214 resultados para Recombinaison homologue


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The proliferative compartment of stratified squamous epithelia consists of stem and transient amplifying (TA) keratinocytes. Some polypeptides are more abundant in putative epidermal stem cells than in TA cells, but no polypeptide confined to the stem cells has yet been identified. Here we show that the p63 transcription factor, a p53 homologue essential for regenerative proliferation in epithelial development, distinguishes human keratinocyte stem cells from their TA progeny. Within the cornea, nuclear p63 is expressed by the basal cells of the limbal epithelium, but not by TA cells covering the corneal surface. Human keratinocyte stem and TA cells when isolated in culture give rise to holoclones and paraclones, respectively. We show by clonal analysis that p63 is abundantly expressed by epidermal and limbal holoclones, but is undetectable in paraclones. TA keratinocytes, immediately after their withdrawal from the stem cell compartment (meroclones), have greatly reduced p63, even though they possess very appreciable proliferative capacity. Clonal evolution (i.e., generation of TA cells from precursor stem cells) is promoted by the sigma isoform of the 14-3-3 family of proteins. Keratinocytes whose 14-3-3σ has been down-regulated remain in the stem cell compartment and maintain p63 during serial cultivation. The identification of p63 as a keratinocyte stem cell marker will be of practical importance for the clinical application of epithelial cultures in cell therapy as well as for studies on epithelial tumorigenesis.


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Serological expression cloning of antigens eliciting a humoral immune response to a syngeneic mouse sarcoma identified pem (mouse placenta and embryonic expression gene) as a new member of the cancer/testis family. To identify the human homologue of pem, mouse pem sequences and pem-related expressed sequence tags from human testis were used as PCR primers for amplification using human testis cDNA. However, rather than pem, another gene, designated OY-TES-1, was isolated and found to be the human homologue of proacrosin binding protein sp32 precursor originally identified in mouse, guinea pig, and pig. OY-TES-1 maps to chromosome 12p12-p13 and contains 10 exons. Southern blot analysis suggests the presence of two OY-TES-1-related genes in the human genome. In normal tissues, OY-TES-1 mRNA was expressed only in testis, whereas in malignant tissues, a variable proportion of a wide array of cancers, including bladder, breast, lung, liver, and colon cancers, expressed OY-TES-1. Serological survey of 362 cancer patients with a range of different cancers showed antibody to OY-TES-1 in 25 patients. No OY-TES-1 sera reactivity was found in 20 normal individuals. These findings indicate that OY-TES-1 is an additional member of the cancer/testis family of antigens and that OY-TES-1 is immunogenic in humans.


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Yeast Rsp5p and its mammalian homologue, Nedd4, are hect domain ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) required for the ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins. Because ubiquitination is sufficient to induce internalization, E3-mediated ubiquitination is a key regulatory event in plasma membrane protein endocytosis. Rsp5p is an essential, multidomain protein containing an amino-terminal C2 domain, three WW protein-protein interaction domains, and a carboxy-terminal hect domain that carries E3 activity. In this study, we demonstrate that Rsp5p is peripherally associated with membranes and provide evidence that Rsp5p functions as part of a multimeric protein complex. We define the function of Rsp5p and its domains in the ubiquitin-dependent internalization of the yeast α-factor receptor, Ste2p. Temperature-sensitive rsp5 mutants were unable to ubiquitinate or to internalize Ste2p at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletion of the entire C2 domain had no effect on α-factor internalization; however, point mutations in any of the three WW domains impaired both receptor ubiquitination and internalization. These observations indicate that the WW domains play a role in the important regulatory event of selecting phosphorylated proteins as endocytic cargo. In addition, mutations in the C2 and WW1 domains had more severe defects on transport of fluid-phase markers to the vacuole than on receptor internalization, suggesting that Rsp5p functions at multiple steps in the endocytic pathway.


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The human brm (hbrm) protein (homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster brahma and Saccharomyces cervisiae SNF-2 proteins) is part of a polypeptide complex believed to regulate chromatin conformation. We have shown that the hbrm protein is cleaved in NB4 leukemic cells after induction of apoptosis by UV-irradiation, DNA damaging agents, or staurosporine. Because hbrm is found only in the nucleus, we have investigated the nature of the proteases that may regulate the degradation of this protein during apoptosis. In an in vitro assay, the hbrm protein could not be cleaved by caspase-3, -7, or -6, the “effector” caspases generally believed to carry out the cleavage of nuclear protein substrates. In contrast, we find that cathepsin G, a granule enzyme found in NB4 cells, cleaves hbrm in a pattern similar to that observed in vivo during apoptosis. In addition, a peptide inhibitor of cathepsin G blocks hbrm cleavage during apoptosis but does not block activation of caspases or cleavage of the nuclear protein polyADP ribose polymerase (PARP). Although localized in granules and in the Golgi complex in untreated cells, cathepsin G becomes diffusely distributed during apoptosis. Cleavage by cathepsin G removes a 20-kDa fragment containing a bromodomain from the carboxyl terminus of hbrm. This cleavage disrupts the association between hbrm and the nuclear matrix; the 160-kDa hbrm cleavage fragment is less tightly associated with the nuclear matrix than full-length hbrm.


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Understanding the mechanism of thermodynamic stability of an RNA structure has significant implications for the function and design of RNA. We investigated the equilibrium folding of a thermophilic ribozyme and its mesophilic homologue by using hydroxyl radical protection, small-angle x-ray scattering, and circular dichroism. Both RNAs require Mg2+ to fold to their native structures that are very similar. The stability is measured as a function of Mg2+ and urea concentrations at different temperatures. The enhanced stability of the thermophilic ribozyme primarily is derived from a tremendous increase in the amount of structure formed in the ultimate folding transition. This increase in structure formation and cooperativity arises because the penultimate and the ultimate folding transitions in the mesophilic ribozyme become linked into a single transition in the folding of the thermophilic ribozyme. Therefore, the starting point, or reference state, for the transition to the native, functional thermophilic ribozyme is significantly less structured. The shift in the reference state, and the resulting increase in folding cooperativity, is likely due to the stabilization of selected native interactions that only form in the ultimate transition. This mechanism of using a less structured intermediate and increased cooperativity to achieve higher functional stability for tertiary RNAs is fundamentally different from that commonly proposed to explain the increased stability of thermophilic proteins.


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In adult rodents, neural progenitor cells in the subependymal (SZ) zone of the lateral cerebral ventricle generate neuroblasts that migrate in chains via the rostral migratory stream (RMS) into the olfactory bulb (OB), where they differentiate into interneurons. However, the existence of this neurogenic migratory system in other mammals has remained unknown. Here, we report the presence of a homologue of the rodent SZ/RMS in the adult macaque monkey, a nonhuman Old World primate with a relatively smaller OB. Our results—obtained by using combined immunohistochemical detection of a marker for DNA replication (5-bromodeoxyuridine) and several cell type-specific markers—indicate that dividing cells in the adult monkey SZ generate neuroblasts that undergo restricted chain migration over an extended distance of more than 2 cm to the OB and differentiate into granule interneurons. These findings in a nonhuman primate extend and support the use of the SZ/RMS as a model system for studying neural regenerative mechanisms in the human brain.


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The activation of the small ras-like GTPase Arf1p requires the action of guanine nucleotide exchange factors. Four Arf1p guanine nucleotide exchange factors have been identified in yeast: Sec7p, Syt1p, Gea1p, and its homologue Gea2p. We identified GEA2 as a multicopy suppressor of a sec21-3 temperature-sensitive mutant. SEC21 encodes the γ-subunit of coatomer, a heptameric protein complex that together with Arf1p forms the COPI coat. GEA1 and GEA2 have at least partially overlapping functions, because deletion of either gene results in no obvious phenotype, whereas the double null mutant is inviable. Conditional mutants defective in both GEA1 and GEA2 accumulate endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membranes under restrictive conditions. The two genes do not serve completely overlapping functions because a Δgea1 Δarf1 mutant is not more sickly than a Δarf1 strain, whereas Δgea2 Δarf1 is inviable. Biochemical experiments revealed similar distributions and activities for the two proteins. Gea1p and Gea2p exist both in membrane-bound and in soluble forms. The membrane-bound forms, at least one of which, Gea2p, can be visualized on Golgi structures, are both required for vesicle budding and protein transport from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, Sec7p, which is required for protein transport within the Golgi, is not required for retrograde protein trafficking.


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Deletion of the yeast gene ACB1 encoding Acb1p, the yeast homologue of the acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP), resulted in a slower growing phenotype that adapted into a faster growing phenotype with a frequency >1:105. A conditional knockout strain (Y700pGAL1-ACB1) with the ACB1 gene under control of the GAL1 promoter exhibited an altered acyl-CoA profile with a threefold increase in the relative content of C18:0-CoA, without affecting total acyl-CoA level as previously reported for an adapted acb1Δ strain. Depletion of Acb1p did not affect the general phospholipid pattern, the rate of phospholipid synthesis, or the turnover of individual phospholipid classes, indicating that Acb1p is not required for general glycerolipid synthesis. In contrast, cells depleted for Acb1p showed a dramatically reduced content of C26:0 in total fatty acids and the sphingolipid synthesis was reduced by 50–70%. The reduced incorporation of [3H]myo-inositol into sphingolipids was due to a reduced incorporation into inositol-phosphoceramide and mannose-inositol-phosphoceramide only, a pattern that is characteristic for cells with aberrant endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport. The plasma membrane of the Acb1p-depleted strain contained increased levels of inositol-phosphoceramide and mannose-inositol-phosphoceramide and lysophospholipids. Acb1p-depleted cells accumulated 50- to 60-nm vesicles and autophagocytotic like bodies and showed strongly perturbed plasma membrane structures. The present results strongly suggest that Acb1p plays an important role in fatty acid elongation and membrane assembly and organization.


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Drosophila Armadillo and its mammalian homologue β-catenin are scaffolding proteins involved in the assembly of multiprotein complexes with diverse biological roles. They mediate adherens junction assembly, thus determining tissue architecture, and also transduce Wnt/Wingless intercellular signals, which regulate embryonic cell fates and, if inappropriately activated, contribute to tumorigenesis. To learn more about Armadillo/β-catenin's scaffolding function, we examined in detail its interaction with one of its protein targets, cadherin. We utilized two assay systems: the yeast two-hybrid system to study cadherin binding in the absence of Armadillo/β-catenin's other protein partners, and mammalian cells where interactions were assessed in their presence. We found that segments of the cadherin cytoplasmic tail as small as 23 amino acids bind Armadillo or β-catenin in yeast, whereas a slightly longer region is required for binding in mammalian cells. We used mutagenesis to identify critical amino acids required for cadherin interaction with Armadillo/β-catenin. Expression of such short cadherin sequences in mammalian cells did not affect adherens junctions but effectively inhibited β-catenin–mediated signaling. This suggests that the interaction between β-catenin and T cell factor family transcription factors is a sensitive target for disruption, making the use of analogues of these cadherin derivatives a potentially useful means to suppress tumor progression.


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In skeletal muscle, transcription of the gene encoding the mouse type Iα (RIα) subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase is initiated from the alternative noncoding first exons 1a and 1b. Here, we report that activity of the promoter upstream of exon 1a (Pa) depends on two adjacent E boxes (E1 and E2) in NIH 3T3-transfected fibroblasts as well as in intact muscle. Both basal activity and MyoD transactivation of the Pa promoter require binding of the upstream stimulating factors (USF) to E1. E2 binds either an unknown protein in a USF/E1 complex-dependent manner or MyoD. Both E2-bound proteins seem to function as repressors, but with different strengths, of the USF transactivation potential. Previous work has shown localization of the RIα protein at the neuromuscular junction. Using DNA injection into muscle of plasmids encoding segments of RIα or RIIα fused to green fluorescent protein, we demonstrate that anchoring at the neuromuscular junction is specific to RIα subunits and requires the amino-terminal residues 1–81. Mutagenesis of Phe-54 to Ala in the full-length RIα–green fluorescent protein template abolishes localization, indicating that dimerization of RIα is essential for anchoring. Moreover, two other hydrophobic residues, Val-22 and Ile-27, are crucial for localization of RIα at the neuromuscular junction. These amino acids are involved in the interaction of the Caenorhabditis elegans type Iα homologue RCE with AKAPCE and for in vitro binding of RIα to dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1. We also show enrichment of dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1 at the neuromuscular junction, suggesting that it could be responsible for RIα tethering at this site.


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The X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) and other members of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family can suppress apoptosis induced by a diverse variety of triggers. Functional studies done to date have focused on tissue culture models and adenovirus overexpression of XIAP and other IAP proteins. Here we report the phenotype of an engineered transgenic mouse overexpressing a human IAP, as well as assessing the long-term consequence of IAP overexpression. We document the relative protein expression levels of the endogenous mouse homologue to XIAP, mouse inhibitor of apoptosis (MIAP 3), within thymocyte and T cell subpopulations. The consequence of lymphoid-targeted overexpression of XIAP in transgenic mice suggests a physiological role for the endogenous protein, MIAP3. Xiap-transgenic mice accumulated thymocytes and/or T cells in primary and secondary lymphoid tissue, T cell maturation was perturbed, and transgenic thymocytes resisted a variety of apoptotic triggers both in vitro and in vivo. These observations imply a possible key function for the intrinsic cellular inhibitor XIAP in maintaining the homeostasis of the immune system.


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The human Xrcc3 protein is involved in the repair of damaged DNA through homologous recombination, in which homologous pairing is a key step. The Rad51 protein is believed to be the only protein factor that promotes homologous pairing in recombinational DNA repair in mitotic cells. In the brain, however, Rad51 expression is extremely low, whereas XRCC3, a human homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD57 that activates the Rad51-dependent homologous pairing with the yeast Rad55 protein, is expressed. In this study, a two-hybrid analysis conducted with the use of a human brain cDNA library revealed that the major Xrcc3-interacting protein is a Rad51 paralog, Rad51C/Rad51L2. The purified Xrcc3⋅Rad51C complex, which shows apparent 1:1 stoichiometry, was found to catalyze the homologous pairing. Although the activity is reduced, the Rad51C protein alone also catalyzed homologous pairing, suggesting that Rad51C is a catalytic subunit for homologous pairing. The DNA-binding activity of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C was drastically decreased in the absence of Xrcc3, indicating that Xrcc3 is important for the DNA binding of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C. Electron microscopic observations revealed that Xrcc3⋅Rad51C and Rad51C formed similar filamentous structures with circular single-stranded DNA.


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Nox1, a homologue of gp91phox, the catalytic moiety of the superoxide (O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document})-generating NADPH oxidase of phagocytes, causes increased O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} generation, increased mitotic rate, cell transformation, and tumorigenicity when expressed in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This study explores the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in regulating cell growth and transformation by Nox1. H2O2 concentration increased ≈10-fold in Nox1-expressing cells, compared with <2-fold increase in O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. When human catalase was expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, H2O2 concentration decreased, and the cells reverted to a normal appearance, the growth rate normalized, and cells no longer produced tumors in athymic mice. A large number of genes, including many related to cell cycle, growth, and cancer (but unrelated to oxidative stress), were expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, and more than 60% of these returned to normal levels on coexpression of catalase. Thus, H2O2 in low concentrations functions as an intracellular signal that triggers a genetic program related to cell growth.


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We show that when telencephalic neural progenitors are briefly exposed to bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) in culture, their developmental fate is changed from neuronal cells to astrocytic cells. BMP2 significantly reduced the number of cells expressing microtubule-associated protein 2, a neuronal marker, and cells expressing nestin, a marker for undifferentiated neural precursors, but BMP2 increased the number of cells expressing S100-β, an astrocytic marker. In telencephalic neuroepithelial cells, BMP2 up-regulated the expression of negative helix–loop–helix (HLH) factors Id1, Id3, and Hes-5 (where Hes is homologue of hairy and Enhancer of Split) that inhibited the transcriptional activity of neurogenic HLH transcription factors Mash1 and neurogenin. Ectopic expression of either Id1 or Id3 (where Id is inhibitor of differentiation) inhibited neurogenesis of neuroepithelial cells, suggesting an important role for these HLH proteins in the BMP2-mediated changes in the neurogenic fate of these cells. Because gliogenesis in the brain and spinal cord, derived from implanted neural stem cells or induced by injury, is responsible for much of the failure of neuronal regeneration, this work may lead to a therapeutic strategy to minimize this problem.


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Chromosome-specific gene regulation is known thus far only as a mechanism to equalize the transcriptional activity of the single male X chromosome with that of the two female X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, a complex including the five Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) proteins, “paints” the male X chromosome, mediating its hypertranscription. Here, with the molecular cloning of Painting of fourth (Pof), we describe a previously uncharacterized gene encoding a chromosome-specific protein in Drosophila. Unlike the MSL proteins, POF paints an autosome, the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosome translocation analysis shows that the binding depends on an initiation site in the proximal region of chromosome 4 and spreads in cis to involve the entire chromosome. The spreading depends on sequences or structures specific to chromosome 4 and cannot extend to parts of other chromosomes translocated to the fourth. Spreading can also occur in trans to a paired homologue that lacks the initiation region. In the related species Drosophila busckii, POF paints the entire X chromosome exclusively in males, suggesting relationships between the fourth chromosome and the X and between POF complexes and dosage-compensation complexes.