219 resultados para cell cycle proteins


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The interface between apoptosis (programmed cell death) and the cell cycle is essential to preserve homeostasis and genomic integrity. Here, we show that survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis over-expressed in cancer, physically associates with the cyclin-dependent kinase p34cdc2 on the mitotic apparatus, and is phosphorylated on Thr34 by p34cdc2-cyclin B1, in vitro and in vivo. Loss of phosphorylation on Thr34 resulted in dissociation of a survivin-caspase-9 complex on the mitotic apparatus, and caspase-9-dependent apoptosis of cells traversing mitosis. These data identify survivin as a mitotic substrate of p34cdc2-cyclin B1 and suggest that survivin phosphorylation on Thr34 may be required to preserve cell viability at cell division. Manipulation of this pathway may facilitate the elimination of cancer cells at mitosis.


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It is known that the extracellular matrix regulates normal cell proliferation, and it is assumed that anchorage-independent malignant cells escape this regulatory function. Here we demonstrate that human M24met melanoma cells remain responsive to growth regulatory signals that result from contact with type I collagen and that the effect on proliferation depends on the physical structure of the collagen. On polymerized fibrillar collagen, M24met cells are growth arrested at the G1/S checkpoint and maintain high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA and protein. In contrast, on nonfibrillar (denatured) collagen, the cells enter the cell cycle, and p27KIP1 is down-regulated. These growth regulatory effects involve contact between type I collagen and the collagen-binding integrin α2β1, which appears restricted in the presence of fibrillar collagen. Thus melanoma cells remain sensitive to negative growth regulatory signals originating from fibrillar collagen, and the proteolytic degradation of fibrils is a mechanism allowing tumor cells to escape these restrictive signals.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) is a ubiquitous protein found in all eukaryotic cells. The protein is closely associated with cell proliferation in the G1–S stage of the cell cycle. Recent findings show that the eIF-5A proteins are highly expressed in tumor cells and act as a cofactor of the Rev protein in HIV-1-infected cells. The mature eIF is the only protein known to have the unusual amino acid hypusine, a post-translationally modified lysine. The crystal structure of eIF-5A from Methanococcus jannaschii (MJ eIF-5A) has been determined at 1.9 Å and 1.8 Å resolution in two crystal forms by using the multiple isomorphous replacement method and the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method for the first crystal form and the molecular replacement method for the second crystal form. The structure consists of two folding domains, one of which is similar to the oligonucleotide-binding domain found in the prokaryotic cold shock protein and the translation initiation factor IF1 despite the absence of any significant sequence similarities. The 12 highly conserved amino acid residues found among eIF-5As include the hypusine site and form a long protruding loop at one end of the elongated molecule.


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An important question in the cell cycle field is how cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) target their substrates. We have studied the role of a conserved hydrophobic patch on the surface of cyclin A in substrate recognition by cyclin A-cdk2. This hydrophobic patch is ≈35Å away from the active site of cdk2 and contains the MRAIL sequence conserved among a number of mammalian cyclins. In the x-ray structure of cyclin A-cdk2-p27, this hydrophobic patch contacts the RNLFG sequence in p27 that is common to a number of substrates and inhibitors of mammalian cdks. We find that mutation of this hydrophobic patch on cyclin A eliminates binding to proteins containing RXL motifs without affecting binding to cdk2. This docking site is critical for cyclin A-cdk2 phosphorylation of substrates containing RXL motifs, but not for phosphorylation of histone H1. Impaired substrate binding by the cyclin is the cause of the defect in RXL substrate phosphorylation, because phosphorylation can be rescued by restoring a cyclin A–substrate interaction in a heterologous manner. In addition, the conserved hydrophobic patch is important for cyclin A function in cells, contributing to cyclin A’s ability to drive cells out of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, we define a mechanism by which cyclins can recruit substrates to cdks, and our results support the notion that a high local concentration of substrate provided by a protein–protein interaction distant from the active site is critical for phosphorylation by cdks.


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We have used affinity chromatography to identify proteins that interact with Nap1, a protein previously shown to play a role in mitosis. Our studies demonstrate that a highly conserved protein called Sda1 binds to Nap1 both in vitro and in vivo. Loss of Sda1 function causes cells to arrest uniformly as unbudded cells that do not increase significantly in size. Cells arrested by loss of Sda1 function have a 1N DNA content, fail to produce the G1 cyclin Cln2, and remain responsive to mating pheromone, indicating that they arrest in G1 before Start. Expression of CLN2 from a heterologous promoter in temperature-sensitive sda1 cells induces bud emergence and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not induce cell division, indicating that the sda1 cell cycle arrest phenotype is not due simply to a failure to produce the G1 cyclins. The Sda1 protein is absent from cells arrested in G0 and is expressed before Start when cells reenter the cell cycle, further suggesting that Sda1 functions before Start. Taken together, these findings reveal that Sda1 plays a critical role in G1 events. In addition, these findings suggest that Nap1 is likely to function during G1. Consistent with this, we have found that Nap1 is required for viability in cells lacking the redundant G1 cyclins Cln1 and Cln2. In contrast to a previous study, we have found no evidence that Sda1 is required for the assembly or function of the actin cytoskeleton. Further characterization of Sda1 is likely to provide important clues to the poorly understood mechanisms that control passage through G1.


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The complete genome sequence of Caulobacter crescentus was determined to be 4,016,942 base pairs in a single circular chromosome encoding 3,767 genes. This organism, which grows in a dilute aquatic environment, coordinates the cell division cycle and multiple cell differentiation events. With the annotated genome sequence, a full description of the genetic network that controls bacterial differentiation, cell growth, and cell cycle progression is within reach. Two-component signal transduction proteins are known to play a significant role in cell cycle progression. Genome analysis revealed that the C. crescentus genome encodes a significantly higher number of these signaling proteins (105) than any bacterial genome sequenced thus far. Another regulatory mechanism involved in cell cycle progression is DNA methylation. The occurrence of the recognition sequence for an essential DNA methylating enzyme that is required for cell cycle regulation is severely limited and shows a bias to intergenic regions. The genome contains multiple clusters of genes encoding proteins essential for survival in a nutrient poor habitat. Included are those involved in chemotaxis, outer membrane channel function, degradation of aromatic ring compounds, and the breakdown of plant-derived carbon sources, in addition to many extracytoplasmic function sigma factors, providing the organism with the ability to respond to a wide range of environmental fluctuations. C. crescentus is, to our knowledge, the first free-living α-class proteobacterium to be sequenced and will serve as a foundation for exploring the biology of this group of bacteria, which includes the obligate endosymbiont and human pathogen Rickettsia prowazekii, the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the bovine and human pathogen Brucella abortus.


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The transcriptional response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) was examined in a cultured cell model of adhesion. Gene expression was monitored in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) after attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, laminin, and fibronectin, by using complementary DNA micorarrays printed with 1,718 individual human genes. Cluster analysis revealed that the influence of EGF on gene expression, either positive or negative, was largely independent of ECM composition. However, clusters of EGF-regulated genes were identified that were diagnostic of the type of ECM proteins to which cells were attached. In these clusters, attachment of cells to a laminin or fibronectin substrata specifically modified the direction of gene expression changes in response to EGF stimulation. For example, in HEK293 cells attached to fibronectin, EGF stimulated an increase in the expression of some genes; however, genes in the same group were nonresponsive or even suppressed in cells attached to laminin. Many of the genes regulated by EGF and ECM proteins in this manner are involved in ECM and cytoskeletal architecture, protein synthesis, and cell cycle control, indicating that cell responses to EGF stimulation can be dramatically affected by ECM composition.


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One of the striking features of vascular endothelium, the single-cell-thick lining of the cardiovascular system, is its phenotypic plasticity. Various pathophysiologic factors, such as cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and metabolic products, can modulate its functional phenotype in health and disease. In addition to these humoral stimuli, endothelial cells respond to their biomechanical environment, although the functional implications of this biomechanical paradigm of activation have not been fully explored. Here we describe a high-throughput genomic analysis of modulation of gene expression observed in cultured human endothelial cells exposed to two well defined biomechanical stimuli—a steady laminar shear stress and a turbulent shear stress of equivalent spatial and temporal average intensity. Comparison of the transcriptional activity of 11,397 unique genes revealed distinctive patterns of up- and down-regulation associated with each type of stimulus. Cluster analyses of transcriptional profiling data were coupled with other molecular and cell biological techniques to examine whether these global patterns of biomechanical activation are translated into distinct functional phenotypes. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of structural and contractile proteins revealed the formation of a complex apical cytoskeleton in response to laminar shear stress. Cell cycle analysis documented different effects of laminar and turbulent shear stresses on cell proliferation. Thus, endothelial cells have the capacity to discriminate among specific biomechanical forces and to translate these input stimuli into distinctive phenotypes. The demonstration that hemodynamically derived stimuli can be strong modulators of endothelial gene expression has important implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of vascular homeostasis and atherogenesis.


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DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes is a common feature of human cancer. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16/Ink4A is hypermethylated in a wide range of malignant tissues and the p14/ARF gene located 20 kb upstream on chromosome 9p21 is also methylated in carcinomas. p14/ARF (ARF, alternative reading frame) does not inhibit the activities of cyclins or cyclin-dependent kinase complexes; however, the importance of the two gene products in the etiology of cancer resides in their involvement in two major cell cycle regulatory pathways: p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, respectively. Distinct first exons driven from separate promoters are spliced onto the common exons 2 and 3 and the resulting proteins are translated in different reading frames. Both genes are expressed in normal cells but can be alternatively or coordinately silenced when their CpG islands are hypermethylated. Herein, we examined the presence of methyl-CpG binding proteins associated with aberrantly methylated promoters, the distribution of acetylated histones H3 and H4 by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, and the effect of chemical treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) and trichostatin A on gene induction in colon cell lines by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR. We observed that the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2 is targeted to methylated regulatory regions and excludes the acetylated histones H3 and H4, resulting in a localized inactive chromatin configuration. When methylated, the genes can be induced by 5aza-dC but the combined action of 5aza-dC and trichostatin A results in robust gene expression. Thus, methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone deacetylases appear to cooperate in vivo, with a dominant effect of DNA methylation toward histone acetylation, and repress expression of tumor suppressor genes hypermethylated in cancers.


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Chemically induced skin carcinomas in mice are a paradigm for epithelial neoplasia, where oncogenic ras mutations precede p53 and INK4a/ARF mutations during the progression toward malignancy. To explore the biological basis for these genetic interactions, we studied cellular responses to oncogenic ras in primary murine keratinocytes. In wild-type keratinocytes, ras induced a cell-cycle arrest that displayed some features of terminal differentiation and was accompanied by increased expression of the p19ARF, p16INK4a, and p53 tumor suppressors. In ARF-null keratinocytes, ras was unable to promote cell-cycle arrest, induce differentiation markers, or properly activate p53. Although oncogenic ras produced a substantial increase in both nucleolar and nucleoplasmic p19ARF, Mdm2 did not relocalize to the nucleolus or to nuclear bodies but remained distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. This result suggests that p19ARF can activate p53 without overtly affecting Mdm2 subcellular localization. Nevertheless, like p53-null keratinocytes, ARF-null keratinocytes were transformed by oncogenic ras and rapidly formed carcinomas in vivo. Thus, oncogenic ras can activate the ARF-p53 program to suppress epithelial cell transformation. Disruption of this program may be important during skin carcinogenesis and the development of other carcinomas.


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Nox1, a homologue of gp91phox, the catalytic moiety of the superoxide (O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document})-generating NADPH oxidase of phagocytes, causes increased O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} generation, increased mitotic rate, cell transformation, and tumorigenicity when expressed in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This study explores the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in regulating cell growth and transformation by Nox1. H2O2 concentration increased ≈10-fold in Nox1-expressing cells, compared with <2-fold increase in O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. When human catalase was expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, H2O2 concentration decreased, and the cells reverted to a normal appearance, the growth rate normalized, and cells no longer produced tumors in athymic mice. A large number of genes, including many related to cell cycle, growth, and cancer (but unrelated to oxidative stress), were expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, and more than 60% of these returned to normal levels on coexpression of catalase. Thus, H2O2 in low concentrations functions as an intracellular signal that triggers a genetic program related to cell growth.


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The general transcription initiation factor TFIID was originally identified, purified, and characterized with a biochemical assay in which accurate transcription initiation is reconstituted with multiple, chromatographically separable activities. Biochemical analyses have demonstrated that TFIID is a multiprotein complex that directs preinitiation complex assembly on both TATA box-containing and TATA-less promoters, and some TFIID subunits have been shown to be molecular targets for activation domains in DNA-binding regulatory proteins. These findings have most commonly been interpreted to support the view that transcriptional activation by upstream factors is the result of enhanced TFIID recruitment to the core promoter. Recent insights into the architecture and cell-cycle regulation of the multiprotein TFIID complex prompt both a reassessment of the functional role of TFIID in gene activation and a review of some of the less well-appreciated literature on TFIID. We present a speculative model for diverse functional roles of TFIID in the cell, explore the merits of the model in the context of published data, and suggest experimental approaches to resolve unanswered questions. Finally, we point out how the proposed functional roles of TFIID in eukaryotic class II transcription fit into a model for promoter recognition and activation that applies to both eubacteria and eukaryotes.


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The nucellus is a complex maternal grain tissue that embeds and feeds the developing cereal endosperm and embryo. Differential screening of a barley (Hordeum vulgare) cDNA library from 5-d-old ovaries resulted in the isolation of two cDNA clones encoding nucellus-specific homologs of the vacuolar-processing enzyme of castor bean (Ricinus communis). Based on the sequence of these barley clones, which are called nucellains, a homolog from developing corn (Zea mays) grains was also identified. In dicots the vacuolar-processing enzyme is believed to be involved in the processing of vacuolar storage proteins. RNA-blot and in situ-hybridization analyses detected nucellain transcripts in autolysing nucellus parenchyma cells, in the nucellar projection, and in the nucellar epidermis. No nucellain transcripts were detected in the highly vacuolate endosperm or in the other maternal tissues of developing grains such as the testa or the pericarp. Using an antibody raised against castor bean vacuolar-processing protease, a single polypeptide was recognized in protein extracts from barley grains. Immunogold-labeling experiments with this antibody localized the nucellain epitope not in the vacuoles, but in the cell walls of all nucellar cell types. We propose that nucellain plays a role in processing and/or turnover of cell wall proteins in developing cereal grains.


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The Id family of helix–loop–helix (HLH) transcriptional regulatory proteins does not possess a basic DNA-binding domain and functions as a negative regulator of basic HLH transcription factors. Id proteins coordinate cell growth and differentiation pathways within mammalian cells and have been shown to regulate G1-S cell-cycle transitions. Although much recent data has implicated Id1 in playing a critical role in modulating cellular senescence, no direct genetic evidence has been reported to substantiate such work. Here we show that Id1-null primary mouse embryo fibroblasts undergo premature senescence despite normal growth profiles at early passage. These cells possess increased expression of the tumor-suppressor protein p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF, and have decreased cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk4 kinase activity. We also show that Id1 is able to directly inhibit p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF promoter activity via its HLH domain, and that Id1inhibits transcriptional activation at E-boxes within the p16/Ink4a promoter. Our data provide, to our knowledge, the first genetic evidence for a role for Id1 as an inhibitor of cellular senescence and suggest that Id1 functions to delay cellular senescence through repression of p16/Ink4a. Because epigenetic and genetic abrogation of p16/Ink4a function has been implicated in the evolution of several human malignancies, we propose that transcriptional regulation of p16/Ink4a may also provide a mechanism for the dysregulation of normal cellular growth controls during the evolution of human malignancies.


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The genome of the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 contains 2,992,245 bp on a single chromosome and encodes 2,977 proteins and many RNAs. One-third of the encoded proteins have no detectable homologs in other sequenced genomes. Moreover, 40% appear to be archaeal-specific, and only 12% and 2.3% are shared exclusively with bacteria and eukarya, respectively. The genome shows a high level of plasticity with 200 diverse insertion sequence elements, many putative nonautonomous mobile elements, and evidence of integrase-mediated insertion events. There are also long clusters of regularly spaced tandem repeats. Different transfer systems are used for the uptake of inorganic and organic solutes, and a wealth of intracellular and extracellular proteases, sugar, and sulfur metabolizing enzymes are encoded, as well as enzymes of the central metabolic pathways and motility proteins. The major metabolic electron carrier is not NADH as in bacteria and eukarya but probably ferredoxin. The essential components required for DNA replication, DNA repair and recombination, the cell cycle, transcriptional initiation and translation, but not DNA folding, show a strong eukaryal character with many archaeal-specific features. The results illustrate major differences between crenarchaea and euryarchaea, especially for their DNA replication mechanism and cell cycle processes and their translational apparatus.