171 resultados para Somatic mutation


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The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide and has an unusual life history that ensures a high degree of inbreeding. Individual females lay a predominantly female brood within individual coffee berries and because males are flightless there is almost entirely full sib mating. We investigated the genetics associated with this interesting life history after the important discovery of resistance to the cyclodiene type insecticide endosulfan. Both the inheritance of the resistance phenotype and the resistance-associated point mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor gene Rdl were examined. Consistent with haplodiploidy, males failed to express and transmit paternally derived resistance alleles. Furthermore, while cytological examination revealed that males are diploid, one set of chromosomes was condensed, and probably nonfunctional, in the somatic cells of all males examined. Moreover, although two sets of chromosomes were present in primary spermatocytes, the chromosomes failed to pair before the single meiotic division, and only one set was packaged in sperm. Thus, the coffee berry borer is "functionally" haplodiploid. Its genetics and life history may therefore represent an interesting intermediate step in the evolution of true haplodiploidy. The influence of this breeding system on the spread of insecticide resistance is discussed.


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The so-called very low density lipoprotein receptors (VLDLRs) are related to the LDLR gene family. So far, naturally occurring mutations have only been described for the prototype LDLR; in humans, they cause familial hypercholesterolemia. Here we describe a naturally occurring mutation in a VLDLR that causes a dramatic abnormal phenotype. Hens of the mutant restricted-ovulator chicken strain carry a single mutation, lack functional oocyte receptors, are sterile, and display severe hyperlipidemia with associated premature atherosclerosis. The mutation converts a cysteine residue into a serine, resulting in an unpaired cysteine and greatly reduced expression of the mutant avian VLDLR on the oocyte surface. Extraoocytic cells in the mutant produce higher than normal amounts of a differentially spliced form of the receptor that is characteristic for somatic cells but absent from germ cells.


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Voltage-gated channel proteins sense a change in the transmembrane electric field and respond with a conformational change that allows ions to diffuse across the pore-forming structure. Site-specific mutagenesis combined with electrophysiological analysis of expressed mutants in amphibian oocytes has previously established the S4 transmembrane segment as an element of the voltage sensor. Here, we show that mutations of conserved negatively charged residues in S2 and S3 of a brain K+ channel, thought of as countercharges for the positively charged residues in S4, selectively modulate channel gating without modifying the permeation properties. Mutations of Glu235 in S2 that neutralize or reverse charge increase the probability of channel opening and the apparent gating valence. In contrast, replacements of Glu272 by Arg or Thr268 by Asp in S3 decrease the open probability and the apparent gating valence. Residue Glu225 in S2 tolerated replacement only by acidic residues, whereas Asp258 in S3 was intolerant to any attempted change. These results imply that S2 and S3 are unlikely to be involved in channel lining, yet, together with S4, may be additional components of the voltage-sensing structure.


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Conventional myosin II is an essential protein for cytokinesis, capping of cell surface receptors, and development of Dictyostelium cells. Myosin II also plays an important role in the polarization and movement of cells. All conventional myosins are double-headed molecules but the significance of this structure is not understood since single-headed myosin II can produce movement and force in vitro. We found that expression of the tail portion of myosin II in Dictyostelium led to the formation of single-headed myosin II in vivo. The resultant cells contain an approximately equal ratio of double- and single-headed myosin II molecules. Surprisingly, these cells were completely blocked in cytokinesis and capping of concanavalin A receptors although development into fruiting bodies was not impaired. We found that this phenotype is not due to defects in myosin light chain phosphorylation. These results show that single-headed myosin II cannot function properly in vivo and that it acts as a dominant negative mutation for myosin II function. These results suggest the possibility that cooperativity of myosin II heads is critical for force production in vivo.


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The role of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase (Pol) II in producing or avoiding mutations was investigated by replacing the chromosomal Pol II gene (polB+) by a gene encoding an exonuclease-deficient mutant Pol II (polBex1). The polBex1 allele increased adaptive mutations on an episome in nondividing cells under lactose selection. The presence of a Pol III antimutator allele (dnaE915) reduced adaptive mutations in both polB+ cells and cells deleted for polB (polB delta 1) to below the wild-type level, suggesting that both Pol II and Pol III are synthesizing episomal DNA in nondividing cells but that in wild-type cells Pol III generates the adaptive mutations. The adaptive mutations were mainly -1 frame-shifts occurring in short homopolymeric runs and were similar in wild-type, polB delta 1, and polBex1 strains. Mutations produced by both Pol III and Pol II ex1 were corrected by the mutHLS mismatch repair system.


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Tuberculosis continues to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people, yet the virulence factors of the causative pathogens remain unknown. Genetic complementation experiments with strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex have identified a gene from a virulent strain that restores virulence to an attenuated strain. The gene, designated rpoV, has a high degree of homology with principal transcription or sigma factors from other bacteria, particularly Mycobacterium smegmatis and Streptomyces griseus. The homologous rpoV gene of the attenuated strain has a point mutation causing an arginine-->histidine change in a domain known to interact with promoters. To our knowledge, association of loss of bacterial virulence with a mutation in the principal sigma factor has not been previously reported. The results indicate either that tuberculosis organisms have an alternative principal sigma factor that promotes virulence genes or, more probably, that this particular mutant principal sigma factor is unable to promote expression of one or more genes required for virulence. Study of genes and proteins differentially regulated by the mutant transcription factor should facilitate identification of further virulence factors.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) encodes the enzyme deoxyuridine-triphosphatase (DU; EC between the coding regions for reverse transcriptase and integrase in the pol gene. Here, we report the in vivo infection of cats with a DU- variant of the PPR strain of FIV and compare its growth properties and tissue distribution with those of wild-type FIV-PPR. The results reveal several important points: (i) DU- FIV is able to infect the cat, with kinetics similar to that observed with wild-type FIV; (ii) both wild-type and DU- FIV-infected specific-pathogen free cats mount a strong humoral antibody response which is able to limit the virus burden in both groups of animals; (iii) the virus burden is reduced in the DU- FIV-infected cats, particularly in tissues such as spleen and salivary gland; and (iv) the mutation frequency in DU- FIVs integrated in the DNA of primary macrophages after 9 months of infection is approximately 5-fold greater than the frequency observed in DU- FIV DNA integrated in T lymphocytes. Mutation rate with wild-type FIV remains the same in both cell types in vivo. The dominant mutations seen in macrophages with DU- FIV are G-->A base changes, consistent with an increased misincorporation of deoxyuridine into viral DNA of DU- FIVs during reverse transcription. Because this enzyme is absent from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and other primate lentiviruses, virus replication in cell environments with low DU activity may lead to increased mutation and contribute to the rapid expansion of the viral repertoire.


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Multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK) phosphorylates proteins pivotally involved in diverse neuronal processes and thereby coordinates cellular responses to external stimuli that regulate intracellular Ca2+ [Hanson, P. I. & Schulman, H. (1992) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 61, 559-664]. Despite extensive study, the impact of this enzyme on control of the excitability of neuron populations in the mammalian nervous system in situ is unknown. To address this question, we studied transgenic mice carrying a null mutation (-/-) for the alpha subunit of CaMK. In contrast to wild-type littermates, null mutants exhibit profound hyperexcitability, evident in epileptic seizures involving limbic structures including the hippocampus. No evidence of increased excitability was detected in mice carrying null mutations of the gamma isoform of protein kinase C, underscoring the specificity of the effect of CaMK. CaMK plays a powerful and previously underappreciated role in control of neuronal excitability in the mammalian nervous system. These insights have important implications for analyses of mechanisms of epilepsy and, perhaps, learning and memory.


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H1 histones bind to the linker DNA between nucleosome core particles and facilitate the folding of chromatin into a 30-nm fiber. Mice contain at least seven nonallelic subtypes of H1, including the somatic variants H1a through H1e, the testis-specific variant H1t, and the replacement linker histone H1(0). H1(0) accumulates in terminally differentiating cells from many lineages, at about the time when the cells cease dividing. To investigate the role of H1(0) in development, we have disrupted the single-copy H1(0) gene by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells. Mice homozygous for the mutation and completely lacking H1(0) mRNA and protein grew and reproduced normally and exhibited no anatomic or histologic abnormalities. Examination of tissues in which H1(0) is normally present at high levels also failed to reveal any abnormality in cell division patterns. Chromatin from H1(0)-deficient animals showed no significant change in the relative proportions of the other H1 subtypes or in the stoichiometry between linker histones and nucleosomes, suggesting that the other H1 histones can compensate for the deficiency in H1(0) by occupying sites that normally contain H1(0). Our results indicate that despite the unique properties and expression pattern of H1(0), its function is dispensable for normal mouse development.


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Contractile proteins are encoded by multigene families, most of whose members are differentially expressed in fast- versus slow-twitch myofibers. This fiber-type-specific gene regulation occurs by unknown mechanisms and does not occur within cultured myocytes. We have developed a transient, whole-animal assay using somatic gene transfer to study this phenomenon and have identified a fiber-type-specific regulatory element within the promoter region of a slow myofiber-specific gene. A plasmid-borne luciferase reporter gene fused to various muscle-specific contractile gene promoters was differentially expressed when injected into slow- versus fast-twitch rat muscle: the luciferase gene was preferentially expressed in slow muscle when fused to a slow troponin I promoter, and conversely, was preferentially expressed in fast muscle when fused to a fast troponin C promoter. In contrast, the luciferase gene was equally well expressed by both muscle types when fused to a nonfiber-type-specific skeletal actin promoter. Deletion analysis of the troponin I promoter region revealed that a 157-bp enhancer conferred slow-muscle-preferential activity upon a minimal thymidine kinase promoter. Transgenic analysis confirmed the role of this enhancer in restricting gene expression to slow-twitch myofibers. Hence, somatic gene transfer may be used to rapidly define elements that direct myofiber-type-specific gene expression prior to the generation of transgenic mice.


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Adaptive reversion of a lac- frameshift mutation in Escherichia coli appears to be due to DNA polymerase errors, implying that DNA is being synthesized although the cells are not dividing. Here we report that the production of adaptive lac+ revertants (i) is much higher when the mutational target is on the F' episome than when it is on the bacterial chromosome; (ii) is enhanced by functions required for conjugation; but (iii) does not require conjugation per se. These results suggest that, in static cells, DNA synthesis is initiated from the conjugal origin of transfer. Mutations may arise as polymerase errors during this synthesis or during synthesis stimulated by recombination among the multiple gene copies.


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We have studied the functional consequences of a mutation in the epithelial Na+ channel that causes a heritable form of salt-sensitive hypertension, Liddle disease. This mutation, identified in the original kindred described by Liddle, introduces a premature stop codon in the channel beta subunit, resulting in a deletion of almost all of the C terminus of the encoded protein. Coexpression of the mutant beta subunit with wild-type alpha and gamma subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes resulted in an approximately 3-fold increase in the macroscopic amiloride-sensitive Na+ current (INa) compared with the wild-type channel. This change in INa reflected an increase in the overall channel activity characterized by a higher number of active channels in membrane patches. The truncation mutation in the beta subunit of epithelial Na+ channel did not alter the biophysical and pharmacological properties of the channel--including unitary conductance, ion selectivity, or sensitivity to amiloride block. These results provide direct physiological evidence that Liddle disease is related to constitutive channel hyperactivity in the cell membrane. Deletions of the C-terminal end of the beta and gamma subunits of rat epithelial Na+ channel were functionally equivalent in increasing INa, suggesting that the cytoplasmic domain of the gamma subunit might be another molecular target for mutations responsible for salt-sensitive forms of hypertension.


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Mutations in genes encoding membrane proteins have been associated with cell death of unknown cause from invertebrate development to human degenerative diseases. A point mutation in the gene for myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) underlies oligodendrocyte death and dysmyelination in jimpy mice, an accurate model for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. To distinguish the loss of PLP function from other effects of the misfolded protein, we took advantage of the X chromosomal linkage of the gene and have complemented jimpy with a wild-type PLP transgene. In this artificial heterozygous situation, the jimpy mutation emerged as genetically dominant. At the cellular level oligodendrocytes showed little increase in survival although endogenous PLP gene and autosomal transgene were truly coexpressed. In surviving oligodendrocytes, wild-type PLP was functional and immunodetectable in myelin. Moreover, compacted myelin sheaths regained their normal periodicity. This strongly suggests that, despite the presence of functional wild-type PLP, misfolded jimpy PLP is by itself the primary cause of abnormal oligodendrocyte death.


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We have identified a naturally occurring mutation in the promoter of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene. One of 20 patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) and reduced levels of postheparin plasma LPL activity was found to be a heterozygote carrier of this mutation. The mutation, a T-->C substitution at nt -39, occurred in the binding site of the transcription factor Oct-1. As a result, the transcriptional activity of the mutant promoter was < 15% of wild type, as determined by transfection studies in the human macrophage-like cell line THP-1. This decrease in promoter activity was observed in undifferentiated as well as in phorbol ester-differentiated THP-1 cells. Furthermore, the inductive effect of elevating the levels of intracellular cAMP was equally reduced. This mutation was not present among 20 FCHL patients with normal plasma LPL levels nor has it been reported among individuals with familial LPL deficiency. Thus, heterozygosity for LPL promoter mutations may be one of several factors that contribute to the etiology of FCHL.


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The murine Pax-3 protein contains two DNA-binding domains, a paired domain and a homeodomain, and alterations in the Pax-3 gene are responsible for the neural tube defects observed in the Splotch (Sp) mouse mutant. Of five Sp alleles, Splotch-delayed (Spd) is the only one that encodes a full-length Pax-3 protein, containing a single glycine-to-arginine substitution within the paired domain. To better understand the consequence of this mutation on Pax-3 function, we have analyzed the DNA-binding properties of wild-type and Spd Pax-3, using oligonucleotides that bind primarily to the paired domain (e5) or exclusively to the homeodomain (P2). Wild-type Pax-3 was found to bind e5 in a specific manner. In contrast, the Spd mutation reduced binding of Pax-3 to e5 17-fold, revealing a defect in DNA binding by the paired domain. Surprisingly, the Spd mutation also drastically reduced the homeodomain-specific binding to P2 by 21-fold when compared with the wild-type protein. Interestingly, a deletion which removes the Spd mutation was found to restore P2-binding activity, suggesting that within the full-length Pax-3 protein, the paired domain and homeodomain may interact. We conclude, therefore, that the Spd mutation is phenotyically expressed in vitro by a defect in the DNA-binding properties of Pax-3. Furthermore, it is apparent that the paired domain and homeodomain of Pax-3 do not function as independent domains, since a mutation in the former impairs the DNA-binding activity of the latter.