185 resultados para universal in silico predictor of protein protein interaction
The binding stoichiometry of gene V protein from bacteriophage f1 to several oligonucleotides was studied using electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Using mild mass spectrometer interface conditions that preserve noncovalent associations in solution, gene V protein was observed as dimer ions from a 10 mM NH4OAc solution. Addition of oligonucleotides resulted in formation of protein-oligonucleotide complexes with stoichiometry of approximately four nucleotides (nt) per protein monomer. A 16-mer oligonucleotide gave predominantly a 4:1 (protein monomer: oligonucleotide) complex while oligonucleotides shorter than 15 nt showed stoichiometries of 2:1. Stoichiometries and relative binding constants for a mixture of oligonucleotides were readily measured using mass spectrometry. The binding stoichiometry of the protein with the 16-mer oligonucleotide was measured independently using size-exclusion chromatography and the results were consistent with the mass spectrometric data. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the observation and stoichiometric measurement of protein-oligonucleotide complexes using ESI-MS. The sensitivity and high resolution of ESI-MS should make it a useful too] in the study of protein-DNA interactions.
Replication factor C (RFC, also called Activator I) is part of the processive eukaryotic DNA polymerase holoenzymes. The processive elongation of DNA chains requires that DNA polymerases are tethered to template DNA at primer ends. In eukaryotes the ring-shaped homotrimeric protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), ensures tight template-polymerase interaction by encircling the DNA strand. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen is loaded onto DNA through the action of RFC in an ATP-dependent reaction. Human RFC is a protein complex consisting of five distinct subunits that migrate through SDS/polyacrylamide gels as protein bands of 140, 40, 38, 37, and 36 kDa. All five genes encoding the RFC subunits have been cloned and sequenced. A functionally identical RFC complex has been isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the deduced amino acid sequences among the corresponding human and yeast subunits are homologous. Here we report the expression of the five cloned human genes using an in vitro coupled transcription/translation system and show that the gene products form a complex resembling native RFC that is active in supporting an RFC-dependent replication reaction. Studies on the interactions between the five subunits suggest a cooperative mechanism in the assembly of the RFC complex. A three-subunit core complex, consisting of p36, p37, and p40, was identified and evidence is presented that p38 is essential for the interaction between this core complex and the large p140 subunit.
A transcription interference assay was used to generate mutant basic region-leucine zipper proteins with altered DNA-binding specificities. A library of mutants of a CCAAT/enhancer binding protein was constructed by randomizing five DNA-contacting amino acids in the basic region Asn-18, Ala-15, Val-14, Ser-11, and Arg-10. These mutants were then selected for their ability to bind mutant recognition sequences containing substitutions at the 2 and 3 positions of the wild-type sequence 5'-A5T4T3G2C1G1'C2'A3A4'T5'-3'. Mutants containing the sequence Leu-18Tyr-15Xaa-14Tyr-11Arg-10, in which four of the five contact residues are altered, were identified that recognize the palindromic sequence 5'-ATCYCGY'GAT-3' (Xaa = asparagine when Y = G; Xaa = methionine when Y = A). Moreover, in a selection against the sequence 5'-ATTACGTAAT-3', mutants were obtained containing substitutions not only in the basic region but also in the hinge region between the basic and leucine zipper regions. The mutant proteins showed high specificity in a functional transcription interference assay. A model for the interaction of these mutants with the target DNA sequences is discussed.
While studies of the regulation of gene expression have generally concerned qualitative changes in the selection or the level of expression of a gene, much of the regulation that occurs within a cell involves the continuous subtle optimization of the levels of proteins used in macromolecular complexes. An example is the biosynthesis of the ribosome, in which equimolar amounts of nearly 80 ribosomal proteins must be supplied by the cytoplasm to the nucleolus. We have found that the transcript of one of the ribosomal protein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RPL32, participates in such fine tuning. Sequences from exon I of the RPL32 transcript interact with nucleotides from the intron to form a structure that binds L32 to regulate splicing. In the spliced transcript, the same sequences interact with nucleotides from exon II to form a structure that binds L32 to regulate translation, thus providing two levels of autoregulation. We now show, by using a sensitive cocultivation assay, that these RNA structures and their interaction with L32 play a role in the fitness of the cell. The change of a single nucleotide within the 5' leader of the RPL32 transcript, which abolishes the site for L32 binding, leads to detectably slower growth and to eventual loss of the mutant strain from the culture. Experiments designed to assess independently the regulation of splicing and the regulation of translation are presented. These observations demonstrate that, in evolutionary terms, subtle regulatory compensations can be critical. The change in structure of an RNA, due to alteration of just one noncoding nucleotide, can spell the difference between biological success and failure.
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) has been ascribed to a chromosomal translocation event which results in a fusion protein comprising the PML protein and retinoic acid receptor alpha. PML is normally a component of a nuclear multiprotein complex which is disrupted in the APL disease state. Here, two newly defined cysteine/histidine-rich protein motifs called the B-box (B1 and B2) from PML have been characterized in terms of their effect on PML nuclear body formation, their dimerization, and their biophysical properties. We have shown that both peptides bind Zn2+, which induces changes in the peptides' structures. We demonstrate that mutants in both B1 and B2 do not form PML nuclear bodies in vivo and have a phenotype that is different from that observed in the APL disease state. Interestingly, these mutations do not affect the ability of wild-type PML to dimerize with mutant proteins in vitro, suggesting that the B1 and B2 domains are involved in an additional interaction central to PML nuclear body formation. This report in conjunction with our previous work demonstrates that the PML RING-Bl/B2 motif plays a fundamental role in formation of a large multiprotein complex, a function that may be common to those unrelated proteins which contain the motif.
There are now several crystal structures of antibody Fab fragments complexed to their protein antigens. These include Fab complexes with lysozyme, two Fab complexes with influenza virus neuraminidase, and three Fab complexes with their anti-idiotype Fabs. The pattern of binding that emerges is similar to that found with other protein-protein interactions, with good shape complementarity between the interacting surfaces and reasonable juxtapositions of polar residues so as to permit hydrogen-bond formation. Water molecules have been observed in cavities within the interface and on the periphery, where they often form bridging hydrogen bonds between antibody and antigen. For the most part the antigen is bound in the middle of the antibody combining site with most of the six complementarity-determining residues involved in binding. For the most studied antigen, lysozyme, the epitopes for four antibodies occupy approximately 45% of the accessible surface area. Some conformational changes have been observed to accompany binding in both the antibody and the antigen, although most of the information on conformational change in the latter comes from studies of complexes with small antigens.
This review examines protein complexes in the Brookhaven Protein Databank to gain a better understanding of the principles governing the interactions involved in protein-protein recognition. The factors that influence the formation of protein-protein complexes are explored in four different types of protein-protein complexes--homodimeric proteins, heterodimeric proteins, enzyme-inhibitor complexes, and antibody-protein complexes. The comparison between the complexes highlights differences that reflect their biological roles.
The protein-tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTP epsilon) is a transmembranal, receptor-type protein that possesses two phosphatase catalytic domains characteristic of transmembranal phosphatases. Here we demonstrate the existence of a nontransmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon, PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic and the transmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon have separate, nonoverlapping expression patterns. Further, the data clearly indicate that control of which of the two isoforms is to be expressed is initiated at the transcriptional level, suggesting that they have distinct physiological roles. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic mRNA is the product of a delayed early response gene in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, and its transcription is regulated through a pathway that requires protein kinase C. The human homologue of PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic has also been cloned and is strongly up-regulated in the early stages of phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells. Sequence analysis indicates and cellular fractionation experiments confirm that this isoform is a cytoplasmic molecule. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic is therefore the initial example to our knowledge of a nontransmembranal protein-tyrosine phosphatase that contains two tandem of catalytic domains.
Small, single-module proteins that fold in a single cooperative step may be paradigms for understanding early events in protein-folding pathways generally. Recent experimental studies of the 64-residue chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) support a nucleation mechanism for folding, as do some computer stimulations. CI2 has a nucleation site that develops only in the transition state for folding. The nucleus is composed of a set of adjacent residues (an alpha-helix), stabilized by long-range interactions that are formed as the rest of the protein collapses around it. A simple analysis of the optimization of the rate of protein folding predicts that rates are highest when the denatured state has little residual structure under physiological conditions and no intermediates accumulate. This implies that any potential nucleation site that is composed mainly of adjacent residues should be just weakly populated in the denatured state and become structured only in a high-energy intermediate or transition state when it is stabilized by interactions elsewhere in the protein. Hierarchical mechanisms of folding in which stable elements of structure accrete are unfavorable. The nucleation-condensation mechanism of CI2 fulfills the criteria for fast folding. On the other hand, stable intermediates do form in the folding of more complex proteins, and this may be an unavoidable consequence of increasing size and nucleation at more than one site.
The histones of all eukaryotes show only a low degree of primary structure homology, but our earlier crystallographic results defined a three-dimensional structural motif, the histone fold, common to all core histones. We now examine the specific architectural patterns within the fold and analyze the nature of the amino acid residues within its functional segments. The histone fold emerges as a fundamental protein dimerization motif while the differentiations of the tips of the histone dimers appear to provide the rules of core octamer assembly and the basis for nucleosome regulation. We present evidence for the occurrence of the fold from archaebacteria to mammals and propose the use of this structural motif to define a distinct family of proteins, the histone fold superfamily. It appears that evolution has conserved the conformation of the fold even through variations in primary structure and among proteins with various functional roles.
Endoproteolytic processing of the human protein C (HPC) precursor to its mature form involves cleavage of the propeptide after amino acids Lys-2-Arg-1 and removal of a Lys156-Arg157 dipeptide connecting the light and heavy chains. This processing was inefficient in the mammary gland of transgenic mice and pigs. We hypothesized that the protein processing capacity of specific animal organs may be improved by the coexpression of selected processing enzymes. We tested this by targeting expression of the human proprotein processing enzyme, named paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme (PACE)/furin, or an enzymatically inactive mutant, PACEM, to the mouse mammary gland. In contrast to mice expressing HPC alone, or to HPC/PACEM bigenic mice, coexpression of PACE with HPC resulted in efficient conversion of the precursor to mature protein, with cleavage at the appropriate sites. These results suggest the involvement of PACE in the processing of HPC in vivo and represent an example of the engineering of animal organs into bioreactors with enhanced protein processing capacity.
The adenovirus type 2/5 E1A proteins transform primary baby rat kidney (BRK) cells in cooperation with the activated Ras (T24 ras) oncoprotein. The N-terminal half of E1A (exon 1) is essential for this transformation activity. While the C-terminal half of E1A (exon 2) is dispensable, a region located between residues 225 and 238 of the 243R E1A protein negatively modulates in vitro T24 ras cooperative transformation as well as the tumorigenic potential of E1A/T24 ras-transformed cells. The same C-terminal domain is also required for binding of a cellular 48-kDa phosphoprotein, C-terminal binding protein (CtBP). We have cloned the cDNA for CtBP via yeast two-hybrid interaction cloning. The cDNA encodes a 439-amino acid (48 kDa) protein that specifically interacts with exon 2 in yeast two-hybrid, in vitro protein binding, and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation analyses. This protein requires residues 225-238 of the 243R E1A protein for interaction. The predicted protein sequence of the isolated cDNA is identical to amino acid sequences obtained from peptides prepared from biochemically purified CtBP. Fine mapping of the CtBP-binding domain revealed that a 6-amino acid motif highly conserved among the E1A proteins of various human and animal adenoviruses is required for this interaction. These results suggest that interaction of CtBP with the E1A proteins may play a critical role in adenovirus replication and oncogenic transformation.
A simple model of the kinetics of protein folding is presented. The reaction coordinate is the "correctness" of a configuration compared with the native state. The model has a gap in the energy spectrum, a large configurational entropy, a free energy barrier between folded and partially folded states, and a good thermodynamic folding transition. Folding kinetics is described by a master equation. The folding time is estimated by means of a local thermodynamic equilibrium assumption and then is calculated both numerically and analytically by solving the master equation. The folding time has a maximum near the folding transition temperature and can have a minimum at a lower temperature.
We present a method for predicting protein folding class based on global protein chain description and a voting process. Selection of the best descriptors was achieved by a computer-simulated neural network trained on a data base consisting of 83 folding classes. Protein-chain descriptors include overall composition, transition, and distribution of amino acid attributes, such as relative hydrophobicity, predicted secondary structure, and predicted solvent exposure. Cross-validation testing was performed on 15 of the largest classes. The test shows that proteins were assigned to the correct class (correct positive prediction) with an average accuracy of 71.7%, whereas the inverse prediction of proteins as not belonging to a particular class (correct negative prediction) was 90-95% accurate. When tested on 254 structures used in this study, the top two predictions contained the correct class in 91% of the cases.
The epitopes recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are generated from cytosolic proteins by proteolytic processing. The nature of the influences exerted by the sequences flanking CTL epitopes on these processing events remains controversial. Here we show that each epitope within an artificial polyepitope protein containing nine minimal CD8+ CTL epitopes in sequence was processed and presented to appropriate CTL clones. Natural flanking sequences were thus not required to direct class I proteolytic processing. In addition, unnatural flanking sequences containing other CTL epitopes did not interfere with processing. The ability of every CTL epitope to be effectively processed from a protein containing only CTL epitopes is likely to find application in the construction of recombinant polyepitope CTL vaccines.