183 resultados para Immunofluorescence


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Age-associated memory impairment occurs frequently in primates. Based on the established importance of both the perforant path and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in memory formation, we investigated the glutamate receptor distribution and immunofluorescence intensity within the dentate gyrus of juvenile, adult, and aged macaque monkeys with the combined use of subunit-specific antibodies and quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy. Here we demonstrate that aged monkeys, compared to adult monkeys, exhibit a 30.6% decrease in the ratio of NMDA receptor subunit 1 (NMDAR1) immunofluorescence intensity within the distal dendrites of the dentate gyrus granule cells, which receive the perforant path input from the entorhinal cortex, relative to the proximal dendrites, which receive an intrinsic excitatory input from the dentate hilus. The intradendritic alteration in NMDAR1 immunofluorescence occurs without a similar alteration of non-NMDA receptor subunits. Further analyses using synaptophysin as a reflection of total synaptic density and microtubule-associated protein 2 as a dendritic structural marker demonstrated no significant difference in staining intensity or area across the molecular layer in aged animals compared to the younger animals. These findings suggest that, in aged monkeys, a circuit-specific alteration in the intradendritic concentration of NMDAR1 occurs without concomitant gross structural changes in dendritic morphology or a significant change in the total synaptic density across the molecular layer. This alteration in the NMDA receptor-mediated input to the hippocampus from the entorhinal cortex may represent a molecular/cellular substrate for age-associated memory impairments.


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Patients with the M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukemia almost invariably are found to have an inversion of chromosome 16 in their leukemic cells, which results in a gene fusion between the transcription factor called core binding factor beta (CBFbeta) on 16q and a smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC) gene on 16p. Subcellular localizations of the wild-type CBFbeta and the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein were determined by immunofluorescence of NIH 3T3 cells that overexpress wild-type or fusion protein. Normal CBFbeta showed an unexpected perinuclear pattern consistent with primary localization in the Golgi complex. The CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein had a very different pattern. Nuclear staining included rod-like crystalline structures as long as 11 microm. The heterodimeric partner of CBFbeta, CBFalpha, formed part of this complex. Cytoplasmic staining included stress fibers that colocalized with actin, probably as a consequence of the myosin heavy chain component of the fusion protein. Deletion of different regions of the CBFbeta portion of the fusion protein showed that binding to CBFalpha was not required for nuclear translocation. However, deletion of parts of the SMMHC domain of the fusion protein involved in myosin-mediated filament formation resulted in proteins that did not form rod-like structures. These observations confirm previous indirect evidence that the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein is capable of forming macromolecular nuclear aggregates and suggests possible models for the mechanism of leukemic transformation.


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Quinolinate (Quin), a metabolite in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation and a neurotoxin that appears to act through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor system, was localized in cultured human peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages (PBMOs) by using a recently developed immunocytochemical method. Quin immunoreactivity (Quin-IR) was increased in gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-stimulated monocytes/macrophages (MOs). In addition, the precursors, tryptophan and kynurenine, significantly increased Quin-IR. Infection of MOs by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) in vitro substantially increased both the number of Quin-IR cells and the intensity of Quin-IR. At the peak of the Quin-IR response, about 40% of the cells were Quin-IR positive. In contrast, only about 2-5% of the cells were positive for HTLV-I, as detected by both immunofluorescence for the HTLV-I antigens and PCR techniques for the HTLV-I Tax gene. These results suggest that HTLV-I-induced Quin production in MOs occurs by an indirect mechanism, perhaps via cytokines produced by the infection but not directly by the virus infection per se. The significance of these findings to the neuropathology of HTLV-I infection is discussed.


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The consequences of Helicobacter pylori attachment to human gastric cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy. H. pylori attachment resulted in (i) effacement of microvilli at the site of attachment, (ii) cytoskeletal rearrangement directly beneath the bacterium, and (iii) cup/pedestal formation at the site of attachment. Double-immunofluorescence studies revealed that the cytoskeletal components actin, alpha-actinin, and talin are involved in the process. Immunoblot analysis showed that binding of H. pylori to AGS cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of two host cell proteins of 145 and 105 kDa. These results indicate that attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells resembles that of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Coccoid H. pylori, which are thought to be terminally differentiated bacterial forms, are capable of binding and inducing cellular changes of the same sort as spiral H. pylori, including tyrosine phosphorylation of host proteins.


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Cytotoxic lymphocytes are characterized by their inclusion of cytoplasmic granules that fuse with the plasma membrane following target cell recognition. We previously identified a cytotoxic granule membrane protein designated p15-TIA-1 that is immunochemically related to an RNA-recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding protein designated p40-TIA-1. Although it was suggested that p15-TIA-1 might be derived from p40-T1A-1 by proteolysis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of p15-TIA-1 immunoaffinity purified from a natural killer (NK) cell line by using monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2G9 revealed that p15-T1A-1 is identical to the deduced amino acid sequence of NKG7 and GIG-1, cDNAs isolated from NK cells and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-treated mononuclear cells, respectively. Epitope mapping revealed that mAb 2G9 recognizes the C terminus of p15-T1A-1 and p40-T1A-1. The deduced amino acid sequence of p15-T1A-1/NKG7/GIG-1 predicts that the protein possesses four transmembrane domains, and immuno-electron microscopy localizes the endogenous protein to the membranes of cytotoxic granules in NK cells. Given its subcellular localization, we propose to rename-this protein GMP-17, for granule membrane protein of 17 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy of freshly isolated NK cells confirms this granular localization. Target cell-induced NK cell degranulation results in translocation of GMP-17 from granules to the plasma membrane, suggesting a possible role for GMP-17 in regulating the effector function of lymphocytes and neutrophils.


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Polyclonal antibodies were prepared against synthetic peptides corresponding to four different extramembrane segments of the rat glucagon receptor. The antibodies bound specifically to native glucagon receptor as judged by immunofluorescence microscopy of cultured cells expressing a synthetic gene for the receptor. Antibodies to peptides designated PR-15 and DK-12 were directed against amino acid residues 103-117 and 126-137, respectively, of the extracellular N-terminal tail. Antibody to peptide KD-14 was directed against residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop, and antibody to peptide ST-18, against the intracellular C-terminal tail, residues 468-485. The DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not the PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, could effectively block binding of 125I-labeled glucagon to its receptor in liver membranes. Incubation of these antibodies with rat liver membranes resulted in both a decrease in the maximal hormonal binding capacity and an apparent decrease in glucagon affinity for its receptor. These effects were abolished in the presence of excess specific peptide antigen. In addition, DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, interfered with glucagon-induced adenylyl cyclase activation in rat liver membranes and behaved as functional glucagon antagonists. These results demonstrate that DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies are pharmacologically active glucagon antagonists and strongly suggest that residues 126-137 of the N-terminal tail and residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop contain determinants of ligand binding and may comprise the primary ligand-binding site on the glucagon receptor.


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Indirect immunofluorescence methods using a mouse monoclonal antibody raised to rat choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed dense networks of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the superior cervical ganglion, the stellate ganglion, and the celiac superior mesenteric ganglion of the rat. Numerous and single ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia, respectively. The majority of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia were nitric oxide synthase (NOS) positive. Some ChAT-immunoreactive fibers contained enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Virtually all ChAT-positive cell bodies in the stellate ganglion were vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-positive, and some were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive. After transection of the cervical sympathetic trunk almost all ChAT- and NOS-positive fibers and most enkephalin- and CGRP-positive fibers disappeared in the superior cervical ganglion. The results suggest that most preganglionic fibers are cholinergic and that the majority of these in addition can release nitric oxide, some enkephalin, and a few CGRP. Acetylcholine, VIP, and CGRP are coexisting messenger molecules in some postganglionic sympathetic neurons.


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The pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus is thought to be primarily under genetic control, with environmental factors playing a secondary role. However, it has been shown recently that intraperitoneal injection of pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) induces autoantibodies typical of lupus in BALB/c mice, a strain not usually considered to be genetically susceptible to the disease. In this study, the induction of autoimmune disease by pristane was investigated. BALB/c mice receiving pristane were tested for autoantibody production and histopathological evidence of glomerulonephritis. Six of 11 mice developed IgM anti-single-stranded DNA antibodies shortly after receiving pristane and 4 developed IgM anti-histone antibodies, but anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies were absent. IgG anti-DNA and anti-histone antibodies were absent. In contrast, the lupus-associated anti-nuclear ribonucleoprotein/Sm and anti-Su autoantibodies produced by these mice were predominantly IgG. In addition to autoantibodies, most of the mice developed significant proteinuria. Light microscopy of the kidney showed segmental or diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis. Electron microscopy showed subepithelial and mesangial immune-complex deposits and epithelial foot process effacement. Immunofluorescence revealed striking glomerular deposition of IgM, IgG, and C3 with a mesangial or mesangiocapillary distribution. Thus, pristane induces immune-complex glomerulonephritis in association with autoantibodies typical of lupus in BALB/c mice. These data support the idea that lupus is produced by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors and that unlike the MRL or (NZB x W)F1 mouse models, in which genetic susceptibility factors are of primary importance, environmental factors are of considerable importance in the autoimmune disease of pristane-treated BALB/c mice.


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NMP-1 was initially identified as a nuclear matrix-associated DNA-binding factor that exhibits sequence-specific recognition for the site IV regulatory element of a histone H4 gene. This distal promoter domain is a nuclear matrix interaction site. In the present study, we show that NMP-1 is the multifunctional transcription factor YY1. Gel-shift and Western blot analyses demonstrate that NMP-1 is immunoreactive with YY1 antibody. Furthermore, purified YY1 protein specifically recognizes site IV and reconstitutes the NMP-1 complex. Western blot and gel-shift analyses indicate that YY1 is present within the nuclear matrix. In situ immunofluorescence studies show that a significant fraction of YY1 is localized in the nuclear matrix, principally but not exclusively associated with residual nucleoli. Our results confirm that NMP-1/YY1 is a ubiquitous protein that is present in both human cells and in rat osteosarcoma ROS 17/2.8 cells. The finding that NMP-1 is identical to YY1 suggests that this transcriptional regulator may mediate gene-matrix interactions. Our results are consistent with the concept that the nuclear matrix may functionally compartmentalize the eukaryotic nucleus to support regulation of gene expression.


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To explore the relationship between mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (mAspAT; EC and plasma membrane fatty acid-binding protein (FABPpm) and their role in cellular fatty acid uptake, 3T3 fibroblasts were cotransfected with plasmid pMAAT2, containing a full-length mAspAT cDNA downstream of a Zn(2+)-inducible metallothionein promoter, and pFR400, which conveys methotrexate resistance. Transfectants were selected in methotrexate, cloned, and exposed to increasing methotrexate concentrations to induce gene amplification. Stably transfected clones were characterized by Southern blotting; those with highest copy numbers of pFR400 alone (pFR400) or pFR400 and pMAAT2 (pFR400/pMAAT2) were expanded for further study. [3H]Oleate uptake was measured in medium containing 500 microM bovine serum albumin and 125-1000 microM total oleate (unbound oleate, 18-420 nM) and consisted of saturable and nonsaturable components. pFR400/pMAAT2 cells exhibited no increase in the rate constant for nonsaturable oleate uptake or in the uptake rate of [14C]octanoate under any conditions. By contrast, Vmax (fmol/sec per 50,000 cells) of the saturable oleate uptake component increased 3.5-fold in pFR400/pMAAT2 cells compared to pFR400, with a further 3.2-fold increase in the presence of Zn2+. Zn2+ had no effect in pFR400 controls (P > 0.5). The overall increase in Vmax between pFR400 and pFR400/pMAAT2 in the presence of Zn2+ was 10.4-fold (P < 0.01) and was highly correlated (r = 0.99) with expression of FABPpm in plasma membranes as determined by Western blotting. Neither untransfected 3T3 nor pFR400 cells expressed cell surface FABPpm detectable by immunofluorescence. By contrast, plasma membrane immunofluorescence was detected in pFR400/pMAAT2 cells, especially if cultured in 100 microM Zn2+. The data support the dual hypotheses that mAspAT and FABPpm are identical and mediate saturable long-chain free fatty acid uptake.


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Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF-4) is a prominent member of the family of liver-enriched transcription factors, playing a role in the expression of a large number of liver-specific genes. We report here that HNF-4 is a phosphoprotein and that phosphorylation at tyrosine residue(s) is important for its DNA-binding activity and, consequently, for its transactivation potential both in cell-free systems and in cultured cells. Tyrosine phosphorylation did not affect the transport of HNF-4 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus but had a dramatic effect on its subnuclear localization. HNF-4 was concentrated in distinct nuclear compartments, as evidenced by in situ immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. This compartmentalization disappeared when tyrosine phosphorylation was inhibited by genistein. The correlation between the intranuclear distribution of HNF-4 and its ability to activate endogenous target genes demonstrates a phosphorylation signal-dependent pathway in the regulation of transcription factor activity.


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Neuronal proliferation, migration, and differentiation are regulated by the sequential expression of particular genes at specific stages of development. Such processes rely on differential gene expression modulated through second-messenger systems. Early postnatal mouse cerebellar granule cells migrate into the internal granular layer and acquire differentiated properties. The neurotransmitter glutamate has been shown to play an important role in this developmental process. We show here by immunohistochemistry that the RelA subunit of the transcription factor NF-kappa B is present in several areas of the mouse brain. Moreover, immunofluorescence microscopy and electrophoretic mobility-shift assay demonstrate that in cerebellar granule cell cultures derived from 3- to 7-day-old mice, glutamate specifically activates the transcription factor NF-kappa B, as shown by binding of nuclear extract proteins to a synthetic oligonucleotide reproducing the kappa B site of human immunodeficiency virus. The use of different antagonists of the glutamate recpetors indicates that the effect of glutamate occurs mainly via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor activation, possibly as a result of an increase in intracellular Ca2+. The synaptic specificity of the effect is strongly suggested by the observation that glutamate failed to activate NF-kappa B in astrocytes, while cytokines, such as interleukin 1 alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha, did so. The effect of glutamate appears to be developmentally regulated. Indeed, NF-kappa B is found in an inducible form in the cytoplasm of neurons of 3- to 7-day-old mice but is constitutively activated in the nuclei of neurons derived from older pups (8-10 days postnatal). Overall, these observations suggest the existence of a new pathway of trans-synaptic regulation of gene expression.


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Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical techniques, we have determined that approximately one-third of the total mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. This population of enzyme can be separated from the soluble form that is found distributed throughout the cytosol and is also present in the nucleus after mitogen stimulation. The microtubule-associated enzyme pool constitutes half of all detectable MAPK activity after mitogenic stimulation. These findings extend the known in vivo associations of MAPK with microtubules to include the entire microtubule cytoskeleton of proliferating cells, and they suggest that a direct association of MAPK with microtubules may be in part responsible for the observed correlations between MAPK activities and cytoskeletal alteration.


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A mouse monoclonal antibody, G92.1.2, raised against guinea pig liver transglutaminase (TGase) recognizes an antigen present in primary mouse dermal fibroblasts. A filamentous pattern, bearing remarkable similarity to the vimentin intermediate filament (IF) network, is seen when these cells are fixed and processed for indirect immunofluorescence with the antibody. Double-label immunofluorescence reveals that the antigen reacting with the antibody colocalizes precisely with vimentin IF and that this colocalization is retained after the treatment of fibroblasts with colchicine, which induces a redistribution of the majority of IFs into perinuclear aggregates. These morphological observations are further supported by the finding that the protein reacting with G92.1.2 is retained in IF-enriched cytoskeletal preparations made by using nonionic detergent-containing high ionic strength solutions. Western blots of the IF fraction show that G92.1.2 recognizes a major band of approximately 280 kDa and does not cross react with vimentin. Furthermore, when the antibody is microinjected into live dermal fibroblasts, it causes a collapse of the vimentin IF network in the majority of injected cells. The results suggest that a form of TGase, or a TGase-related antigen, is closely associated with the vimentin IF network of primary cultures of mouse dermal fibroblasts.


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At an early stage in embryogenesis, the Drosophila blastoderm is a syncytium in which approximately 6000 nuclei align under the plasma membrane. During the interphase of nuclear cycle 14, a wave of membrane formation descends from the blastoderm surface to enclose each nucleus in an intact cell membrane. We show by immunofluorescence microscopy that the membrane-formation process is closely accompanied in space and time by a wave of tyrosine phosphorylation, suggesting that one or more tyrosine kinases and phosphatases are active in the process.