234 resultados para Transcriptional Activator


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Stimulation of the cAMP-dependent signaling pathway exerts an inhibitory effect on the proliferation and effector functions of T cells. The ability of T cells to form high intracellular levels of cAMP is acquired during development in the human thymus and is retained by the majority of mature peripheral T lymphocytes. Here we show that elevated cAMP levels in T cells correlate with the expression of the potent transcriptional repressor ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) previously described in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Further, in transcriptional assays in vivo, ICER inhibits calcineurin-mediated expression of the interleukin 2 promoter as well as Tax-mediated transactivation of the human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) promoter. Thus, the induction of ICER in T cells may play an important role in the cAMP-induced quiescence and the persistent latency of HTLV-I.


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In late 1994 and early 1995, Ebola (EBO) virus dramatically reemerged in Africa, causing human disease in the Ivory Coast and Zaire. Analysis of the entire glycoprotein genes of these viruses and those of other EBO virus subtypes has shown that the virion glycoprotein (130 kDa) is encoded in two reading frames, which are linked by transcriptional editing. This editing results in the addition of an extra nontemplated adenosine within a run of seven adenosines near the middle of the coding region. The primary gene product is a smaller (50-70 kDa), nonstructural, secreted glycoprotein, which is produced in large amounts and has an unknown function. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that EBO virus subtypes are genetically diverse and that the recent Ivory Coast isolate represents a new (fourth) subtype of EBO virus. In contrast, the EBO virus isolate from the 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, Zaire, is virtually identical to the virus that caused a similar epidemic in Yambuku, Zaire, almost 20 years earlier. This genetic stability may indicate that EBO viruses have coevolved with their natural reservoirs and do not change appreciably in the wild.


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Activation of macrophages by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces transcription of genes that encode for proinflammatory regulators of the immune response. Previous work has suggested that activation of the transcription factor activator protein 1 (AP-1) is one LPS-induced event that mediates this response. Consistent with this notion, we found that LPS stimulated AP-1-mediated transcription of a transfected reporter gene in the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. As AP-1 activity is regulated in part by activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which phosphorylates and subsequently increases the transcriptional activity of c-Jun, we examined whether LPS treatment of macrophages resulted in activation of this kinase. LPS treatment of RAW 264.7 cells, murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, and the human monocyte cell line THP-1 resulted in rapid activation of the p46 and p54 isoforms of JNK. Treatment with wild-type and rough mutant forms of LPS and synthetic lipid A resulted in JNK activation, while pretreatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A inhibited this response. Binding of LPS-LPS binding protein (LBP) complexes to CD14, a surface receptor that mediates many LPS responses, was found to be crucial, as pretreatment of THP-1 cells with the monoclonal antibody 60b, which blocks this binding, inhibited JNK activation. These results suggest that LPS activation of JNK in monocyte/macrophage cells is a CD14- and protein tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent event that may mediate the early activation of AP-1 in regulating LPS-triggered gene induction.


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Transposon Tn1000 has been adapted to deliver novel DNA sequences for manipulating recombinant DNA. The transposition procedure for these "tagged" Tn1000s is simple and applicable to most plasmids in current use. For yeast molecular biology, tagged Tn1000s introduce a variety of yeast selective markers and replication origins into plasmids and cosmids. In addition, the beta-globin minimal promoter and lacZ gene of Tn(beta)lac serve as a mobile reporter of eukaryotic enhancer activity. In this paper, Tn(beta)lac was used to localize a mouse HoxB-complex enhancer in transgenic mice. Other tagged transposons create Gal4 DNA-binding-domain fusions, in either Escherichia coli or yeast plasmids, for use in one- and two-hybrid tests of transcriptional activation and protein-protein interaction, respectively. With such fusions, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Swi6 G1/S-phase transcription factor and the Xenopus laevis Pintallavis developmental regulator are shown to activate transcription. Furthermore, the same transposon insertions also facilitated mapping of the Swi6 and Pintallavis domains responsible for transcriptional activation. Thus, as well as introducing novel sequences, tagged transposons share the numerous other applications of transposition such as producing insertional mutations, creating deletion series, or serving as mobile primer sites for DNA sequencing.


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Transcriptional repression is an important component of regulatory networks that govern gene expression. In this report, we have characterized the mechanisms by which the immediate early protein 2 (IE2 or IE86), a master transcriptional regulator of human cytomegalovirus, down-regulates its own expression. In vitro transcription and DNA binding experiments demonstrate that IE2 blocks specifically the association of RNA polymerase II with the preinitiation complex. Although, to our knowledge, this is the first report to describe a eukaryotic transcriptional repressor that selectively impedes RNA polymerase II recruitment, we present data that suggest that this type of repression might be widely used in the control of transcription by RNA polymerase II.


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In a previous study we showed that the murine homeodomain protein Msx-1 is a potent transcriptional repressor and that this activity is independent of its DNA binding function. The implication of these findings is that repression by Msx-1 is mediated through its association with certain protein factors rather than through its interaction with DNA recognition sites, which prompted investigation of the relevant protein factors. Here we show that Msx-1 interacts directly with the TATA binding protein (TBP) but not with several other general transcription factors. This interaction is mediated by the Msx-1 homeodomain, specifically through residues in the N-terminal arm. These same N-terminal arm residues are required for repression by Msx-1, suggesting a functional relationship between TBP association and transcriptional repression. This is further supported by the observation that addition of excess TBP blocks the repressor action of Msx-1 in in vitro transcription assays. Finally, DNA binding activity is separable from both TBP interaction and repression, which further shows that these other activities of the Msx-1 homeodomain are distinct. Therefore, these findings define a role for the Msx-1 homeodomain, particularly the N-terminal arm residues in protein-protein interaction and transcriptional repression, and implicate a more complex role overall for homeodomains in transcriptional regulation.


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The tyrosine kinases Flt4, Flt1, and Flk1 (or KDR) constitute a family of endothelial cell-specific receptors with seven immunoglobulin-like domains and a split kinase domain. Flt1 and Flk1 have been shown to play key roles in vascular development; these two receptors bind and are activated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). No ligand has been identified for Flt4, whose expression becomes restricted during development to the lymphatic endothelium. We have identified cDNA clones from a human glioma cell line that encode a secreted protein with 32% amino acid identity to VEGF. This protein, designated VEGF-related protein (VRP), specifically binds to the extracellular domain of Flt4, stimulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of Flt4 expressed in mammalian cells, and promotes the mitogenesis of human lung endothelial cells. VRP fails to bind appreciably to the extracellular domain of Flt1 or Flk1. The protein contains a C-terminal, cysteine-rich region of about 180 amino acids that is not found in VEGF. A 2.4-kb VRP mRNA is found in several human tissues including adult heart, placenta, ovary, and small intestine and in fetal lung and kidney.


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The NIFL regulatory protein controls transcriptional activation of nitrogen fixation (nif) genes in Azotobacter vinelandii by direct interaction with the enhancer binding protein NIFA. Modulation of NIFA activity by NIFL, in vivo occurs in response to external oxygen concentration or the level of fixed nitrogen. Spectral features of purified NIFL and chromatographic analysis indicate that it is a flavoprotein with FAD as the prosthetic group, which undergoes reduction in the presence of sodium dithionite. Under anaerobic conditions, the oxidized form of NIFL inhibits transcriptional activation by NIFA in vitro, and this inhibition is reversed when NIFL is in the reduced form. Hence NIFL is a redox-sensitive regulatory protein and may represent a type of flavoprotein in which electron transfer is not coupled to an obvious catalytic activity. In addition to its ability to act as a redox sensor, the activity of NIFL is also responsive to adenosine nucleotides, particularly ADP. This response overrides the influence of redox status on NIFL and is also observed with refolded NIFL apoprotein, which lacks the flavin moiety. These observations suggest that both energy and redox status are important determinants of nif gene regulation in vivo.


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The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) is complex and is regulated in part by gene transcription. In this investigation we studied the regulation of NOS2 in a human liver epithelial cell line (AKN-1) which expresses high levels of NOS2 mRNA and protein in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interferon gamma (cytokine mix, CM). Nuclear run-on analysis revealed that CM transcriptionally activated the human NOS2 gene. To delineate the cytokine-responsive regions of the human NOS2 promoter, we stimulated AKN-1 cells with CM following transfection of NOS2 luciferase constructs. Analysis of the first 3.8 kb upstream of the NOS2 gene demonstrated basal promoter activity but failed to show any cytokine-inducible activity. However, 3- to 5-fold inductions of luciferase activity were seen in constructs extending up to -5.8 and -7.0 kg, and a 10-fold increase was seen upon transfection of a -16 kb construct. Further analysis of various NOS2 luciferase constructs ligated upstream of the thymidine kinase promoter identified three regions containing cytokine-responsive elements in the human NOS2 gene: -3.8 to -5.8, -5.8 to -7.0, and -7.0 to -16 kb. These results are in marked contrast with the murine macrophage NOS2 promoter in which only 1 kb of the proximal 5' flanking region is necessary to confer inducibility to lipopolysaccharide and interferon gamma. These data demonstrate that the human NOS2 gene is transcriptionally regulated by cytokines and identify multiple cytokine-responsive regions in the 5' flanking region of the human NOS2 gene.


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Proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a DNA damage-inducible protein that performs an essential function in DNA replication and repair as an auxiliary factor for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon. Examination of the human PCNA promoter DNA sequence revealed a site with homology to the consensus DNA sequence bound by p53. PCNA promoter fragments with this site intact bound p53 in vitro and were transcriptionally activated by wild-type p53 in transient expression assays in SAOS-2 cells. The resident p53-binding site could be functionally substituted by a previously described p53-binding site from the ribosomal gene cluster. A plasmid expressing a mutated version of p53 derived from a patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome failed to activate the PCNA promoter in the cotransfection assay. In different cell types, activation of the PCNA promoter by the p53-binding sequence correlated with the status of p53. Activation of the PCNA promoter by wild-type p53 depends upon the level of p53 expression. This concentration dependence and cell type specificity reconciles the observations presented here with prior results indicating that wild-type p53 represses the PCNA promoter. These findings provide a mechanism whereby p53 modulates activation of PCNA expression as a cellular response to DNA damage.


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Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS; EC is expressed in rat glomerular mesangial cells upon exposure to the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta). We have reported that nanomolar concentrations of dexamethasone suppress IL-1 beta-induced iNOS protein expression and production of nitrite, the stable end product of NO formation, without affecting IL-1 beta-triggered increase in iNOS mRNA levels. We now have studied the mechanisms by which dexamethasone suppresses IL-1 beta-stimulated iNOS expression in mesangial cells. Surprisingly, nuclear run-on transcription experiments demonstrate that dexamethasone markedly attenuates IL-1 beta-induced iNOS gene transcription. However, this is counteracted by a prolongation of the half-life of iNOS mRNA from 1 h to 2.5 h by dexamethasone. Moreover, dexamethasone drastically reduces the amount of iNOS protein by reduction of iNOS mRNA translation and increased degradation of iNOS protein. These results indicate that glucocorticoids act at multiple levels to regulate iNOS expression, thus providing important insights into the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


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The transcriptional transactivator (Tas) of simian foamy virus type 1 strongly augments gene expression directed by both the promoter in the viral long terminal repeat and the newly discovered internal promoter located within the env gene. A region of 121 bp, located immediately 5' to the TATA box in the internal promoter, is required for transactivation by Tas. The present study aimed to identify the precise Tas-responsive target(s) in this region and to determine the role of Tas in transcriptional regulation. By analysis of both clustered-site mutations and hybrid promoters in transient expression assays in murine and simian cells, two separate sequence elements within this 121-bp region were shown to be Tas-dependent transcriptional enhancers. These targets, each < 30 bp in length and displaying no apparent sequence homology one to the other, are designated the promoter-proximal and promoter-distal elements. By means of the gel electrophoresis mobility-shift assays, using purified glutathione S-transferase-Tas fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli, the target proximal to the TATA box exhibited strong binding to glutathione S-transferase-Tas, whereas the distal element appears not to bind. In addition, footprint analysis revealed that 26 bp in the promoter proximal element was protected by glutathione S-transferase-Tas from DNase I. We propose a model for transactivation of the simian foamy virus type 1 internal promoter in which Tas interacts directly with the proximal target element positioned immediately 5' to the TATA box. In this model, Tas attached to this element is presumed to interact with a component(s) of the cellular RNA polymerase II initiation complex and thereby enhance transcription directed by the viral internal promoter.


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PBX1 is a homeobox-containing gene identified as the chromosome 1 participant of the t(1;19) chromosomal translocation of childhood pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This translocation produces a fusion gene encoding the chimeric oncoprotein E2A-Pbx1, which can induce both acute myeloid and T-lymphoid leukemia in mice. The binding of Pbx1 to DNA is weak; however, both Pbx1 and E2A-Pbx1 exhibit tight binding to specific DNA motifs in conjunction with certain other homeodomain proteins, and E2A-Pbx1 activates transcription through these motifs, whereas Pbx1 does not. In this report, we investigate potential transcriptional functions of Pbx1, using transient expression assays. While no segments of Pbx1 activated transcription, an internal domain of Pbx1 repressed transcription induced by the activation domain of Sp1, but not by the activation domains of VP16 or p53. This Pbx1 domain, which lies upstream of the homeodomain and is highly conserved among Pbx proteins, is thus predicted to bind a specific transcription factor. Surprisingly, the repression activity of Pbx1 did not require homeodomain-dependent DNA binding. Thus, Pbx1 may be able to alter gene transcription by both DNA-binding-dependent and DNA-binding-independent mechanisms.


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Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that plasminogen activation plays a crucial role in degradation of the follicular wall during ovulation. However, single-deficient mice lacking tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), or PA inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) gene function were recently found to have normal reproduction, although mice with a combined deficiency of tPA and uPA were significantly less fertile. To investigate whether the reduced fertility of mice lacking PA gene function is due to a reduced ovulation mechanism, we have determined the ovulation efficiency in 25-day-old mice during gonadotropin-induced ovulation. Our results reveal that ovulation efficiency is normal in mice with a single deficiency of tPA or uPA but reduced by 26% in mice lacking both physiological PAs. This result suggests that plasminogen activation plays a role in ovulatory response, although neither tPA nor uPA individually or in combination is obligatory for ovulation. The loss of an individual PA seems to be functionally complemented by the remaining PA but this compensation does not appear to involve any compensatory up-regulation. Our data imply that a functionally redundant mechanism for plasmin formation operates during gonadotropin-induced ovulation and that PAs together with other proteases generate the proteolytic activity required for follicular wall degradation.


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Sin4 and Rgr1 proteins, previously shown by genetic studies to play both positive and negative roles in the transcriptional regulation of many genes, are identified here as components of mediator and RNA polymerase II holoenzyme complexes. Results with Sin4 deletion and Rgr1 truncation strains indicate the association of these proteins in a subcomplex comprising Sin4, Rgr1, Gal11, and a 50-kDa polypeptide. Taken together with the previous genetic evidence, our findings point to a role of the mediator in repression as well as in transcriptional activation.