175 resultados para Ubiquitin promoter


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Cyclin A is involved in the control of S phase and mitosis in mammalian cells. Expression of the cyclin A gene in nontransformed cells is characterized by repression of its promoter during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and its induction at S-phase entry. We show that this mode of regulation is mediated by the transcription factor E2F, which binds to a specific site in the cyclin A promoter. It differs from the prototype E2F site in nucleotide sequence and protein binding; it is bound by E2F complexes containing cyclin E and p107 but not pRB. Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 triggers premature activation of the cyclin A promoter by E2F, and this effect is blocked by the tumor suppressor protein p16INK4.


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The Epstein-Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen EBNA-1 gene promoter for the restricted Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latency program operating in group I Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cell lines was previously identified incorrectly. Here we present evidence from RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) cloning, reverse transcription-PCR, and S1 nuclease analyses, which demonstrates that the EBNA-1 gene promoter in group I BL cell lines is located in the viral BamHI Q fragment, immediately upstream of two low-affinity EBNA-1 binding sites. Transcripts initiated from this promoter, referred to as Qp, have the previously reported Q/U/K exon splicing pattern. Qp is active in group I BL cell lines but not in group III BL cell lines or in EBV immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines. In addition, transient transfection of Qp-driven reporter constructs into both an EBV-negative BL cell line and a group I BL cell line gave rise to correctly initiated transcripts. Inspection of Qp revealed that it is a TATA-less promoter whose architecture is similar to the promoters of housekeeping genes, suggesting that Qp may be a default promoter which ensures EBNA-1 expression in cells that cannot run the full viral latency program. Elucidation of the genetic mechanism responsible for the EBNA-1-restricted program of EBV latency is an essential step in understanding control of viral latency in EBV-associated tumors.


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The nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B follows the degradation of its inhibitor, I kappa B alpha, an event coupled with stimulation-dependent inhibitor phosphorylation. Prevention of the stimulation-dependent phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha, either by treating cells with various reagents or by mutagenesis of certain putative I kappa B alpha phosphorylation sites, abolishes the inducible degradation of I kappa B alpha. Yet, the mechanism coupling the stimulation-induced phosphorylation with the degradation has not been resolved. Recent reports suggest a role for the proteasome in I kappa B alpha degradation, but the mode of substrate recognition and the involvement of ubiquitin conjugation as a targeting signal have not been addressed. We show that of the two forms of I kappa B alpha recovered from stimulated cells in a complex with RelA and p50, only the newly phosphorylated form, pI kappa B alpha, is a substrate for an in vitro reconstituted ubiquitin-proteasome system. Proteolysis requires ATP, ubiquitin, a specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, and other ubiquitin-proteasome components. In vivo, inducible I kappa B alpha degradation requires a functional ubiquitin-activating enzyme and is associated with the appearance of high molecular weight adducts of I kappa B alpha. Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation may, therefore, constitute an integral step of a signal transduction process.


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Most proteins that activate RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription in eukaryotic cells contain sequence-specific DNA-binding domains and "activation" regions. The latter bind general transcription factors and/or coactivators and are required for high-level transcription. Their function in vivo is unknown. Since several activation domains bind the TATA-binding protein (TBP), TBP-associated factors, or other general factors in vitro, one role of the activation domain may be to facilitate promoter occupancy by supporting cooperative binding of the activator and general transcription factors. Using the GAL4 system of yeast, we have tested this model in vivo. It is demonstrated that the presence of a TATA box (the TBP binding site) facilitates binding of GAL4 protein to low- and moderate-affinity sites and that the activation domain modulates these effects. These results support the cooperative binding model for activation domain function in vivo.


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We have generated transgenic mice bearing the diphtheria toxin A chain (DTA) gene under the control of granzyme A (GrA) promoter sequences (GrA-DTA). GrA is expressed in activated cytotoxic cells but not in their immediate progenitors. These GrA-DTA mice are deficient in cytotoxic functions, indicating that most cytotoxic cells express GrA in vivo. Surprisingly, one founder strain containing a multicopy GrA-DTA insert show a marked and selective deficiency in CD8+ cells in peripheral lymphoid organs. This depletion was not observed in thymus, where the distribution of CD4+ and CD8+ cells is normal. Moreover, the emigration of T cells from thymus is normal, indicating that the depletion occurs in the periphery. GrA-DTA mice should be useful as models to dissect the role of cytotoxic cells in immune responses and as recipients of normal and neoplastic hematopoietic cells. The selective depletion of CD8+ cells in one founder strain could have implications for postthymic T-cell development.


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Depletion of specific cellular proteins is a powerful tool in biological research and has many medical and agricultural benefits. In contrast to genetic methods currently available to attenuate protein levels, we describe an alternative approach that redirects the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway to facilitate specific proteolytic removal. Degradation via the ubiquitin pathway requires the prior attachment of multiple ubiquitins to the target protein. This attachment is accomplished, in part, by a family of enzymes designated E2s (or ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes), some of which use domains near their C termini for target recognition. Here, we demonstrate that E2 target recognition can be redefined by engineering E2s to contain appropriate protein-binding peptides fused to their C termini. In five dissimilar examples, chimeric E2s were created that recognized and ubiquitinated their respective binding partners with high specificity. We also show that ubiquitination of one protein targeted by this method led to its ATP-dependent degradation in vitro. Thus, by exploiting interacting domains derived from natural and synthetic ligands, it may be possible to design E2s capable of directing the selective removal of many intracellular proteins.


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Cyclin B/cdc2 is responsible both for driving cells into mitosis and for activating the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of mitotic cyclins near the end of mitosis, an event required for the completion of mitosis and entry into interphase of the next cell cycle. Previous work with cell-free extracts of rapidly dividing clam embryos has identified two specific components required for the ubiquitination of mitotic cyclins: E2-C, a cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein that is constitutively active during the cell cycle, and E3-C, a cyclin-selective ubiquitin ligase that purifies as part of a approximately 1500-kDa complex, termed the cyclosome, and which is active only near the end of mitosis. Here, we have separated the cyclosome from its ultimate upstream activator, cdc2. The mitotic, active form of the cyclosome can be inactivated by incubation with a partially purified, endogenous okadaic acid-sensitive phosphatase; addition of cdc2 restores activity to the cyclosome after a lag that reproduces that seen previously in intact cells and in crude extracts. These results demonstrate that activity of cyclin-ubiquitin ligase is controlled by reversible phosphorylation of the cyclosome complex.


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The Epstein-Barr virus EBNA-1 gene product is essential for latent replication of the virus. In transformed cells characterized by the most restricted patterns of viral latent gene expression, EBNA-1 transcription is driven from the Fp promoter. We have used genetic and biochemical techniques to study the promoter-proximal elements that regulate Fp expression in B cells. We show that a 114-bp fragment of DNA spanning the Fp "TATA" box functions as a remarkably active transcriptional regulatory element in B cells. Two host factors, Sp1 and LR1, regulate Fp transcription from the promoter-proximal region. Sp1 binds a single site just downstream of the TATA box, and LR1 binds two sites just upstream of the TATA box. Transcripts from both the viral genome and the minimal promoter initiate at the same unique site, and one function of LR1 at Fp is to direct initiation to this unique start site. In contrast to Sp1, which is ubiquitous, LR1 is present only in activated B cells and may contribute to cell-type-specific transformation by Epstein-Barr virus.


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To gain insight into the regulation of expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isoforms, we have determined the structural organization of the mouse PPAR gamma (mPPAR gamma) gene. This gene extends > 105 kb and gives rise to two mRNAs (mPPAR gamma 1 and mPPAR gamma 2) that differ at their 5' ends. The mPPAR gamma 2 cDNA encodes an additional 30 amino acids N-terminal to the first ATG codon of mPPAR gamma 1 and reveals a different 5' untranslated sequence. We show that mPPAR gamma 1 mRNA is encoded by eight exons, whereas the mPPAR gamma 2 mRNA is encoded by seven exons. Most of the 5' untranslated sequence of mPPAR gamma 1 mRNA is encoded by two exons, whereas the 5' untranslated sequence and the extra 30 N-terminal amino acids of mPPAR gamma 2 are encoded by one exon, which is located between the second and third exons coding for mPPAR gamma 1. The last six exons of mPPAR gamma gene code for identical sequences in mPPAR gamma 1 and mPPAR gamma 2 isoforms. The mPPAR gamma 1 and mPPAR gamma 2 isoforms are transcribed from different promoters. The mPPAR gamma gene has been mapped to chromosome 6 E3-F1 by in situ hybridization using a biotin-labeled probe. These results establish that at least one of the PPAR genes yields more than one protein product, similar to that encountered with retinoid X receptor and retinoic acid receptor genes. The existence of multiple PPAR isoforms transcribed from different promoters could increase the diversity of ligand and tissue-specific transcriptional responses.


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General transcription factor SIII, a heterotrimer composed of 110-kDa (p110), 18-kDa (p18), and 15-kDa (p15) subunits, increases the catalytic rate of transcribing RNA polymerase II by suppressing transient pausing by polymerase at multiple sites on DNA templates. Here we report molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of the SIII p18 subunit, which is found to be a member of the ubiquitin homology (UbH) gene family and functions as a positive regulatory subunit of SIII. p18 is a 118-amino acid protein composed of an 84-residue N-terminal UbH domain fused to a 34-residue C-terminal tail. Mechanistic studies indicate that p18 activates SIII transcriptional activity above a basal level inherent in the SIII p110 and p15 subunits. Taken together, these findings establish a role for p18 in regulating the activity of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex, and they bring to light a function for a UbH domain protein in transcriptional regulation.


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The 5' flanking region of the human alpha-globin gene is highly G + C rich and contains multiple copies of the consensus sequence for the Sp1 binding site. We investigated the role of this G + C-rich region in augmenting alpha-globin promoter activity in the presence of the far-upstream alpha-globin enhancer, HS-40. We show that in transiently transfected erythroid cells, deletion of the alpha-globin G + C-rich 5' flanking region has no effect on alpha-globin promoter activity. However, upon stable integration into chromatin, deletion of this region causes a nearly 90% decrease in promoter activity compared with expression from an alpha-globin promoter retaining this region. These results suggest that the alpha-globin G + C-rich 5' flanking region augments alpha-globin promoter activity in a chromatin-dependent manner. We further show that this G + C-rich region is required for the activation of alpha-globin gene expression during erythroid differentiation. Finally, we show by both footprint analysis and functional assays that the ability of the G + C-rich region to increase alpha-globin promoter activity from a stably integrated alpha-globin gene is mediated by its multiple binding sites for the transcription factor Sp1.


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In the presence of m-xylene, the Pu promoter of the TOL plasmid of Pseudomonas putida is activated by the prokaryotic enhancer-binding protein XylR. The intervening DNA segment between the upstream activating sequences (UASs) and those for RNA polymerase binding contains an integration host factor (IHF) attachment site that is required for full transcriptional activity. In the absence of IHF, the Pu promoter can be cross-activated by other members of the sigma 54-dependent family of regulatory proteins. Such illegitimate activation does not require the binding of the heterologous regulators to DNA and it is suppressed by bent DNA structures, either static or protein induced, between the promoter core elements (UAS and RNA polymerase recognition sequence). The role of IHF in some sigma 54 promoters is, therefore, not only a structural aid for assembling a correct promoter geometry but also that of an active suppressor (restrictor) of promiscuous activation by heterologous regulators for increased promoter specificity.


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The gal operon of Escherichia coli is negatively regulated by repressor binding to bipartite operators separated by 11 helical turns of DNA. Synergistic binding of repressor to separate sites on DNA results in looping, with the intervening DNA as a topologically closed domain containing the two promoters. A closed DNA loop of 11 helical turns, which is in-flexible to torsional changes, disables the promoters either by resisting DNA unwinding needed for open complex formation or by impeding the processive DNA contacts by an RNA polymerase in flux during transcription initiation. Interaction between two proteins bound to different sites on DNA modulating the activity of the intervening segment toward other proteins by allostery may be a common mechanism of regulation in DNA-multiprotein complexes.


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The promoter of the bean PAL2 gene (encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; EC is a model for studies of tissue-restricted gene expression in plants. Petal epidermis is one of the tissues in which this promoter is activated in tobacco. Previous work suggested that a major factor establishing the pattern of PAL2 expression in tobacco petals is the tissue distribution of a protein closely related to Myb305, which is a Myb-like transcriptional activator from snapdragon. In the present work, we show that Myb305 expression in tobacco leaves causes ectopic activation of the PAL2 promoter. To achieve Myb305 expression in planta, a viral expression vector was used. This approach combines the utility of transient assays with the possibility of direct biochemical detection of the introduced factor and may have wider application for studying the function of plant transcription factors.


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Granzyme B serine protease is found in the granules of activated cytotoxic T cells and in natural and lymphokine-activated killer cells. This protease plays a critical role in the rapid induction of target cell DNA fragmentation. The DNA regulatory elements that are responsible for the specificity of granzyme B gene transcription in activated T-cells reside between nt -148 and +60 (relative to the transcription start point at +1) of the human granzyme B gene promoter. This region contains binding sites for the transcription factors Ikaros, CBF, Ets, and AP-1. Mutational analysis of the human granzyme B promoter reveals that the Ikaros binding site (-143 to -114) and the AP-1/CBF binding site (-103 to -77) are essential for the activation of transcription in phytohemagglutinin-activated peripheral blood lymphocytes, whereas mutation of the Ets binding site does not affect promoter activity in these cells.