292 resultados para PMC detection model


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Members of the caspase family of proteases transmit the events that lead to apoptosis of animal cells. Distinct members of the family are involved in both the initiation and execution phases of cell death, with the initiator caspases being recruited to multicomponent signaling complexes. Initiation of apoptotic events depends on the ability of the signaling complexes to generate an active protease. The mechanism of activation of the caspases that constitute the different apoptosis-signaling complexes can be explained by an unusual property of the caspase zymogens to autoprocess to an active form. This autoprocessing depends on intrinsic activity that resides in the zymogens of the initiator caspases. We review evidence for a hypothesis—the induced-proximity model—that describes how the first proteolytic signal is produced after adapter-mediated clustering of initiator caspase zymogens.


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Microorganisms modify rates and mechanisms of chemical and physical weathering and clay growth, thus playing fundamental roles in soil and sediment formation. Because processes in soils are inherently complex and difficult to study, we employ a model based on the lichen–mineral system to identify the fundamental interactions. Fixed carbon released by the photosynthetic symbiont stimulates growth of fungi and other microorganisms. These microorganisms directly or indirectly induce mineral disaggregation, hydration, dissolution, and secondary mineral formation. Model polysaccharides were used to investigate direct mediation of mineral surface reactions by extracellular polymers. Polysaccharides can suppress or enhance rates of chemical weathering by up to three orders of magnitude, depending on the pH, mineral surface structure and composition, and organic functional groups. Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, and Si are redistributed into clays that strongly adsorb ions. Microbes contribute to dissolution of insoluble secondary phosphates, possibly via release of organic acids. These reactions significantly impact soil fertility. Below fungi–mineral interfaces, mineral surfaces are exposed to dissolved metabolic byproducts. Through this indirect process, microorganisms can accelerate mineral dissolution, leading to enhanced porosity and permeability and colonization by microbial communities.


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The anatomical and biophysical specializations of octopus cells allow them to detect the coincident firing of groups of auditory nerve fibers and to convey the precise timing of that coincidence to their targets. Octopus cells occupy a sharply defined region of the most caudal and dorsal part of the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus. The dendrites of octopus cells cross the bundle of auditory nerve fibers just proximal to where the fibers leave the ventral and enter the dorsal cochlear nucleus, each octopus cell spanning about one-third of the tonotopic array. Octopus cells are excited by auditory nerve fibers through the activation of rapid, calcium-permeable, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors. Synaptic responses are shaped by the unusual biophysical characteristics of octopus cells. Octopus cells have very low input resistances (about 7 MΩ), and short time constants (about 200 μsec) as a consequence of the activation at rest of a hyperpolarization-activated mixed-cation conductance and a low-threshold, depolarization-activated potassium conductance. The low input resistance causes rapid synaptic currents to generate rapid and small synaptic potentials. Summation of small synaptic potentials from many fibers is required to bring an octopus cell to threshold. Not only does the low input resistance make individual excitatory postsynaptic potentials brief so that they must be generated within 1 msec to sum but also the voltage-sensitive conductances of octopus cells prevent firing if the activation of auditory nerve inputs is not sufficiently synchronous and depolarization is not sufficiently rapid. In vivo in cats, octopus cells can fire rapidly and respond with exceptionally well-timed action potentials to periodic, broadband sounds such as clicks. Thus both the anatomical specializations and the biophysical specializations make octopus cells detectors of the coincident firing of their auditory nerve fiber inputs.


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The maize genome is replete with chromosomal duplications and repetitive DNA. The duplications resulted from an ancient polyploid event that occurred over 11 million years ago. Based on DNA sequence data, the polyploid event occurred after the divergence between sorghum and maize, and hence the polyploid event explains some of the difference in DNA content between these two species. Genomic rearrangement and diploidization followed the polyploid event. Most of the repetitive DNA in the maize genome is retrotransposable elements, and they comprise 50% of the genome. Retrotransposon multiplication has been relatively recent—within the last 5–6 million years—suggesting that the proliferation of retrotransposons has also contributed to differences in DNA content between sorghum and maize. There are still unanswered questions about repetitive DNA, including the distribution of repetitive DNA throughout the genome, the relative impacts of retrotransposons and chromosomal duplication in plant genome evolution, and the hypothesized correlation of duplication events with transposition. Population genetic processes also affect the evolution of genomes. We discuss how centromeric genes should, in theory, contain less genetic diversity than noncentromeric genes. In addition, studies of diversity in the wild relatives of maize indicate that different genes have different histories and also show that domestication and intensive breeding have had heterogeneous effects on genetic diversity across genes.


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We review the study of flower color polymorphisms in the morning glory as a model for the analysis of adaptation. The pathway involved in the determination of flower color phenotype is traced from the molecular and genetic levels to the phenotypic level. Many of the genes that determine the enzymatic components of flavonoid biosynthesis are redundant, but, despite this complexity, it is possible to associate discrete floral phenotypes with individual genes. An important finding is that almost all of the mutations that determine phenotypic differences are the result of transposon insertions. Thus, the flower color diversity seized on by early human domesticators of this plant is a consequence of the rich variety of mobile elements that reside in the morning glory genome. We then consider a long history of research aimed at uncovering the ecological fate of these various flower phenotypes in the southeastern U.S. A large body of work has shown that insect pollinators discriminate against white phenotypes when white flowers are rare in populations. Because the plant is self-compatible, pollinator bias causes an increase in self-fertilization in white maternal plants, which should lead to an increase in the frequency of white genes, according to modifier gene theory. Studies of geographical distributions indicate other, as yet undiscovered, disadvantages associated with the white phenotype. The ultimate goal of connecting ecology to molecular genetics through the medium of phenotype is yet to be attained, but this approach may represent a model for analyzing the translation between these two levels of biological organization.


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Understanding the mechanism of protein secondary structure formation is an essential part of the protein-folding puzzle. Here, we describe a simple statistical mechanical model for the formation of a β-hairpin, the minimal structural element of the antiparallel β-pleated sheet. The model accurately describes the thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of a 16-residue, β-hairpin-forming peptide, successfully explaining its two-state behavior and apparent negative activation energy for folding. The model classifies structures according to their backbone conformation, defined by 15 pairs of dihedral angles, and is further simplified by considering only the 120 structures with contiguous stretches of native pairs of backbone dihedral angles. This single sequence approximation is tested by comparison with a more complete model that includes the 215 possible conformations and 15 × 215 possible kinetic transitions. Finally, we use the model to predict the equilibrium unfolding curves and kinetics for several variants of the β-hairpin peptide.


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A 16-amino acid oligopeptide forms a stable β-sheet structure in water. In physiological solutions it is able to self-assemble to form a macroscopic matrix that stains with Congo red. On raising the temperature of the aqueous solution above 70°C, an abrupt structural transition occurs in the CD spectra from a β-sheet to a stable α-helix without a detectable random-coil intermediate. With cooling, it retained the α-helical form and took several weeks at room temperature to partially return to the β-sheet form. Slow formation of the stable β-sheet structure thus shows kinetic irreversibility. Such a formation of very stable β-sheet structures is found in the amyloid of a number of neurological diseases. This oligopeptide could be a model system for studying the protein conformational changes that occurs in scrapie or Alzheimer disease. The abrupt and direct conversion from a β-sheet to an α-helix may also be found in other processes, such as protein folding and protein–protein interaction. Furthermore, such drastic structure changes may also be exploited in biomaterials designed as sensors to detect environmental changes.


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The energetics of a fusion pathway is considered, starting from the contact site where two apposed membranes each locally protrude (as “nipples”) toward each other. The equilibrium distance between the tips of the two nipples is determined by a balance of physical forces: repulsion caused by hydration and attraction generated by fusion proteins. The energy to create the initial stalk, caused by bending of cis monolayer leaflets, is much less when the stalk forms between nipples rather than parallel flat membranes. The stalk cannot, however, expand by bending deformations alone, because this would necessitate the creation of a hydrophobic void of prohibitively high energy. But small movements of the lipids out of the plane of their monolayers allow transformation of the stalk into a modified stalk. This intermediate, not previously considered, is a low-energy structure that can reconfigure into a fusion pore via an additional intermediate, the prepore. The lipids of this latter structure are oriented as in a fusion pore, but the bilayer is locally compressed. All membrane rearrangements occur in a discrete local region without creation of an extended hemifusion diaphragm. Importantly, all steps of the proposed pathway are energetically feasible.


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Fucoid algae release gametes into seawater following an inductive light period (potentiation), and gamete expulsion from potentiated receptacles of Pelvetia compressa began about 2 min after a light-to-dark transition. Agitation of the medium reversed potentiation, with an exponential time course completed in about 3 h. Light regulated two signaling pathways during potentiation and gamete expulsion: a photosynthetic pathway and a photosynthesis-independent pathway in which red light was active but blue light was not. Uptake of K+ appears to have an important role in potentiation, because a 50% inhibition of potentiation occurred in the presence of the tetraethylammonium ion, a K+-channel blocker. A central role of anion channels in the maintenance of potentiation is suggested by the premature release of gametes in the light when receptacles were incubated with inhibitors of slow-type anion channels. An inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, tyrphostin A63, also inhibited potentiation. A model for gamete release from P. compressa is presented that proposes that illumination results in the accumulation of ions (e.g. K+) throughout the cells of the receptacle during potentiation, which then move into the extracellular matrix during gamete expulsion to generate osmomechanical force, resulting in gamete release.


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Protein extracted from root and leaf tissue of the dicotyledonous plants pea (Pisum sativum) and broad bean (Vicia faba) and the monocotyledonous plants wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) were shown to catalyze the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into microtiter-plate-bound N′,N′-dimethylcasein and the cross-linking of biotin-labeled casein to microtiter-plate-bound casein in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The cross-linking of biotinylated casein and the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into N′,N′-dimethylcasein were time-dependent reactions with a pH optimum of 7.9. Transglutaminase activity was shown to increase over a 2-week growth period in both the roots and leaves of pea. The product of transglutaminase's protein-cross-linking activity, ε-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine isodipeptide, was detected in root and shoot protein from pea, broad bean, wheat, and barley by cation-exchange chromatography. The presence of the isodipeptide was confirmed by reversed-phase chromatography. Hydrolysis of the isodipeptide after cation-exchange chromatography confirmed the presence of glutamate and lysine.


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Self-incompatibility RNases (S-RNases) are an allelic series of style glycoproteins associated with rejection of self-pollen in solanaceous plants. The nucleotide sequences of S-RNase alleles from several genera have been determined, but the structure of the gene products has only been described for those from Nicotiana alata. We report on the N-glycan structures and the disulfide bonding of the S3-RNase from wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) and use this and other information to construct a model of this molecule. The S3-RNase has a single N-glycosylation site (Asn-28) to which one of three N-glycans is attached. S3-RNase has seven Cys residues; six are involved in disulfide linkages (Cys-16-Cys-21, Cys-46-Cys-91, and Cys-166-Cys-177), and one has a free thiol group (Cys-150). The disulfide-bonding pattern is consistent with that observed in RNase Rh, a related RNase for which radiographic-crystallographic information is available. A molecular model of the S3-RNase shows that four of the most variable regions of the S-RNases are clustered on one surface of the molecule. This is discussed in the context of recent experiments that set out to determine the regions of the S-RNase important for recognition during the self-incompatibility response.


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Traditionally, libraries have provided a modest amount of information about grants and funding opportunities to researchers in need of research funding. Ten years ago, the University of Washington (UW) Health Sciences Libraries and Information Center joined in a cooperative effort with the School of Medicine to develop a complete, library-based grant and funding service for health sciences researchers called the Research Funding Service. The library provided space, access to the library collection, equipment, and electronic resources, and the School of Medicine funded staff and operations. The range of services now includes individual consultation appointments, an extensive Web site, classes on funding database searching and writing grant applications, a discussion series that frequently hosts guest speakers, a monthly newsletter with funding opportunities of interest to the six health sciences schools, extensive files on funding sources, and referral services.


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Alternative models of cell mechanics depict the living cell as a simple mechanical continuum, porous filament gel, tensed cortical membrane, or tensegrity network that maintains a stabilizing prestress through incorporation of discrete structural elements that bear compression. Real-time microscopic analysis of cells containing GFP-labeled microtubules and associated mitochondria revealed that living cells behave like discrete structures composed of an interconnected network of actin microfilaments and microtubules when mechanical stresses are applied to cell surface integrin receptors. Quantitation of cell tractional forces and cellular prestress by using traction force microscopy confirmed that microtubules bear compression and are responsible for a significant portion of the cytoskeletal prestress that determines cell shape stability under conditions in which myosin light chain phosphorylation and intracellular calcium remained unchanged. Quantitative measurements of both static and dynamic mechanical behaviors in cells also were consistent with specific a priori predictions of the tensegrity model. These findings suggest that tensegrity represents a unified model of cell mechanics that may help to explain how mechanical behaviors emerge through collective interactions among different cytoskeletal filaments and extracellular adhesions in living cells.


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The cellular attachment receptor for adenovirus (Ad), Coxsackie adenovirus receptor (CAR), required for delivery of Ad into primary cells, is not present on all cell types, thus restricting Ad-gene delivery systems. To circumvent this constrain, a transgenic mouse has been generated that expresses a truncated human CAR in all tissues analyzed. These mice allowed efficient in vitro infections at low multiplicities into lymphoid, myeloid, and endothelial cells. Furthermore, in vivo administration of Ad-vectors results in infection of macrophages, lymphocytes, and endothelial cells. In addition, tail vein injection resulted in targeting of virus into previously inaccessible areas, such as the lung and the capillaries of the brain. The CAR transgenic mice will be useful for rapid functional genomic analysis in vivo, for testing the efficacy of gene therapy procedures or as a source of easily transducible cells.