203 resultados para Mediated Expression


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Induction of phase 2 detoxification enzymes by phenolic antioxidants can account for prevention of tumor initiation but cannot explain why these compounds inhibit tumor promotion. Phase 2 genes are induced through an antioxidant response element (ARE). Although the ARE resembles an AP-1 binding site, we show that the major ARE binding and activating protein is not AP-1. Interestingly, AP-1 DNA binding activity was induced by the phenolic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (BHQ), but the induction of AP-1 transcriptional activity by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by this compound. BHQ induced expression of c-jun, junB, fra-1, and fra-2, which encode AP-1 components, but was a poor inducer of c-fos and had no effect on fosB. Like c-Fos and FosB, the Fra proteins heterodimerize with Jun proteins to form stable AP-1 complexes. However, Fra-containing AP-1 complexes have low transactivation potential. Furthermore, Fra-1 repressed AP-1 activity induced by either TPA or expression of c-Jun and c-Fos. We therefore conclude that inhibitory AP-1 complexes composed of Jun-Fra heterodimers, induced by BHQ, antagonize the transcriptional effects of the tumor promoter TPA, which are mediated by Jun-Fos heterodimers. Since AP-1 is an important mediator of tumor promoter action, these findings may explain the anti-tumor-promoting activity of phenolic antioxidants.


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Cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (EC) constitutively express a low level of CD40 antigen as detected by monoclonal antibody binding and fluorescence flow cytometric quantitation. The level of expression on EC is increased about 3-fold following 24 h treatment with optimal concentrations of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1, interferon beta, or interferon gamma; both interferons show greater than additive induction of CD40 when combined with tumor necrosis factor or interleukin 1. Expression of CD40 increases within 8 h of cytokine treatment and continues to increase through 72 h. A trimeric form of recombinant murine CD40 ligand acts on human EC to increase expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules, including E-selectin, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, and intercellular adhesion molecule 1. CD40 may be detected immunocytochemically on human microvascular EC in normal skin. We conclude that endothelial CD40 may play a role as a signaling receptor in the development of T-cell-mediated inflammatory reactions.


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Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells are localized predominantly at airway branchpoints. Previous work showed that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), a major pulmonary bombesin-like peptide, occurred in neuroendocrine cells exclusively in branching human fetal airways. We now demonstrate that GRP and GRP receptor genes are expressed in fetal mouse lung as early as embryonic day 12 (E12), when lung buds are beginning to branch. By in situ hybridization, GRP receptor transcripts were at highest levels in mesenchymal cells at cleft regions of branching airways and blood vessels. To explore the possibility that bombesin-like peptides might play a role in branching morphogenesis, E12 lung buds were cultured for 48 hr in serum-free medium. In the presence of 0.10-10 microM bombesin, branching was significantly augmented as compared with control cultures, with a peak of 94% above control values at 1 microM (P < 0.005). The bombesin receptor antagonist [Leu13- psi(CH2NH)Leu14]bombesin alone (100 nM) had no effect on baseline branching but completely abolished bombesin-induced branching. A bombesin-related peptide, [Leu8]phyllolitorin also increased branching (65% above control values at 10 nM, P < 0.005). [Leu8]Phyllolitorin also significantly augmented thymidine incorporation in cultured lung buds. Fibronectin, which is abundant at branchpoints, induces GRP gene expression in undifferentiated cell lines. These observations suggest that BLPs secreted by pulmonary neuroendocrine cells may contribute to lung branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, components of branchpoints may induce pulmonary neuroendocrine cell differentiation as part of a positive feedback loop, which could account in part for the high prevalence of these cells at branchpoints.


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Wound repair and tumor vascularization depend upon blood vessel growth into hypoxic tissue. Although hypoxia slows endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and suppresses EC basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) expression, we report that macrophages (MPs) exposed to PO2 approximately 12-14 torr (1 torr = 133.3 Pa) synthesize and release in a time-dependent manner platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and acidic/basic FGFs (a/bFGFs), which stimulate the growth of hypoxic ECs. Chromatography of hypoxic MP-conditioned medium on immobilized heparin with an ascending NaCl gradient resolved three peaks of mitogenic activity: activity of the first peak was neutralized by antibody to PDGF; activity of the second peak was neutralized by antibody to aFGF; and activity of the third peak was neutralized by antibody to bFGF. Metabolically labeled lysates and supernatants from MPs exposed to hypoxia showed increased synthesis and release of immunoprecipitable PDGF and a/bFGF in the absence of changes in cell viability. Possible involvement of a heme-containing oxygen sensor in MP elaboration of growth factors was suggested by the induction of bFGF and PDGF by normoxic MPs exposed to nickel or cobalt, although metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide were without effect. These results suggest a paracrine model in which hypoxia stimulates MP release of PDGF and a/bFGF, inducing EC proliferation and potentially promoting angiogenesis in hypoxic environments.


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Listeria monocytogenes (LM) is a Gram-positive bacterium that is able to enter host cells, escape from the endocytic vesicle, multiply within the cytoplasm, and spread directly from cell to cell without encountering the extracellular milieu. The ability of LM to gain access to the host cell cytosol allows proteins secreted by the bacterium to efficiently enter the pathway for major histocompatibility complex class I antigen processing and presentation. We have established a genetic system for expression and secretion of foreign antigens by recombinant strains, based on stable site-specific integration of expression cassettes into the LM genome. The ability of LM recombinants to induce protective immunity against a heterologous pathogen was demonstrated with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). LM strains expressing the entire LCMV nucleoprotein or an H-2Ld-restricted nucleoprotein epitope (aa 118-126) were constructed. Immunization of mice with LM vaccine strains conferred protection against challenge with virulent strains of LCMV that otherwise establish chronic infection in naive adult mice. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells from vaccinated mice abrogated their ability to clear viral infection, showing that protective anti-viral immunity was due to CD8+ T cells.


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Mammalian class A macrophage-specific scavenger receptors (SR-A) exhibit unusually broad binding specificity for a wide variety of polyanionic ligands. The properties of these receptors suggest that they may be involved in atherosclerosis and host defense. We have previously observed a similar receptor activity in Drosophila melanogaster embryonic macrophages and in the Drosophila macrophage-like Schneider L2 cell line. Expression cloning was used to isolate from L2 cells a cDNA that encodes a third class (class C) of scavenger receptor, Drosophila SR-CI (dSR-CI). dSR-CI expression was restricted to macrophages/hemocytes during embryonic development. When expressed in mammalian cells, dSR-CI exhibited high affinity and saturable binding of 125I-labeled acetylated low density lipoprotein and mediated its chloroquine-dependent, presumably lysosomal, degradation. Although the broad polyanionic ligand-binding specificity of dSR-CI was similar to that of SR-A, their predicted protein sequences are not similar. dSR-CI is a 609-residue type I integral membrane protein containing several well-known sequence motifs, including two complement control protein (CCP) domains and somatomedin B, MAM, and mucin-like domains. Macrophage scavenger receptors apparently mediate important, well-conserved functions and may be pattern-recognition receptors that arose early in the evolution of host-defense mechanisms. Genetic and physiologic analysis of dSR-CI function in Drosophila should provide further insights into the roles played by scavenger receptors in host defense and development.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) is involved in trafficking of lymphocytes to mucosal endothelium. Expression of MAdCAM-1 is induced in the murine endothelial cell line bEnd.3 by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Here we show that TNF-alpha enhances expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter, confirming transcriptional regulation of MAdCAM-1. Mutational analysis of the promoter indicates that a DNA fragment extending from nt -132 to nt +6 of the gene is sufficient for TNF-alpha inducibility. Two regulatory sites critical for TNF-alpha induction were identified in this region. DNA-binding experiments demonstrate that NF-kappa B proteins from nuclear extracts of TNF-alpha-stimulated bEnd.3 cells bind to these sites, and transfection assays with promoter mutants of the MAdCAM-1 gene indicate that occupancy of both sites is essential for promoter function. The predominant NF-kappa B binding activity detected with these nuclear extracts is a p65 homodimer. These findings establish that, as with other endothelial cell adhesion molecules, transcriptional induction of MAdCAM-1 by TNF-alpha requires activated NF-kappa B proteins.


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The influence of a synthetic retroviral peptide, CKS-17, on T helper type 1 (Th1)- or Th2-related cytokines was investigated in human blood mononuclear cells. Cells were stimulated with staphylococcal enterotoxin A, anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies, or lipopolysaccharide to induce cytokine mRNA. mRNA was detected by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or Northern blot analysis. CKS-17 down-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation for interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin (IL)-2, and p40 heavy and p35 light chains of IL-12, a cytokine that mediates development of Th1 response. CKS-17 up-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation of IL-10 and did not suppress Th2-related cytokine (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, or IL-13) mRNA expression. A reverse sequence of CKS-17 peptide, used as a control, showed no such action. Anti-human IL-10 monoclonal antibody blocked ability of CKS-17 to inhibit mRNA accumulation for IFN-gamma but not the CKS-17 suppressive activity of IL-12 p40 heavy chain mRNA. Thus, CKS-17-mediated suppression of IFN-gamma mRNA expression is dependent upon augmentation of IL-10 production by CKS-17. This conserved component of several retroviral envelope proteins, CKS-17, may act as an immunomodulatory epitope responsible for cytokine dysregulation that leads to suppression of cellular immunity.