a probe derived from this exon with human and rat fetuses showed that the corresponding gene is expressed during early fetal life in the central nervous system and in other tissues, including the facial, skull, palate, and vertebra primordia. The expression pattern of this gene suggests that it might be involved in the pathogenesis of some of the morphological features and brain anomalies observed in Down syndrome.


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During meiosis, crossovers occur at a high level, but the level of noncrossover recombinants is even higher. The biological rationale for the existence of the latter events is not known. It has been suggested that a noncrossover-specific pathway exists specifically to mediate chromosome pairing. Using a physical assay that monitors both crossovers and noncrossovers in cultures of yeast undergoing synchronous meiosis, we find that both types of products appear at essentially the same time, after chromosomes are fully synapsed at pachytene. We have also analyzed a situation in which commitment to meiotic recombination and formation of the synaptonemal complex are coordinately suppressed (mer1 versus mer1 MER2++). We find that suppression is due primarily to restoration of meiosis-specific double-strand breaks, a characteristic of the major meiotic recombination pathway. Taken together, the observations presented suggest that there probably is no noncrossover-specific pathway and that restoration of intermediate events in a single pairing/recombination pathway promotes synaptonemal complex formation. The biological significant of noncrossover recombination remains to be determined, however.