329 resultados para Coding articles
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (LGIC) are polymeric transmembrane proteins involved in the fast response to numerous neurotransmitters. All these receptors are formed by homologous subunits and the last two decades revealed an unexpected wealth of genes coding for these subunits. The Ligand-Gated Ion Channel database (LGICdb) has been developed to handle this increasing amount of data. The database aims to provide only one entry for each gene, containing annotated nucleic acid and protein sequences. The repository is carefully structured and the entries can be retrieved by various criteria. In addition to the sequences, the LGICdb provides multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic analyses and atomic coordinates when available. The database is accessible via the World Wide Web (http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/banques/LGIC/LGIC.html), where it is continuously updated. The version 16 (September 2000) available for download contained 333 entries covering 34 species.
FULL-malaria is a database for a full-length-enriched cDNA library from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum ( Because of its medical importance, this organism is the first target for genome sequencing of a eukaryotic pathogen; the sequences of two of its 14 chromosomes have already been determined. However, for the full exploitation of this rapidly accumulating information, correct identification of the genes and study of their expression are essential. Using the oligo-capping method, we have produced a full-length-enriched cDNA library from erythrocytic stage parasites and performed one-pass reading. The database consists of nucleotide sequences of 2490 random clones that include 390 (16%) known malaria genes according to BLASTN analysis of the nr-nt database in GenBank; these represent 98 genes, and the clones for 48 of these genes contain the complete protein-coding sequence (49%). On the other hand, comparisons with the complete chromosome 2 sequence revealed that 35 of 210 predicted genes are expressed, and in addition led to detection of three new gene candidates that were not previously known. In total, 19 of these 38 clones (50%) were full-length. From these observations, it is expected that the database contains ∼1000 genes, including 500 full-length clones. It should be an invaluable resource for the development of vaccines and novel drugs.
The adenylate uridylate-rich elements (AREs) mediate the rapid turnover of mRNAs encoding proteins that regulate cellular growth and body response to exogenous agents such as microbes, inflammatory and environmental stimuli. However, the full repertoire of ARE-containing mRNAs is unknown. Here, we explore the distribution of AREs in human mRNA sequences. Computational derivation of a 13-bp ARE pattern was performed using multiple expectation maximization for motif elicitations (MEME) and consensus analyses. This pattern was statistically validated for the specificity towards the 3′-untranslated region and not coding region. The computationally derived ARE pattern is the basis of a database which contains non-redundant full-length ARE-mRNAs. The ARE-mRNA database (ARED; http://rc.kfshrc.edu.sa/ared) reveals that ARE-mRNAs encode a wide repertoire of functionally diverse proteins that belong to different biological processes and are important in several disease states. Cluster analysis was performed using the ARE sequences to demonstrate potential relationships between the type and number of ARE motifs, and the functional characteristics of the proteins.
The SWISS-PROT group at EBI has developed the Proteome Analysis Database utilising existing resources and providing comparative analysis of the predicted protein coding sequences of the complete genomes of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteome/). The two main projects used, InterPro and CluSTr, give a new perspective on families, domains and sites and cover 31–67% (InterPro statistics) of the proteins from each of the complete genomes. CluSTr covers the three complete eukaryotic genomes and the incomplete human genome data. The Proteome Analysis Database is accompanied by a program that has been designed to carry out InterPro proteome comparisons for any one proteome against any other one or more of the proteomes in the database.
We have systematically characterized gene expression patterns in 49 adult and embryonic mouse tissues by using cDNA microarrays with 18,816 mouse cDNAs. Cluster analysis defined sets of genes that were expressed ubiquitously or in similar groups of tissues such as digestive organs and muscle. Clustering of expression profiles was observed in embryonic brain, postnatal cerebellum, and adult olfactory bulb, reflecting similarities in neurogenesis and remodeling. Finally, clustering genes coding for known enzymes into 78 metabolic pathways revealed a surprising coordination of expression within each pathway among different tissues. On the other hand, a more detailed examination of glycolysis revealed tissue-specific differences in profiles of key regulatory enzymes. Thus, by surveying global gene expression by using microarrays with a large number of elements, we provide insights into the commonality and diversity of pathways responsible for the development and maintenance of the mammalian body plan.
The chloroplast gene rbcL encodes the large subunit of the CO2-fixing enzyme ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase. In previous work a target for photo-accelerated degradation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii rbcL transcripts in vivo was found to lie within the first 63 nucleotides, and a sequence element required for increasing the longevity of transcripts of rbcL-reporter genes was found to occur between nucleotides 170 and 350. Photo-accelerated degradation of rbcL transcripts has been found to require nucleotides 21 to 41. Transcript nucleotides lying between 329 and 334 and between 14 and 27 are essential for stabilizing transcripts in vivo; mutations in either region reduce the longevity of transcripts. It is postulated that the effectiveness of photo-accelerated endonuclease attacks on the nucleotide 21 to 41 region is reduced by physical blockage or distortion of the target sequence by interacting proteins that associate with nucleotides in the 14 to 27 and 329 to 334 regions of the transcripts. Both the nucleotide +329 to +334 stabilizing sequence of rbcL and a transcription enhancing sequence that lies between +126 and +170 encode well conserved (cyanobacteria through angiosperms) amino acid sequences; the evolution of expression control elements within the protein coding sequence of rbcL is considered.
The opportunistic pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses quorum-sensing signaling systems as global regulators of virulence genes. There are two quorum-sensing signal receptor and signal generator pairs, LasR–LasI and RhlR–RhlI. The recently completed P. aeruginosa genome-sequencing project revealed a gene coding for a homolog of the signal receptors, LasR and RhlR. Here we describe a role for this gene, which we call qscR. The qscR gene product governs the timing of quorum-sensing-controlled gene expression and it dampens virulence in an insect model. We present evidence that suggests the primary role of QscR is repression of lasI. A qscR mutant produces the LasI-generated signal prematurely, and this results in premature transcription of a number of quorum-sensing-regulated genes. When fed to Drosophila melanogaster, the qscR mutant kills the animals more rapidly than the parental P. aeruginosa. The repression of lasI by QscR could serve to ensure that quorum-sensing-controlled genes are not activated in environments where they are not useful.
The expression of DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer) is often markedly reduced in colorectal and other cancers. However, the rarity of point mutations identified in DCC coding sequences and the lack of a tumor predisposition phenotype in DCC hemizygous mice have raised questions about its role as a tumor suppressor. DCC also mediates axon guidance and functions as a dependence receptor; such receptors create cellular states of dependence on their respective ligands by inducing apoptosis when unoccupied by ligand. We now show that DCC drives cell death independently of both the mitochondria-dependent pathway and the death receptor/caspase-8 pathway. Moreover, we demonstrate that DCC interacts with both caspase-3 and caspase-9 and drives the activation of caspase-3 through caspase-9 without a requirement for cytochrome c or Apaf-1. Hence, DCC defines an additional pathway for the apoptosome-independent caspase activation.
We present here the complete genome sequence of a common avian clone of Pasteurella multocida, Pm70. The genome of Pm70 is a single circular chromosome 2,257,487 base pairs in length and contains 2,014 predicted coding regions, 6 ribosomal RNA operons, and 57 tRNAs. Genome-scale evolutionary analyses based on pairwise comparisons of 1,197 orthologous sequences between P. multocida, Haemophilus influenzae, and Escherichia coli suggest that P. multocida and H. influenzae diverged ≈270 million years ago and the γ subdivision of the proteobacteria radiated about 680 million years ago. Two previously undescribed open reading frames, accounting for ≈1% of the genome, encode large proteins with homology to the virulence-associated filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis. Consistent with the critical role of iron in the survival of many microbial pathogens, in silico and whole-genome microarray analyses identified more than 50 Pm70 genes with a potential role in iron acquisition and metabolism. Overall, the complete genomic sequence and preliminary functional analyses provide a foundation for future research into the mechanisms of pathogenesis and host specificity of this important multispecies pathogen.
In optimal foraging theory, search time is a key variable defining the value of a prey type. But the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for food have rarely been considered. Here we evaluate the flight behavior of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) searching for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors. When flowers were large, search times correlated well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bees' UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets that made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, took longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background was pronounced. When searching for small targets, bees changed their strategy in several ways. They flew significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition, they used a different neuronal channel for flower detection. Instead of color contrast, they used only the green receptor signal for detection. We relate these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Thus, foraging speed may not be limited only by factors such as prey density, flight energetics, and scramble competition. Our results show that understanding the behavioral ecology of foraging can substantially gain from knowledge about mechanisms of visual information processing.
Typical general transcription factors, such as TATA binding protein and TFII B, have not yet been identified in any member of the Trypanosomatidae family of parasitic protozoa. Interestingly, mRNA coding genes do not appear to have discrete transcriptional start sites, although in most cases they require an RNA polymerase that has the biochemical properties of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II. A discrete transcription initiation site may not be necessary for mRNA synthesis since the sequences upstream of each transcribed coding region are trimmed from the nascent transcript when a short m7G-capped RNA is added during mRNA maturation. This short 39 nt m7G-capped RNA, the spliced leader (SL) sequence, is expressed as an ∼100 nt long RNA from a set of reiterated, though independently transcribed, genes in the trypanosome genome. Punctuation of the 5′ end of mRNAs by a m7G cap-containing spliced leader is a developing theme in the lower eukaryotic world; organisms as diverse as Euglena and nematode worms, including Caenorhabditis elegans, utilize SL RNA in their mRNA maturation programs. Towards understanding the coordination of SL RNA and mRNA expression in trypanosomes, we have begun by characterizing SL RNA gene expression in the model trypanosome Leptomonas seymouri. Using a homologous in vitro transcription system, we demonstrate in this study that the SL RNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase II. During SL RNA transcription, accurate initiation is determined by an initiator element with a loose consensus of CYAC/AYR(+1). This element, as well as two additional basal promoter elements, is divergent in sequence from the basal transcription elements seen in other eukaryotic gene promoters. We show here that the in vitro transcription extract contains a binding activity that is specific for the initiator element and thus may participate in recruiting RNA polymerase II to the SL RNA gene promoter.
Of the rules used by the splicing machinery to precisely determine intron–exon boundaries only a fraction is known. Recent evidence suggests that specific short sequences within exons help in defining these boundaries. Such sequences are known as exonic splicing enhancers (ESE). A possible bioinformatical approach to studying ESE sequences is to compare genes that harbor introns with genes that do not. For this purpose two non-redundant samples of 719 intron-containing and 63 intron-lacking human genes were created. We performed a statistical analysis on these datasets of intron-containing and intron-lacking human coding sequences and found a statistically significant difference (P = 0.01) between these samples in terms of 5–6mer oligonucleotide distributions. The difference is not created by a few strong signals present in the majority of exons, but rather by the accumulation of multiple weak signals through small variations in codon frequencies, codon biases and context-dependent codon biases between the samples. A list of putative novel human splicing regulation sequences has been elucidated by our analysis.
Doxycycline (Dox)-sensitive co-regulation of two transcriptionally coupled transgenes was investigated in the mouse. For this, we generated four independent mouse lines carrying coding regions for green fluorescent protein (GFP) and β-galactosidase in a bicistronic, bidirectional module. In all four lines the expression module was silent but was activated when transcription factor tTA was provided by the α-CaMKII-tTA transgene. In vivo analysis of GFP fluorescence, β-galactosidase and immunochemical stainings revealed differences in GFP and β-galactosidase levels between the lines, but comparable patterns of expression. Strong signals were found in neurons of the olfactory system, neocortical, limbic lobe and basal ganglia structures. Weaker expression was limited to thalamic, pontine and medullary structures, the spinal cord, the eye and to some Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Strong GFP signals were always accompanied by intense β-galactosidase activity, both of which could be co-regulated by Dox. We conclude that the tTA-sensitive bidirectional expression module is well suited to express genes of interest in a regulated manner and that GFP can be used to track transcriptional activity of the module in the living mouse.
We attempted to devise a transcription system in which a particular DNA sequence of interest could be inducibly expressed under the control of a modified polymerase III (pol III) promoter. Its activation requires a mutated transcription factor not contained endogenously in human cells. We constructed such a promoter by fusing elements of the β-lactamase gene of Escherichia coli, containing a modified TATA-box and a pol III terminator, to the initiation region of the human U6 gene. This construct functionally resembles a 5′-regulated pol III gene and its transcribed segment can be exchanged for an arbitrary sequence. Its transcription in vitro by pol III requires the same factors as the U6 gene with the major exception that the modified TATA-box of this construct only interacts with a TATA-binding protein (TBP) mutant (TBP-DR2) but not with TBP wild-type (TBPwt). Its transcription therefore requires TBP-DR2 exclusively instead of TBPwt. In order to render the system inducible, we fused the gene coding for TBP-DR2 to a tetracycline control element and stably transfected this new construct into HeLa cells. Induction of such a stable and viable clone with tetracycline resulted in the expression of functional TBP-DR2. This system may conceptually be used in the future to inducibly express an arbitrary DNA sequence in vivo under the control of the above mentioned promoter.