293 resultados para Gene function
Our understanding of the mammalian cell cycle is due in large part to the analysis of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2 and CDK4/6. These kinases are regulated by E and D type cyclins, respectively, and coordinate the G1/S-phase transition. In contrast, little is known about CDK3, a homolog of CDK2 and cell division cycle kinase 2 (CDC2). Previous studies using ectopic expression of human CDK3 suggest a role for this kinase in the G1/S-phase transition, but analysis of the endogenous kinase has been stymied by the low levels of protein present in cells and by the absence of an identifiable cyclin partner. Herein we report the presence of a single point mutation in the CDK3 gene from several Mus musculus strains commonly used in the laboratory. This mutation results in the replacement of a conserved tryptophan (Trp-187) within kinase consensus domain IX with a stop codon. The protein predicted to be encoded by this allele is truncated near the T loop, which is involved in activation by CDK-activating kinase. This mutation also deletes motif XI known to be required for kinase function and is, therefore, expected to generate a null allele. In stark contrast, CDK3 from two wild-mice species (Mus spretus and Mus mus castaneus) lack this mutation. These data indicate that CDK3 is not required for M. musculus development and suggest that any functional role played by CDK3 in the G1/S-phase transition is likely to be redundant with another CDK.
We have identified and characterized an Arabidopsis thaliana rad50 mutant plant containing a T-DNA insertion in the AtRAD50 gene and showing both meiotic and DNA repair defects. We report here that rad50/rad50 mutant cells show a progressive shortening of telomeric DNA relative to heterozygous rad50/RAD50 controls and that the mutant cell population rapidly enters a crisis, with the majority of the cells dying. Surviving rad50 mutant cells have longer telomeres than wild-type cells, indicating the existence in plants of an alternative RAD50-independent mechanism for telomere maintenance. These results report the role of a protein essential for double-strand break repair in telomere maintenance in higher eukaryotes.
CD40 is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. The interaction between CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD154) activates NF-κB, Jun N-terminal kinase, and Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription pathways and promotes B cell growth, differentiation, and survival as well as IL-12 production in macrophages and dendritic cells. We demonstrate here the existence of multiple isoforms of CD40 mRNA generated by alternative splicing and show that their expression is regulated differentially in activated macrophages and dendritic cells. Pre-CD40 RNA is spliced preferentially out to signal-transducible CD40 mRNA in the early stage of activation; half of the CD40 mRNA is replaced by the signal-nontransducible CD40 mRNAs in the later stages (24 h). Using IL-12 p40 gene expression as a reporter for CD40 signaling, we show that three of the alternative isoforms can disable signaling through CD40. The major alternative isoform lacks the membrane-associated endodomain and seems to reduce the amount of the signal-transducible form available on the cell surface. It would seem, therefore, that CD40 expression is controlled by posttranscriptional and posttranslational regulation through alternative splicing. Modulation of isoform expression may provide a mechanism by which cells regulate their susceptibility to CD40L signaling.
Normal aging is associated with a significant reduction in cognitive function across primate species. However, the structural and molecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly. Extensive cell loss does not occur as a consequence of normal aging in human and nonhuman primate species. More recent studies have demonstrated significant reductions in functional neuronal markers in subcortical brain regions in primates as a consequence of aging, including dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, although corresponding losses in cortical innervation from these neurons have not been investigated. In the present study, we report that aging is associated with a significant 25% reduction in cortical innervation by cholinergic systems in rhesus monkeys (P < 0.001). Further, these age-related reductions are ameliorated by cellular delivery of human nerve growth factor to cholinergic somata in the basal forebrain, restoring levels of cholinergic innervation in the cortex to those of young monkeys (P = 0.89). Thus, (i) aging is associated with a significant reduction in cortical cholinergic innervation; (ii) this reduction is reversible by growth-factor delivery; and (iii) growth factors can remodel axonal terminal fields at a distance, representing a nontropic action of growth factors in modulating adult neuronal structure and function (i.e., administration of growth factors to cholinergic somata significantly increases axon density in terminal fields). These findings are relevant to potential clinical uses of growth factors to treat neurological disorders.
Mutations in the sister of P-glycoprotein (Spgp) or bile salt export pump (BSEP) are associated with Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC2). Spgp is predominantly expressed in the canalicular membranes of liver. Consistent with in vitro evidence demonstrating the involvement of Spgp in bile salt transport, PFIC2 patients secrete less than 1% of biliary bile salts compared with normal infants. The disease rapidly progresses to hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation before adolescence. In this study, we show that the knockout of spgp gene in mice results in intrahepatic cholestasis, but with significantly less severity than PFIC2 in humans. Some unexpected characteristics are observed. Notably, although the secretion of cholic acid in mutant mice is greatly reduced (6% of wild-type), total bile salt output in mutant mice is about 30% of wild-type. Also, secretion of an unexpectedly large amount of tetra-hydroxylated bile acids (not detected in wild-type) is observed. These results suggest that hydroxylation and an alternative canalicular transport mechanism for bile acids compensate for the absence of Spgp function and protect the mutant mice from severe cholestatic damage. In addition, the spgp−/− mice display a significant increase in the secretion of cholesterol and phospholipids into the bile. This latter observation in spgp−/− mice suggests that intrahepatic, rather than intracanalicular, bile salts are the major driving force for the biliary lipid secretion. The spgp−/− mice thus provide a unique model for gaining new insights into therapeutic intervention for intrahepatic cholestasis and understanding mechanisms associated with lipid homeostasis.
The OGG1 gene encodes a highly conserved DNA glycosylase that repairs oxidized guanines in DNA. We have investigated the in vivo function of the Ogg1 protein in yeast mitochondria. We demonstrate that inactivation of ogg1 leads to at least a 2-fold increase in production of spontaneous mitochondrial mutants compared with wild-type. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) we show that a GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein is transported to mitochondria. However, deletion of the first 11 amino acids from the N-terminus abolishes the transport of the GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein into the mitochondria. This analysis indicates that the N-terminus of Ogg1 contains the mitochondrial localization signal. We provide evidence that both yeast and human Ogg1 proteins protect the mitochondrial genome from spontaneous, as well as induced, oxidative damage. Genetic analyses revealed that the combined inactivation of OGG1 and OGG2 [encoding an isoform of the Ogg1 protein, also known as endonuclease three-like glycosylase I (Ntg1)] leads to suppression of spontaneously arising mutations in the mitochondrial genome when compared with the ogg1 single mutant or the wild-type. Together, these studies provide in vivo evidence for the repair of oxidative lesions in the mitochondrial genome by human and yeast Ogg1 proteins. Our study also identifies Ogg2 as a suppressor of oxidative mutagenesis in mitochondria.
Upon the completion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomic sequence in 1996 [Goffeau,A. et al. (1997) Nature, 387, 5], several creative and ambitious projects have been initiated to explore the functions of gene products or gene expression on a genome-wide scale. To help researchers take advantage of these projects, the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) has created two new tools, Function Junction and Expression Connection. Together, the tools form a central resource for querying multiple large-scale analysis projects for data about individual genes. Function Junction provides information from diverse projects that shed light on the role a gene product plays in the cell, while Expression Connection delivers information produced by the ever-increasing number of microarray projects. WWW access to SGD is available at genome-www.stanford.edu/Saccharomyces/.
Macromolecular transport systems in bacteria currently are classified by function and sequence comparisons into five basic types. In this classification system, type II and type IV secretion systems both possess members of a superfamily of genes for putative NTP hydrolase (NTPase) proteins that are strikingly similar in structure, function, and sequence. These include VirB11, TrbB, TraG, GspE, PilB, PilT, and ComG1. The predicted protein product of tadA, a recently discovered gene required for tenacious adherence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, also has significant sequence similarity to members of this superfamily and to several unclassified and uncharacterized gene products of both Archaea and Bacteria. To understand the relationship of tadA and tadA-like genes to those encoding the putative NTPases of type II/IV secretion, we used a phylogenetic approach to obtain a genealogy of 148 NTPase genes and reconstruct a scenario of gene superfamily evolution. In this phylogeny, clear distinctions can be made between type II and type IV families and their constituent subfamilies. In addition, the subgroup containing tadA constitutes a novel and extremely widespread subfamily of the family encompassing all putative NTPases of type IV secretion systems. We report diagnostic amino acid residue positions for each major monophyletic family and subfamily in the phylogenetic tree, and we propose an easy method for precisely classifying and naming putative NTPase genes based on phylogeny. This molecular key-based method can be applied to other gene superfamilies and represents a valuable tool for genome analysis.
KCNQ1 encodes KCNQ1, which belongs to a family of voltage-dependent K+ ion channel proteins. KCNQ1 associates with a regulatory subunit, KCNE1, to produce the cardiac repolarizing current, IKs. Loss-of-function mutations in the human KCNQ1 gene have been linked to Jervell and Lange–Nielsen Syndrome (JLNS), a disorder characterized by profound bilateral deafness and a cardiac phenotype. To generate a mouse model for JLNS, we created a line of transgenic mice that have a targeted disruption in the Kcnq1 gene. Behavioral analysis revealed that the Kcnq1−/− mice are deaf and exhibit a shaker/waltzer phenotype. Histological analysis of the inner ear structures of Kcnq1−/− mice revealed gross morphological anomalies because of the drastic reduction in the volume of endolymph. ECGs recorded from Kcnq1−/− mice demonstrated abnormal T- and P-wave morphologies and prolongation of the QT and JT intervals when measured in vivo, but not in isolated hearts. These changes are indicative of cardiac repolarization defects that appear to be induced by extracardiac signals. Together, these data suggest that Kcnq1−/− mice are a potentially valuable animal model of JLNS.
An emerging theme in transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signalling is the association of the Smad proteins with diverse groups of transcriptional regulatory proteins. Several Smad cofactors have been identified to date but the diversity of TGF-β effects on gene transcription suggests that interactions with other co-regulators must occur. In these studies we addressed the possible interaction of Smad proteins with the myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2 (MEF2) transcriptional regulators. Our studies indicate that Smad2 and 4 (Smad2/4) complexes cooperate with MEF2 regulatory proteins in a GAL4-based one-hybrid reporter gene assay. We have also observed in vivo interactions between Smad2 and MEF2A using co-immunoprecipitation assays. This interaction is confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pull-down analysis. Immunofluorescence studies in C2C12 myotubes show that Smad2 and MEF2A co-localise in the nucleus of multinuclear myotubes during differentiation. Interestingly, phospho-acceptor site mutations of MEF2 that render it unresponsive to p38 MAP kinase signalling abrogate the cooperativity with the Smads suggesting that p38 MAP Kinase-catalysed phosphorylation of MEF2 is a prerequisite for the Smad–MEF2 interaction. Thus, the association between Smad2 and MEF2A may subserve a physical link between TGF-β signalling and a diverse array of genes controlled by the MEF2 cis element.
The NUP98 gene encodes precursor proteins that generate two nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, NUP98 and NUP96. By using gene targeting, we have selectively disrupted the murine NUP98 protein, leaving intact the expression and localization of NUP96. We show that NUP98 is essential for mouse gastrulation, a developmental stage that is associated with rapid cell proliferation, but dispensable for basal cell growth. NUP98−/− cells had an intact nuclear envelope with a normal number of embedded nuclear pore complexes. Typically, NUP98-deficient cells contained on average approximately 5-fold more cytoplasmic annulate lamellae than control cells. We found that a set of cytoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98−/− cells. Instead, these nucleoporins were prominently associated with the annulate lamellae. By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores. Mutant pores were significantly impaired in transport receptor-mediated docking of proteins with a nuclear localization signal or M9 import signal and showed weak nuclear import of such substrates. In contrast, the ability of mutant pores to import ribosomal protein L23a and spliceosome protein U1A appeared intact. These observations show that NUP98 disruption selectively impairs discrete protein import pathways and support the idea that transport of distinct import complexes through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by specific subsets of nucleoporins.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers are at increased risk for both breast and ovarian cancer, but estimates of lifetime risk vary widely, suggesting their penetrance is modified by other genetic and/or environmental factors. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins function in DNA repair in conjunction with RAD51. A preliminary report suggested that a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 5′ untranslated region of RAD51 (135C/G) increases breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. To investigate this effect we studied 257 female Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of one of the common BRCA1 (185delAG, 5382insC) or BRCA2 (6174delT) mutations. Of this group, 164 were affected with breast and/or ovarian cancer and 93 were unaffected. RAD51 genotyping was performed on all subjects. Among BRCA1 carriers, RAD51-135C frequency was similar in healthy and affected women [6.1% (3 of 49) and 9.9% (12 of 121), respectively], and RAD-135C did not influence age of cancer diagnosis [Hazard ratio (HR) = 1.18 for disease in RAD51-135C heterozygotes, not significant]. However, in BRCA2 carriers, RAD51-135C heterozygote frequency in affected women was 17.4% (8 of 46) compared with 4.9% (2 of 41) in unaffected women (P = 0.07). Survival analysis in BRCA2 carriers showed RAD51-135C increased risk of breast and/or ovarian cancer with an HR of 4.0 [95% confidence interval 1.6–9.8, P = 0.003]. This effect was largely due to increased breast cancer risk with an HR of 3.46 (95% confidence interval 1.3–9.2, P = 0.01) for breast cancer in BRCA2 carriers who were RAD51-135C heterozygotes. RAD51 status did not affect ovarian cancer risk. These results show RAD51-135C is a clinically significant modifier of BRCA2 penetrance, specifically in raising breast cancer risk at younger ages.
We report the cloning and characterization of rat α10, a previously unidentified member of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit gene family. The protein encoded by the α10 nAChR subunit gene is most similar to the rat α9 nAChR, and both α9 and α10 subunit genes are transcribed in adult rat mechanosensory hair cells. Injection of Xenopus laevis oocytes with α10 cRNA alone or in pairwise combinations with either α2-α6 or β2-β4 subunit cRNAs yielded no detectable ACh-gated currents. However, coinjection of α9 and α10 cRNAs resulted in the appearance of an unusual nAChR subtype. Compared with homomeric α9 channels, the α9α10 nAChR subtype displays faster and more extensive agonist-mediated desensitization, a distinct current–voltage relationship, and a biphasic response to changes in extracellular Ca2+ ions. The pharmacological profiles of homomeric α9 and heteromeric α9α10 nAChRs are essentially indistinguishable and closely resemble those reported for endogenous cholinergic eceptors found in vertebrate hair cells. Our data suggest that efferent modulation of hair cell function occurs, at least in part, through heteromeric nAChRs assembled from both α9 and α10 subunits.
The Lec35 gene product (Lec35p) is required for utilization of the mannose donor mannose-P-dolichol (MPD) in synthesis of both lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLOs) and glycosylphosphatidylinositols, which are important for functions such as protein folding and membrane anchoring, respectively. The hamster Lec35 gene is shown to encode the previously identified cDNA SL15, which corrects the Lec35 mutant phenotype and predicts a novel endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein. The mutant hamster alleles Lec35.1 and Lec35.2 are characterized, and the human Lec35 gene (mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1) was mapped to 17p12-13. To determine whether Lec35p was required only for MPD-dependent mannosylation of LLO and glycosylphosphatidylinositol intermediates, two additional lipid-mediated reactions were investigated: MPD-dependent C-mannosylation of tryptophanyl residues, and glucose-P-dolichol (GPD)-dependent glucosylation of LLO. Both were found to require Lec35p. In addition, the SL15-encoded protein was selective for MPD compared with GPD, suggesting that an additional GPD-selective Lec35 gene product remains to be identified. The predicted amino acid sequence of Lec35p does not suggest an obvious function or mechanism. By testing the water-soluble MPD analog mannose-β-1-P-citronellol in an in vitro system in which the MPD utilization defect was preserved by permeabilization with streptolysin-O, it was determined that Lec35p is not directly required for the enzymatic transfer of mannose from the donor to the acceptor substrate. These results show that Lec35p has an essential role for all known classes of monosaccharide-P-dolichol-dependent reactions in mammals. The in vitro data suggest that Lec35p controls an aspect of MPD orientation in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that is crucial for its activity as a donor substrate.
We have attempted to determine whether loss of mtDNA and respiratory chain function result in apoptosis in vivo. Apoptosis was studied in embryos with homozygous disruption of the mitochondrial transcription factor A gene (Tfam) and tissue-specific Tfam knockout animals with severe respiratory chain deficiency in the heart. We found massive apoptosis in Tfam knockout embryos at embryonic day (E) 9.5 and increased apoptosis in the heart of the tissue-specific Tfam knockouts. Furthermore, mtDNA-less (ρ0) cell lines were susceptible to apoptosis induced by different stimuli in vitro. The data presented here provide in vivo evidence that respiratory chain deficiency predisposes cells to apoptosis, contrary to previous assumptions based on in vitro studies of cultured cells. These results suggest that increased apoptosis is a pathogenic event in human mtDNA mutation disorders. The finding that respiratory chain deficiency is associated with increased in vivo apoptosis may have important therapeutic implications for human disease. Respiratory chain deficiency and cell loss and/or apoptosis have been associated with neurodegeneration, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and aging. Furthermore, chemotherapy and radiation treatment of cancer are intended to induce apoptosis in tumor cells. It would therefore be of interest to determine whether manipulation of respiratory chain function can be used to inhibit or enhance apoptosis in these conditions.